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A Comparison of the Metanarrative and East Timor's Local Narrative in Indonesia under the Suharto's Regime (인도네시아의 메타내러티브와 동티모르의 로칼내러티브의 서술구조 비교)

  • Song, Seung-Won
    • Journal of International Area Studies (JIAS)
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.155-180
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    • 2011
  • This paper aims at comparing the metanarrative and East Timor's local narrative in Indonesia during the Suharto's regime. Although these history writings have different political goals, the patterns of writings are ironically similar. Both of the history writings show strong nationalistic history writing patterns. Yet, in the writings, these histories place different interpretations on the historical events. In the metanarrative, local dynamics are seen through the diagrams of the nation and nationhood. This narrative finds the roots of the "ethnie" from some kingdoms in Java and Sumatra. These kingdoms, which throve based on the Hindu-Buddhist culture, achieved a territorial unity to a degree, covering some parts of Java and Sumatra. The glorious past disappeared with the advent of the colonial rule. The metanarrative then emphasizes the unity of the ethnic groups in the archipelago, which fiercely resisted against the colonial exploitation and oppression. By this, these ethnic groups were defined as "the masses," the collective identity, which had a same goal to achieve the national independence. In addition, some local histories, which took positive attitudes toward the European forces, were simply left out from the metanarrative. All the separatist movements taking place in the republic were also described as the anti-unifying forces. On the other hand, the goal of the history-writing in East Timor was to enhance the sense of nationalism and create the perception of the "East Timorese." The fundamental aim was the separation from Indonesia. In the narrative, the nationalist politicians overcame the problem of the non-existence of any memories of the glorious past with the awakening of the idea of "the imagined gloriousness of the past if there was no colonial rule." In addition, the narrative overemphasizes the memory of the colonial rule for 450 years under the Portuguese rule in order to stress the fact that it was the colony of Portugal, not of the Netherlands. Finally, the narrative shows how the East Timorese collectively fell to the status of slaves. By this, the political leaders of East Timor evoked the notion that it was recolonized by Indonesia, under which the East Timorese were demoted to the status of slaves. This notion of "slave-master" relationship then became the motives for the independence struggles in East Timor.

Anti-religious Movements in Contemporary Korea (현대 한국의 안티 종교운동)

  • Kang, Donku
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.29
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    • pp.241-278
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to classify broadscale anti-religious movements in Korea based on critical public sentiment and analyze the meanings of these movements. To carry out the research, global religious changes that have occurred in modern times were closely looked into first. The world religions have had an influence on the world's religious awareness. As a result, they intend to acquire universality on their own individual grounds while keeping consistency with the past. This phenomenon used to appear to retain the identity, recreate tradition, transform itself to fit in the present times, pursue innovation, or even become overshadowed by other forms of thought such as when religions have collided with nationalism. How does Korean society perceive the changes that emerged in world religions? In general, the circumstances that Korea faces in this era tend to manifest themselves via the Internet, multimedia, and Youtube wherein they sound off on religion and this includes criticism of Christianity, demand for reformation, attack on minor religions, pro-reform academic circles and media, and the propagation of anti-theism. Criticism of religion is interpreted as an anti-religious movement. The secularism and anti-theism brought up by some Western scholars and critical theories of religion from scientific or historical perspectives are being spread through bookstores. Christianity is prone to reflecting on itself and trying to emphasizing a meta-religious spirituality. This in short, characterizes anti-religious movements in Korea. Indeed, criticism against particular religions has also emerged in the past. However, anti-religious movements that have recently come into existence in Korea are in some regards unprecedented when compared to that of the past in terms of their patterns and context. Especially, the active anti-Christianity movement in general is definitely a new phenomenon. This research mainly focused on Christianity, but on-going anti-religious movements will be a major topic for further research that aims to understand the religious changes unfolding in Korea.

View of Human Beings in Daesoon Thought viewed from the Perennial Philosophy: Focusing on Kant's Anthropology (영원의 철학(The Perennial Philosophy)으로 본 대순사상의 인간관 - 칸트의 인간학을 중심으로 -)

