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Evaluation of Radiation Shielding Rate of Lead Aprons in Nuclear Medicine (핵의학과에서 사용하는 납 앞치마의 방사선 차폐율 평가)

  • Han, Sang-Hyun;Han, Beom-Heui;Lee, Sang-Ho;Hong, Dong-Heui;Kim, Gi-Jin
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2017
  • Considering that the X-ray apron used in the department of radiology is also used in the department of nuclear medicine, the study aimed to analyze the shielding rate of the apron according to types of radioisotopes, thus γ ray energy, to investigate the protective effects. The radioisotopes used in the experiment were the top 5 nuclides in usage statistics 99mTc, 18F, 131I, 123I, and 201Tl, and the aprons were lead equivalent 0.35 mmPb aprons currently under use in the department of nuclear medicine. As a result of experiments, average shielding rates of aprons were 99mTc 31.59%, 201Tl 68.42%, and 123I 76.63%. When using an apron, the shielding rate of 131I actually resulted in average dose rate increase of 33.72%, and 18F showed an average shielding rate of -0.315%, showing there was almost no shielding effect. As a result, the radioisotopes with higher shielding rate of apron was in the descending order of 123I, 201Tl, 99mTc, 18F, 131I. Currently, aprons used in the nuclear medicine laboratory are general X-ray aprons, and it is thought that it is not appropriate for nuclear medicine environment that utilizes γ rays. Therefore, development of nuclear medicine exclusive aprons suitable for the characteristics of radioisotopes is required in consideration of effective radiation protection and work efficiency of radiation workers.

Clinical Evaluation of Open Thoracotomy Cases in Spontaneous Pneumothorax (자연 기흉의 개흉례에 대한 임상적 고찰)

  • 이연재;황산원
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.12
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    • pp.1225-1231
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    • 1997
  • Spontaneous pneumothorax is the sudden collapse of a lung usually caused by air leakage from a subvisceral pleural blob. Responses to closed thoracostomy,thoracentesls and simple observation are usually prompt and effective. But in some cases, these are unsucceful and open thoracotomy is indicated. A clinical evaluation was performed on 242 cases(236 patients) of open thoracotomy in spontaneous pneumoth rax who were admitted and treated at department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. Masan Samsung General Hospital during the past 9 years from January 1988 to December 1996. The results were as follows 1. The sex ratio was male predominance(M:F=11.7:1) 2. The most common age group were 2nd, 3rd decades(2nd=29.3%, 3rd=30.2%). 3. The most common chief complaints were chest pain and dyspnea(chest pain=41.7%. dryspnea= 36.8). 4. The etiologic factors of spontaneous pneumothorax were primary spontaneous pneumothorax(86.4%), tuberculosis(9.1%), COPD(3.7%) and pleuritis(0.8%). 5. The site of spontaneous pneumothorax was 52.1% in right, 45.4% in left and 2.5% in both. 6. The common indications of open thoracotomy were recurrence(44.2%), persistent air leakage(31.8%) and inadequate expansion(15.7%). 7. The operative procedures were bullectomy or mechanical pleurodesis through posterolateral thoracotomy or median sternotomy. 8. The most frequent location of bulla or blob were apical segme t oi RUL(35.1%) and apicoposterior segment of LUL(41.3 %). 9. The number of bulla or blob were mainly 1 to 5(88%), and there were no significant differences among operation indications. 10. The size of bulla or bleb were mainly below 5cm(81%)and small bulla(1cm) were predominant in recurrence group but large bulla(>5cm)were predominant in persistent air leakage and inadequate expansion group. 11. The pleural adhesion was seen in 54.5%.(Recurrence group 64.1%,Persistent air leakage group 51.9%,Inadequate expansion group 47.4%).

