• Title/Summary/Keyword: Humor image

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Humor of Post-Industrial Society Costume Expressing Cartoon Image (만화 이미지가 표현된 후기산업사회 복식의 해학)

  • 류근영;이효진
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.52 no.8
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    • pp.55-71
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to identify a basic meaning of humor from the costume expressing cartoon image, to grasp the status of contemporary costume, and also to supply people with a database related to the sphere of costume design. This was done by analyzing and examining humor of the costume expressing cartoon image in post-industrial society. Consequently, the result of this study was summarized as follows; First, humor by parody of Pop Art is recognized as humorous expression that repulsed the main current culture and post-industrial society phenomenon. Second, humor by quotation tends to appear through cartoon character. Costume which quote cartoon character is against Kidult tastes and the pre-existing authoritative prejudices in post-industrial society. Third, humor by bricolage, making bricolage with silhouette, color, pattern item, is recognized as new creation of humor In other words, it is regarded as enlargement of new esthetic consciousness and humor about instrumented gender in post-industrial society. Lastly, humor by deformation expressed itself in deformation of body image of character and cloth silhouette by cartoon image. Deformation of cloth silhouette by cartoon image, being not conscious pre-existing concept of harmony of human and costume, is recognized as humor which have characteristic of play with introduction of new silhouette. In addition to, the result of this study showed that humor expressed in cartoon image of costume has been limited to the works of few designers because of characteristics of fashion designers who made use of popularity as subjects of the works and internal meanings which were related to the characteristics of post-industrial society.

A Study on the Fashion Illustration of Humor Images Using 2D Graphics (2D 그래픽스를 활용한 유머 이미지의 패션일러스트레이션 연구)

  • Kim, Hye-Ran;Kim, Soo-Kyong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.58 no.9
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    • pp.81-98
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    • 2008
  • This research aims to analyze humorous images expressed in 2D graphics fashion illustrations and to propose application of 2D graphics in humorous images for fashion illustrations to suggest a more creative and relevant fashion illustration for contemporary culture. The result of this research were as follows: First, theories on reaction of humor can be classified into Incongruity theory, Superiority theory and Arousal and Relief theory. Humor in visual arts are classified in Visual Parody, Visual Pun, Visual Paradox and Visual Satire. Second, Visual Pun, Visual Parody, and Visual Satire are used for visualizing fashion illustration, and the foundations for many humor images were simple-colored, imaginative, and unreal settings. And it was also found out that the physical proportion of the models generally was 1(head):7(entire body), 1:8, 1:15 and the models were usually laughing and smiling. Tone was usually pastel and vivid, and posture was usually standing-position or sitting-position. Third, based on such results, fashion illustration works of humor image using 2D graphics were created. To concretize the humor image, 'gift' as a concept was chosen. Humor alleviates the tension and stress. It also brings laughter and pleasure to people's lives. Therefore humor image will be an effective way of expanding creativity in modern fashion illustration.

A Study on the Effects of Humor Package on Memory - Focusing on fMRI Demonstration - (유머 패키지가 기억에 미치는 영향 -fMRI 실증을 중심으로-)

  • Seok-Hwan Bae;Myung-Chul Park;Jae-Sang You
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.185-190
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    • 2023
  • This study designed and produced stimuli in the form of canned images of fun humor, character, quirky, and sexy humor, and measured the signal values (SI) of the hippocampus associated with memory through fMRI analysis. The results of 20 participants showed that there were differences in SI values according to gender and age, and the fun humor image stimuli had the highest SI values. Men showed higher SI values for fun humor image stimuli, while women showed higher SI values for character humor image stimuli. In addition, those in their 20s showed higher SI values for fun humor image stimuli, while those in their 30s showed higher SI values for quirky humor image stimuli. Considering these findings, it is expected that more effective results can be obtained by utilizing fun humor images and characters in package design.

