• Title/Summary/Keyword: Household Goods

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Consumer complaining behavior response to dissatisfaction from consuming goods and services (제품과 서비스로 인한 소비자불만에 따른 소비자불평행동 연구)

    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.81-102
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    • 1997
  • This study intended to investigate factors shaping the styles for comsumers to express their dissatisfaction after comsuming goods(cloth and household appliance) and services(public and health) In particular this study examined what kinds of characteristics were crucial to distinguish three styles of consumers' and public complaints. The characteristics of consumer to be considered in this study included consumer knowledge consumer attitude consumer and several socio-economic characteristics. The sample used in this study were consumers whose age was grater than 20 years old living near Seoul in 1996. Discriminant analysis was conducted to investigate what factors discriminate the style of complaint. This study found that several consumer characteristics were sigificant in explaining different styles for consumers to response their dissatisfactions. The effects of consumer characteristics were more significant in explaining the complaining styles derived from public and health services rather than goods. Overall consumer attitude consumer knowledge and the degree of satisfaction of services were discriminant variables in explaining the styles of consumer complaint. Both consumer knowledge and budgeting skill were significant in explaining complaint styles to response dissatisfaction derived from consuming clothing while both consumer education and time constraint were significant in shaping the kinds of complaining styles derived from consuming household appliances.

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The Trend of suppression technology of harmonics for distribution system (고조파 유출 억제기술의 동향)

  • Koh Hee Seog;Lee Hyun Moo;Lee Chung Sik
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • summer
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    • pp.330-332
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    • 2004
  • Reliance on electric power has increased together with customer's demand for delightful and convenient linging. Recently, as appeared in the rapid growth of the technology of power electronics, the installation and apparatus using semiconductor applicotion is widly supplied and used from a household goods to industrial goods. However, these machine generate harmonics current and voltage for electric power system. The harmonics current is increased voltage distortion and generate a lot of interference in the electric power system. In this paper, the trend of the trend of suppression technology of harmonics outflow and the fundamental theory about the suppression of harmonics current in the distribution system are investigated and evaluated Therefore we look forward to supply electric power of good quality to satisfy the harmonics current guide line which is applied to household goods in the world.

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The Attitude of Family Economic Management in Urban and Rural Household (도시와 농촌주부의 가정경제관리태도에 관한 비교연구)

  • 서병숙
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.89-105
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    • 1981
  • The aim of this study is to analyze the attitude of family economic management in urban and rural household and how it effect to each household. It was investigated the attitude of housewife for the family economy planning purchase, consumption and utilization of the resources by questionnaire. For the analysis, usable respones(410 from urban and 264 from rural housewife) were verified. The result of investigation if as follows ; 1. the housewives in urban and rural have attitude of purposal purchase in general. the information for the new products and prices are usually got6 by mass media. the urban wives keep records more than rural housewives. 2. They have reasonable behavior in purchase but when they select the goods, urban housewives prefer to the goods made by well-known company and rural housewives consider the prices. Otherwise the rural housewives take more the cooperative buying than urban housewives. 3. In urban they save some money regularly but in rural they can rarely save. the housewife manages all money for living expenses in urban, but in rural they do not so. 4. Human resources and nonhuman resorces are utilized in rural house better than the urban but especially household equipments are not used completely in both case.

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Household Debt and Consumer Spending in Korea: Evidence from Household Data

    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.23-44
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    • 2016
  • Household debt in Korea raises concerns about the resilience of the economy due to its size and quality. Against this backdrop, we investigate if household leverage matters for private consumption in adverse economic environments even without severe financial disruptions. We find that the balance sheet positions in terms of the leverage ratio may weaken consumption growth. We also find that the depressive effect of debt on consumption may differ across types of consumer spending and household characteristics. In particular, the effects of indebtedness have been much stronger in relation to durable goods expenditures than in other areas. In addition, debtors in high-income (wealth) groups have also shown downward adjustments in consumption even more so than low-income (wealth) groups. These findings imply that debtors' precautionary behavior may serve as an important channel from leverage to consumer spending.

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A Study on Development and Application of Diagnose Scale for Family Life Planning based on the Systems Approach (체계적 접근법에 의거한 가정생활설계의 진단기준 마련 및 진단기준의 적용)

  • 송혜림;이기영;이승미;김유경;구혜령
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.113-126
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    • 2002
  • This study focused on defining and applying the diagnose scales to the household life in context with the family life planning based on the systems approach. In this study the household life consisted in 4 life subareas, i.e. time use, nonhuman resources(housing and durable goods), household financial and communication/problem solving competence of family members. Data were collected from 1200 full-time housewives who live in Seoul, Kyungki, Chungbuk, Jeonnam and Jeonbuk, Kyungnam and Kyungbuk and have at least 1 child in school age. The results show that the 4 areas of household life are in the level under the diagnose scale totally. The results of this study contribute to the systematic family life planning and the Problem solving of general household life. And the scales that are investigated through this study can be used the self family life diagnose Program.

