• Title/Summary/Keyword: IEC Standards

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A Study on Cryptography Scheme and Secure Protocol for Safety Secure Scheme Construction in 13.56Mhz RFID (13.56Mhz RFID 환경에서 안전한 보안 스킴 구축을 위한 암호 스킴 및 보안 프로토콜 연구)

  • Kang, Jung-Ho;Kim, Hyung-Joo;Lee, Jae-Sik;Park, Jae-Pyo;Jun, Moon-Seog
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1393-1401
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    • 2013
  • What is RFID Microchip tag attached to an object, the reader recognizes technology collectively, through communication with the server to authenticate the object. A variety of RFID tags, 13.56Mhz bandwidth RFID card, ISO/IEC 14443 standards based on NXP's Mifare tag occupies 72.5% of the world market. Of the Mifare tags, low cost tag Mifare Classic tag provided in accordance with the limited hardware-based security operations, protocol leaked by a variety of attacks and key recovery vulnerability exists. Therefore, in this paper, Cryptography Scheme and Secure Protocol for Safety Secure Scheme Construction in 13.56Mhz RFID have been designed. The proposed security scheme that KS generated by various fixed values and non-fixed value, S-Box operated, values crossed between LFSR and S-Box is fully satisfied spoofing, replay attacks, such as vulnerability of existing security and general RFID secure requirement. Also, It is designed by considering the limited hardware computational capabilities and existing security schemes, so it could be suit to Mifare Classic now.

Comparison of Main Circuit Type Characteristics of LED Driver for Output Ripple Reduction (출력 리플 저감을 위한 LED 드라이버의 주회로 방식 특성 비교)

  • Park, Dae-Su;Kim, Tae-Kyung;Oh, Sung-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.491-499
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    • 2019
  • Recently, there has been increasing demand for power quality in power supply devices. The IEC 61000-3-2 standard requires that the AC / DC power supply for lighting meet the specifications for the power factor (PF) and total waveform distortion (THD). In addition, advanced countries in Europe are regulating the ripple rate as 15 ~ 30% for the flicker phenomenon caused by the change in the amount of foot energy due to the change in current of the output terminal. Therefore, domestic standards and regulations are being updated. This study adopted the Flyback converter to satisfy the PFC standard, and has the circuit first and second insulation function. To reduce the low frequency ripple of the LED current, Flyback, Coupled Inductor, LC parallel resonance filter, LLC resonance filter, and Cuk were simulated by PSIM to mimic each LED driving circuit. A coupled LC resonant circuit with a coupled inductor on the primary side and LC resonance on the secondary side was also proposed for output side ripple reduction.

Securing Safety in Collaborative Cyber-Physical Systems Through Fault Criticality Analysis (협업 사이버물리시스템의 결함 치명도 분석을 통한 안전성 확보)

  • Hussain, Manzoor;Ali, Nazakat;Hong, Jang-Eui
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.10 no.8
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    • pp.287-300
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    • 2021
  • Collaborative Cyber-Physical Systems (CCPS) are those systems that contain tightly coupled physical and cyber components, massively interconnected subsystems, and collaborate to achieve a common goal. The safety of a single Cyber-Physical System (CPS) can be achieved by following the safety standards such as ISO 26262 and IEC 61508 or by applying hazard analysis techniques. However, due to the complex, highly interconnected, heterogeneous, and collaborative nature of CCPS, a fault in one CPS's components can trigger many other faults in other collaborating CPSs. Therefore, a safety assurance technique based on fault criticality analysis would require to ensure safety in CCPS. This paper presents a Fault Criticality Matrix (FCM) implemented in our tool called CPSTracer, which contains several data such as identified fault, fault criticality, safety guard, etc. The proposed FCM is based on composite hazard analysis and content-based relationships among the hazard analysis artifacts, and ensures that the safety guard controls the identified faults at design time; thus, we can effectively manage and control the fault at the design phase to ensure the safe development of CPSs. To justify our approach, we introduce a case study on the Platooning system (a collaborative CPS). We perform the criticality analysis of the Platooning system using FCM in our developed tool. After the detailed fault criticality analysis, we investigate the results to check the appropriateness and effectiveness with two research questions. Also, by performing simulation for the Platooning, we showed that the rate of collision of the Platooning system without using FCM was quite high as compared to the rate of collisions of the system after analyzing the fault criticality using FCM.

