• 제목/요약/키워드: HTS (High Temperature Superconductor)

검색결과 179건 처리시간 0.021초

ArF excimer laser 증착 기술을 이용한 우수한 특성의 YBCO/STO/YBCO 다층 박막 제작 (Fabrication of good quality YBCO/STO/YBCO multilayers by using an ArF excimer laser deposition technique)

  • 정태봉;강준희
    • 한국초전도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국초전도학회 2000년도 High Temperature Superconductivity Vol.X
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    • pp.80-84
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    • 2000
  • High temperature superconductor shows a good electric and magnetic properties and is known as a good candidate in various electronic device application. At present the technique to construct multilayers composed of HTS films and insulator films has not been fully studied in domestic research institutes. Since the construction of any reasonable eletronic devices require the use of multilayers, the development of HTS eletronic devices has been limited. To manufacture multiplayer, several processing steps which involve deposition and ion millings are required. To manufacture a good quality multilayerd structure, not only the deposition techniques but also the proper patterning have to be developed. In this work, we have fabricated a YBCO/STO/YBCO multiplayer and studied the electronic properties of it.

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Comparison between analytic and numerical approaches to calculate screening current induced field in HTS magnet

  • Bang, Jeseok;Kim, Seokho;Kim, Jaemin;An, Soobin;Im, Chaemin;Hahn, Seungyong
    • 한국초전도ㆍ저온공학회논문지
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.45-49
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    • 2019
  • This paper reports comparison between analytic and numerical simulation approaches for calculation of screening current and screening current induced field in a high temperature superconductor magnet. Bean slab model is adopted to calculate screening current and SCF analytically, while the finite element method numerically. A case study of screening current and SCF calculation are conducted with a magnet, a 7 T 68 mm cold-bore multi-width no-insulation GdBCO magnet built and tested by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory. In this study, we assume the magnet is dunked in liquid nitrogen at 77 K. Furthermore, the simulation results are compared in terms of computation time and accuracy. Finally, discussion on the different methods together with the comparison between the calculations and experiment is provided.

Review of progress in electromechanical properties of REBCO coated conductors for electric device applications

  • Shin, Hyung-Seop;Dedicatoria, Marlon
    • 한국초전도ㆍ저온공학회논문지
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2014
  • Rare-earth barium copper oxide (REBCO) coated conductor (CC) tapes have already been commercialized but still possess some issues in terms of manufacturing cost, anisotropic in-field performance, $I_c$ response to mechanical loads such as delamination, homogeneity of current transport property, and production length. Development on improving its performance properties to meet the needs in practical device applications is underway and simplification of the tape's architecture and manufacturing process are also being considered to enhance the performance-cost ratio. As compared to low temperature superconductors (LTS), high temperature superconductor (HTS) REBCO CC tapes provide a much wider range of operating temperature and a higher critical current density at 4.2 K making it more attractive in magnet and coil applications. The superior properties of the REBCO CC tapes under magnetic field have led to the development of superconducting magnets capable of producing field way above 23.5 T. In order to achieve its optimum performance, the electromechanical properties under different deformation modes and magnetic field should be evaluated for practical device design. This paper gives an overview of the effects of mechanical stress/strain on $I_c$ in HTS CC tapes due to uniaxial tension, bending deformation, transverse load, and including the electrical performance of a CC tape joint which were performed by our group at ANU in the last decade.

Investigation on stability characteristics of 2G HTS coated conductor tapes with various stabilizer thickness

  • Quach, Huu Luong;Kim, Ji Hyung;Hyeon, Chang Ju;Chae, Yoon Seok;Moon, Jae Hyung;Kim, Ho Min
    • 한국초전도ㆍ저온공학회논문지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.19-22
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    • 2018
  • The thermal and electrical properties of the conductor are critical parametersfor the design and optimization of the superconducting magnet. This paper presents simulation code to analyze electrical and thermal stability characteristics of the second generation (2G) high-temperature superconductor (HTS) by varying copper stabilizer thickness. Two types of commercial 2G HTS coated conductor tapes, YBCO and GdBCO were used in this study. These samples were cooled by Liquid Nitrogen ($LN_2$) having boiling at 77.3 K and an equivalent electrical circuit model for them is choosen and analysed in details. Also, an over-current pulse test in which a current exceeding a critical current was performed. From the simulation results, the influences of the copper stabilizer thickness on the stability characteristics of these samples are presented.

Coated Conductor를 이용한 소용량 영구전류스위치 시스템의 특성 해석 (Characteristics Analysis of a Small Scale Persistent Current Switch System by using Coated Conductor)

  • 김영식;윤용수;양성은;박동근;안민철;고태국
    • 한국초전도ㆍ저온공학회논문지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents characteristics analysis of persistent current switch(PCS) system on a small scale by using YBCO coated conductor(CC). A high temperature superconductor(HTS) PCS system mainly consists of a PCS, a HTS magnet load and a magnet power supply(MPS). To design the optimal heater triggering switch. the three-dimensional heat conduction model was analyzed by finite element method(FEM). The electrical equivalent model considering the n-value of CC was applied to analyze current decay during persistent current mode. In the experiment and simulation, the heater was applied with a current of 0.43A and the current was ramped up to 10A and 20A with 0.2A/s. Finally, experimental results of the HTS PCS system have been compared with the theoretical results. It has been concluded that flux creep can not influence the results because the operating current was 40% of critical current and optimal sequential operation of the PCS system is indispensable to enhance its performance.