A Study on the Application of Computers to the Development of Humor Image Fashion Design (컴퓨터를 활용한 유머 이미지 패션디자인 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 우세희;최현숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 2003
  • Due to the rapid changes occurring in many aspects of contemporary society, the need for a means to actively combat widespread feelings of emptiness and alienation among the public, while satisfying its visual pleasure, is increasing. Thus the need for humorous elements which bring freedom to the human psyche is urgently requested. Of course, the field of fashion cannot be left out in this trend, and humor image design is a good example of this. Humor image in fashion endeavors to release the tension accumulated in the modern world, while trying to find a way to recover the original pureness of mankind. Another aspect currently important is computers. The creation of images in modern visual art relies a lot upon computers. Traditional visual processes such as painting, photography and video are now merged within digital technology. and are now quite symbiotic to each other. With the development of computers came computer art. which uses all applicable functions of a computer to create art. Any artistic action which uses a computer in any stage of its creation can be called computer art. The common factor in humor and computer art in modern fashion can be classified as follows : repetition, deformation and distortion. exaggeration and abridgement. juxtaposition. and Tromp l'oeil. This study has placed its objective on the fusion of humor image fashion and computer art, by manufacturing a work with humor and computers, two important aspects of modern culture. Expanding the field of fashion design while promoting creativity In fashion by finding a verging point between art and science is also necessary. I have designed and made five costumes using the above cited techniques in computer humor images, on a theoretical basis.


  • 진경인;김지현
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 1999
  • We use humorous expression in general dialogue. And this humor os especially good methods for expressing more creative and persuasive thoughts. If could not effective data for developing expression techniques, because most of the studies on humor focused on advertising, especially effectiveness for product purchase until now. So, we need the data objectively tested and we can use the data for persuasive, agreeable and effective communication. This study presents new expression methods with humor, classifies the expression type with humor and analyses the specific characters each type. It was as follows. first, which expression types are existing in typography with humor, and how to apply to typography. Second, how to change the propensity to perceive through the communication method and through types of humor Third, what is more effective between typogratphy with humor and typography without humor Miore study based on this must be followed in order to plan objective and agreeable design and improve communication effects.

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Humor image in Fashion Illustrations (패션일러스트레이션에 있어서 유우머이미지)

  • 유영선
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.978-989
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is enrich the expressivity in fashion illustrations by looking into the expression of humor which is seen in the fashion illustration. In addition, this study is expected to provide a theoretical basis to the people whose works are concern with Fashion design. It is the fashion illustration that expresses the specific concept that accords with the purpose of drawing. And we need to create our own techniques freely and to develop them into higher ones. In this view, we can say that the humor in the fashion illustrations shows us the new world of expression. And we can also say that it fills the roles of social functions to purify human emotions with helping the communication between people in our highly developed society. Finally, the expression of humor in fashion illustrations can be described as followings. First, they are relate with the superiority, disparity, psychic release in the theory of humor's origin. Second, the image of humor can be induced by changing the figure of human body. Third, it can be encouraged by contrasting the different fashion images. Forth, we can use well-known icons that cause the humor does not only give us laugh but also reflect the era, society enlarge the range of expression in fashion illustrations.

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The Influence of Humor Effects for the Corporate Image (유머효과가 기업이미지에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 광고에서의 유머효과를 중심으로 -)

  • 박영원
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 1998
  • It is impossible that the corporation can make up good corporate images with sales promoting and pursuing profits only. To form impressive oorporate images, the corporation should acquire efficient marketing images and social oonfidences with the investment for the culture, the art, the preservation of public health, educations and social welfare programs. The oorporate image is indined to be formed by audiences subjectively even though the corporation makes great efforts to have its unique images. The audience has a tendency to have their subjective opinions about the corporate image based on several informations communicated by the corporation and various sources. The sensitive approach and emotional persuation can be efficient for making good corporate images because corporate images of audiences arise from emotional and sensitive factors rather than rational ones. There are many previous studies verifying that the humor effect should be one of powerful means for inducing concentrations, memorizations and persuations. The majority of popular advertisings are humor touched one and the questionaire proves that almost all university students participating sample test, prefer humorous advertisings to serious advertisings. The questionaire verifies that it is a most efficient method is using humor effects at product advertising to improve the corporate image indirectly. And there are very possitive reactions about applying humor effects for the corporate image advertising and the other advertisement types such as pamphlets and catalogues. The humor effect motivates the persuation with spiritual pleasures and intimacy, and it minimize the negative aspects of advertising for the formation of the corporate image. The humor effect is valuable not only for the formation of the corporate image reflecting the entity of the oorporation itself but also for the ideation of advertising communications. The study on the humor effect related with the corporate image is significant because the humor is a different version of the humanism based on deep oontemplation and oomprehension of human life rather than simple means to motivate laughers.

