• Title/Summary/Keyword: HABITAT CONSERVATION

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Prediction of Changes in the Potential Distribution of a Waterfront Alien Plant, Paspalum distichum var. indutum, under Climate Change in the Korean Peninsula (한반도에서 기후변화에 따른 수변 외래식물인 털물참새피의 분포 변화 예측)

  • Cho, Kang-Hyun;Lee, Seung Hyun
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.206-215
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    • 2015
  • Predicting the changes in the potential distribution of invasive alien plants under climate change is an important and challenging task for the conservation of biodiversity and management of the ecosystems in streams and reservoirs. This study explored the effects of climate change on the potential future distribution of Paspalum distichum var. indutum in the Korean Peninsula. P. distichum var. indutum is an invasive grass species that has a profound economic and environmental impact in the waterfronts of freshwater ecosystems. The Maxent model was used to estimate the potential distribution of P. distichum var. indutum under current and future climates. A total of nineteen climatic variables of Worldclim 1.4 were used as current climatic data and future climatic data predicted by HadGEM2-AO with both RCP 2.6 and RCP 8.5 scenarios for 2050. The predicted current distribution of P. distichum var. indutum was almost matched with actual positioning data. Major environmental variables contributing to the potential distribution were precipitation of the warmest quarter, annual mean temperature and mean temperature of the coldest quarter. Our prediction results for 2050 showed an overall reduction in climatic suitability for P. distichum var. indutum in the current distribution area and its expansion to further inland and in a northerly direction. The predictive model used in this study appeared to be powerful for understanding the potential distribution, exploring the effects of climate change on the habitat changes and providing the effective management of the risk of biological invasion by alien plants.

The Genetic Approach on Analyzing the Habitat Characteristics of Fairy Pitta Pitta Nympha Inhabiting Jeju Island, the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan (제주도, 한반도 및 대만 내 팔색조의 생태적 서식특성 분석을 위한 유전적 접근)

  • Kim, Eun-Mi;Jeon, Yeon-Seon;Kim, Se-Jae;Kang, Chang-Wan;Won, Hyun-Kyu;Jeong, Gil-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2014
  • A Fairy Pitta is a bird known to breed only in mainland China, Taiwan, Japan and Korea and is listed as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List. We carried out a DNA analysis to contribute to conserve the genetic diversity of Fairy Pitta. 32 samples were collected at Jeju Island, the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan from 2004 to 2013 and DNA was extracted from them and several sequences were amplified-it through PCR. And then we performed the population genetic analysis. We found there was a transversion between nucleotide sequences at CO1 gene, while there was no changes at Cyt-b gene. And we confirmed the polymorphism from two genes was caused from genetic drift not from selection. Through this analysis, the group within the Peninsula was found bigger than other two groups based on the analysis of CO1 gene, and the group from Taiwan was found bigger than other two groups through the analysis of Cyt-b gene. The population genetic structure of mitochondria gene of three group was showing CO1 gene had 5 haplotypes and Cyt-b gene had 6 haplotypes. Haplotype 2 in CO1 gene was found in three group and many individuals of samples had this haplotype. Like CO1 gene, haplotype 2 in Cyt-b gene was found in three group and was included in plenty of individuals. Other haplotypes were not overlaped and broke off among the three groups. To prevent from the extinction of Fairy Pitta and to obtain the genetic diversity, we need to compare with other regional group such as Japan, China and perform additional research in the non-breeding area.

Notes on Rare Species of Mycoparasitic Forming Fungus in Korea (국내에서 발견된 균류에 기생하는 희귀종 버섯)

  • Seok, Soon-Ja;Park, In-Cheol;Kim, Yang-Sup;Kim, Wan-Gyu
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.95-98
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    • 2010
  • One interesting parasitic forming fungus, being grown on the eggs of Phallus impudicus was collected from Mulchajoreum and on woods of Saryeoni in Jeju island. This taxon identified as a Podostroma solmsii (E. Fisch.) S. Imai f. octospora Yoshim. Doi (Hyporeaceae) based on morphological characteristics. According to the interpretation of Doi(1978), this taxon hsving the stipitate, genus Podostroma, family Hypocreaceae, Hypocreales, Ascomycota was identified as Podostroma solmsi f. octospora and its korean common name designated by authors. This species is characterized in having the fusiforme to ellipsoidal, unicellular and warted ascospores without septate and with blunt apiculus at each end and mycoparasitic habitat. Although there is some mycologists suggest that this taxon having above characters needs to be derived from Hypomyces. But authors are primarily going to record this species as a named "Podostroma solmsii (E. Fisch.) S. Imai f. octospora Yoshim. Doi" for the fungus flora of Korea. In a future, it is need in detail to compare their DNA sequencing data on the type species and some related species. All collections cited here are deposited in the Herbarium Conservation Center of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Study on Salinity Distribution Change by the Fresh Water at the Bay in Flood (홍수기 하구로 유입된 담수로 인한 만에서의 염분분포 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun-Seok;Ishikawa, Tadaharu;Kim, Young-Sung;Chae, Hyo-Sok
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2011
  • Any significant inflow of fresh water due to flood or snow melting can rapidly reduce salinity at the bay. In such a case, the habitat environment in the sea near river mouth can be partly destroyed. Therefore, research to understand the salinity distribution quantitatively at the bay for the utilization of natural environment and for the inhabitant conservation must be very important. In this study, the investigation on the relationship between satellite image and turbidity is carried out first, and then the salinity distribution at the bay using the relationship between turbidity and salinity is derived. The main results are as follows. First the reappearance ability of RGB bands respectively of the satellite image is investigated, and then it was confirmed that the combination of band2 and band3 expressed best the movement characteristics of turbid water at the bay is chopped up into 4 small areas. Second the turbidity of river mouth is estimated using the travel time from the upward monitoring station to the river mouth. Finally the satellite image is converted into the salinity distribution by the correlation of salinity and turbidity. It is confirmed that the salinity distributions obtained from above three investigation methods are quite reasonable and clear.

