Analysis of Consumers' Rational Purchase Behavior by the Purchase Stage and Product

구매 단계별 그리고 제품별 소비자의 합리적 구매선택행동 분석

  • Huh, Kyung-Ok (Department of Family Culture & Consumer Science, Sungshin Women's University)
  • 허경옥 (성신여자대학교 가족문화소비자학과)
  • Published : 2008.11.30


This research aims to analyze rational decision behavior in different stages of purchasing for consumers buying household appliance goods and deals with differences in socio-demographic features and relevant variables among completely rational, intermediatedly rational, and irrational groups as well as variables differentiating those groups. First, one third of purchasers for Kimchi refrigerators was the rational consumer while a half of purchasers for side-by-side refrigerators and washing machines was. Second, there was no significant differences in satisfactions levels after purchase between rational and irrational groups among purchasers of side-by-side refrigerators but between completely and intermediately rational groups in the case of Kimchi refrigerators. Rational groups of consumers for Tromm washing machines rely on various places for purchase and also show the high level of intention for repurchase. Third, in studies of variables differentiating rationality in purchase behavioral patterns of consumers, rational choices turn out to prevail (1) among purchasers of married, college graduated, employers, and high income in the case of side-by-side refrigerators, (2) among buyers of male, old-aged, college graduated, non-employers, low, income, and hurrying to purchase in the case of Kimchi refrigerators, and (3) among buyers of old-aged, high income, not hurrying to purchase, and visiting numerous stores in the case of Tromm washing machines.



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