• Title/Summary/Keyword: High-Tech 산업

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A Study on the Presence of Post-Miesianism and Its Future (Post-Miesianism의 실체와 미래에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Jin
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.10 no.4 s.28
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    • pp.77-92
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    • 2001
  • 현대의 건축시기는 다원성의 시기 또는 복합성의 시기라고 불리운다. 모더니즘과 포스트모더니즘의 시기를 거치며 다양한 형태적 실험의 과정을 겪었고 수많은 이데올로기와 이론들로 무장된 논쟁의 역사도 갖게 되었다. 이러한 현대건축의 다양성은 건축디자인이라는 전문직의 사회에 기여하는 역할을 반추(反芻)함과 동시에 다변하는 인간사고의 역동성을 반영하고 있다. 건축관련 책자나 저널 등에서 흔히 발견할 수 있는 Neo-Classicism, Deconstructivism, Minimalism, High-Tech, New Moderns 등등의 건축양식들은 스타일을 지칭하는 언어라기보다는 건축적 사고를 지칭하는 언어라고 할 수 있다. 결국 건축디자인이라는 작업은 인간을 둘러 싼 건조환경의 생성에서 출발하는 것이므로 건축적 사고방식은 그 시기의 사회현상과 밀접한 관계를 맺게 된다. 20세기 말부터 불어닥친 디지털 문화의 사회변혁은 전 세계를 하나의 채널로 엮게 되었고, 이러한 영향들은 지역과 민족, 그리고 종교적인 요소들까지도 혼합하여 국경을 초월한 미래의 새로운 이상들을 꿈꾸게 되었다. 19세기 산업혁명과 함께 급속히 벨라진 인류문명의 진보는 필수적으로 세계화를 동반하는 것이고, 세계화와 지역성사이의 괴리를 통해 나타나는 문화적 비판과 충돌은 아직도 진행상태인 것이다. 세계화라는 통염은 문명의 보편성을 기반으로 하며 전통문화의 파괴가 뒤따를 수밖에 없는데, 현재와 같이 IT혁명을 통해 급속도로 빨라진 세계문화의 교류는 한 국가가 뿌리를 내리고 있는 문화적 유산이라는 토양을 포기하여야 할 단계에 와 있다고 논평할 정도이다. 여기서 건축은 문화적 상징으로 작용하게 되는데, 그것이 심미적이든 관습적이든 또는, 경제적이든 건축가는 해답의 제시라는 임무에 직면하게 된다. 20세기에 진행된 모더니즘의 건축은 구조와 공간에 대한 고전건축의 숙원을 고덕건축이 이룬 것처럼 15세기 르네상스 시대로부터 진행된 형태와 공간, 기능, 그리고 아름다움과 기술(technology) 또는 경제성 등에 대한 건축적 의문과 탐구를 일단락지었다고 할 수 있다. 이러한 모더니즘의 한복판에 Mies van der Rohe라는 거장이 깊은 발자국을 남기며 한 시대를 이루었고 그가 남긴 시대정신의 이념과 가치를 Miesianism이라고 부른다. 실용성과 도덕성을 근본으로 하는 Miesianism은 대중에 호소하는 미적 표현주의를 부정하고 지역정서를 중시하는 문맥적 접근방식을 경시함으로써 보편화라는 현상을 불러일으킨 국제주의 양식의 한 부류로 비판을 받아왔다. 즉, Miesianism의 단순하고 강렬한 외형적 요소는 그것이 내포하는 기술적 합리성이나 공간적 완결성을 무시한 채 전 세계에 영향을 미쳤고 동시에 지역적 저항을 받게 되었다. 