• Title/Summary/Keyword: Historic site

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A Study on the Fabrics Excavated from Hwangnamdaechong Tomb - Focused on the Fabrics Currently Housed in Gyeongju National Research institute of Cultural Heritage - (황남대총 출토직물 연구 -현(現) 경주문화재 연구소 소장직물을 중심으로-)

  • Jang, Hyun-Joo;Kwon, Young-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.62 no.7
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    • pp.41-53
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    • 2012
  • Hwangnamdaechong Tomb (The 98th tomb in Hwangnam-dong), one of the royal tombs located around the area of royal tomb of King Michu in Hwangnam-dong, Gyeongju, is currently designated as Historic Site No. 40. It is assumed that Hwangnamdaechong Tomb is a royal tomb of the early 5th century. This study aims to examine the fabric relics excavated from Hwangdamdawchong Tomb and currently housed in Gyeongju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage. The types of fabrics excavated from Hwangdamdawchong Tomb include plain silk, warp-faced compound woven silk, and hemp cloth. Most of these fabrics are adhered to metal products that became rusty. Plain silk found in Hwangnamdaechong Tomb can be divided into four types by its weaving method. Geum excavated from Hwangnamdaechong Tomb is typical Gyeong Geum that uses colored warp for its base and pattern. It is plain Gyeong Geum that the binding weft and warp is plain woven. Although there are a lot of Gyeong Geum fabrics whose colors are hard to define due to yellowing after long years, there are still many fabrics whose color such as purple, red, blue, and green can be identified. As literatures have shown that p cloth as well as silk were frequently woven during Silla dynasty, tremendous amount of hemp cloth was excavated. Most of the hemp cloth has S-twist in the warp and 8-12 seung degree of delicacy.

A Study on the Over-layered Landscape Characteristics of Ipsan Village, Uiryeong Area (의령 입산마을의 중층적 경관 특성)

  • Lim, Eui-Je;So, Hyun-Su;Bae, Su-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.113-127
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    • 2018
  • This study comprehends that the landscape of Ipsan Village is the accumulated output of the landscape management and social behavior by the historic personages through the reference research and field surveys. And the study sorted out the over-layered landscape characteristics of Ipsan Village by analyzing the dispersed landscape elements as follows. First, right before the start of Japanese invasions to Korea(1592-98), Tamjin(耽津) An(安) Family moved into Ipsan and started establishing the a single clan village. At a site with mountain background and facing the water(背山臨水), the village used to be a typical farming one with an organically planned road-system and housing area following the traditional order. However, the landscape has changed drastically since the 20th century with the construction of banks, roads and readjustment of arable land etc. Second, the original landscape, which can be figured out through the 'Gosanjaesibyukgyeong(高山齋十六景)' in the 18th century, shows its harmony with natural landscape: mountain & valley, stream & field, traditional trees, etc, cultural landscape: village, well, spring, etc, and momentary landscape: seasons, time, weather phenomena, sound, behavior, etc. Third, based on the second, 16 natural landscape elements: mountain & stream, planting, etc. and 25 cultural landscape elements: housing spaces, self-cultivation & ceremony spaces, community spaces and modern education & enlightenment spaces were selected and interpreted as landscaping meanings. Fourth, the over-layered landscape which stems from the compositive functions and inter-connectivity of landscape elements which consists Ipsan Village is regarded as 'Natural geographical and Fungsu landscape', 'Rural production and livelihood landscape', 'Confucian ceremony and symbolic landscape' and 'Modern education and enlightenment landscape.'