Research on The System Software Quality Certification Implementation Plan of DQ Mark Certification (DQ마크 인증제도의 시스템 소프트웨어 품질인증 수행 방안 연구)

  • Yun, Jae-Hyeong;Song, Chi-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 2021
  • The DAPA (Defense Acquisition Program Administration) has been operating the DQ mark certification since 2012 to certify the superior technology and quality of munitions. On the other hand, the current DQ mark certification can not directly provide DQ mark certification to software because it is impossible to verify the quality of software alone. Therefore, this study analyzed domestic/overseas software quality evaluation/certification standards to find a way to verify the quality of software in the DQ mark certification. Among them, the method of applying the GS certification according to the international standard ISO/IEC 25000 series to the DQ mark certification was suggested as an improvement plan, and DQ mark certification verified the quality of software and provided certification. An attempt was made to expand the certification scope of DQ mark certification. This paper proposes that the DQ mark can be given to the system software by introducing GS certification to the DQ mark certification. To this end, an improved procedure for omitting the factory audit and verification by submitting a GS certificate for product evaluation is proposed. This is expected to increase defense exports using the granted DQ mark and improve the quality of defense software products through GS certification.

Determination of fluorine in Krill oils by combustion-ion chromatography (연소-이온크로마토그래프를 이용한 크릴오일 중 불소 시험법)

  • Jung, Jaehak;Kim, Soobin;Chu, Euisung;Joung, Joungmoo
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.262-273
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    • 2020
  • A fluorine content analysis method for krill oils, which is a representative oil formulation in foods, was developed in compliance with the Korea Food and Drug Ministry's "Guidelines for Validation of Testing Methods Related to Food". Using this method for krill oils, the presence of impurities was evaluated via combustion-ion chromatography (C-IC). A review of published technical data on fluorine in krill oils showed that while the traditional wet potentiometric method was typically used, it was not reliable. Moreover, there was no food testing/analysis laboratory in Korea to perform a fluorine test analysis on such an oil matrix. Therefore, we identified halogen (fluorine) tests, developed to national and international standards, and developed a test method suitable for krill oils by selecting a C-IC method that is sufficiently applicable to the oil matrix. Based on the characteristics of the oil matrix, the optimal test method was established through various experiments by reviewing the concerns related to loss and interference in the preparation and introduction of samples. The fluorine content test was carried out on 11 krill oil products that were purchased online. Most products (with the exception of only one) were found to contain less than the reporting limit obtained by the test method. Furthermore, after additional testing, a high fluorine content of approximately 2,000 ~ 3,000 mg/kg was detected on the krill surface, although the concentration varied depending on the area of the krill. A comparison with samples from two ISO/IEC 17025 testing laboratories confirmed that there was no significant difference in the statistical analysis results obtained by ANOVA among the three laboratories. A testing guide for fluorine content analysis was completed.

Analysis of Safety Considerations for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Marine Software Systems (해양 소프트웨어 시스템의 인공지능 적용을 위한 안전 고려사항에 관한 분석)

  • Lee, Changui;Kim, Hyoseung;Lee, Seojeong
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.269-279
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    • 2022
  • With the development of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence is being introduced to automate systems throughout the industry. In the maritime industry, artificial intelligence is being applied step by step, through the paradigm of autonomous ships. In line with this trend, ABS and DNV have published guidelines for autonomous vessels. However, there is a possibility that the risk of artificial intelligence has not been sufficiently considered, as the classification guidelines describe the requirements from the perspective of ship operation and marine service. Thus in this study, using the standards established by the ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC42 artificial intelligence division, classification requirements are classified as the causes of risk, and a measure that can evaluate risks through the combination of risk causes and artificial intelligence metrics want to use. Through the combination of the risk causes of artificial intelligence proposed in this study and the characteristics to evaluate them, it is thought that it will be beneficial in defining and identifying the risks arising from the introduction of artificial intelligence into the marine system. It is expected that it will enable the creation of more detailed and specific safety requirements for autonomous ships.

Research and consideration on the evaluation of usability formation of focused ultrasonic stimulation systems (집속형 초음파 자극 시스템의 사용적합성 형성평가에 대한 연구 및 고찰)

  • Kim, Jun-tae;Kim, Ju-hee;Joo, Kyu-tai;Kim, Kyung-ah;Ryu, Ok-su;Jo, Jae-hyun;Jeong, Jin-Hyoung
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.164-177
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    • 2022
  • Medical device usability evaluation refers to the evaluation of medical devices through actual users before the final prototype production is completed. IEC 62366, one of the international safety standards for electronic medical devices, is a standard that must be applied to obtain medical device licenses in major advanced countries such as Europe and the United States. In Korea, through the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety's notice, from January 2021, sequential application by grade has been implemented. In this study, 15 participant specialists were recruited through the Incheon G University Hospital Medical Device Convergence Center for formative evaluation during user suitability evaluation of the focused ultrasound stimulation system being developed by Icleo Co., Ltd., and the test was conducted through joint scenario development. . In the result of task performance, the performance rate was 90.67%, and after the completion of the performance, 86.67% of 'Easy user interface' and 94% of 'Identification/Readability/Understanding of information' questions in the participant survey results analysis by question. The response rate was above average.

