• Title/Summary/Keyword: Household Goods

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A Study on the Post-Purchase Behavior of Durable Goods in Korea Rural Household (한국 농촌 가정의 내구재 구매후 행동에 관한 연구)

  • 박옥임
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.75-88
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    • 1983
  • This study intends to examine the relations between the demographical and the socioeconomic variables on the post-purchase behavior of durable goods in rural household . Several concrete hypothesis in the above study were set as follows: 1) The evaluation on the post-purchase of rural household might be differently made in accordance with sex, age, resident district, education level, income level, family type and user's own purchasing, etc. 2)There can be differences in the attitude on the post-purchase of rural household in accordance with sex, age, resident district, education level, income level, family type and user's own purchasing, etc. 3) It must be of necessity to habe correlation between the evaluation and the attitude of the post- purchase. To examine these hypothesis, the study used the 27 questionnaires which are composed of 7 subject for general characteristics and 10 subjects respectively for the post-purchase evaluation and attitude of 285 rural households in Chon Nam Province. They were interviewed for 11days from Apr. 1st, 1983 to Apr. 11 the, 1983. Statistical methods such as frequency, percentage, Chi-Square test, arithmetical mean, t-test, F-test and Pearson's correlation coefficients, etc. are used for the data analysis. The summary and the conclusion resulted form such analysis are as follows; First, high significances are shown on the age the resident district the education level and the family type as significant variables affecting on the post-purchase evaluation of the rural house hold. Second, high significances are shown on the education level, the income level, the family type and the users own purchasing, etc. as significant variables affecting on the post-purchase attitude of rural household. Third, correlations between the post-purchase evaluation and the post-purchase attitude are very close. Therefore the hypothesis 1)and 2) of this study were accepted partially and the hypothesis 3) was confirmed wholely.

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The Possession and Space Usage of Furniture and Housing Goods by the Apartment Dweller - In case of Apartment in Chonju - (아파트 거주자의 가구와 주거용품의 소유 및 공간사용 - 전주시를 중심으로 -)

  • 이화실
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.99-108
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this study was to present basic data for better space plan of the apartment housing. It attempted to examine the possession and space usage of furniture and housing goods in three type floor plan. It also studied in relation to socidemographic variables and physical variables. The major findings were as follows :1) Housewife age, educational level, family income, number of family members were affected variables to the possession of housing goods and furniture except furniture possession to housewife age.2) It appeared similarity in the furnishing of housing goods and furniture in case of same floor plan.3) Generally, the space of living room was used often in furnishing of furniture and housing goods. 4) Linear arrangement of sofa set and corner arrangement of Anbang furniture are a tendency to get a effective space for activities in living room.5) The size of floor plan space was the most powerful variable to explain the possession and space usage of housing goods and furniture.6) The scarce of space result in pressing the household living space hard. The storage space should be planned and chosen after consideration of human factors according to the tastes, character of the users, and the space factors according to the composition of unit plan and the size of each living space. In case of the small size plan, particularly, it needed to the Built-in furniture as a effective method.

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Changing Housing Wealth Effects of Home-owning Baby-boomers in the Seoul Metropolitan Area (수도권 거주 자가소유 베이비부머의 주택자산효과 변화 분석)

  • Lee, Hyunjeong;Yoon, Jungduck
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this research is to analyze the wealth effects of home-owning baby-boomers on household consumption on non-durable goods in the Seoul Metropolitan Area. In so doing, this empirical study utilized the Korean Labor and Income Panel Study (KLIPS) of 2002 and 2012. The statistical findings reveal that household wealth in the period had sharply risen in household income, asset, debt and consumption, and the substantial increase came from growing income and consumption embedded into an expansionary stage of the family life cycle. Further, housing wealth had a much greater effect on consumption expenditure than did financial asset in 2012 while financial wealth effect was larger than housing wealth effect in 2002. Housing wealth effects had become far stronger as the age of the baby-boomer householders increased. As the baby-boomers are close to the retirement stage, post-retirement income security becomes of concern, so that the wealth effect of real estate income as an income alternative for retirees is explicit. The results imply that retirement of baby-boomers is likely to reduce consumer spending, aggravating slowdown of the real economy. Thus, diversification of household asset portfolio in a pre-retirement period is of great significance in maintaining adequate household consumption in later life.