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On decrease program of Radioactive Wastewater and Sewages in High Dose Radioiodine Therapy Ward (고용량 방사성옥소 치료병실의 오.폐수 저감화를 위한 연구)

  • Ryu, Jae-Kwang;Jung, Woo-Young;Shin, Sang-Ki;Cho, Shee-Man
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: In general, We discharged radioactive wastewater and sewages less than 8.1×1013 Ci/ml in a exclusive water-purifier tank. Our hospital operating three exclusive water-purifier tank for radioactive wastewater and sewages of 60 tons capacity respectively. In order to meet the criteria it need a enough decay more than 125 days per each exclusive tank. However, recently we fell into the serious situation that decay period was decreased remarkably, owing to the wastewater amount increased rapidly by enlarge the therapy ward. For that reason, in this article, I'd like to say the way that reducing of radioactive wastewater and sewages rationally. Materials and Methods: From January, 2006 to October, four hundred and two cases were analyzed. They were all hospitalized during 3 days and 2 nights. We calculated the average amount of water used (include toilet water used, shower water used, washstand water used, ), each exclusive water-purifier tank's decay period, as well as try to search the increased factors about water-purifier tank inflow flux by re-analysis of the procedure of radioisotope therapy step by step. Results: We could increase each exclusive water-purifier tank's decay period from 84 days to 130 days through the improvement about following cause: (1) Improvement of conventional toilet stool for excessive water waste Replacement of water saving style toilet stool (2) Prevention of unnecessary shower and wash (3) Stop the diuretics taking during hospitalization (4) Analysis of relationship between water intakes and residual dose of body (5) Education about outside toilet utilization before the administration (6) Changed each water-purifier tank's maximum level from85% to 90% Conclusion: The originality of our efforts are not only software but hardware performance improvements. Incidentally the side of software's are change of therapy procedures and protocols, the side of hardware's are replacement of water saving style toilet stool and change of each water-purifier tank's maximum level. Thus even if a long lapse of time, problem such as return to the former conditions may not happen. Besides, We expect that our trials become a new reasonable model in similar situation.

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A Study on Vitamin A Levels in Measles Patients (홍역 환아의 비타민 A치에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Bum;Shin, Seon-Hee;Park, Eun-Young;Yang, Seung;Kim, Hong-Dae;Oh, Phil-Soo;Yoon, Hae-Sun
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.215-221
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : This study was done to compare the vitamin A levels between hospitalized patients of measles symptoms and of the other infectious diseases common in childhood (bronchiolitis, penumonia, gastroenteritis and etc.). Methods : We have set up a population of 133 hospitalized patients of measles symptoms in the pediatric department of Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital between Nov. 2000~Apr. 2001 and compared them to a group of 30 hospitalized patients of other infectious diseases between Dec. 2001~Feb. 2002. The whole patients were divided into three groups by diagnosing measles-specific IgM antibody positive as measles group(n=104), negative as measles-susepcted group(n=29) and other infectious disease group. And we compared the vitamin A levels, clinical symptoms, and general hematological and biochemical results. Results : Among the 104 measles patients, the concentrated age groups were 10 12 months(n=24, 23.1%), 13~15 months(n=16, 15.3%) and 16 months~4 years of age(n=24, 23.1%). The mean levels of vitamin A of measles and measles-susepcted groups were 69.6±28.6μg/dL and 75.2±34.4μg/dL, respectively, and that of other infectious disease group was 28.1±17.5μg/dL. Conclusion : The mean levels of vitamin A of both measles and measles-suspected groups were significantly higher than that of other infectious disease group(P<0.05) and showed no significant correlations with clinical symptoms and hospitalization duration.

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A Study on Sickness and the Status of Medical Care in a Rural Area (일부(一部) 농촌주민(農村住民)의 상병(傷病) 및 의료실태(醫療實態)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究))