시카고 및 전 세계의 Miesian들, 즉 Mies van der Rohe의 제자들이나 그로부터 영향을 받은 수많은 건축가들은 이러한 저항과 비판에 직면하게 되며 새로운 사고의 시대적 요구 앞에 고뇌하게 된다. 한국에서는 1978년 Mies van der Rohe의 제자인 김종성이 미국에서 서울로 돌아와 '서울건축컨설탄트'를 설립하며 본격적으로 Miesianism의 규범적 건축론을 설파하기 시작하였다. 이른바 시카고 국제주의학파의 건축전수라고 할 수 있는데 '서울건축컨설탄트'를 통하여 배출된 김종성의 제자들은 명쾌하고도 간결한 건축해법의 경험을 토대름대로의 정체성을 갖고자 노력하였으나 결국 다원적 가치를 요구하는 시대적 흐름 속에 혼란을 겪고 있는 것 또한 사실이다. 본 연구는 Miesianism의 기원을 밝히고 그것의 실수와 오류를 밝힘과 동시에 현대의 여러 가지 건축유형들과 비교하여 봄으로써 Post-Miesianism의 실체와 그 미래에 대하여 고찰하여 보고자 한다. 미스의 유산이라고 할 수 있는 Miesianism의 요체는 첫째, Schinkel로부터 이어받은 시대정신의 사명감, 둘째, Berlage가 전해준 전문가로서의 도덕성을 바탕으로 하여 이루어진 기술적 합리성의 실현, 그리고 마지막으로 그 당시의 추상예술에 대한 이해로써 받아들인 nee-Suprematism의 아방 가르데적인 자세라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 이것들을 전파하고 수용하는 과정에서 미스적인 단순하고 명쾌한 외관이 더욱 강한 인상을 남기게 되었고 또한 미스가 현대성의 본질이라고 믿는 기술의 전수는 모든 외관을 동일하게 만드는 International Style로서의 보편적 획일성을 초래하였다. Mies van der Rohe의 강력하고 규범적인 dogma는 그의 제자들에게는 강렬한 카리스마로 각인되었고, Mies가 원한 것이 아닐지라도 그들을 하나의 틀 속에 가두는 영향력을 행사하였다. 2세대이든 3세대이든 기술적 합리성과 추상적 단순미라는 믿음을 맹목적으로 추종할 때 그들은 Miesian으로 남아있게 되며, 거기서 벗어났을 때 non-Miesian, 또는 배신자로 취급하기까지 하였다. 이것은 미스의 제자들에게 강한 족쇄가 되어 형태적 또는 개념적 변화의 시도를 어렵게 하였고 시대적 요구에 부응하지 못한다는 평가에 이르게 되었다. 문화의 다양성과 역동성을 인정함과 동시에 Miesianism에 대한 새롭고 시대에 적합한 해석을 기대하게 되는데, 이러한 기대 속에서 우리는 Post-Miesianism이라는 새로운 유형을 엿볼 수 있게 된다. Post-Miesianism의 징후를 현대의 다양한 건축유형에서 발견할 수 있는데, High-Tech의 구축적이고 정밀한 건축 기술적 해법과 Minimalism의 반복성을 통한 추상미의 표현 등에서 뿐만이 아니라 Post-Modernism의 인간성의 추구나 문맥적 고려, 또는 해체주의의 형이상학적이고 아방가르데적인 실험주의 정신까지조차 Post-Miesianism이 공유할 수 있는 부분이 있다고 보여진다. 또한, 미스의 영향이 2세대, 3세대의 건축가들에게 미치면서 여러 방향으로 변질되어 가는 것을 우리는 발견할 수 있으며 그러한 시대성에 적응하는 시도들이야말로 새로운 미래를 향한 Post-Miesianism의 실체인 것이다. Mies가 말하였듯이 한 시대의 끝은 그 시대가 완전히 이해되었을 때이며, 모더니즘의 숙제는 아직 해결되지 않았으므로 Miesianism의 탐구는 Post-Miesianism이라는 새로운 주제로 계속될 것이다. 이를 통하여 21세기 디지털 문명의 시대 속에서 현대건축이 안을 수밖에 없는 보편성과 지역성의 충돌이라는 문제의 해결에 한 발걸음 다가갈 수 있기를 기대하여 본다.

