• Title/Summary/Keyword: High-Resolution Satellite

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Application of GIS to the Universal Soil Loss Equation for Quantifying Rainfall Erosion in Forest Watersheds (산림유역의 토양유실량(土壤流失量) 예측을 위한 지리정보(地理情報)시스템의 범용토양유실식(汎用土壤流失式)(USLE)에의 적용)

  • Lee, Kyu Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.83 no.3
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    • pp.322-330
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    • 1994
  • The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) has been widely used to predict long-term soil loss by incorporating several erosion factors, such as rainfall, soil, topography, and vegetation. This study is aimed to introduce the LISLE within geographic information system(GIS) environment. The Kwangneung Experimental Forest located in Kyongki Province was selected for the study area. Initially, twelve years of hourly rainfall records that were collected from 1982 to 1993 were processed to obtain the rainfall factor(R) value for the LISLE calculation. Soil survey map and topographic map of the study area were digitized and subsequent input values(K, L, S factors) were derived. The cover type and management factor (C) values were obtained from the classification of Landsat Thematic Mapper(CM) satellite imagery. All these input values were geographically registered over a common map coordinate with $25{\times}25m^2$ ground resolution. The USLE was calculated for every grid location by selecting necessary input values from the digital base maps. Once the LISLE was calculated, the resultant soil loss values(A) were represented by both numerical values and map format. Using GIS to run the LISLE, it is possible to pent out the exact locations where soil loss potential is high. In addition, this approach can be a very effective tool to monitor possible soil loss hazard under the situations of forest changes, such as conversion of forest lands to other uses, forest road construction, timber harvesting, and forest damages caused by fire, insect, and diseases.

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Evaluating Objective Landscape of Rural Region Using Additive Integration Index Calculation Model - Focused on Seondong Region, Gochang-Gun, Jeollabuk-Do, Korea - (가법형 통합지수 산정모형을 이용한 농촌지역의 객관적 경관 평가 - 전북 고창선동권역을 대상으로 -)

  • Ban, Yong-Un;Lee, Yong-Hoon;Na, Sang-Il;Youn, Joong-Shuk;Baek, Jong-In
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.69-81
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    • 2009
  • This study was intended to evaluate the objective landscape of rural region using an additive integration index method in the Seondong region of Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do, Korea. This study consisted of the following three steps. First, this study developed an additive integration index calculation model for landscape assessment based on indicators and weight to each space type in accordance with three landscape fields which were developed by the expert Delphi method. Second, this study used NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and permeable area rate, which were available from high resolution satellite image, to calculate the green naturality degree, area rate, and building coverage respectively. Third, this study has calculated the landscape assessment index of rural regions using an additive integration index method made of assessment data and weight for each indicator. This study has found the following results: 1) landscape level was very poor in all 6 types of space, marking grade five; 2) while the highest level of natural landscape and mixed landscape was grade two, that of artificial landscape was grade five; 3) based on objective landscape, grade five showed the highest frequency, and grade one, two, three, and four followed in that order.

Design and Implementation of the Channel Adaptive Broadband MODEM (채널 적응형 광대역 모뎀 설계 및 구현)

  • Chang, Dae-Ig;Kim, Nae-Soo
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.11C no.1
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2004
  • Recently, the demand of broadband communications such as high-speed internet, HDTV, 3D-HDTV and ATM backbone network has been increased drastically. For transmitting the broad-bandwidth data using wireless network, it is needed to use ka-band frequency. However, the use of this ka-band frequency is seriously affected to the received data performance by rain fading and atmospheric propagation loss at the Ka-band satellite communication link. So, we need adaptive MODEM to endure the degraded performance by channel environment. In this paper, we will present the structure and design of the 155Mbps adaptive Modem adaptively compensated against channel environment. In order to compensate the rain attenuation over the ka-band wireless channel link, the adaptive coding schemes with variable coding rates and the multiple modulation schemes such as trellis coded 8-PSK, QPSK, and BPSK are adopted. And the blind demodulation scheme is proposed to demodulate without Information of modulation mode at the multi-mode demodulator, and the fast phase ambiguity resolving scheme is proposed. The design and simulation results of adaptive Modem by SPW model are provided. This 155Mbps adaptive MODEM was designed and implemented by single ASIC chip with the $0.25\mu{m}$ CMOS standard cell technology and 950 thousand gates.