  • Park, Jeong-Sun
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 1981
  • This survey was made to determine the overall health situation on (1) the status of sickness; (2) the medical care utilization; (3) the medical cost in Mi-Kum Myun, Nam Yang Ju Gun, Kyung-Gi Do. The survey with questionnaire was carried out with 2,840 peoples in 560 households from August 9th to 16th, 1979. The findings from the survey were as follows; 1. Annual morbidity rate of the prolonged ill cases was 97.2 per 1,000 population (male 94.7, female 99.6), The highest age specific morbidity rate was 274.5 of the 45-to 64-year group and the lowest was 21.9 of the 5-to 14-year group. 2. Annual morbidity rate of the new patients was 777.5 per 1,000 population(male 644.5, female 909.5). 3. The chief complaints distribution of the prolonged ill cases was: local pain 36.6%, indigestion 22.4%, and coughing 7.3%, respectively, In terms of age and sex distribution, a large number of female of the 45-to 64-year group complained of local pain or general pain and a large number of both sexes of the 25-to 44-year group complaned of indigestion. 4. The major diseases of the new patients which classified with International Classfication of Diseases (I.C.D.) were disease of the respiratory system, disease of the digestive system, and disease of the musculo-skeletal system and connective tissue for male, disease of the respiratory system, disease of the digestive system, and accident, poisoning, violence for female. 5. Total ill days of the 92 new patients were 536 days and average ill days per case were 6±38.3 days. 6. The rate of receiving treatment in the prolonged ill cases was 82.2%(medical facilities 46.4%, drug stores 27.5%, herb medicine 8.3%). 7. The rate of receiving treatment by first choice of the new patients was 88.0% (drug stores 57.%, medical facilities 28.2%, and herb medicine 2.2%), and the rate of receiving treatment by second choice was 30.9% of first treatment cases (medical facilities 44.0%, drug store 44.0% and herb meicine 12.0%). 8. Annual hospitalization rate per 1,000 population was 12.0 (male 12.0, female 11.9). 9. The locations of medical facilities utilized by out-patients were: in the prolonged ill cases Seoul or other places 66.4%, Nam Yang Ju Gun 33.6%, in cases of the new patients Seoul or other places 35.1% and Nam Yang Ju Gun 64.9% respectively. 10. The satisfaction rate of the new patients by mode of receiving treatment was: in cases of primary utilization by first choice herb medicine 100.0%, medical facilities 88.5%, and drug stores 69.8%, in cases of secondary utilization medical facilities 100.0%, herb medicine 100.0%, and drug stores 72.7% respectively. 11. The medical cost per utilized facilities was as follows; in average medical fee per case out-patient 8.947 won, in-patient 266,000 won, drug stores 1,532 won, and herb medicine 15,607 won, in average medical fee per day out-patient 4,829 won, in patient 14,178 won, drug stores 891 won, and herb medicine 4,906 won respectively. 12. The sources of the hospital charges paid out were: there own expense 50.0%, debt 35.3%, and security of medical care 14.7% respectively.

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Epidemiology of Psychosocial Distress in Korean Employees (우리나라 직장인 스트레스의 역학적 특성)

  • Chang, Sei-Jin;Kang, Myung-Gun;Cha, Bong-Suk;Park, Jong-Ku;Hyun, Sook-Jung;Park, Jun-Ho;Kim, Seong-Ah;Kang, Dong-Mug;Chang, Seong-Sil;Lee, Kyung-Jae;Ha, Eun-Hee;Ha, Mi-Na;Koh, Sang-Baek
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.25-37
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    • 2005
  • Objective : To estimate the magnitude of psychosocial distress and examine eligible factors associated with the development of psychosocial distress in Korean employees, using a nationwide sample. Methods : A total of 6,977 workers were recruited from 245 companies. A structured questionnaire was used to assess sociodemographics, health-related behaviors, job characteristics, social support at work, personality traits (locus of control, type A behavior pattern), self-esteem, and psychosocial distress. Results : The results showed that 23 % of workers were categorized as high stress, 73% as moderate, and 5% as normal. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that psychosocial distress was more common in younger workers, both male and female. Regular exercise was negatively associated with increase of psychosocial distress. In job characteristics, as expected, low decision latitude, high job insecurity, and low social support at work were related to high psychosocial distress. Personality traits such as locus of control and type A behavior pattern, and self-esteem were more powerful predictors of psychosocial distress than general characteristics, health-related behavior, and job characteristics. There were some gender differences. While men who are less educated and single (unmarried, divorced, and separated) experienced higher levels of psychosocial distress than those who are educated and married, women who feel high job demand experienced higher levels of psychosocial distress than those who feel low job demand. Conclusions : The proportion of the high stress group was higher than expected, and psychosocial factors like social support and personality characteristics (e. g. locus of control, type A behavior pattern and self-esteem) were more significant factors for psychosocial distress than other variables. This finding suggests that some psychosocial factors, especially inadequate social support, low self-esteem and lack of internal locus of control for the development of psychosocial distress, will also operate as an intervention strategy in the worksite stress reduction program. It is strongly required that worksite stress reduction programs should be established in at both occupational and level as well as in individual levels.

