• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hot compression

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Evaluation of High Temperature Workability of A350 LF2 Using the Deformation Processing Map (변형 공정지도를 활용한 A350 LF2 소재의 고온 성형성 평가)

  • Jung E.J.;Kim J.H.;Lee D.G.;Park N.K.;Lee C.S.;Yeom J.T.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.15 no.4 s.85
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    • pp.333-339
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    • 2006
  • Hot deformation behavior of a carbon steel (A350 LF2) was characterized by compression tests in the temperature range of $800-1250^{\circ}C$ and the strain rate range of $0.001-10s^{-1}$, The microstructural evolution during hot compression was investigated and deformation mechanisms were analyzed by constructing a deformation processing map. Processing maps were generated using the combination of dynamic material model (DMM) and flow instability theories based on the flow stability criteria and Ziegler's instability criterion. In order to evaluate the reliability of the map, the mirostructural characteristics of the hot compressed specimens were correlated with test conditions in the stable and unstable regime. The combined microstructural and processing map of A350 LF2 was applied to predict an optimum condition and unstable regions for hot forming.

An Experimental Study on the Performance Characteristics of a Heat Pump System in the Heating Operation Mode with the Hot Gas Bypass (열펌프의 난방운전시 핫가스 바이패스에 따른 성능 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Ahn, Jae-Hwan;Joo, Young-Ju;Cho, Il-Yong;Kang, Hoon;Kim, Yong-Chan;Choi, Jong-Min
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.539-543
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    • 2009
  • When the suction pressure of compressor decreases under its limit, the compression ratio is increased causing the malfunctions of compressor. As the method to decrease the compression ratio, hot gas bypass system is usually adopted in heat pump system. In the hot gas bypass system, the discharged gas from the compressor is bypassed into the compressor suction, which causes the increase of suction pressure and the decrease of compression ratio. In this study, the characteristics and performances of the hot gas bypass system in heat pump was investigated experimentally with a variation of the bypass flow rate ratio. With the increase of the bypass rate ratio, the compressor suction pressure was increased, even though the total capacity and COP was decreased. From the analysis of the experimental results, the optimum pressure control algorithm was suggested in this study.

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3-D Analysis of Hot Forging Processes using the Mesh Compression Method (격자압축법을 이용한 3차원 단조공정해석)

  • Hong, J.T.;Yang, D.Y.
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.06c
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    • pp.492-497
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    • 2001
  • In the finite element analysis of metal forming processes using general Lagrangian formulation, element nodes in the mesh move and elements are distorted as the material is deformed. The excessive degeneracy of mesh interrupts finite element analysis and thus increases the error of plastic deformation energy. In this study, a remeshing scheme using so-called mesh compression method is proposed to effectively analyze the flash which is generated usually in hot forging processes. In order to verify the effectiveness of the method, several examples are tested in two-dimensional and three-dimensional problems.

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The grain size prediction of Al-5wt%Mg alloy by FEM (유한요소법을 이용한 Al-5%Mg 합금의 미세조직 크기예측)

  • 조종래
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 1999.03b
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    • pp.249-252
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    • 1999
  • A numerical analysis was perfomed to predict flow curves and dynamic recrystallization behaviors of Al-5%Mg alloy on the basis of results of hot compression tests. The hot compression tests were carried out in the ranges of 350-50$0^{\circ}C$ and 5$\times${{{{ {10 }^{-3 } }}}}~3$\times${{{{ {10 }^{0 } }}}}/sec to obtain the Zener-Hollmon parameter. In the modelling equation the effects os strain hardening and dynamic recrystallization were taken into consideration. A model for predicting the evolution of microstructure in Al-5%Mg alloy during thermomechanical processing was developed in terms of dynamic recrystallization phenomena, The microstructure model was combined with finite element modeling(FEM) to predict microstructure development Model predictions showed good agreement with microstructures obtained in compression tests.

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Development of High Strength Steel Body by Hot Stamping (핫스탬핑에 의한 고강도 차체 부품 개발)

  • Lee, D.H.;Kim, T.J.;Lim, J.D.;Lim, H.J.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.304-309
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    • 2009
  • Quenchable boron steel is a new type of high strength steel to reduce the weight of automobiles and maintain the safety conditions. Quenchable blanks can be hot-stamped and hardened in a water-cooled tool to achieve high strength. In this paper, new alloy for hot stamping is designed based on requirement of mechanical properties and two types of surface coating are investigated in viewpoints of oxidization and exfoliation. An automotive part of center pillar is manufactured by hot-stamping using Al-Si coated sheet. The performance of developed part is compared by static compression test and side impact crash test.