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Wearable Computers

  • Cho, Gil-Soo;Barfield, Woodrow;Baird, Kevin
    • Fiber Technology and Industry
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.490-508
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    • 1998
  • One of the latest fields of research in the area of output devices is tactual display devices [13,31]. These tactual or haptic devices allow the user to receive haptic feedback output from a variety of sources. This allows the user to actually feel virtual objects and manipulate them by touch. This is an emerging technology and will be instrumental in enhancing the realism of wearable augmented environments for certain applications. Tactual displays have previously been used for scientific visualization in virtual environments by chemists and engineers to improve perception and understanding of force fields and of world models populated with the impenetrable. In addition to tactual displays, the use of wearable audio displays that allow sound to be spatialized are being developed. With wearable computers, designers will soon be able to pair spatialized sound to virtual representations of objects when appropriate to make the wearable computer experience even more realistic to the user. Furthermore, as the number and complexity of wearable computing applications continues to grow, there will be increasing needs for systems that are faster, lighter, and have higher resolution displays. Better networking technology will also need to be developed to allow all users of wearable computers to have high bandwidth connections for real time information gathering and collaboration. In addition to the technology advances that make users need to wear computers in everyday life, there is also the desire to have users want to wear their computers. In order to do this, wearable computing needs to be unobtrusive and socially acceptable. By making wearables smaller and lighter, or actually embedding them in clothing, users can conceal them easily and wear them comfortably. The military is currently working on the development of the Personal Information Carrier (PIC) or digital dog tag. The PIC is a small electronic storage device containing medical information about the wearer. While old military dog tags contained only 5 lines of information, the digital tags may contain volumes of multi-media information including medical history, X-rays, and cardiograms. Using hand held devices in the field, medics would be able to call this information up in real time for better treatment. A fully functional transmittable device is still years off, but this technology once developed in the military, could be adapted tp civilian users and provide ant information, medical or otherwise, in a portable, not obstructive, and fashionable way. Another future device that could increase safety and well being of its users is the nose on-a-chip developed by the Oak Ridge National Lab in Tennessee. This tiny digital silicon chip about the size of a dime, is capable of 'smelling' natural gas leaks in stoves, heaters, and other appliances. It can also detect dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. This device can also be configured to notify the fire department when a leak is detected. This nose chip should be commercially available within 2 years, and is inexpensive, requires low power, and is very sensitive. Along with gas detection capabilities, this device may someday also be configured to detect smoke and other harmful gases. By embedding this chip into workers uniforms, name tags, etc., this could be a lifesaving computational accessory. In addition to the future safety technology soon to be available as accessories are devices that are for entertainment and security. The LCI computer group is developing a Smartpen, that electronically verifies a user's signature. With the increase in credit card use and the rise in forgeries, is the need for commercial industries to constantly verify signatures. This Smartpen writes like a normal pen but uses sensors to detect the motion of the pen as the user signs their name to authenticate the signature. This computational accessory should be available in 1999, and would bring increased peace of mind to consumers and vendors alike. In the entertainment domain, Panasonic is creating the first portable hand-held DVD player. This device weight less than 3 pounds and has a screen about 6' across. The color LCD has the same 16:9 aspect ratio of a cinema screen and supports a high resolution of 280,000 pixels and stereo sound. The player can play standard DVD movies and has a hour battery life for mobile use. To summarize, in this paper we presented concepts related to the design and use of wearable computers with extensions to smart spaces. For some time, researchers in telerobotics have used computer graphics to enhance remote scenes. Recent advances in augmented reality displays make it possible to enhance the user's local environment with 'information'. As shown in this paper, there are many application areas for this technology such as medicine, manufacturing, training, and recreation. Wearable computers allow a much closer association of information with the user. By embedding sensors in the wearable to allow it to see what the user sees, hear what the user hears, sense the user's physical state, and analyze what the user is typing, an intelligent agent may be able to analyze what the user is doing and try to predict the resources he will need next or in the near future. Using this information, the agent may download files, reserve communications bandwidth, post reminders, or automatically send updates to colleagues to help facilitate the user's daily interactions. This intelligent wearable computer would be able to act as a personal assistant, who is always around, knows the user's personal preferences and tastes, and tries to streamline interactions with the rest of the world.

