• Title/Summary/Keyword: High schools

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A Study of Architectural Planning in view of a current situation of Individualized Interactive Learning Approach (IILA) in Middle and High Schools (중등학교의 교과교실형 교사 도입에 관한 건축계획적 고찰 - 수준별 이동식 수업 실시 현황을 중심으로 -)

  • Rieu, Ho-Seoup
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.40-48
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    • 1998
  • A Considerable number of middle and high schools has an educational program that allows the students to move from one class to another according to their academic achievements. It is, however, performed in existing classrooms with uniform pattern, corresponding to the launch of the 7th curriculum (scheduled to practice in 2000). This research is to investigate the current situation of IILA and to collect the teachers opinions and their demands regarding spatial change to accommodate IILA effectively. This research is also to acquire a fundamental data to set up a prototype for designing a school building for IILA in future. The research process includes surveying the current circumstances of IILA in 136 middle and high schools in Seoul and Pusan, and performing interviews for 9 schools. The research results revealed that there was lack of classrooms to comply IILA in most cases and inconvenience resulted in moving from class to class. It also showed that majority of students experienced unhandy due to limited lockers for the personal belongings. It is also found that the IILA was not a practice for offering various teaching methods but simply an aspect of grouping students based upon their academic achievements.

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Analysis of food irradiation education for elementary, middle, and high school students for three years in South Korea

  • Choi, Yoonseok;Kim, Jaerok;Han, Eunok
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.237-244
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    • 2016
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The current South Korean government policy on food irradiation technology should be reformed based on an in-depth investigation of the communications aspect, because the issue is no longer of a technological nature, given the proven safety and efficacy of the processes. SUBJECTS/METHODS: The target population of the education program consisted of elementary, middle, and high school students attending 310 schools in South Korea (2013: 63 schools, 2014: 104 schools, 2015: 143 schools). Data subjected to analysis were 13,327 pre-education and 12,641 post-education questionnaires received from 7,582 elementary, 2,671 middle, and 3,249 high school students who participated in the education program from May 2012 to April 2015 (n = 12,831), after the exclusion of inadequately filled-in questionnaires. RESULTS: Analysis of the three-year educational effect trend was conducted by comparing levels of variables before and after food radiation education. The analysis yielded the finding that the post-education levels were significantly higher for all variables. That is, for interest in education, perception (necessity, safety, subjective knowledge, and information acquisition), objective knowledge, and attitude, with the sole exception of objective knowledge in 2013. CONCLUSIONS: Given that post-education levels of perception, knowledge, and attitude concerning irradiated foods increased considerably compared to pre-education levels, behavior change should be induced by providing continuous education to enhance, these primary variables.

Study on the Way of Improving Computer Education in Elementary and Secondary Schools (초뀇중등학교 정보교과 운영 실태 추이 분석을 통한 정보교육 개선 방안)

  • Ahn, Seonghun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.535-543
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, I proposed a way of improving computer education in elementary, middle and high schools. I firstly analyzed the importance of computer education by researching an index of a national economic condition, People's IT use frequency and the demand for computer education by students and parents. Secondly, I researched the condition of computer education in elementary, middle and high schools. Finally, I analyzed problems of current computer education and proposed three way of improving computer education in elementary, middle and high schools.

Exposure Evaluation to Total Welding Fume and Manganese at Technical High Schools in Choong-Nam Area (충청지역 일부 공업고등학교 실습생의 용접흄 및 망간에 대한 노출 평가)

  • 이종화;장지선;박종안;장보기
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2001
  • Geometric mean of airborne welding fume concentration at technical high schools was 4.80mg/㎥)N.D~35.39 mg/ ㎥ and the percentage of samples exceeded TLV of the Korean ministry of labor was 43.6%, Geometric mean of airborne Mn concentration was 0.06 mg/㎥(N.D~0.42mg/㎥) and the percentage of samples exceeded TLV of ACGIH was 15.4 % In case of airborne Me concentration, there is a significant difference among schools (p<0.05) Mn concentrations in blood of the exposed and control groups were 1.84$\mu\textrm{g}$/dl and 1.91 mg/dl respectively. Mn concentrations in urine of the exposed and control groups were 1.36$\mu\textrm{g}$/ιand 0.57$\mu\textrm{g}$/ι respectively. In case of Mn concentrations in urine there is a significant difference between both groups(P<0.001) and among schools(p<0.05) Mn concentrations in blood and urine of exposed group were not over BEIs of the Korean ministry of labor. Mn levels in blood and urine were not significantly affected by smoking, drinking and residence, There was no correlation between Mn concentration in air and blood but there was a statistically significant correlation between Mn concentration in air urine(r=0.323). There was no a statistically significant correlation between Mn concentration in blood and urine.

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A Study on Application of Euclid's Geometry at Unit of Equation of Figures in High School 1st Grade (고등학교 도형의 방정식 단원에서 논증기하의 활용에 대한 연구)

  • Kwon, Young-In;Suh, Bo-Euk
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.451-466
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    • 2007
  • Geometry in school mathematics is the field that has the possibility of diverse approach such as Synthetic Geometry and Analytic Geometry. Synthetic Geometry is handled in middle schools and Analytic Geometry in the first year of high schools. Therefore, this research show for the possibility of using Synthetic Geometry in high schools which was learned already in middle schools and the way of integrating both of them concretely. This is expected to help students understand the mathematical meaning of figures a lot.