A Study on Constitutive Equations for Warm and Hot Forging (온, 열간 단조의 구성방정식에 관한 연구)

  • 강종훈;박인우;제진수;강성수
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 1998
  • Simulations of warm and hot forming processes need reliable expressions of flow stress at high temperatures. To get flow stress of the materials usually tension, compression and torsion tests are conducted. In this study, hot compression tests were adopted to get flow stress of medium carbon steel. Experiments have been conducted under both isothermal, near constant strain rate in the temperature ranges 650~100$0^{\circ}C$. Phase transformation takes place by temperature changes for steels in hot and warm forging stage. So Constitutive equation are formulated as the function of strain, strain rate and temperature for isothermal conditions and phase transformation.

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Effect of Cu on Hot Ductility Behavior of Low Carbon Steel (저탄소강의 열간 연성 거동에 미치는 Cu의 영향)

  • Son, Kwang Suk;Park, Tae Eun;Park, Byung-Ho;Kim, Donggyu
    • Korean Journal of Metals and Materials
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.217-222
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    • 2009
  • Cu as a tramp element has been reported to encourage transverse cracking upon straightening operation during continuous casting or mini-mill processing. Therefore, the hot workability of steels containing Cu should be investigated. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of Cu contents on the hot ductility of low carbon steels by using hot compression test. Hot compression test was carried out using a Gleeble. The specimens were heated to $1300^{\circ}C$ for solution treatment and then held for 300s before cooling at a rate of $1^{\circ}C/s$ to test temperatures in the range of $650{\sim}1150^{\circ}C$ ($50^{\circ}C$ intervals) with strain rate of $5{\times}10^{-3}/s$. In Cu containing steels, the hot ductility was decreased with increasing Cu content at high temperature region which is to be attributed to copper enriched phase formed at scale/steel interface, and low hot ductility with increasing Cu content at low temperature region is attributable to the strengthening of matrix by the formation of ${\varepsilon}-Cu$. The width of ductility trough region was decreased with increasing Cu content.

Evaluation of Mechanical Property and Microstructure of Forged and T6-treated 6061 Aluminum Alloy Wheel (자동차 휠용 6061 Al합금의 단조 및 T6 열처리 전후의 미세조직과 기계적 특성 평가)

  • Lee, J.H.;Jeong, H.S.;Yeom, J.T.;Kim, J.H.;Park, N.K.;Lee, Y.T.;Lee, D.G.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.16 no.5 s.95
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    • pp.354-359
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    • 2007
  • Effects of forging and mechanical properties of 6061 aluminum alloy wheel for automobiles were investigated in the present study. Microstructural and tensile characteristics of automobile wheel after hot forging process using dynamic screw press were analyzed to evaluate effect of metal flow on mechanical properties. The results showed advanced mechanical properties of 6061 alloy wheel because of $Mg_2Si$ precipitation by T6, elongated grain by forging, and work hardening by dense metal flow, etc. Hot compression tests were conducted in order to characterize high temperature compression deformation behaviors and microstructural variation in the range of $300{\sim}450^{\circ}C$, in the strain rate range of $10^{-3}{\sim}10^1\;sec^{-1}$. As strain rate increased, maximum compression stress increased but it was shown the reverse linear relation between temperature and maximum stress irrelevant to strain rate variation. On the other hand, temperature and yield stress didn't have any linear relation and its relation showed big deviation by a function of strain rate and test temperature.

An Effective mesh smoothing technique for the mesh constructed by the mesh compression technique (격자압축을 이용해 구성된 격자의 효과적인 격자유연화 방법)

  • 홍진태;이석렬;양동열
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.331-334
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    • 2003
  • In the finite element simulation of hot forging processes using hexahedron, remeshing of a flash is very difficult. The mesh compression method is a remeshing technique to construct an effective hexahedral mesh. However, because mesh is distorted during the compression procedure or the mesh compression method, mesh smoothing is necessary to improve the mesh Qualify. in this study, several geometric mesh smoothing techniques and a matrix norm optimization technique are applied and compared which is more adaptive to the mesh compression method.

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Effects of Theratainment Physical Factors Application on Blood Pressure, Angle and Circumference in an Female University Students Calf (테라테인먼트 물리적 요소 적용이 대학생 여성 종아리의 혈압, 각도, 둘레에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jeong-Uk
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.401-409
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the effect of the application of Theratainment physical factors on the calf blood pressure, ankle angle, and calf circumference. A research sample consisting of normal female university students in their twenties were divided into hot therapy group (n=20), cold therapy group (n=20), and compression therapy group (n=20). By referring to the previous study, 20-minute hot therapy, 15-minute cold therapy, and 30-minute compression therapy with 100mmHg intensity was applied. The therapy was applied to left-side lower limb, followed by the application on the right-side lower limb after an hour of resting time. The calf blood pressure, ankle angle, and calf circumference of each group was assessed. In the study results, hot therapy and compression therapy showed a statistically significant difference on the decrease of blood pressure and increase of ankle angle (p<.05), but cold therapy produced no statistically significant difference. None of the three groups showed a statistically significant difference on the calf circumference. Hence, hot therapy and compression therapy is recommended for reducing calf blood pressure and increasing ankle angle related to the calf. These therapies are expected to be used for solving diverse problems of lower limbs.