A Study on the Reinterpretation of ChonJu Palkyong for Improvement of Landscape Identity (경관정체성 향상을 위한 전주팔경의 해석에 관한 연구)

  • 신상섭;노재현
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 1999
  • This thesis is to newly understand the value and the meaning of Chonju Palkyong(全州八景) by the specific gravity in making a counter-proposal in other to improve the landscape identity of modern city and at the same time. I intended to group the grafting device for the preservation and regeneration of modern history cultural environment through the interpretation of landscape construction. The meaning system of Chonju Palkyong showed the symbolic system which a landscape construction, four directions and two places has and exhibited the landscape shape possessing a luxuriant local feature peculiar to Chonju, preserving visual bound language of a classical Palkyong. Especially, it implies the use of the substantial landscape experienced factor, the expressions about natural phenomena and the matter which has melted human living circumstances. The landscape construction and it's form show the system which forms the different time field, a far landscape and a mid distance landscape and a near landscape, etc., under the visual, psychological, scenic influenced area, preserving the feature of the similar and typical type of Sosang Palkyoung(瀟湘八景) which intended to seek the local reappearance of the famous site experienced type and natural matter which famous place and local conduct were combined. The object space of Chonju Palkyong area representing the nature of historical landscape cultural assets, pushed by the greater part of the development based theory, shows injured aspects, but needs to play a part to seek such a up-to-date successive plan as the reconstruction of the destroyed historical landscape area which motivated Palkyong, the establishment of useful area, the embodiment of the cultural identity of Palkyong area and the becoming of the educational cultural life space. The analysis of the landscape construction of Chonju Palkyong and the grouping of the modern successive plan which I considered in this thesis, will be able to become a fundamental data to carry out the preservation of historical landscape and the landscape plan in the city.

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The Characteristics of "Wooded Fortress of Beopseongjin in Yeonggwang" and Perspectives on the Problems of Landscape Management ("영광 법성진 숲쟁이" 의 특성 분석과 경관관리 문제점 고찰)

  • Choi, Jai-Ung;Kim, Dong-Yeob
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2010
  • Beopseongpo has been one of the most thriving ports of the Jeolla region since the Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392). During the time of King Seongjong (r. 1469-1494) of Choseon Dynasty, a navy garrison had been deployed and the port was named Beopseongjin, as recorded in the 1485 edition of Grand code for state administration (Gyeongguk daejeon). Dangsan forests and Bibo forests have been maintained by local residents since hundreds of years ago. Dangsan forests have been applied to the scale of government and public offices. The objectives of this study were to understand the characteristics of the "Wooded Fortress of Beopseongjin in Yeonggwang" as "Scenic Site No. 22", and to investigate the conservational problem of the wooded fortress of Beopseongjin and seashore. The "Wooded fortress of Beopseongjin in Yeonggwang" consists of a Dangsan forest and two Bibo forests. But, the presence of the Dangsan forest has not been well known to the public. Although the wooded fortress has been somewhat disturbed by cultural activities, the Dangsan rituals have been held until the present every January 15 by lunar calendar. On the other hand, the seashore in front of Beopseongpo plays an important role as a scenic view. It was one of the reason that the "Wooded fortress of Beopseongjin in Yeonggwang" had been designated as a national cultural property of "Scenic Sites". However, the sandbar was reclaimed in 2009 to build commercial buildings. An integrated plan should be prepared to conserve the landscape of "Wooded fortress of Beopseongjin in Yeonggwang", which requires close partnership among local residents, experts, and local government. At present, four new buildings have been built. Although we have lost the sandbar, it is indispensable to secure the visibility of Wooded Fortress of Beopseongjin at the entrance of the village.

An Analytical Research on Cognitive Intensity of Valuation on the Urban Environment -A case study on KyungJu- (도시환경에 대한 시민의 가치도분석 -경주시 사례연구-)