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The Effect of Patent Citation Relationship on Business Performance : A Social Network Analysis Perspective (특허 인용 관계가 기업 성과에 미치는 영향 : 소셜네트워크분석 관점)

  • Park, Jun Hyung;Kwahk, Kee-Young
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.127-139
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    • 2013
  • With an advent of recent knowledge-based society, the interest in intellectual property has increased. Firms have tired to result in productive outcomes through continuous innovative activity. Especially, ICT firms which lead high-tech industry have tried to manage intellectual property more systematically. Firm's interest in the patent has increased in order to manage the innovative activity and Knowledge property. The patent involves not only simple information but also important values as information of technology, management and right. Moreover, as the patent has the detailed contents regarding technology development activity, it is regarded as valuable data. The patent which reflects technology spread and research outcomes and business performances are closely interrelated as the patent is considered as a significant the level of firm's innovation. As the patent information which represents companies' intellectual capital is accumulated continuously, it has become possible to do quantitative analysis. The advantages of patent in the related industry information and it's standardize information can be easily obtained. Through the patent, the flow of knowledge can be determined. The patent information can analyze in various levels from patent to nation. The patent information is used to analyze technical status and the effects on performance. The patent which has a high frequency of citation refers to having high technological values. Analyzing the patent information contains both citation index analysis using the number of citation and network analysis using citation relationship. Network analysis can provide the information on the flows of knowledge and technological changes, and it can show future research direction. Studies using the patent citation analysis vary academically and practically. For the citation index research, studies to analyze influential big patent has been conducted, and for the network analysis research, studies to find out the flows of technology in a certain industry has been conducted. Social network analysis is applied not only in the sociology, but also in a field of management consulting and company's knowledge management. Research of how the company's network position has an impact on business performances has been conducted from various aspects in a field of network analysis. Social network analysis can be based on the visual forms. Network indicators are available through the quantitative analysis. Social network analysis is used when analyzing outcomes in terms of the position of network. Social network analysis focuses largely on centrality and structural holes. Centrality indicates that actors having central positions among other actors have an advantage to exert stronger influence for exchange relationship. Degree centrality, betweenness centrality and closeness centrality are used for centrality analysis. Structural holes refer to an empty place in social structure and are defined as efficiency and constraints. This study stresses and analyzes firms' network in terms of the patent and how network characteristics have an influence on business performances. For the purpose of doing this, seventy-four ICT companies listed in S&P500 are chosen for the sample. UCINET6 is used to analyze the network structural characteristics such as outdegree centrality, betweenness centrality and efficiency. Then, regression analysis test is conducted to find out how these network characteristics are related to business performance. It is found that each network index has significant impacts on net income, i.e. business performance. However, it is found that efficiency is negatively associated with business performance. As the efficiency increases, net income decreases and it has a negative impact on business performances. Furthermore, it is shown that betweenness centrality solely has statistically significance for the multiple regression analysis with three network indexes. The patent citation network analysis shows the flows of knowledge between firms, and it can be expected to contribute to company's management strategies by analyzing company's network structural positions.

A Study on the characteristics of realities and fantasy, portrayed in the Russian animation works from 1960's to the beginning of 1980's (1960-1980년대 초반 사회, 문화적 상황과 관련해 본 러시아 애니메이션의 변화 연구)

  • Lee, Hye-Seung
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.15
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    • pp.29-47
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    • 2009
  • The changes in the field of high tech media promote the development of animation films, which was considered once as a decaying industry. A large success of Disney animation films in 1980's and the possibilities of animation as an economically profitable mass products allowed this art form to play a leading role in mass culture. But, the cultural and philosophical aspects of animation works are not studied enough up to this time, despite its importance. This article is focused on the study of animation as a serious cultural and philosophical text. The object of research is the Russian animation in the period of 1960-1980 years. In this time, new trends are noticed in the history of Russian animation : aesthetical experiments in style and subjects became possible since the society freed from totalitarian atmosphere after the political destalinization by Khrushchev. In addition to, it was the time when the system of state subsidies still functioned, that animation was not the object of cultural industry yet, as it happened in the period of Perestroika. In this condition, lots of short animation films, which were remarkable not only in the context of Soviet art culture, but also in the history of world animation films, were produced. This article proposes to analyze the characteristics of realities and fantasy, portrayed in the films of this period, and examine the role and status of animation films in the social-cultural context.