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A Joker's Image: Humor, Work Impressions, and Culture in Korean Workplaces (유머러스한 기업 구성원: 유머, 문화, 그리고 인상관리)

  • Kim, HeeSun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.397-413
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    • 2020
  • Humor is often considered as a positive phenomenon, and thus frequently employed as an impression management technique for individuals. However, humor may create unexpected outcomes in terms of impression management. This study investigates the relationship between humor and impression management of individuals within three South Korean organizations. A qualitative methodology is employed and data collected through participant observation and semi-structured interviews. Findings suggest that humor may be used more frequently by workers in superior positions, and it may be dangerous for individuals in subordinate positions to initiate humor, as negative impressions such as lack of professionalism and work competence may be crafter through humor. In particular, traditional Confucian values and expectations may lead to perceptions that humor is inappropriate and even rude when it is used by individuals in subordinate positions. However, humor may help to craft an independent identity, and help alter user's impressions as desired. This suggests that while perceptions towards humor as an impression management tool may embed significant risks, humor may help individuals to influence their impressions and diverge from a stereotypical expectations and impressions of workers(according to their hierarchical status), which may be interpreted in multiple ways. This implies that organizations should be careful in encouraging workers to use humor as an impression management tactic, as the relational outcomes may be complex, depending on the cultural understanding of hierarchy and relationships between communicators.

A Study on the Expression of visual Image in Fashion Illustration since 19aos(PartII) (1980년대 이후 패션일러스트레이션의 시각적이미지 표현방법 분석(제2보))

  • 유영선;박민여
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.181-192
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify the expression of conceptual image by which the modern graphic artists use for creating new visual images and the characteristics in expression of the major fashion images in fashion illustration. In the present study, major findings on the basis of the analysis of expression of visual images in fashion illustration since 1980s are as follow: The conceptual image expression in the visual arts is based on the eight techniques. They are dual image, operation of image, copying·reproduction of image, deconstruction of image, pictorial image, symbolization of image, mystification of image, and making humorous image. Since 1980s, the major fashion images in fashion illustration are mainly classified as classic image, humor image, fantastic image, natural image, avant-garde image, simple image, casual image and feminine image. The characteristics in expression of these images in fashion illustration are; 1) fortification of dual image in classic image, 2) activation in humor image 3) grotesque fantastic image, 4) the modernization of natural image, etc. In addition that, the image of avant-garde is expressed by Postermodernism, Deconstructionism, Techno etc. since 1980s. Also, simple image of the modern composition, casual image of daily life, and feminine image which is emphasized with eroticism are also included in these characteristic in expression of images since 1980s.

Humor Expressed in Modern Fashion (현대 의상에 나타난 유머성)

  • 이윤진;박명희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.33-48
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to define the moaning and features of humor in modern fashion. by examining how it's being grafted into fashion, based on artistic expression including collage, assemblage, photo montage, graffiti, transformation, distortion, exaggeration and optical illusion. Beside. humor of fashion is to examine not only laugh and fun but also formative expression and creativity. Furthermore, it is to enlarge the range of conception for future fashion. The findings of this study could be described as below: The features of humorous fashion by collage and assemblage boiled down to unexpectedness, disharmony and creativity. The photo montage was marked by popularity, reproduction and recreativity, and graffiti was characterized by attention, simpleness, and amusement. And there were unexpectedness, creativity and strangeness in transformation, distortion, magnification and optical illusion. The meaning of humorous fashion that carries such features could eventually be summarized into the followings : First, the fashion, from which collage, assemblage, photo montage. graffiti, transformation, distortion, magnification and optical illusion were detected. could be sorted out into several categories that used different things : introduction of objects of different nature, dramatic impression and wit based on photo montage technique, introduction of comic components and infant image, and destruction of aesthetic principles. Second, the substance of humor in art could be applied to fashion design as well as visual art. Humor is a property related to accidental, unexpected incident, behavior, situation or idea, and it puts laugh, disharmony or awkwardness in fashion. Third, spicing fashion with humor could serve to draw people's attention, break down the barrier among people exposed to dry sentiment, and connect the public with art.