  • Heo, Hoon
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.30
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    • pp.61-94
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this research is to examine the main concepts of human beings established by the saints and wise men in the Perennial Philosophy, and to reveal that the human view of Perennial Philosophy is consistent with the view of human beings of Daesoon Thought. In addition, Kant, who synthesizes Western modern philosophy, also sets out the ultimate goal of his philosophy of identifying human beings, wherein Kant asks what human beings are. The view of human beings in the Daesoon Thought reveals one kind of answer that can be given to Kant's anthropological question. If we compare this idea with that of the Western world (a Kantian view of humanity) based on this Perennial Philosophy, the characteristics of Daesoon Thought can be revealed clearly. Kant set the ultimate goal of his philosophy to answer the question, "What is man?" With regards to this, he posits four questions: 1) What can I know? 2) What should I do? 3) What can I hope for? 4) What are human beings? And Kant says that the fourth question (related to anthropology) involves three other questions. However, he does not offer up his own definition of human existence anywhere in his works. He regarded humans as being rational, and he did not think that humans had any special cognitive ability to intuit into humanity itself. In the end, Kant leaves the human being as a sort of unknown entity. On the other hand, The concept of humanity in Daesoon Thought (Perennial Philosophy) can provide a straightforward answer to Kant's question. This possible is because human beings in Daesoon Thought are not seen as different from the Dao (道) or deities (神), which can be called the essence of ultimate reality. From the perspective of Daesoon Thought, humans have divine cognitive abilities. In Perennial Philosophy, this could be the best way to simultaneously lead the object of mind and cognition to the divine Ground. Humans have special cognitive or perceptual abilities. The ultimate identity of every person is God. The realization of the divine being by finding one's true nature as a human being (the self) and the essence of the enlightenment of those who have shown this special intellectual intuition through training are both outcomes found at the core of perennial philosophy. These can be expressed clearly and obviously through the essence of Daesoon Thought.

A Study on the Prospect of Implementing a Public Common Practice of Ethics Based upon the Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth (천지공사의 공공윤리 실천전망에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.28
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    • pp.37-72
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this article is to study the prospect of implementing a public common practice of ethics based on the 'Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth.' The 'Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth' demonstrated the prospect of a public common practice of ethics through the shared public action that would connect and mediate both the public domain and the private domain. In addition, the 'Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth' of Gucheon Sangje (九天上帝) provided us with a complete transformation, meaning the opening of a new era, transforming heaven and earth from their state in the Prior World to their optimized state in the Later World. This culminates in a new manifestation of a peaceful world revealed a prosperity and the prospect of common happiness and common order for the public. In addition, the 'Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth' has a public value as a religious culture that responds to social change and social needs. The 'Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth' revealed the prospect of a public common practice of ethics, placed importance on creating a new foundation, and restoring phenomena back to its original order. The 'Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth' presented various multi-faceted, multi-layered outlets of soteriology while exploring solutions to public issues and revealing human dignity. Through the new construction of Heaven and Earth, Gucheon Sangje had intervened in projects for human relief. The public ethical indicators of 'the actor' here are in line with those of the 'Non-action Tao' of Laozi. As the cosmos enters into the new epoch, humans have living together with the previous cosmic principle. Now we can expect the Prior World to open into a different era as humans embrace a cosmic life of 'Non-action Tao.' The active conjunction of the virtues of yin and yang is an idea of horizontal communication related to reordering of the universe. The harmonious union of divine beings and human beings suggests the way of enabling vertical communication. The resolution of grievances for the mutual beneficence of life is an ethics of peace that aims at achieving coexistence and prosperity. The private realization of Tao and the completion of the Tao in the world suggest the prospect of a common practice of ethics as means of implementing human dignity.

A Study on Dosu Theory in Daesoon Thought (대순사상의 도수론(度數論) 연구)

  • Park, In-gyu
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.28
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    • pp.207-241
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    • 2017
  • In the scripture of Daesoon Jinrihoe, the expression 'Dosu (度數)' is frequently used and Jeungsan, Jeongsan, and Wudang also left behind many teachings related to Dosu. In this paper, the concept of Dosu is analyzed in detail and the achievement of an in-depth understanding of the concept of Dosu is attempted. The term Dosu is often used in traditional literature. In the classics, Dosu was used to mean institutions, standards, rules, law, figures, and the laws of heavenly bodies. In other words, Dosu is used to mean the laws of astronomy and the norms of human society. This meaning is expanded and used as the principle of the universe and nature. This concept of Dosu is related to the mathematical cosmological understanding of numbers as the principle of the universe. This type of mathematical cosmology was systematized by Shao Yong (邵雍). In the Joseon Dynasty, Seo Gyungduk (徐敬德) accepted it positively, and it thereby became an influential trend in Korean thought. In the world view of Daesoon thought, there exists the view that numbers as a principle of the universe, and of course this world view is connected to mathematical cosmology. In Daesoon thought, the concept of Dosu is based on the concept of traditional Dosu and adds an additional meaning which connects it to the Reordering of the Universe (Cheonjigongsa). Also, Dosu is used to mean the process of changing the principles and laws of cosmos through Jeungsan's Reordering of the Universe. It is especially the case that discourse about Dosu is widely used when describing the Reordering of the Universe. Jeungsan corrected, reorganized, and adjusted Dosu, as well as establishing new Dosu. Jeongsan, who succeeded Jeungsan, followed the Reordering of the Universe by Jeungsan, and also realized Dosu. In other words, Jeongsan acted and practiced according to the Dosu that had been enacted by Jeungsan. Also, Dosu means the process of the transformation of principle according to the Reordering of the Universe, and Wudang used the concept of Dosu to describe the historical process of Daesoon Jinrihoe. This means that the foundation of Mugeukdo, the change to Taegukdo, the establishment of Daesoon Jinrihoe, and the contruction of Yeoju headquarters are episodes in a divine history carried out through Dosu. Through this discourse, Daesoon Jinrihoe asserts a legitimacy that distinguishes itself from other sects, and believers can be inspired by the sacred meaning that they are participating in the Dosu of heaven and earth. This empowers their devotion and sincerity.