Vegetation Cover Type Mapping Over The Korean Peninsula Using Multitemporal AVHRR Data (시계열(時系列) AVHRR 위성자료(衛星資料)를 이용한 한반도 식생분포(植生分布) 구분(區分))

  • Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.83 no.4
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    • pp.441-449
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    • 1994
  • The two reflective channels(red and near infrared spectrum) of advanced very high resolution radiometer(AVHRR) data were used to classify primary vegetation cover types in the Korean Peninsula. From the NOAA-11 satellite data archive of 1991, 27 daytime scenes of relatively minimum cloud coverage were obtained. After the initial radiometric calibration, normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) was calculated for each of the 27 data sets. Four or five daily NDVI data were then overlaid for each of the six months starting from February to November and the maximum value of NDVI was retained for every pixel location to make a monthly composite. The six bands of monthly NDVI composite were nearly cloud free and used for the computer classification of vegetation cover. Based on the temporal signatures of different vegetation cover types, which were generated by an unsupervised block clustering algorithm, every pixel was classified into one of the six cover type categories. The classification result was evaluated by both qualitative interpretation and quantitative comparison with existing forest statistics. Considering frequent data acquisition, low data cost and volume, and large area coverage, it is believed that AVHRR data are effective for vegetation cover type mapping at regional scale.

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Process Development for Optimizing Sensor Placement Using 3D Information by LiDAR (LiDAR자료의 3차원 정보를 이용한 최적 Sensor 위치 선정방법론 개발)

  • Yu, Han-Seo;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Choi, Sung-Ho;Kwak, Han-Bin;Kwak, Doo-Ahn
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2010
  • In previous studies, the digital measurement systems and analysis algorithms were developed by using the related techniques, such as the aerial photograph detection and high resolution satellite image process. However, these studies were limited in 2-dimensional geo-processing. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the 3-dimensional spatial information and coordinate system for higher accuracy in recognizing and locating of geo-features. The objective of this study was to develop a stochastic algorithm for the optimal sensor placement using the 3-dimensional spatial analysis method. The 3-dimensional information of the LiDAR was applied in the sensor field algorithm based on 2- and/or 3-dimensional gridded points. This study was conducted with three case studies using the optimal sensor placement algorithms; the first case was based on 2-dimensional space without obstacles(2D-non obstacles), the second case was based on 2-dimensional space with obstacles(2D-obstacles), and lastly, the third case was based on 3-dimensional space with obstacles(3D-obstacles). Finally, this study suggested the methodology for the optimal sensor placement - especially, for ground-settled sensors - using the LiDAR data, and it showed the possibility of algorithm application in the information collection using sensors.

Quantifying the Spatial Heterogeneity of the Land Surface Parameters at the Two Contrasting KoFlux Sites by Semivariogram (세미베리오그램을 이용한 KoFlux 광릉(산림) 및 해남(농경지) 관측지 지면모수의 공간 비균질성 정량화)

  • Moon, Sang-Ki;Ryu, Young-Ryel;Lee, Dong-Ho;Kim, Joon;Lim, Jong-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.140-148
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    • 2007
  • The remote sensing observations of land surface properties are inevitably influenced by the landscape heterogeneity. In this paper, we introduce a geostatistical technique to provide a quantitative interpretation of landscape heterogeneity in terms of key land surface parameters. The study areas consist of the two KoFlux sites: (1) the Gwangneung site, covered with temperate mixed forests on a complex terrain, and (2) the Haenam site with mixed croplands on a relatively flat terrain. The semivariogram and fractal analyses were performed for both sites to characterize the spatial heterogeneity of two radiation parameters, i.e., land surface temperature (LST) and albedo. These parameters are the main factors affecting the reflected longwave and shortwave radiation components from the two study sites. We derived them from the high-resolution Landsat ETM+ satellite images collected on 23 Sep. 2001 and 14 Feb. 2002. The results of our analysis show that the characteristic scales of albedo was >1 km at the Gwangneung site and approximately 0.3 km at the Haenam site. For LST, the scale of heterogeneity was also >1 km at the Gwangneung site and >0.6 to 1.0 km at the Haenam site. At both sites, there was little change in the characteristic scales of the two parameters between the two different seasons.

Automatic Geometric Calibration of KOMPSAT-2 Stereo Pair Data (KOMPSAT-2 입체영상의 자동 기하 보정)

  • Oh, Kwan-Young;Jung, Hyung-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.191-202
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    • 2012
  • A high resolution satellite imagery such as KOMPSAT-2 includes a material containing rational polynomial coefficient (RPC) for three-dimensional geopositioning. However, image geometries which are calculated from the RPC must have inevitable systematic errors. Thus, it is necessary to correct systematic errors of the RPC using several ground control points (GCPs). In this paper, we propose an efficient method for automatic correction of image geometries using tie points of a stereo pair and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) without GCPs. This method includes four steps: 1) tie points extraction, 2) determination of the ground coordinates of the tie points, 3) refinement of the ground coordinates using SRTM DEM, and 4) RPC adjustment model parameter estimation. We validates the performance of the proposed method using KOMPSAT-2 stereo pair. The root mean square errors (RMSE) achieved from check points (CPs) were about 3.55 m, 9.70 m and 3.58 m in X, Y;and Z directions. This means that we can automatically correct the systematic error of RPC using SRTM DEM.