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A Study of Establishment of the Infrastructure for Consequence Analysis of Metallic Dust Explosion (금속성 분진폭발의 영향 분석을 위한 기반구축에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Chang Bong;Lee, Kyung Jin;Moon, Myong Hwan;Baek, Ju Hong;Ko, Jae Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.84-91
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    • 2017
  • Recent years have witnessed the increased usage of flammable metals, such as aluminum or magnesium, in wide range of high-tech industries. These metals are indispensable for the improvement of physical properties of materials as well as the design capability of the final product. During the process, unwanted metal dusts could be released to the environment. This can lead to an occupational health and safety issues. Due to their flammable nature, more serious problem of an explosion can happen in extreme cases. The explosion is the combustion of tiny solid particles and vapor mixture, caused by pyrolysis. This complex composition makes engineering analysis more difficult, compared to simple gas explosions or vapor cloud combustions. The study was conducted to assess this light metal dust explosion in an effort to provide the bases for a risk assessment. Dust explosion characteristics of each material was carefully evaluated and an appropriate analysis tool was developed. A comprehensive database was also constructed and utilized for the calibration of the developed response model and the verification for its accuracy. Subsequently, guidelines were provided to prevent dust explosions that could occur in top-notch industrial processes.

Knowledge Creation Perspective on Technological Capability Accumulation of a High-tech SMEs : Comparative Case Study and Strategic Implications (중소기업(中小企業)의 선진(先導) 기술능력(技術能力) 축적과정(蓄積過程)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - LCD 제조(製造) 장비업체(裝備業體)를 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Lee, Pan-Gook;Chung, Dae-Yong
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2009
  • A firm's competitive capabilities become greater when the firm has a specific knowledge. There are many studies have been examined how to accumulate the firm specific knowledge and to get the competitive capability on the various perspectives. This study suggest that the conceptual framework on the absorptive capability through reviews on the knowledge management theory. And it also suggests that the proposition about the technological capability building process through the in depth case study on a small and medium sized company in a LCD industry. This study found the following major characteristics about the absorptive capability building and knowledge creating process. First, it is required to building an absorptive capability rapidly that the harmony of local capabilities, integrative capabilities, and intensity of effort. And the most important factor is the intensity of effort in a small and medium sized firm with a weak knowledge base. Second, it is required to develop an innovative new product that the utilization of expeditious learning mechanism based on the exploration and exploitation process. Finally, complementary assets are needed to proactive exploration and exploitation. Based on the findings, the theoretical and managerial implications are derives and the further research directions are proposed.

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Knowledge Creation Perspective on Technological Capability Accumulation of a High-tech SMEs : Comparative Case Study and Strategic Implications (중소기업(中小企業)의 선도(先導) 기술능력(技術能力) 축적과정(蓄積過程)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -LCD 제조(製造) 장비업체(裝備業體)를 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Lee, Pan-Gook;Chung, Dae-Yong
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.08a
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    • pp.67-88
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    • 2009
  • A firm's competitive capabilities become greater when the firm has a specific knowledge. There are many studies have been examined how to accumulate the firm specific knowledge and to get the competitive capability on the various perspectives. This study suggest that the conceptual framework on the absorptive capability through reviews on the knowledge management theory. And it also suggests that the proposition about the technological capability building process through the in depth case study on a small and medium sized company in a LCD industry. This study found the following major characteristics about the absorptive capability building and knowledge creating process. First, it is required to building an absorptive capability rapidly that the harmony of local capabilities, integrative capabilities, and intensity of effort. And the most important factor is the intensity of effort in a small and medium sized firm with a weak knowledge base. Second, it is required to develop an innovative new product that the utilization of expeditious learning mechanism based on the exploration and exploitation process. Finally, complementary assets are needed to proactive exploration and exploitation. Based on the findings, the theoretical and managerial implications are derives and the further research directions are proposed.

