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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Household Goods

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A Study on the household Savings Behavior According to Family Life Cycle (가정생활주기에 따른 가계의 저축행태 분석 -대구시 주부를 중심으로-)

  • Cho, hee keum
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 1984
  • This study examines differences in the household saving show significant differences according to the specific stage of family life cycle. 337 housewives in Taegu were interviewed by questionnaire. Analysing method employed are frequency, percentage and Chisquare test. Findings are as follows; 1) The average ratios of household saving show significant differences according to the specific stage of family life cycle. 2) Purposed of household savings had significant differences at each stage of the family life cycle. 3) Selections of financial goods did not have significant differences according to the sage of family life cycle . 4) Selections of financial goods had significant difference according to the purposed of household savings.

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A Study on the Influence of Price of TV Home Shopping Household Goods' upon Its Sales (TV홈쇼핑 가정용품 판매가격이 매출에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • CHO, Kyung-In;Lee, Sang-Yun
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.29-44
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    • 2009
  • The aim of this study was to theoretically examine the current status of TV home shopping business entities' expansion of business structure, and then look into TV home shopping business entities' preparation for the future business in their mature period. For this, the investigator examined literature home and abroad and then empirically carried out an experimental sale of household goods by selecting a model TV home shopping business entity. In order to understand current business structure of TV home shopping and increase sales, the investigator has changed price and then induced sales, focusing on the price of household goods. Study findings are as follows: As for the influence of TV home shopping household goods' price upon its sales, because TV home shopping business entities set in advance an efficiency unit-price per broadcast hour and carry out a sales strategy of reaching out the efficiency, they try to keep their sales with discounted price in the real sales setting of TV home shopping. But it is not an exclusive practice. General promotion became a common practice. The price of goods is the same with its life. Continuous discount events lower the reliability of goods and its supplier must bear the result. Overall sales after experiment increases by 13% and the sales efficiency also increases by 9%. Sales amount increases by 9% and a stable sales which is above average is achieved. The number of sales goods keeps 100%.

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The Effect of Family Life Cycle and Financial Management Practices on Household Saving Patterns

  • Lee Seong-Lim;Park Myung-Hee;Montalto Catherine P.
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.79-93
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    • 2000
  • Using the 1995 Survey of Consumer Finances, this study investigates how family life-cycle stages and financial management practices affect household saving. First findings are that household income and householders education, race and ethnicity have significant effects on saving. Second, regarding the effect of the family life-cycle stages, younger married couples without children, middle pre-retired households without dependent children, and older households without dependent children are more likely to save than other similar households in the life-cycle stage of younger single households. Third, households with longer financial planning horizons, saving goals for retirement, purchase of durable goods and emergency goods, and low credit card debt are more likely to save. Based on the results, implications for financial management education and public policy are suggested.

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Measurement of Hazardous Substances in Children's Goods at Schools in Seoul (휴대용 XRF를 이용한 서울시 학교 내 어린이용품 중 일부 유해물질 함량 조사)

  • Kim, KyooSang;Park, Hyunkyung;Choi, Gilyoung;Lim, Wanryong;Shin, Kyoojin
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.176-184
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: Excluding in their homes, children spend most of their time at an elementary school, daycare center, and/or kindergarten. For educational or recreational purposes, they make use of many children's goods at these places. Some children's goods contain phthalates and heavy metals with polyvinyl chloride (PVC), so due to their physiological and behavioral characteristics children are exposed to high concentrations of phthalates and heavy metals. This study aims to measure PVC and heavy metals, which are harmful substances in children's goods which can have an effect on children's health. Methods: Six samples of children's goods were selected through cases of detected harmful substances and the results of previous research, including assembly blocks, model toys, household toys, bags, indoor play equipment, and floor mats. The selected items were measured using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), and the presence and content of environmentally harmful substances such as PVC or heavy metals in the materials of children's goods were examined. Results: The highest detection rate for PVC was observed in floor mats, and bags and indoor play equipment were higher than other goods in this regard. The highest detection rate for heavy metals was found in bags, followed by indoor play equipment, assembly blocks, household toys, model toys and floor mats. Except for bags containing heavy metals, five goods showed the highest level of Pb compared to other heavy metals. Floor mats contained the highest level of Pb, Cr, and Cu among all goods. Conclusion: Many children's goods contain PVC and heavy metals, and high levels of heavy metals have been detected in some goods. It is necessary to manage children's goods to support their health.

Split Households and Relative Poverty (분가와 상대적 빈곤)

  • Kim, Dae Il
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.31-57
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    • 2019
  • This paper investigates the determinants of household splitting and offers the implication on relative poverty. Household splitting is more likely among high-income households, and also ensued by an increase in the number of job holders and household income, which indicate that household splitting has the nature of a normal good. A counter-factual analysis suggests that the relative poverty rate ould have been only one-third to one-eighth of the actual rate among the old households if they had lived together with their children. These results indicate that the social policy toward the old households without due consideration on the children's financial capability is quite likely to bring about the inefficiency of wasting tax money on essentially non-poor households.