Temporal and Spatial Variation of SST Related to the Path of Typhoons around the Korean Waters in Summer (태풍 통과에 따른 한국 연근해 수온 변동)

  • 서영상;김동순;김복기;이동인;김영섭;김일곤
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.627-636
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    • 2002
  • While typhoons were passing by the coastal and offshore waters around the Korean peninsula, the variations of the sea surface temperature (SST) were studied. To study on the variation, the data related to the 22 typhoons among 346 typhoons which occurred in the western Pacific during 1990∼1999, daily measured field SSTs at coastal and offshore, and imageries from advanced very high resolution radiometer on NOAA satellite during 1990∼1999 were used. The average variations of the SSTs were -0.9℃ at coastal waters and -2℃ at offshore around the Korean peninsula while the typhoons were passing by. In very near coastal waters from the land, the SST was not changed because the bottom depth of the coastal waters was shallower than the depth of thermalcline, while the typhoon was passing. The temporal and spatial variation of SSTs at coastal waters in summer were depended on the various types of the typhoons'paths which were passing through the Korean peninsula. When a typhoon passed by the western parts including the Yellow Sea of the Korean peninsula upwelling cold water occurred along the eastern coastal waters of the peninsula. The reason was estimated with the typhoon that was as very strong wind which blew from south toward north direction along the eastern shore of the peninsula, led to the Ekman transport from near the eastern coastal area toward the offshore. While cold water was occurring in the eastern coast, a typhoon passed over the coastal area, the cold water disappeared. The reason was estimated that the cold water was mixed up with the surrounding warm water by the effect of the typhoon. While a cold water was occurring in the eastern coast, a typhoon passed by the offshore of the eastern coast, there were the increasing of the SST as well as the disappearing of the cold water. While a typhoon was passing by the offshore of the eastern coast, the cold water which resulted from the strong tidal current in the western coast of the peninsula was horizontally spread from the onshore to the offshore. We think that the typhoon played the role of the very strong wind which was blowing from north toward south. Therefore, the Ekman transport occurred from the onshore toward the offshore of the western coast in the Korean peninsula.

A Study on the Tidal Harmonic Analysis, and long-term Sea Level Ocillations at Incheon Bay (인천만의 조석조화해석 및 장기해수면 변동연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Chang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.505-513
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    • 2010
  • This study investigate the characteristics of tidal constituents, and long-term mean sea level oscillations at Incheon bay. For this, the conditions of three tide stations around Incheon bay have examined, and carried out harmonic analysis on water level data for periods of about 40 years(1960~2007). Four major tidal constituents($M_2$, $S_2$, $K_1$, $O_1$) of each tide station showed tendency that change over the 18.61year lunar node cycle, and the type of tide at three stations is mainly semi-diurnal tides. And also, the past monthly tidal modulations are especially sensitive to the cumulative year of water level data in accuracy of tidal prediction. In case that regard the detached data at three tide stations as a single time series data of 40 years, the results of analysis on a single time series, long-term mean sea level oscillations and modulations of tidal datum at tide stations appears with a range of about 10cm, respectively. In addition, the predicted tides at the Inchcon harbor by global and regional tide models of OSU(Oregon State University) based on various satellite altimetric(Topex Poseidon, Topex Tandem, ERS, GFO) data are compared with the observed tides by KHOA(the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Administration). The results show that the high resolution regional model is a quite good agreement at coastal shallow water region.

Economic Analysis of Typhoon Surge Floodplain that Using GIS and MD-FDA from Masan Bay, South Korea (MD-FDA와 GIS를 이용한 마산만의 태풍해일 범람구역 경제성 분석)

  • Choi, Hyun;Ahn, Chang-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.724-729
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    • 2008
  • In the case of 'MAEMI', the Typhoon which formed in September, 2003, the largest-scale damage of tidal wave was caused by the co-occurrence of Typhoon surge and full tide. Until now Korea has been focusing on the calculating the amount of damage and its restoration to cope with these sea and harbor disasters. It is essential to establish some systematic counterplans to diminish such damages of large-scale tidal invasion on coastal lowlands considering the recent weather conditions of growing scale of typhoons. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to make the counterplans for prevention against disasters fulfilled effectively based on the data conducted by comparing and analyzing the accuracy between observation values and the results of estimating the greatest overflow area according to abnormal tidal levels centered on Masan area where there was the severest damage from tidal wave at that time. It's necessary utilize data like high-resolution satellite image and LiDAR(etc.) for correct analysis data considering geographical characteristics of dangerous area from the storm surge. And we must make a solution to minimize the damage by making data of dangerous section of flood into GIS Database using those data (as stated above) and drawing correcter damage function.