Recidivism Follow-Up Study on Sex offenders under Electronic Monitoring (성범죄 전자감독대상자들에 대한 재범추적 연구)

  • Lee, SeungWon;Lee, SueJung;Seo, HyeRan
    • Korean Journal of Forensic Psychology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.15-33
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we analyzed the difference in survival rates of those subject to electronic supervision of sex crimes based on the tracking of the period of recidivism and whether they were recidivism, and wanted to confirm the ability of the criminal record to predict recidivism. The criteria for recidivism were defined as cases where a conviction was confirmed due to a criminal case that occurred during the execution of electronic monitoring, and the date of recidivism was the date of occurrence of a case that was confirmed guilty. A total of 122 re-offenders were used in the analysis, and all of them were charged with electronic supervision for committing sex crimes. Studies have confirmed that the subjects commit the most recidivism within three years. In addition, in this study, the difference in survival rate between groups was analyzed after classifying mixed and sex recidivism cases. The number of members was 88 for the mixed recidivism group and 34 for the sex recidivism group. The analysis confirmed that both groups had the most recidivism within three years. There was a slight difference between the survival rate of the mixed recidivism group and the survival rate of the sex recidivism group. So the Log Rank Test and the Generalized Wilcoxon Test were conducted, but no statistically significant differences were identified(Wilcoxon statistic = 2.326, df = 1, p = .13, Log Rank = 1.345, df = 1, p = .25). Next, a Cox Regression analysis was performed to confirm the ability of the criminal record to predict recidivism. As a result, the number of criminal records(sex offense, violent crime) have been confirmed to be a good predictor of recidivism(X2=27.33, df=1, p< .001). As a result, the recidivism rate is gradually decreasing due to the implementation of the electronic monitoring. However, the duration of recidivism required by sex offenders in high-risk groups was found to be rather short. Currently, security measures against felons are being strengthened, so it is necessary to select high-risk groups. Therefore, based on the related studies, the characteristics of high-risk groups and the results of recidivism studies will be used as a basis for disposal within the criminal justice system, which will play a major role in granting objectivity.

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Haewon-sangsaeng Thought for the Future of Humanity and World (인간과 세계의 미래에 관한 해원상생사상 연구)