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Building Cooperation Policing Systems and Roles of Private Security (협력치안체제구축과 민간경비의 역할)

  • Seok, Cheong-Ho
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.24
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    • pp.67-90
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    • 2010
  • Today, the police alone can not prevent a crime. And the police is limited to meet for people's the increased needs on public safety. So the police and the community needs the cooperation of a variety of resources. Police in cooperation with community resources to respond to the crime's most professional and the private sector is a private security. However, the role of private security for cooperation policing is insufficient in South Korea. So for this study to build a cooperative policing in South Korea as private security for the following four kinds of directions are presented. First, as a private security of the United States and Japan, specializes in diversified business sectors. Simple human-oriented private security of the building security get out. Instead, take the high-tech crime prevention or industry complex security should be changed to a professional organization. Second, the interaction between police and private security should be increased. Police and private security through regular meetings between the need for mutual interests and build consensus is needed. The role of private security companies to be represented on the Security Association of South Korea's active role in the matter. Third, efforts to improve the image of private security activities and the publiciy activity of private security is needed. Some of the private security in an effort to escape a negative image to the people and actively promote a positive image is necessary. Finally, for South Korea to the level the cooperation between the police and private security are required to develop system models. Front-line policing priority in the field and the mutual understanding between the police and private security in an effort to have a positive perception is needed. Equal partners, especially the police and private security to private security companies to have recognized experts in their own recruitment and training should be improved by strengthening the expertise.

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A Study on the Investment Efficiency of Defense Science and Technology R&D (국방과학기술 연구개발 투자 효율화 방안 연구)

  • Gam, Hyemi
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.164-169
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    • 2019
  • Defense R&D investment is expanding. This shows that major countries are preparing for future warfare by securing high-tech technologies and developing new concept weapons systems. In particular, it is expected to accelerate the development of the technology of the 4th Industrial Revolution in the future, and Korea needs its own ability to develop advanced weapons and medium- and long-term investment strategies to prepare for future warfare. The defense science and technology strategy will be established every five years. The strategy-dependent R&D drive has limitations in replacing the rapidly changing security environment and changes in science and technology. This study proposes an investment efficiency process to proactive incorporate information into R&D strategies with a focus on implementing policies and changing security threats, while maintaining continuity in which strategic and focused areas are linked to core technology development. The process can quickly reflect the needs of technological change, the security environment and defense policy. The process can be used to efficiently allocate defense R&D budgets and establish strategic investment directions.

Using automated container type culture system Hericium erinaceum mushroom production technology (컨테이너형 버섯식물공장시스템설계 및 노루궁뎅이버섯 생산)

  • Jo, Woo-Sik;Lee, Sung-Hak;Ryu, Song-Yi;Kang, Min-Gu;Kim, Woo-Hyun;Park, Chang-Min;Park, Who-Won
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.249-252
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    • 2016
  • Timing, place, and the high-tech industry to overcome barriers to the introduct of the so-called "smart agriculture". The core factors of precision agriculture, including temperature, humidity, location information, and real summary information, are all significant for ICT controlling technique. The system is a four-season container allowing mushroom product, humidity, illumination, and factors such as carbon dioxide were regulated to create the optimal environment for mushroom cultivation. Hericium erinaceum (also called Lion's Mane Mushroom, Bearded Tooth Mushroom, or Bearded Tooth Fungus) is an edible and medicinal mushroom in the tooth fungus group. During approximately 40 days of incubation, 1.4 kg of oak sawdust was used as the test medium. The humidity, temperature, and $CO_2$ density were maintained at >85-95%, $18-20^{\circ}C$, and 700-1,000 ppm, respectively, in the container type culture system. The time for primordium formation was observed to be 4-7 days. The amount of fruitbody production was 74-95 g per bag. This technique will be used to establish a new community support program, in conjunction with international movement, domestic sales and exports are also planned.