The Risk Factors for the Development of Hypertension in a Rural Area - An 1-Year Prospective Cohort Study - (농촌 지역 주민들의 고혈압 발생 위험요인 - 1년간 전향성 추적 조사 -)

  • Oh, Hee-Sook;Kam, Sin;Yeh, Min-Hae;Kang, Yun-Sik;Kim, Keon-Yeop;Lee, Young-Sook;Park, Ki-Soo;Son, Jae-Hee;Lee, Sang-Won;Ahn, Moon-Young;Chun, Byung-Yeol
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.199-207
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    • 2000
  • Objectives : This study was peformed to identify the risk factors related to the development of hypertension in a rural area. Method : Total of 3,573 subjects in Chung-Song County were interviewed and examined in 1996. The study cohort comprised 2,580 hypertension-free subjects aged above 20. One-year follow up was completed for 1,781 subjects(69.0%) in 1997. General characteristics(age, gender, education level, economic status, marital status), the family history of hypertension, diet, alcohol, smoking, coffee, stress, past history of oral contraceptive and menopausal status in female, height, weight, waist and hip circumference, baseline blood pressure, and serum total cholesterol were considered as risk factors. Results : Multivariate analysis using logistic regression model indicated that age(RH=1.50, 95% CI; 1.15-1.96), the family history of hypertension(RR=2.11, 95% CI; 1.04-4.26), waist-hip ratio(WHR) (RR=2.09, 95%, CI; 1.15-3.79), and baseline systolic blood pressure(130-139/<120mmHg)(RR=3.34, 95% CI; 1.47-7.60) were significant risk factors associated with the development of hypertension above the borderline level in male. In female, age(RR=1.06, 95% CI; 1.03-1.09), change in menopausal status(noyes/nono) (RR=3.32, 95% CI; 1.01-10.87), baseline systolic blood pressure(120-129/<120mmHg: RR=2.00, 95% CI; 1.02-3.90)(130-139/<120mmHg: RR=2.64, 95% CI; 1.34-5.20) and baseline diastolic blood pressure(85-89/<80mmHg)(RR=4.09, 95% CI; 1.86-8.96) were identified as risk factors. Conclusions : Age and high normal blood pressure were significant risk factors for the development of hypertension above the borderline level. In addition, the family history of hypertension and WHR in men, and the change of menopausal status in women might be significant risk factors in Korea.

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Radiotherapy for Early Glottic Carinoma (조기 성문암 환자에서의 방사선치료)

  • Kim, Won-Taek;Nam, Ji-Ho;Kyuon, Byung-Hyun;Wang, Su-Gun;Kim, Dong-Won
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.295-302
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : The Purpose of this study was to establish general guidelines for the treatment of patients with early glottic carcinoma (T1-2N0M0), by assessing the role of primary radiotherapy and by analyzing the tumor-related and treatment-related factors that have an influence on the treatment results. Materials and Methods : This retrospective study was composed of 80 patients who suffered from early glottic carcinoma and were treated by primary radiotherapy at Pusan National University Hospital, between August 1987 and December 1996. The distribution of patients according to T-stage was 66 for stage T1 and 14 for stage T2. All of the patients were treated with conventional radical radiotherapy using a 6MV photon beams, a total tumor dose of 60\~75.6Gy (median 68.4 Gy), administered in 5 weekly fractions of 1.8\~2.0Gy. The overall radiation treatment time was from 40 to 87 days, median 51 days. All patients were followed up for at least 3 years. Univariate and multivariate analysis was done to identify the prognostic factors affecting the treatment results. Results : The five-years survival rate was 89.2% for all patients, 90.2% for T1 and 82.5% for T2. The local control rate was 81.3% for all patients, 83.3% for T1 and 71.4% for T2. However, when salvage operations were taken into account, the ultimate local control rate was 91.3%,T194.5%,T279.4%, reprosenting an increase of 8\~12% in the local control rate. The voice preservation rate was 89.2%,T194.7%,T281.3%. Fifteen patients suffered a relapse after radiotherapy, among whom 12 patients underwent salvage surgery. We included T-stage, tumor location, total radiation dose, fraction size, field size and overall radiation treatment time as potential prognostic factors. T-stage and overall treatment time were found to be statistically significant in the univariate analysis, but in the multivariate analysis, only the over-all treatment time was found to be significant. Conclusion : The high cure and voice preservation rates obtained when using a procedure, comprising a combination of radical radiotherapy and salvage surgery, may make this the treatment of choice for patients with early glottic carcinoma. However, the prognostic factors affecting the treatment results must be kept in mind, and more accurate treatment planning and further optimization of the radiation dose are necessary.