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Study on the Utilization of Natural Dyeing Materials as Household Supplies (천연염료 염색포의 생활용품 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Chu, Young-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.56 no.3 s.102
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2006
  • This study is aimed to produce natural dyeing garments, which contain the sentiments and color sense of Koreans, by using various household supplies, with a view to increase the values added and utilization of natural dyeing. The dyes mainly used for this study are multi-colored ones which are durable after dyeing and can represent various colors. They include Lithodpermum officinale, Caesalpinia sappan, Rubia Cordifolia, Pellodendron Bak, Curcuma Longa L., fallen Ginkgo Biloba, Artemisia Princeps, and Quereus acutissima carr shell. Considering water pollution and other things, aluminum acetate and ferrous chloride were used as mordants. Cheap and practical materials such as cotton cloth and those with traditional patterns and elegance such as silk and ramie fabrics were used to produce baby goods, household supplies, clothes, and accessories. The produced supplies closely contact with our body, so they may have a great effect on human body. The household supplies produced include rug, bedclothes, room bedclothes, curtain, bedding set, cushion, and sunlight blind, in consideration of the functionality or medical actions of the goods which are closely related to the human skin. The infant supplies produced include longcloth for newborn baby, bedding set, gauze handkerchief, and doll. The clothes include night gown, shirt, bath gown, and Korean traditional clothes. The accessories include tablecloth, cup pad, bag, wrapping cloth, mouse and keyboard cushion, and scarf. Nowadays, consumers prefer environment-friendly naturally dyed garments and products. In order to control the naturally dyed garments and products which are traded in the domestic market, it is urgent to introduce such ecological marks as 'Toxproof' and 'Ecoproof.' Currently, many ordinary persons, who are not experts, have interest and participate in natural dyeing, but they simply produce naturally dyed garments, not artistic works or everyday supplies. The present author expects this study will contribute to the production of household goods by such persons. The author also hopes that they will develop and commercialize such designs as suit to modern tastes and senses based on the unique cultural assets of Koreans, so that Korean naturally dyed products may be recognized as reliable commodities equipped with international competitiveness.

Structural Determination of Cerebrosides from Soybean Embryo by Mass Spectrometer (Mass Spectrometer를 이용한 대두 배아 출추 Cerebroside의 구조 분석)

  • Kim, Jung-Hun;Chang, Sug-Youn;Kim, Yeo-Kyung
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.335-343
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    • 1993
  • The structure of cerebrosides from soybean embryo was determined using fast atom bombardment mass spectrometer (FAB-MS), gas chromatography mass spectrometer (GC-MS) and TLC. The components of cerebroside were determined by GC-MS after acid hydrolysis. The molecular weight distribution of cerebroside was measured by positive mode FAB-MS with LiOH saturated 3-nitrobenzylalcohol(3-NBA) matrix. Structures of individual components of complex mixtures can be determined easily by this process. The major constituent of soybean extracted cerebroside was determined as the glucoside of N-2'-hydroxypalmitoyl-sphingadienine.

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Studies on the Synthesis of Sodium Acyl Isethionates and Its Surface Active Properties (소디움 아실 이세치오네이트의 합성과 그의 계면활성 연구)

  • Lee, Tai-Wan;Nam, Byung-Ook;Yoon, Yeo-Kyung
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.224-229
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    • 1992
  • Sodium acyl isethionate, one of the anionic surfactants, was synthesized and purified from the fatty acid and the sodium isethionate. To investigate the tendency of the surface active properties of acyl group, surface tension, foaming power, foam stability, lime soap dispersing power, detergency, and critical micelle concentration were determinded. The results exhibited that sodium acyl isethionates had exellent surface active properties and critical micelle concentrations were measured between 1.1×104mol/l and 4.8×103mol/l. In this case, surface tensions were indicated between 26.8dyn/cm and 36.7dyn/cm.

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Consumer Durables and (S, s) Policy: Evidence from Panel Data (내구재 소비와 (S, s)모형: 가계패널자료 분석)

  • Hong, Kiseok;Sohn, Eunseung
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.123-154
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    • 2005
  • Using Korean household data, this paper examines how consumption of durable goods is determined. Previous studies report that the standard Permanent Income Hypothesis (PIH), while being broadly consistent with non-durable goods consumption, provides little explanation for durable goods consumption. In this paper, we consider the (S, s) model as an alternative to the standard PIH. The (S, s) model predicts that, because of fixed adjustment costs, consumers make no adjustment to the durable goods stock until deviation from the optimal level becomes large. When the adjustments are made, the durable goods stock attains the optimal level. In order to test this prediction, we examine the intra-temporal relationship between non-durable goods and durable goods consumption and intertemporal changes in durable goods consumption, using data from the Korean Household Panel Study. The results show that, while the standard PIH is rejected by the data, the (S, s) model is not.

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A Study on the Placement of the Furniture and Household Goods in Urban Apartment Houses in Korea (집합주택의 평면적 특징에 따른 생활행위장소와 생활용품, 가구의 배치장소에 관한 연구 - 서울,인천,마산에 위치한 국민주택규모이하의 공동집합주택을 중심으로 -)

  • JaeSoonChoi
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 1990.09a
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 1990
  • The purpose of this research is to provide the informations on built - in closets and storage in urban apartment houses in korea, considering the mode in living. Since the number of household goods and furniture might be related with the unit size of house(L D K) and district (Seoul. Pusan, Incheon) all data also were evaluated by the struclure of dwelling space and urban area in korea. For being importance of "Anbang" for indoor living, in which Znagnnng, Mungap, a dressing table and hanger are prepared. Preparation of new space in various ways. so many living tools are being used, for example the dinner table with adjustable supporters. A room is specially prepared for storage of season's living goods and furniture. It is very interest that the bed is still net popular, because that is considered as obstruction for the function of "Anbang", specially in small size apartment. Built - in closets and storage In "Anbang" is greatly needed, because most of activities of living involving sleeping are done In that space.

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