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The awareness of "School Environmental Sanitation and Cleanup Zone System" and harmful perception by shops among students, teachers and parents in Korea (학생, 교사와 학부모의 학교환경위생정화구역의 인지도 및 업소별 유해인식도)

  • Sohn, Aeree
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to determine the status of the awareness of "school environmental sanitation and cleanup zone system" and to identify the level of harmful perception by shops. Methods: The survey was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire method online via the homepage of the education ministry's student health information center. A total of 293 schools (126 primary schools, 62 middle schools, and 45 high schools) was selected by using a stratified probability sampling. Results: Some 32.1% of all subjects knew the law of school environmental sanitation and cleanup zone system. The mean of harmful perception was 3.01 (very harmful: 4, harmful: 3, little harmful: 2, no harmful: 1). Regarding the types of high level of harmful perception of shops, adult good shops (3.53), hostess bar (3.52), karaoke bar (3.47), Cigarette vending machines (3.47), Adult only theater (3.47) and Phone sex room (3.37) were high. Singing room (2.29), dance school (2.45), tourist hotel (2.58), comic room (2.59), mini game console (2.66), hotel (2.77), billiard hall (2.81), PC room (2.83) were relatively low in the level of harmful perception. Conclusions: National government-level management and supervision will be necessary to prevent adolescent access to harmful shops.

A study of the response of teachers and students on the traffic noise (도로 교통 소음에 대한 교사와 학생들의 반응)

  • Kim, Ceung-Ho;Lee, Kyung-Jong;Moon, Young-Hahn;Roh, Jae-Hoon;Yoon, Myung-Cho
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.28 no.4 s.51
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    • pp.773-782
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study is to reveal how the road traffic noise influences on the response of teachers and students, which composed of conversation, studying, relaxation, and physical disturbances. The research method used in this study was self-administrated questionnaire. Samples of the survey were composed of 420 persons(114 teachers and 306 students) who are exposed to traffic noise less than 65 dB(A) from two junior high schools and 410 persons(140 teachers and 270 students) from two noisy junior high schools which the road traffic noise above 65 dB(A). In the response of both of the teachers and students in noisy(above 65 dB) schools complaints of disturbances of conversation, studying, relaxation, and physical disturbances are much higher than that of less noisy schools' teachers and students(p<0.01). On the occasion of time and season, the subjects answered the traffic noise cause high troublesome and stresses in the afternoon(12:00 - 17:00) and summer respectively. It is necessary to provide governmental comprehensive and fundamental measures to improve the noisy school environments.

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Recognition on the Achievements and Challenges of Vocation Education Division CSAT by Fisheries and Shipping affiliate Teachers (대학수학능력시험 직업탐구 영역의 성과와 과제에 대한 수산·해운 전공 교사의 인식)

  • RYU, Dae-Sung
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.1479-1490
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    • 2015
  • This study analyzed the fishery and maritime vocational high school teachers' recognition on the outcomes and future agenda. In addition, it delineates the importance of the vocational education division being carried out for 10 years in the College Scholastic Achievement Test (CSAT). In order to gather relevant information, 76 teachers who work in 12 different fishery and shipping vocational high schools around the country were surveyed. The findings of the fishery and maritime department teachers' recognition on the matter are as follows: First, the biggest impact the vocational education division in the CSAT had was on the promotion of continuing education and on the fulfillment on the vocational high school students' desire to compete and enter universities. Second, the CSAT with the vocational education division allowed students to choose a variety of paths after high school whether they be full-time employments or pursuing a degree in universities. Third, the biggest obstacle for the vocational education division in the CSAT is in the most metropolitan universities not honoring the CSAT scores as a criterion in the admission process.

A Structural Equation Model of General High School Students' Happiness: Mediation Effect of Self-esteem and Resilience (일반고 고등학생의 행복감 구조모형: 자아존중감과 회복탄력성의 매개효과)

  • Park, Seon Hyang;Park, Jeong Sook
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.395-404
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to develop a predictive model for happiness of students in general high schools. The study was based on the theory of happiness integration and the literature review. Methods: Data were collected using a convenience sample of 231 first and second grade students in five general high schools in D city and K Province. The exogenous variables were optimism as personality factors, parenting attitude, academic stress and friend's support as happiness. The endogenous variables were self-esteem and resilience as mediating variables, and happiness of students in general high schools. Data collection was done from March 14 to March 28, 2019. The AMOS 22.0 and SPSS programs were used to verify the validity of confirmatory factor analysis and hypothesis models. Results: The factors that have the greatest influence on happiness of high school students are self-esteem and resilience. The explanatory power of happiness by these variables was 98.1%. The individual mediating effect and double mediation effect of these variables were found to be significant. Conclusion: As student's optimistic personality, parent's positive parenting attitude, and friend's support improve student's self-esteem and resilience, ultimately positively affecting high school students' happiness, so it is necessary to consider these factors and try to develop a happiness improvement program.

Metrical Comparison of English Textbooks in East Asian Countries, the U.S.A. and U.K.

  • Ban, Hiromi;Ededrick, Toby;Oyabu, Takashi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.508-512
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    • 2003
  • In 2000, the economy of Asia made a V-character type recovery from the currency and financial crisis in 1997. The increase in exports is assumed to be one of the causes. To negotiate with foreign countries, English must be indispensable in many cases. In this study, we investigated how English education is performed in East Asian countries while focusing on English textbooks. We metrically analyzed some textbooks used junior high schools and high school in Japan and Korea, and elementary schools in China and Singapore to compare them with U.S.A and U.K textbook. We investigated some characteristics of character-and word-appearance of English textbook using an exponential function. Moreover we derived the degree of difficulty far each material through the variety of words and their frequency on the basis of the required English vocabulary in Japanese junior high schools. As a result we could show at which level of U.S.A. or U.K the English textbooks used in East Asian countries are.

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