  • Bae, Kyu-han
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.30
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    • pp.1-57
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    • 2018
  • There are three purposes to this study: first, to understand comprehensively the meaning of Haewon-sangsaeng (Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence) Thought, which can be taken as representative thought regarding peace in Korean new religions. Next, Haewon-sangsaeng Thought and the works for Haewon (resolving grievances) will be examined as principles and practical mechanisms for building the paradise of the Later World and understanding the structure of this system of thought. Lastly, logical inferences will be made regarding the future of humanity and the world through the ideological characteristics implied by Haewon-sangsaeng Thought. Haewon-sangsaeng Thought contains the complicated concepts of Haewon and Sangsaeng. Haewon is the resolution of the enmity and grievances that have accumulated in the realms of humanity and deities. Sangsaeng indicates the action of mutually benefiting one another or a state wherein people live in prosperity and peace. In Daesoon Jinrihoe, the concept of Haewon-sangsaeng is expressed explicitly and has broad applications. It can be expanded for the global peace and the harmony of all humanity. As the result of an integrated analysis of previous studies, it can be stated that Haewon-sangsaeng has values and meanings in terms of principles, laws, ethics, and ideology all of which are commonly connected to Injon (Human Nobility), Sangsaeng, peace, harmony, the Later World, and paradise. This indicates that its valuable for the future of humanity and world is deeper and wider than its mere etymological meaning. The common factor among paired ideas such as human nobility and Sangsaeng, peace and harmony, and Later World and paradise is the realization of humanity's greatest wish. This is the reason why the value and meaning of Haewon-sangsaeng can be expanded globally. The works of Haewon were a religious act of Kang Jeungsan who resolved the grievances of the Former World which was under the rule of mutual conflict and built a Later World that will operate according to mutual beneficence. Therefore, the principle of Haewon-sangsaeng has a motivative power, through the Reordering Works of the Universe, which can transform the future of humanity and the world. In this study, it can be inferred that as Haewon-sangsaeng 'fulfills human desires' and forms a 'harmonious relations of Sangsaeng' between humans and world, humans will be transformed into Injon (Human Nobility) while the world turns into a paradise, and the future turns into period of peace. Therefore, Haewon-sangsaeng Thought works as a principle that changes society, the world, and the universe. The social actualization of Haewon-sangsaeng is tantamount to bringing the future of Injon, paradise, and peace into objective reality. Previous studies on Haewon-sangsaeng Thought had been carried out under difficult circumstances by a small number of scholars. For all the above reasons, I anticipate that there will be more and more studies made on the topic of Haewon-sangsaeng Thought, which seeks the realization of Haewon (the Resolution of Grievances), Sangsaeng (Mutual Beneficence), human nobility, paradise, and peace. I hope it will emerge as a main subject in global religious thought.

Development of heat exchanger for underground water heat. II - Design and manufacture for heat exchanger of underground water - (지하수 이용을 위한 열교환기 개발. II - 지하수이용 냉·난방기 설계제작 -)

  • Lee, W.Y.;Ahn, D.H.;Kim, S.C.;Park, W.P.;Kang, Y.G.;Kim, S.B.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.128-137
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to develop the heat exchanger by utilizing the heat energy of underground water(15℃), which might be used for cooling and heating system of the agricultural facilities. We developed the heat exchanger by using the parallel type plat fin tube made of Aluminum(Al 6063), which was named Aloo-Heat(No. 0247164, offered by Korean Intellectual property Office). The trial manufactures were made from Aloo-heat which was 600mm, 700mm length respectively, and It were welded to the end "U" type in order to direct flow of the underground water. The performance test was carried out under the condition of open space and room temperature with the change of flow rate of the underground water and air. The results are as follows. 1. The trial manufactures had convection heat value from 33 to 156 W/m2℃, and It was coincided with design assumption. 2. The amount of energy transfer was increased with the increment of the area of heat transfer, the air flow, the gap of temperature inlet & outlet the underground water and the air. 3. The heat value was 6,825W when the air flow was 6,000m3/h and the gap of temperature between inlet and outlet of the underground water was 6℃, and It dropped from 25.8℃ to 23.2℃(-2.6℃ difference). The convection heat value was 88.5W/m2℃. 4. The heat value was 2.625W when the air flow was 4,000m3/h and the gap of temperature between inlet and outlet the underground water was 2℃, and It dropped from 27℃ to 22.5℃(-4.5℃ difference). The convection heat value was 33.6W/m2℃. 5. Correlation values(R2) of the testing heat values of the trial manufacture type I, II, and III were 0.9141, 0.8935, and 0.9323 respectively, and correlation values(R2) of the amount of the air flow 6,000m3/h, 5,000m3/h, 4,000m3/h were 0.9513, 0.9414, and 0.9003 respectively.

A Study on the Change of Masks for Goseong Ogwangdae Play - Before and after the designation of intangible cultural assets- (고성오광대 연희용 탈의 변화 양상)