열량법을 이용한 소용량급 고온초전도 마그넷의 교류손실 측정 (Experimental Set-up for AC Loss in Small Scale HTS Manget by using Calorimetric Method)

  • 박세웅;장대희;강형구;배덕권;김태중;윤용수;고태국
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2005년도 제36회 하계학술대회 논문집 B
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    • pp.1315-1317
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    • 2005
  • Generally, the high Tc superconductor(HTS) doesn't generate any loss in DC condition, but generate considerable loss in AC condition. Until now AC loss in superconductor has been researched on measuring method of short sample by using electrical method and magnetization method. But it is not easy to estimate AC loss in high class magnet system with results of measuring AC Joss in short sample. In this paper, we carry out research on measuring method by using calorimetric method used in measuring AC loss in high class magnet system. We make the inductive and non-inductive superconducting magnet and measure the generated AC loss, then we compare the measured results with the calculated results using Norris equation. This measuring method of AC loss using calorimetric method can measure not only AC loss in superconducting magnet but losses in conducting, radiant and low temperature. Consequently it is thought that efficient design and fabrication of superconducting magnet system will be possible by means of AC loss measurement method using calorimetric method.

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단층 초전도케이블 샘플에서 교류손실의 수치해석에 대한 연구 (A Study on Numerical Analysis of the AC Loss in a Single-layer Superconducting Cable Sample)

  • 이주영;마용호;류경우;황시돌
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제22권7호
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    • pp.606-611
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    • 2009
  • AC loss is one of the important factors for commercialization of a high temperature superconducting (HTS) cable from an economic point of view. But AC loss characteristics of the HTS-cable are not elucidated completely because of its complex structure. As an earlier stage of analyzing the AC loss in the 22.9 kV/50 MVA, 100m HTS-cable system of Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) which is now in collaboration with us, a two-dimensional (2D) numerical model, which takes into account the nonlinear conductivity properties of a high temperature superconductor, has been developed. In order to examine our 2D model, we have prepared several single-layer cable samples whose AC losses are sufficiently reliable due to their simple structure. The AC losses of the samples were experimentally investigated and then compared with our 2D model. The results show that the numerically calculated AC losses are not in good agreement with the measured ones for the cylindrical cable and deca-cable samples with low critical current density. However, the numerically calculated and measured AC losses are relatively in good agreement for the deca-cable and hex-cable samples with high critical current density, although the difference between these two loss data in the deca-cable sample tends to increase in the low current region.

Characteristics comparison between air-cored and iron-cored 100 kW HTS field winding synchronous motors

  • Yoon, Jonghoon;Bong, Uijong;An, Soobin;Hahn, Seungyong
    • 한국초전도ㆍ저온공학회논문지
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 2020
  • This paper presents comparative research on characteristics of air-cored and iron-cored high-temperature superconductor (HTS) field winding synchronous motors. The 100 kW air-cored model is designed analytically by Spatial Harmonic Method, and based on this model, the iron-cored model having the same output power is designed for comparison. Due to the substantial difference of permeability property between air and iron-core, there is a difference of magnetic field magnitude and angle with respect to the HTS tape c-axis, resulting in a different critical current of the field winding considering the anisotropic property of HTS tape. For a detailed comparison between two models, the following key motor characteristics are calculated through the Finite Element Method (FEM) simulation: 1) critical current; 2) HTS wire length; and 3) torque characteristics. From the simulation results, it can be confirmed that the critical current value of the iron-cored model increases by 33 %. Also, in the case of the superconducting wire consumption, those of the iron-cored and air-cored models are 95.3 m and 815.6 m, respectively. So the wire usage can be reduced to about 88 % by using iron core. However, in terms of torque characteristics, the torque ripple of the iron-cored model is about twice as large as that of the air-cored model, which may be a disadvantage on vibration and acoustic noise.

A comparison on the heat load of HTS current leads with respect to uniform and non-uniform cross-sectional areas

  • Han, Seunghak;Nam, Seokho;Lee, Jeyull;Song, Seunghyun;Jeon, Haeryong;Baek, Geonwoo;Kang, Hyoungku;Ko, Tae Kuk
    • 한국초전도ㆍ저온공학회논문지
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.44-48
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    • 2017
  • Current lead is a device that connects the power supply and superconducting magnets. High temperature superconductor (HTS) has lower thermal conductivity and higher current density than normal metal. For these reasons, the heat load can be reduced by replacing the normal metal of the current lead with the HTS. Conventional HTS current lead has same cross-sectional area in the axial direction. However, this is over-designed at the cold-end (4.2 K) in terms of current. The heat load can be reduced by reducing this part because the heat load is proportional to the cross-sectional area. Therefore, in this paper, heat load was calculated from the heat diffusion equation of HTS current leads with uniform and non-uniform cross-sectional areas. The cross-sectional area of the warm-end (65K) is designed considering burnout time when cooling system failure occurs. In cold-end, Joule heat and heat load due to current conduction occurs at the same time, so the cross-sectional area where the sum of the two heat is minimum is obtained. As a result of simulation, current leads for KSTAR TF coils with uniform and non-uniform cross-sectional areas were designed, and it was confirmed that the non-uniform cross-sectional areas could further reduce the heat load.

기계적으로 분할된 YBCO 선재의 교류손실 감소에 대한 연구 (A study on the reduction of ac loss of YBCO coated conductor by a mechanical striation method)

  • 유용수;홍계원;이희균
    • 한국초전도ㆍ저온공학회논문지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2009
  • High temperature superconductor (HTS) coated conductors has high hysteretic magnetization loss which is an obstacle for the AC applications of coated conductors. We propose a method to reduce the magnetization loss of the coated conductor. It is the mechanical striation method by load variety using office knife. The magnetization loss measured in the mechanical striated YBCO coated conductor without copper layer was compared with the loss generated by perpendicularly exposed external magnetic filed. The reduction in magnetization loss due to the mechanical striation is clearly shown at higher field and was dependent on the striation number. The mechanical striation method was proven to have additional advantages of a low cost and high fabrication process.