• 제목/요약/키워드: Human Rights Protection

검색결과 127건 처리시간 0.029초

금융상품의 보호를 위한 지식재산권 연구 (A Study on the Intellectual property rights for the protection of financial instruments)

  • 유현우
    • 예술인문사회 융합 멀티미디어 논문지
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2017
  • 금융상품은 한 번 성공을 거두게 되면 금융회사에 엄청난 경제적 수익을 가져다주는 경제적·무형적 자산이다. 또한 많은 인적·물적 자원이 투입된 노력의 산물이기 때문에 이를 보호할 필요가 있다. 그러나 현재 우리나라에서는 이처럼 막대한 경제적 이익을 가져다 줄 수 있는 금융상품에 대한 법적·제도적 장치가 미흡한 상황이며, 오히려 업계 전반에 '베끼기 관행'이 만연하고 이러한 구조가 고착화 되면서 차별성 없는 금융상품들이 시장을 차지하고 있다. 이는 결국 소비자의 효용과 후생을 저해하고 금융 산업의 경쟁력에도 악영향을 끼칠 것이다. 새로운 금융상품 및 서비스가 등장하는 금융혁신이 일어나기 위해서는 금융상품에 지식재산권 등의 적절한 권리를 부여하여 이를 보호하는 방안이 필요하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 지식재산권을 통해 금융상품을 보호하는 새로운 방안을 제시하였다. 그것은 저작권법에서 데이터베이스 제작자를 보호하고 있는 메커니즘과 같은 유사한 보호체계를 금융상품에 도입하는 것이다.

아역 연기자에 대한 법적, 제도적 고려사항 (Legal and Institutional Considerations for Child Actor)

  • 황준원;김봉석;유희정;반건호
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.78-82
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    • 2013
  • Child labor is being recognized as the key issue of human rights, and the International Labor Organization and the Convention on the Rights of the Child emphasize that children are individuals with dignity and rights. Male and female child actors belong to a profession with wide public exposure and there is a potential danger of invading classes and roles not matching the developmental stage of the child. In this study, we would like to discuss international and domestic laws and future complementary measures surrounding legal and institutional issues that need to be considered for child actors. Although the basic rights for child workers are stated in the Constitution Article 32 Paragraph 5 and Labor Standards Act Articles 64 through 70, they are insufficient. Following the revised broadcasting deliberation regulations by the Korea Communication Commission and amendment of the Juvenile Protection Law, several changes are taking place in the working environment. In certain foreign places such as California, United States, the economic and educational rights of male and female child actors are being protected. Although legal and institutional frameworks for the male and female child actors are being reinforced, more consistent devices are needed. Consideration for working hours, regulations to keep up with learning while working, and preparation for physical and emotional influences are required to keep up with international changes.

성소수자에 관한 주관성 연구 : Q방법론적 접근 (Subjectivity about Sexual Minority : A Q-methodology Approach)

  • 안이수
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.527-539
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 Q방법론을 통하여 성소수자에 대한 인식을 분석하여, 향후 성소수자 이미지 제고에 기초자료를 제공하는데 그 목적이 있다. 본 연구에서는 32개의 Q 표본을 선정하여 21명에게 분류토록 한 결과 모두 3개의 성소수자의 인식에 대한 유형이 도출되었다. 총 3가지의 유형인 제1유형(N=8) : 우호적 인권 중시형, 제2유형[(N=5) : 부정적 고정관념 및 편견형, 제3유형(N=8) : 중립 추구형으로 분류되었다. 우호적 인권중시형은 성소수자의 인권을 보장해야 한다는 의견을 보였고, 부정적 고정관념 및 편견형은 성소수자들에게 차별적 인식을 강하게 가지고 있으며 성소수자에 대한 정확한 지식이 없어서 막연한 편견들을 가지고 있었으며, 중립 추구형은 성소수자에 대한 부정적 고정관념과 편견에는 반대하지만 막연하게 동성애에 대하여 동의하지는 않는 태도를 보였다.