  • Nam, Jin-A
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.41
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    • pp.257-284
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    • 2020
  • Goseong Ogwangdae started academic research in the late 1950s and was designated as a national intangible cultural asset in 1964. From the time of the academic survey to the time of designation, it was recorded as using paper masks, but when the recording image was filmed in 1965, it was already changed to wooden masks. In 1960, before being designated as an intangible cultural asset, the number of masks, which was 9 points, gradually increased to 19 points in 1964. It is necessarily included in the leper, Chorani, Malttuki, Cheongbo-Yangyang, Halmi, and Jemilju, but the character of the yangban is not yet clearly differentiated. Hwangbongsa and Sangju appeared as bare faces, and consumption, milling, Cheongbo-Yangyang are used together with Bibi and inspiration. It can be guessed that Bibi was not the appearance of a foreign object with horns as it is now, considering that Bibi and Madangsoi were used together. Since 1965, shortly after the designation, the whole of the Goseong Ogwangdae mask has been changed to a wooden mask. All the characters except for resident, courtyard, and top-of-the-line are wearing masks. Bibi, Hongbaek, and service masks have never appeared until 1964. The Yangban was changed to the closing ceremony with six people in the order of Won-Yangban, Baekje, Heukje, Cheongje, Hongbaek, and Jonggadoryong. Starting in 1969, the mask enters the stable period where the kind is the same as the present. Bibi-Yangban uses both the Won-Yangban and the Jemilju uses the Somu, but all other characters use the individual mask to use a total of 18 masks. The Yangbans are clearly differentiated, and a total of seven Yangban appear. The reason why the change in the type of mask and the expression of material is so large is that the first generation of mask makers died and the tradition of mask production was cut off, but there is also a cause of the extreme change in the environment of the drama that the performers who joined after the designation had to face. Also, it is closely related to the change of the times when the meaning and weight of masking in masking has changed. At that time, the performers were not so tied to the current concept of 'original form' that they preserved the appearance of the designated time. Originally, Goseong Ogwangdae was centered on improvisation dance, not the formalized dance as it is now, and there was a certain fluid aspect in the retelling, so it was flexible in the use of masks even before the designation of cultural assets. Strict rules did not apply in the details, as it was a self-sufficient play by the performers, not an offer event. The form and contents of this fluid play are changed to preparation for the performance while preparing for the folk art contest. As the subject of the contest in self-sufficient play, dance, costumes, and props became more and more colorful as well as dancing, costumes, and props. As a result, participation in the contest brought about changes in the overall performance and changed the mask, which was accepted within the preservation society.

A Study on the 'Youngsan(靈山)' recorded in 『Songnamjabji(松南雜識)』 (『송남잡지(松南雜識)』에 기록된 '영산(靈山)'에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Seog-Yeon
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.40
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    • pp.269-305
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    • 2020
  • Youngsan is generally known as Pansori Danga(短歌). However, the contents of 'Yeongsan' in 『Songnamjabji』 are different. In 『Songnamjabji』, Cho Jaesam explained the contents related to 'Youngsan' using three kinds of poems: Shin Kwangsoo's poem, Baegho Imje's poem, Kim Myeongwon's poem. First, 'Ujo Youngsan' appears in Shin Kwangsoo's poem. Shin Kwangsoo wrote the (1750) when Yoo Jinhan's 『Manhwajib(晩華集)』(1754) was published. It is difficult to see the 'Ujo Youngsan', which appears in Shin Kwangsoo's poem written in a time when Pansori was not widely known, as the Pansori Danga. Second, Jo Jaesam called the music in Baegho Imje's poem 'Youngsan Dodeueum'. In 'Youngsan Dodeueum', flute and 'Dodeuli rhythm' were used. This fact is connected with , an instrumental music. , also a Buddhist term, continued to be used in the palace as well as among the people. Third, Cho Jaesam introduced Kim Myeongwon's poem in 'Yeongsan' part and called it 'Taryeong.' At that time, the term 'Taryeong' referred to both Pansori and Jeongga(正歌). Later, in the 19th century, 'Youngsan' was recorded as a term for the Danga to loosen the neck before Pansori began in earnest. In other words, the early 'Yeongsan' recorded in 『Songnamjabji』 was a Buddhist term, referring to the music of the upper class Seonbi, such as , Gasa(歌詞) and Sijo(時調). In 1855, when 『Songnamjabji』 was written, 'Youngsan' was used as a term used to refer to both Changbu-Music and Gagaek(歌客)-Music, mixed with the term 'Taryeong'. And as Pansori became popular, the term 'Taryeong' came to be called 'Pansori' and 'Youngsan' was used to refer to Pansori Danga. Therefore, all the records of 'Youngsan' should not be interpreted as Pansori Danga. This situation is closely related to religious and social change. The policy of worshipping Confucianism and suppressing Buddhism rejected the term 'Youngsan' which had a Buddhist meaning. In the middle of Joseon Dynasty, when Buddhism was suppressed, 'Youngsan' and 'Taryeong' were mixed. As Buddhism regrown in the late Joseon Dynasty, with the advent of Pansori, the term 'Youngsan' seems to be newly resettled in the sense of Danga. Pansori appeared in the 19th century and 'Yeongsan' was used as a Danga. And the reason should be regarded as this social and religious change.