  • 조세환;오휘영
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.34-49
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    • 1993
  • This research aimed to analize the cognitive intensity of valuation(C.I.V) on urban environment as a first stage of the works on evaluative urban image under the hypothesis that it could be interpreted with a correlation analysis between the C.I.V and attitude(Satisfaction of unsatisfaction Intensity) toward urban environment. As a method of a study, 118 cognitive elements were selected representing an urban environment, and each of elements was suggested to citizens of Kyungju with 7 point Likert Scale. The analysis of C.I.V was operated under the three criteria: The first, three of urban space scale(urban scale, neighborhood scale, and housing scale), the second, four elements of urban living environment(safety, amenity, healthfulness, and effectiveness), and the last, thirteen urban unit environment(housing, traffic, education, tourism, medical/health, culture, etc.). The results were as follows: C.I.V to each of 118 elements was cleary defined, showing the possibilities of being applied to a method for subjective, or cognitive evaluation on urban environment: It was revealed that citizens'C.I.V was rather higher in non-physical, qualitative elements than in physical and quantitative ones. This shows well the limitation of the objective method of evaluation of urban environment: The results of the others' studies on the image of Kyungju based on the cognitive approach, being focused on the analysis of the visual aspects of urban structure, cultural assets, historic site and tourism, were almost same as this study but it was quite different for this research to reveal well the citizens' cognition on their living environment of traffic, education, medical, etc..

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Detection Trend of Helminth Eggs in the Strata Soil Samples from Ancient Historic Places of Korea

  • Seo, Min;Chai, Jong-Yil;Kim, Myeung Ju;Shim, Sang Yuk;Ki, Ho Chul;Shin, Dong Hoon
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.54 no.5
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    • pp.555-563
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    • 2016
  • For several years, we have conducted a series of studies on the patterns of ancient parasitism prevailing in the soil of rural and urban areas of past Kingdom of Korea. Actually, during our survey of paleoparasitology in archaeological sites of Korean peninsula, numerous ancient parasite eggs were discovered in the samples from the city districts of Hansung (Joseon) and Buyeo (Baikje), the palace moat at Gyeongju (Silla), shell-midden site at Bonghwang-dong (Silla to Joseon), and the reservoir found in Hwawangsansung fortress (Silla). By the paleoparasitological studies, with respect to parasitism in the high-density populations of ancient towns and cities, we have managed to catch glimpses of the patterns prevalent therein: a serious parasitic contamination of the soil in ancient urban areas, but not in rural areas of the past. Our historical research also proposed the plausible mechanism of parasite infection very serious indeed among urban populations in Korean history. Although city dwelling doubtless has accrued significant benefits for people and populations with agriculture, it can be equally supposed that living in such highly populated areas might have facilitated the spread of parasite infection.

Measures to Implements the Landscape Preservation and Management on Consideration of Changing the Actual Condition and Landscape Visibility in the Surround Area of the Jongmyo (종묘 주변지역의 현상변경 실태 및 경관가시성을 고려한 경관보존.관리방안)

  • Suh, Joo-Hwan;Oh, Ji-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.118-126
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is a suggestion which is a way for preservation and management the Jongmyo landscape based on its landscape visibility and land use. To do this, we had done a field investigation and a literature examination. The investigations are as following; we researched current application which for changing the actual condition near the Jongmyo. According to this research site could notice that landscape visibility can be affected by not only the height of building the Jongmyo. The visibility can be affected by photograph's undulation, too. Furthermore, we notice that even some building are located far from the view point and view corridor, it can be a factor which decrease the quality of the landscape visibility. Finally, we can propose how to make way for conservation and management by through restrict land use which based on changing the actual condition, landscape visibility and land use around the cultural assets.

An Analysis of Urban Open Space with Geographic Information Systems - A Case Study of Ansan City, Korea - (지리정보체계를 이용한 안산시의 오픈스페이스 분석)