WTO SPS 협정에 기초한 식품안전 규제와 향후 과제 (Food safety regulation based on WTO SPS agreement and the required future work)

  • 조승용;조상구
    • 식품과학과 산업
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    • 제51권3호
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    • pp.196-208
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    • 2018
  • This paper described the contents of the WTO (world trade organization) SPS (world trade organization) Agreement and trends in the WTO SPS provisions such as equivalence, localization, transparency, and risk assessment. The purpose of the WTO SPS agreement is to promote international trade by preventing arbitrary and unreasonable use of SPS measures, which are the rights of a country for the protection of human health and animal and plant health, and by abolishing the non-tariff barriers. To this end, the requirements for implementing the SPS measures taken by the importing country are restricted to those that can scientifically prove to be inevitable for SPS protection. The major provisions in WTO SPS agreement were elaborated to promote international trades. When trade-restricted SPS measures such as prohibition of imports are made, a scientific basis should be provided. Therefore, it is essential to provide scientific evidence based on risk analysis to protect people's health from potentially harmful imported foods.

보충적 보호대상자의 가족결합권 연구: 해외사례를 중심으로 (A Study on Family Reunification for the Beneficiaries of Complementary Forms of Protection: Sweden, Ireland, Canada, and Australia)

  • 김수경;김희주;장주영
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제21권12호
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    • pp.585-594
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    • 2021
  • 가족결합은 이주민의 행복과 사회통합에 중요한 요인이다. 따라서 유엔은 난민협약상 난민으로 인정되지는 않지만, 출신국으로 귀환할 경우 심각한 위해를 입을 상당한 근거가 있어 국제적 보호가 필요하다고 판단되는 보충적 보호대상자에 대해서도 난민과 같은 수준에서의 가족결합권 보장을 권고하고 있다. 한국은 보충적 보호 대상자와 유사한 인도적 체류자 제도가 있지만, 난민과 달리 가족결합권을 보장받지 못한다. 본 연구는 보충적 보호 대상자의 가족결합권과 관련하여 스웨덴, 아일랜드, 호주, 캐나다 등 해외사례를 살펴봄으로써 한국의 인도적 체류자 가족결합 보장에 대한 대안을 도출하고자 하였다. 분석결과 국가별로 허용기간이나 범위에 있어 차이가 있지만 공통적으로 가족결합을 인정하고 있었다. 또한 가족결합권은 국제규약에서 기본적 인권으로 간주할 뿐만 아니라 인도적 체류자처럼 취약한 상황에 있는 이들에게는 수용국에서의 적응을 위한 심리적 기반이라는 점에서 우리나라도 인도적 체류자의 가족결합권 보장을 구체화할 것을 제안하였다.

현 대한민국 경찰의 수사교육과 미국, 독일 수사기관과의 비교 (The Comparison on the Investigative Training between the Current Korean National Police and the Law Enforcement Agencies of U.S.A. and Germany)

  • 김대식;이상한
    • 대한수사과학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.52-80
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    • 2007
  • In the rapidly changing current society, the Korean National Police(KNP) is facing a lot of demands from the citizens like the protection of subject/victim rights, independence of investigation authority, disclosure of actual truth, and prevention & eradication of crimes. It is widely recognized among the Korean people and the police that the KNP is always standing for the rights of the people and it is high time that the KNP should be restored as the pioneer for the protection of human right. In this situation, the tremendous emphasis is given on the importance of investment in investigative training through the long-term master-plan in order to renovate its constitution, to level up its quality, and to cope with the highly sophisticated crime patterns. Korean police have already shown its outstanding investigative skills of identification of the deceased throughout large cases like Daegu subway arson and tsunami in Southeast Asia. In addition, the skills of cyber crime investigation are highly recognized by foreign law enforcement agencies. However, the investigative skills and abilities are being degraded and the morale of the investigative personnel are falling due to the insufficiently of the finite training budget. Lack of financial support results in the lack of training program and poor training environment, which subsequently leads to the inefficiency of training. Additionally, no long-term budget for fostering specialized investigative agents is allotted. Considering the fact that more than 95% of crimes in Korea are being primarily investigated by the Korean police, we have to understand the importance of the police. By the tremendous investment in investigative training which can lead to the high-quality investigations, the Korean police can ultimately contribute to the protection of safety and life of its people.