Heart Transplantation: the Seiong General Hospital Experience (심장이식 환자의 임상적 고찰)

  • 박국양;박철현
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.606-613
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    • 1996
  • Cardiac transplantation has been the treatment of patients with end-stage heart disease since it was first performed in 1967. In Korea the first case was performed in 1992 and 42 patients underwent heart trans- plantation so far. The purpose of this article is to report short-term result of cardiac transplantation at our center. Between April 1994 and September 1995, 14 patients had undergone orthotopic heart transplantations. There was 12 male and 2 female patients. Mea recipient age was 34 years(range 11 to 54 years) and mean donor age was 28.4 years(16 to 50 years). Mean graft ischemic time was 120.7minutes(80 to 280 minutes). The follow-up period after transplantation was 11 months(3 to 17 months). Recipient diagnosis included dilated cardiomyopathy in 10, ischemic cardiomyopathy in 2, valvular cardiomyopathy in 1, congenital complex heart disease in 1 patient. The preoperative status of the recipients were state I (50%) and ll (50%) by UNOS classification and class 111 (5 patients) and class IV (9) by NYHA functional class. All patients were treated with triple-drug immunosuppression (cyclosporine, azathioprine, steroid) and induction with RATG. The rejection episodes were 5 times in 3 patients during the follow-up. Causes of infection were aspergillosis (2), and hepes zoster (1), CMV pneumonitis (1). Permanent pace- maker was inserted in 1 patient. Currently 9 patients are alive with seven patients in WYHA functional class I and two in class l . The ejection fraction increased from preoperative value of 19.9 ± 3.4% to postoperative value of 69.0 ± 5.6%. The causes of death were cellular rejection (1),chronic graft failure due to size-mismatching (1),respirat- oxy insufficiency due to asthma attack (1), subarachnoid hemorrhage (1), and RIO humoral rejection (1).

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Diagnostic Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery (진단목적의 비디오 흉강경 수술)

  • Baek, Hyo-Chae;Hong, Yun-Ju;Lee, Du-Yeon;Park, Man-Sil
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.542-547
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    • 1996
  • All patients who underwent video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) for diagnostic purposes from Jan. 1992 to Aug. 1995 were reviewed. The total number of patients were 111 with 57 male and 54 female, and the mean age was 49 years (range 1 to 74). Multiple biopsies from more than one location were performed in 17 patients , pleural biopsies were performed In 49 patients, lung biopsies in 43 patients, mediastinal mass or Iymph node biopsies in 33 patients, and two pericardium biopsies and one dia- phragm biopsy, for a total of 128 biopsies. Seventeen pleural biopsy cases and one lung biopsy case underwent operation under local anesthesia , the rest were performed under general anesthesia. In patients who underwent lung biopsy, the mean age was 49.1 ye rs (range 22~ 73). The operating time was 40 to 170 minutes (mean 97), intravenous or intramuscular injection for pain control was required 0 to 22 times(mean 4.7), and chest tube was inserted from 1 to 26 days(mean 7). In all patients except two, a diagnosis was obtained from the biopsy and complication was encountered in one patient in whom intraoperative paroxysmal atrial tachycardia was detected. In 7 patients, a thorn- cotomy had to be done due to pleural adhesion or intraoperative bleeding, and 7 patients had postoperative complications associated with the chest tube. In the pleural biopsy group, the mean age was 49 years (range 17~ 74). The operating time was 25 to 80 minutes (mean 49), intravenous or intramuscular injection for pain control was needed 0 to 20 times (mean 3.6), and the chest tube was i.nserted for 0 to 67 days(mean 9.8). In all the patients, a diagnosis was possible. The chest tube was inserted for longer than 7 days in 11 patients. In the Iymph node biopsy roup, the mean age was 44.2 years (range 1 ~ 68). The operating time was )0 to 3)5 minutes(mean 105), pain control was required 0 to 15 times(mean 3.2), and a chest tube was kept in place for 1 to 36 days(mean 6.1). In one patient, a diagnosis was not possible and a chest tube was kept in place for longer than 7 days in 7 patients. In the multiple biopsy group, the mean age was 53.1 years(range 20~ 71). The operating time was 15 to 165 minutes(mean 85), and pain control was done from 0 to 17 times(mean 3.1). The chest tube was kept in place for 1 to 16 days (mean 7.9).

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