Market goods substitution of housework and the determinants on it in the domain of food: Focused on the married female home-based workers (기혼여성 재택근무자의 식생활영역에서 가사노농 상품대체와 그 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyo-Chung;Kim, Mee-Ra
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.259-268
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to describe the levels of market goods substitution of housework and find out the determinants on it in the domain of food among married female home-based workers. The data were collected from 169 married female home-based workers in Pusan and Kyungnam province, by self-administered questionnaires. Frequencies, percentiles, Cronbach's alpha, Pearson's correlations, and multiple regression were used to analyze the data. In the convenience foods, frozen foods had the highest substitution level, whereas prepared stew had the lowest. The substitution level of Korean traditional storage foods was the middle. And in dining-out service, the substitution level was mostly high: the level of delivery service was higher than that of dining-out. Compared to the previous research, these results showed that market goods substitution tended to increase, and its level in the domain of food will promote continually over time. The variables affecting the substitution level of convenience food were the number of family members, occupation, the existence of elderly/disabled person in the family, sex-role attitude, and weekly hours at home-based work. The substitution level of Korean traditional storage foods was influenced by sex-role attitude, occupation, education, monthly household income, and the existence of elderly/disabled person in the family. The significant variables affecting the substitution level of dining-out service were weekly hours at home-based work, the number of family members, occupation, monthly household income, education, and sex-role attitude.

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A Study on the Conditions of Household Items and Storage in the Kitchen of Dual-Income Families - Focused on Dual-income Families with One Child Living in a 3-bedroom Apartment in Seoul - (맞벌이 가구의 주방공간내 생활재 및 수납현황에 관한 연구 - 서울시 3침실형 아파트에 거주하는 1자녀 가정을 중심으로 -)

  • Chong, Kyong-Suk;Kim, Su-Jeong;Park, Seong-Hwi
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.106-115
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate household Items and storage of kitchen and to suggest basic data for the desirable storage space. For the study, the samples were taken from 30 families living in 3-bedroom apartment. The personal interview and physical trace method were used to analyze the types and quantities of household Items and the storage conditions in kitchen furniture. The result was as follows : first, a total of 210 types of household Items were found in the kitchen, and the items ranged widely in purpose, from cooking and dining tools, hygiene products, and general household goods, which indicate that a variety activities in addition to cooking and eating are performed in the kitchen. Second, regarding the quantities of household Items, the majority of them were used for cooking and dining. Also the types and quantities of household Items varied according to the age of the child. Third, regarding storage of household Items in the kitchen by furniture type, the majority of the items were stored in the wall cabinets, base cabinets, and countertops and, as a storage method, simple 'placement' was most common. This suggests there is lack of three-dimensional storage in the kitchen. The findings show activities and storage in the kitchen space vary according to the age of the child, and household Items are stored by using several common methods.

A Study on the Problems in the Consumption Life of Household Over Family Life Cycle (가족생활주기에 따른 가계의 소비생활문제에 관한 연구)

  • 홍향숙;이기춘
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 1989
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the problems in the consumption life of household over the family life cycle so that they would support to select the consumer education subjects and the establish the long-term household plan. For these purposes, a survey was conducted using questionnaire. The data used in this study included 562 homemakers living in Seoul. Statistics used for data analysis were frequency distribution, Mean, Percentile, One-way Anova, Scheffie-test, Multiple Classification Analysis. Major findings were as follows; 1) In the level of the problems in the consumption life of household, housing problem, durable goods problem, healthy-medical problem and child education problem area were in the low level. Leisure problem and properties management problem area were in the high level. 2) The problems in the consumption life of household differed significantly over the family life cycle. 3) When controlling family monthly income and education level of husband was compared with not-controlling them, the influences of family life cycle on the problems in the consumption life were as follows. (1)At housing problem area, the effect of the FLC was higher in controlling them than not-controlling them. (2) At other problems the effects of the FLC was lower or same in controlling them than not-controlling them.