The Architecture of Tool server in MPEG-21

  • Kim, Kwang-Yong;Hong, Jin-Woo;Kim, Jin-Woong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.272-275
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents the role and its function of Tool server. MPEG-21 means multimedia framework for delivery and consumption of multimedia which is being discussed in ISO/IEC 21000. A view of MPEC-21 aims to define multimedia framework to enable transparent use of multimedia resource across a wide range of networks and devices used by different communities. MPEG-21 will enable all-electronic creation delivery and trade of digital multimedia content and transparent usage of various content types on network device. Therefore, we can provide access to information and services from almost anywhere at anytime with various terminals and networks. In order to support multimedia delivery chain that contains content creation, production, delivery and consumption, we need many standards(elements) for identify, describe, manage and protect the content. Thus, we define Digital Item Player(DIP), Digital Item Adaptation(DIA) server and Tool server as primary objects of MPEG-21 multimedia framework. DIP provides a function which creates and consumes Digital Item(DI) as a kind of a digital object by user. A DI contains both media resources and metadata including rights information. DIA server deals with the usage environment description schema of the user characteristics, terminal and network characteristics and natural environments. DIA server adapts the original DI to the usage environment description sent from the terminal and transmits the adapted DI to the terminal. Tool server searches for a tool requested from DIP or DIA and downloads the best tool to DIP or DIA server. In this paper, we present how Tool sewer is organized and is used among 2 primary objects. The paper is structured as followings: Section 1 briefly describes why MPEG-21 is needed and what MPEG-21 wants. We see requirement that tool server must equip functionally in section 2. The proposed tool server,its structure and its functionality are presented in section 3. Section 4 explains a scenario that tool server transmits tool to DIP and shows the experimental result. The paper concludes in section 5.

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A Study on Thermo-Bed Design Development of HPT System (HPT 방식의 온열침대 디자인 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Bong-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.72-81
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    • 2011
  • These days, beds have been developed not as furniture to sleep in but Healthcare Furniture. The function of heating, non-electronic-waves and far-infrared rays have been added. Also, eco-friendly materials such as stone, mud, rubber and wood are combined to them together with the radiation-heating method using heat conduction through electronic coil and hot water circulation. Modern people suffer from stress and fatigue. The hot issue is "health." Focused on the health, the development of design for beds considering the influence electronic waves, anions, deep sleep and the density of toxic materials have on human bodies has become urgent. In this study, the trend, specification and efficiency of the functional health-related electronic coil technology are analyzed. Through the analysis, the environmental standards are set. According to them, technology, eco-friendly materials and additional functions for the development of the design are considered. Also, the government is promoting the IEC international standardization for the Korean traditional floor heating style beds. In preparation for that, we adopted new HPT method technology. It enables non-electronic-waves, low electricity and stable temperature maintenance control for the warm top and the cool bottom. Also, the head boards and the frames of the beds can be separated. Through this separation, the beds can be easily moved or installed. Eco-friendly materials such as Hinoki cypress wood and red clay and the existing tables function are combined to the head boards so they can be used as drawers and display shelves. If they are used as separate items, they can be used as covers. This is how we suggest the design for the heating beds.

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A Study on the Application of LED at Ultra-low Temperature (극저온에서 LED 응용에 관한 연구)

  • Ha, Hee-Ju;Kim, Jin-Wook;Kim, Sun-Jae;Kil, Gyung-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.27 no.9
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    • pp.600-605
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    • 2014
  • The interest in development on luminaires which are available up to $-52^{\circ}C$ is surging as demands in vessels navigating a north pole route increase. A conventional incandescent lamp used in vessels is operated stably at $-52^{\circ}C$, but many countries including Korea have eliminated the use of incandescent lamps gradually because of its low luminous efficacy. In this paper, therefore, to develop the LED luminaires with high-efficiency, long lifetime that enables to substitute for incandescent lamp, it has studied about cryogenic characteristics of LED packages, bulbs, driving circuit and power supply. This experiments were carried out according to standards IEC 60945-8.4.1. Temperature range is from $-60^{\circ}C$ to $25^{\circ}C$, and the light output depending on ambient temperature. It showed that, based on $25^{\circ}C$, light output of a CFL decreased by 80% of CFL at $-20^{\circ}C$ while each increased 12% of LED bulbs and 16~19% of LED packages at $-60^{\circ}C$.