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인권과 사회통합관점에서 본 여성결혼이민자 관련법 (The Law Regarding International Marriage Migrant Women from the Perspective of Human Rights and Social Integration)

  • 위인백
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제11권5호
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    • pp.317-327
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    • 2011
  • 이 논문에서는 세계화를 통하여 한국에서 급속하게 증가하는 여성결혼이민에 따른 다문화가족이 직면하고 있는 위장.계약결혼, 그리고 잦은 이혼, 특히 농촌 여성결혼이민자들이 겪고 있는 문화차이에 따른 부부갈등, 부부간의 폭력과 학대 등 인종, 계층, 지역을 떠나 인류의 보편적 가치에 반하는 현실적인 인권문제를 어떻게 효과적으로 보장하고, 그들이 우리사회의 일원으로 쉽게 적응할 수 있도록 법제도적인 관점에서 살펴보았다. 이 논문은 결혼이민자의 가정을 위기의 상태로 계속 방치할 경우 막대한 사회적 비용과 함께 향후 사회통합에 심각한 장애로 대두될 것임은 명확 관화한 일이기에, 다문화사회라고 하는 현실에 대처하는 각국의 입법례에 관하여 연구 검토하고, 민주 인권 평화의 도시를 표방하면서 유엔인권도시를 역점사업으로 추진하고 있는 광주광역시에서의 결혼이주여성 실태조사를 통해 기존의 통계자료와 비교해 보면서 한국의 <다문화가족지원법>의 문제점과 <결혼 중개업의 관리에 관한 법률> 및 <국적법>에 대한 개선방안을 제시하고 있다.

Strategy Design to Protect Personal Information on Fake News based on Bigdata and Artificial Intelligence

  • Kang, Jangmook;Lee, Sangwon
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2019
  • The emergence of new IT technologies and convergence industries, such as artificial intelligence, bigdata and the Internet of Things, is another chance for South Korea, which has established itself as one of the world's top IT powerhouses. On the other hand, however, privacy concerns that may arise in the process of using such technologies raise the task of harmonizing the development of new industries and the protection of personal information at the same time. In response, the government clearly presented the criteria for deidentifiable measures of personal information and the scope of use of deidentifiable information needed to ensure that bigdata can be safely utilized within the framework of the current Personal Information Protection Act. It strives to promote corporate investment and industrial development by removing them and to ensure that the protection of the people's personal information and human rights is not neglected. This study discusses the strategy of deidentifying personal information protection based on the analysis of fake news. Using the strategies derived from this study, it is assumed that deidentification information that is appropriate for deidentification measures is not personal information and can therefore be used for analysis of big data. By doing so, deidentification information can be safely utilized and managed through administrative and technical safeguards to prevent re-identification, considering the possibility of re-identification due to technology development and data growth.

Legal Protection Of Geographic Indications Of Traditional Food "Tahu Kuning Kediri" Jawa Timur, Indonesia

  • WAHYUNI, Niniek;WIDAYATI, Satriyani Cahyo
    • Asian Journal of Business Environment
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the opportunity for the traditional food of Tahu Kuning Kediri (Kediri Yellow Tofu) as a product that deserves legal protection in the form of geographic indications. Methodology: This research is a normative juridical study that emphasizes secondary data from literary studies. The research subjects are policies and regulations related to geographic indications. Findings: Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the traditional food of 'Tahu Kuning Kediri' meets the requirements for legal protection in the form of a geographical indicator because it fulfills four conditions, namely a sign indicating its origin, GI objects in the form of goods and/or products, geographical factors and certain characteristics of goods and/or products that are different from other traditional regional yellow tofu food. Conclusions: The process of applying for legal protection in the form of geographic indications can be carried out by the association of MSMEs of 'Tahu Kuning Kediri' producers who are already legal in collaboration with the local government and submit to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights by attaching the proposed Geographical Indication book.

패션산업의 법적 보호와 소송 동향 -한국과 미국의 사례를 중심으로- (Legal Protection and Lawsuit Trends in the Fashion Industry -An Analysis of Cases in Korea and the U.S.-)

  • 이지선;전재훈
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제44권6호
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    • pp.1120-1138
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    • 2020
  • This study focused on the increasing fashion industry disputes that have resulted from the development of technology and industry. This study examines the improvement of domestic law, along with U.S. precedents that represents a larger fashion market and more legislative cases than Korea. Analyzing previous studies in Korea and the U.S. for theoretical background, it has uncovered limitations that apply to fashion design-related cases, rather than entire lawsuits involving various fashion industries. This study divided litigation into lawsuits involving products, human resources, and other lawsuits (such as incidents such as breach of contract, and portrait rights). Therefore, most lawsuits are related to products because of false socio-cultural perceptions about design imitation in the fashion industry. Lawsuits related to human resources are expected to arise due to the expansion of the Korean fashion industry and the expansion of overseas markets. Finally, new and unexpected conflicts will arise as the environment and social structure diversify. The importance of this study is that real case analysis can help reduce disputes because it can resolve legal instability due to the ambiguity of the interpretation of current law and suggest implications for dispute resolution.