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A Computable General Equilibrium-Top Down Behavioral Microsimulation on Assessing the Philippine Tax Reform

  • DIZON, Ricardo Laurio
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.543-550
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of the study is to investigate the simulated effects of the Philippine tax reform, which is called Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion Law, on household income and occupational choice. The study utilized the Family Income Expenditure Survey and tax collection as input to Computable General Equilibrium-Top Down Behavioral Microsimulation approach to determine the effect of Philippine tax reform on household income and occupational choice. The results of the study show that the household income in the Philippines will increase due to the implementation of the Philippine tax reform. Also, the study had found that tax reform results drive the household to shift from being farming entrepreneur to salaried workers since the utility derived from being workers is much higher compared to the utility derived from being entrepreneur. The findings of this research suggest that the Philippine Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion Law is beneficial to the household since their income would increase, which will further result to an increase in their capability to buy goods and services. However, the tax reform would also lead to imbalance between the distribution of numbers of workers across sectors such as entrepreneurial farming, entrepreneurial non-farming, and wage sector.

Housewife's Housework Time and Household Expenditure for Time-saving at the Lifecycle Stage (가족생활주기에 따른 주부의 가사노동시간과 가계의 시간절약 지출비에 관한 연구)

  • 정지영
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.59-72
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate housewife's housework time and the expenditure for time-saving goods and service at the lifecycle stage and to identify the relationship between demographic characteristics and these two variables. The data is collected by using questionnare distributed to 412 housewives living in Seoul and around new two cities. The data is analyzed using Mean Frequency Percentile One-way ANOVA Pearson's Correlation and Regression,l The result of this research is as follows; 1. Housewife's housework time has significant relationship with the lifecycle stages (p<0.01) And the most influencial factor to it is housewife's employment and the next are domestic helper monthly household income and housewofe's age(p<0.01) 2. The expenditure for time-saving has most significiantly related to the lifecycle stages. And the other influencial factors to it are houswife's employment monthly household income and housewife's age(p<0.001) The explanatory power of al variables is 36%.

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An analysis of the changing trends of kyongjobi expenditure pattern and the related factors of kyongjobi expenditure of urban household (도시가계의 경조비 지출 변화추이와 관련 요인 분석)

  • 박명숙
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.36 no.7
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 1998
  • An analysis of the changing trends of kyongjobi expenditure pattern from 1982 to 1996 and the related factors of kyongjobi expenditure of urban household in 1996 has been performed. Major findings were as follow: An average monthly expenditure was 20,036 won during the period, and the increased rate of monthly expenditure was 5.6 times in the past 15 years which was the twice as much as of the total consumption. The ratio of the total kyongjobi consumption was increased about 2 times during the period, and it was 2.96% in 1996. During the period, an average marginal consumption propensity was 0.0379, and it was dramatically increased from '93 to '94. Average income elasticity was 1.743 during the period and found out that it was luxury goods. The result of Anova and Tobit analysis showed that the level of consumption, number of earners, age and education had positive effect on kyongjobi. And in Seoul area, house owner, male(head of the household), and professionals spent more on kyongjobi than other. The present problems of custom, spending of kyongjobi, were discussed and the change of the custom was urged.

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Analysis of Consumers' Rational Purchase Behavior by the Purchase Stage and Product (구매 단계별 그리고 제품별 소비자의 합리적 구매선택행동 분석)

  • Huh, Kyung-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.46 no.9
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 2008
  • This research aims to analyze rational decision behavior in different stages of purchasing for consumers buying household appliance goods and deals with differences in socio-demographic features and relevant variables among completely rational, intermediatedly rational, and irrational groups as well as variables differentiating those groups. First, one third of purchasers for Kimchi refrigerators was the rational consumer while a half of purchasers for side-by-side refrigerators and washing machines was. Second, there was no significant differences in satisfactions levels after purchase between rational and irrational groups among purchasers of side-by-side refrigerators but between completely and intermediately rational groups in the case of Kimchi refrigerators. Rational groups of consumers for Tromm washing machines rely on various places for purchase and also show the high level of intention for repurchase. Third, in studies of variables differentiating rationality in purchase behavioral patterns of consumers, rational choices turn out to prevail (1) among purchasers of married, college graduated, employers, and high income in the case of side-by-side refrigerators, (2) among buyers of male, old-aged, college graduated, non-employers, low, income, and hurrying to purchase in the case of Kimchi refrigerators, and (3) among buyers of old-aged, high income, not hurrying to purchase, and visiting numerous stores in the case of Tromm washing machines.