Energy requirement of Korean households from 1995 to 2010: An input-output analysis- (한국 가정부문의 직간접 에너지소비: 산업연관분석)

  • Park, Hi-Chun
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.547-580
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    • 2013
  • As energy conservation can be realized through changes in the composition of goods and services consumed, there is a need to assess indirect and total household energy consumption. The Korean household sector was responsible for more than 55% of Korea's total energy consumption in the 1995 to 2010 period. More than 69% of household energy consumption was indirect. Thus, not only direct but also indirect household energy consumption should be the target of energy conservation. Electricity consumption became in 2009 the main source of household energy consumption in Korea. Households consume more and more electricity intensive goods and services, a sign of increasing living standards. Decrease in energy intensities of products consumed by Korean households contributed greatly to reduce the increase in the total household energy consumption. However, switching took place towards more energy intensive products, thus the structure effect was negative. It is necessary to direct consumption and production towards much less energy intensive goods and services as to reduce energy consumption or its growth rate. The Korean government should readjust low energy and electricity prices to cost-reflective prices levels as these low prices are one of the main reasons for the consumption of more energy intensive products. This study differentiates prices of oil products and electricity between households and industries, as to allow more accurate estimation.

Study on Consumer Purchase Behavior Based on Purchase Experience of Luxury Goods (명품구매경험에 따른 명품구매행동분석)

  • Han, Su-Jin
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.25 no.3 s.87
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    • pp.137-149
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    • 2007
  • This study explores diverse consumer characteristics pursuant to whether the consumers in question have purchased luxury goods, and it also explores the variables that tend to influence such purchases. Furthermore, the relationship between consumers' purchases of, propensity for and preference toward luxury goods is researched, and an analysis is also conducted on the degrees of influence that consumer purchases of luxury goods have on consumer propensity and preference for luxury goods. The results show that the experience of such purchases determines the diverse characteristics of consumers in such areas as age, expenditures and overseas travel. In addition, the propensity of consumers to buy luxury goods is related to the tendency toward trends, self-planning, rationality and economic efficiency, while the preference of consumers is linked to the tendency toward trends, self-realization and rationality. This study aims to analyze and understand the consumer group of college women in their 20s, and it also seeks to help establish policies that will provide consumer education so badly needed by such women who are or who will be the main players of their respective household economies and rates of consumption.

Estimation on the Total Added Value of Household Production : The Extended Concept of Production from Non-SNA (확대된 생산개념를 적용한 가계생산의 부가가치산정)

  • 윤소영
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.42 no.7
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    • pp.131-143
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this paper is to prepare a satellite account of the household sector that is reflected in the current national income account by approving the economic activities of unpaid household labor as production activity and estimating its value. The study produced three results. First, as different methods of evaluation can be useful according to different study goals or the contents of related policies, it is unreasonable to present a single result for estimating unpaid household labor. This study, therefore, presented the values of housework based on 5 methods, ranging from 124 to 150 trillion won. Second, to input the added value of household production from the fixed capital (household durable goods), this study adopted the declining balance method used in the Korea National Statistical Office. As a result, the total consumption of fixed capital was estimated at approximately 18.8 trillion won. Third, the total added value of unpaid household labor was estimated to range from 143 to 169 trillion wens. The amount is a production value excluded from the SNA which needs to be formed as a separate household satellite account. The ratio of this total value added was 30-35.4 percents to the 1999 GDP in Korea(477 trillion wens).

A Study on the Relationship of the Neighborhood Facility Environment with the Way of Homeproduction and Homeproduction Supportability (근린구매시설환경과 가정생산방식, 가정생산지지도와의 관계에 관한 연구)

  • 차성란
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 1995
  • This study is to analyze the effect of neighborhood commercial facilities on the homeproduction activities and the family expenditure(or household work time). For this purpose. data are collected by using questionnaires distributed to 522 housewives in Seoul. The results shows that in the highly goods-intensive environment. the way of homeproduction is goods-intensive. Market dependence of the family is affected by homeproduction predisposition. income. and husband's job. Household work dependence of the .family is affected by neighborhood facility environment. family type. income. and house value. Low home production supportability is apparent in the high family income. full-time housewives and low job status of housewife. On the other hand. high homeproduction supportability is apparent in the moderate income and high job status of housewife. As a result. housewives have much time and money resourses are not well supported by the neighborhood facility environment.

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Customer Loyalty on Household Consumer Goods Distribution: A Survey among the Asian Parent Indonesia Community

  • NURAINY, Yeany;HIDAYAT, Z.;NANI, Robby Marcelinus;APRILINA, Riezca Kartika Dara
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.9-19
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: Mothers determines all household requirements and decides almost all their related things. The purpose of this study was to examine several independent variables on customer loyalty among mothers in The Asian Parents Indonesia community. The independent variables include advertising on Instagram, brand image, word-of-mouth, community cohesiveness, while the dependent variable is purchasing decisions. Research design, data, and methodology: This quantitative study uses a survey method for the Asian Parents Indonesia community members, listed on its website. The population of this community was recorded at 1,310, with a sample of 135 respondents. Data processing is done by using Structural Equation Model using Smart-PLS software. Results: Variables that significantly affect purchasing decisions and customer loyalty are word-of-mouth,summarized in a testimony, advertising on Instagram, and brand image. However, community cohesiveness does not affect customer loyalty to a brand. Conclusion: The results of this test propose significant implications for developing the relationship between baby toiletries producers and customers through word-of-mouth testimonials and advertisements on Instagram while community cohesiveness in maintaining customer loyalty using a brand is not influential, but interactions that occur within the community become a reference for mothers to choose a baby toiletries product.