  • 서동조;박종화
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.89-113
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    • 1990
  • The purpose of this study is to develop means to apply GIS and remote sensing technology to the analysis of Korean urban open spaces. To achieve this objective, a framework of analysis of urban open spaces was developed, and then the framework was applied for the evaluation of the potential and suitability of open spaces of Ansan City, which is a new town developed to accomodate industries relocation from Seoul, Korea, mainly due to their pollution problems. The software used in this study are IDRISI, a grid-based GIS, and KMIPS, a remote sensing analysis system. Both packages are based on IBM PC/AT computers with Microsoft DOS. Landsat MSS and TM data were used for the land use classification, land use change detection, and analysis of transformed vegetation indices. The size of the geographic data base is 110 rows and 150 columns with the spatial resolution of 100m$\times$100m. The framework of analysis includes both quanititative and qualitative analysis of open spaces. The quantitative analysis includes size and distribution of open spaces, urban develpment of open spaces, and the degree of vegree of vegetation removal of the study area. The qualitative analysis includes evaluative criteria for primary productivity of land, park use potential, major visual resources, and urban environmental control. The findings of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the size of builtup areas increased 18.73km$^2$, while the size of forest land decreased 10.86km$^2$ during last ten years. Agricultural lands maintained its size, but shifted toward outside of the city into forest. Second, the potential of open spaces for park use is limited mainly due to their lack of accessibility and connectivity among open spaces, in spite of ample acreage and good site conditions. Third, major landscape elements and historic sites should be connected to the open space system of the city by new accesses and buffers.

A Study on Cheongju-eup Townscape in the Late 1930s by Modeling the Restoration Image (도심 복원 이미지 제작을 통한 1930년대 후기 청주읍치 경관 고찰)

  • Kim, Tai-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2019
  • This study explores the emergence of a modern form of Cheongju-eup townscape in the late 1930s by re-examining the 1960s restoration model of Seongan-dong and Jungang-dong in Cheongju, one of the historic cities in South Korea. According to the acquired data from the restoration model, it is found that the construction of a new urban area during the late 1930 was resulted from the following events: the development of a railroad station located outside of the north gate of Cheongju-eup since 1921, the completion of Musimcheon embankment outside the south gate in 1932, and the construction of Chungcheongbuk provincial office outside the eastern gate in 1937. In this period of development, which the author named 'Cheongju-eup period', the streets in the old castle, consisting only of two-story financial buildings, had been expanded from the existing area at the Seongan-gil intersection to the outside the east gate of Cheongju-eup. In addition, public government buildings, which were mainly located in both Seongan-gil and Yulgok-ro in the east-west direction, were newly constructed during the late 1930s in Seokgyo-dong, a new area in which a large number of commercial buildings including department stores, clothing stores, shoes shops, and watch stores were also built along the streets. Moreover, the modern form of Cheongju-eup was to be formed by several construction projects in the area of Jungang-ro in the late 1930s. Until the 1920s, the townscape outside the northern gate of Cheongju-eup, were composed of primary, agricultural, and female schools built on a largest site of Gyoseo-ro and Daeseong-ro as well as a transportation warehouse and a railway office near the Cheongju station. Then, entering the 1930s, new school buildings and domestic industrial shops and factories were built around the area of Jungang-ro ranging from the railway outside the northern gate to Bangadari. As a result, the expansion of townscape with newly constructed buildings in the late 1930s marked the emergence of a modern form of Cheongju-eup.

After the Manchurian Incident,Imperial War Relics liao ning in China - Spatial Expansion of Memory - (만주사변 이후 중국 요녕성(遼寧省) 지역제국주의 전쟁유적 - 기억의 공간적 확장 -)

  • 김주용
    • 한국학연구
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    • no.53
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    • pp.247-273
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    • 2019
  • The Japanese Imperialism, which led to the so-called Manchuria Incident (9.18) on September 18, 1931, immediately began to produce monuments. The first time the Chinese soldier set up a monument, which sparked the September 18 uprising, that the railroad was destroyed. It wasn't to say that they did the 9.18 incident voluntarily, but to leave proof that the Chinese were first provoked. Of course, even if it is far from the truth, Japan did its best to make the monument because the monument becomes true over time. The article was written in an attempt to seriously consider what the true peace of Northeast Asia of this era is, through the massacre of imperialist invasions after the 9.18 incident and the monument of judgment and reconciliation after the end of the war. Peace is expressed differently from country to country. The peace that Japan talks about after the Hiroshima atomic bomb and the peace that China and South Korea claim after the end of the war and liberation are different in color and voice. This is because peace, which is claimed by all Northeast Asian countries by developing a peaceful root, is essential for the future as well.