Effect of Moisture and Nutrient of Soil on Reproductive Phenology and Physiological Response of Epilobium hirsutum L., an Endangered Plant (토양의 수분과 유기물이 멸종위기식물 큰바늘꽃(Epilobium hirsutum L.)의 번식계절 및 생리 반응에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, EungPill;Lee, SooIn;Han, YoungSub;Lee, SeungYeon;You, YoungHan;Cho, YiYun
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2018
  • Reproductive phenology and physiological responses of Epilobium hirsutum L. to moisture content and nutrient content of soil were analysed in order to obtain basic data for effective conservation and restoration. Epilobium hirsutum L. is a perennial plant. But Epilobium hirsutum L. grew reproductively in all moisture and nutrient gradients. Flower bud, flowers and peduncle were respectively ripened in earlier under highest moisture condition and highest nutrient condition. And, number of flowers and peduncle were more quickly increased under highest moisture condition and highest nutrient condition. Chlorophyll content was high under highest moisture condition and higher middle moisture condition. However, we found no significant difference of chlorophyll content regard to nutrient gradients. There was no difference in minimum chlorophyll fluorescence among all moisture and nutrient gradients. The photochemical efficiency values of PS II were 0.75 in all moisture gradients, and it was 0.78 in highest nutrient gradient. The chlorophyll content of Epilobium hirsutum L. increased as the moisture content increased, and the Fv/Fm value increased as the organic matter increased. Our results showed that high moisture and nutrient content of soil advance their breeding season and promote reproductive growth. It might be important basic informations for the maintenance of population and the management of habitat of Epilobium hirsutum L. an endangered plant species.

Germination Characteristics and Seed Dormancy of Iris dichotoma Pall., an Endangered Species Native to Korea

  • Park, Hyeong Bin;Lee, Byoung-Doo;Lee, Chang Woo;Hwang, Jung Eun;Park, Hwan Joon;Kim, Seongjun;An, Jiae;Kim, Pyoung Beom;Kim, Nam Young
    • Proceedings of the National Institute of Ecology of the Republic of Korea
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.229-234
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    • 2021
  • Iris dichotoma Pall. found on Daechung Island in Korea has been designated as an endangered species. To aid in conservation efforts of this species, this study investigated its germination characteristics and seed dormancy type. Four sets of seeds were incubated at different temperatures (4/1℃, 15/6℃, 20/10℃, and 25/15℃). One set of seeds was cold stratified (4 weeks at 4/1℃). The final germination rate and mean germination time showed that the optimal germination temperature was 25/15℃. Final germination rates were ~70%, showing no significant difference among temperature treatments. However, mean germination time were significantly different among all temperature treatments except for 4/1℃. Mean germination time for seeds with temperature treatments of 15/6℃, 20/10℃, and 25/15℃ were 3.2, 2.1, and 1.5 weeks, respectively. At 25/15℃, the mean germination time was half of that at 15/6℃. Seeds of I. dichotoma had fully developed embryos at the time of dispersal. No additional growth of the embryo was observed. Cold stratification did not affect the final germination rate or the mean germination time. This study shows that seeds of I. dichotoma have no physiological or morphological dormancy, unlike other members of the Iris genus known to have seed dormancy that needs a relatively high incubation temperature (≥25/15℃) for mass propagation to occur. These results will be useful for understanding ecophysiological mechanisms related to the species' habitat. They are also useful for mass propagation of I. dichotoma for the purpose of conserving this endangered species.

Predicting the Potential Habitat and Risk Assessment of Amaranthus patulus using MaxEnt (Maxent를 활용한 가는털비름(Amaranthus patulus)의 잠재서식지 예측 및 위험도 평가)

  • Lee, Yong Ho;Na, Chea Sun;Hong, Sun Hea;Sohn, Soo In;Kim, Chang Suk;Lee, In Yong;Oh, Young Ju
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.672-679
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to predict the potential distribution and risk of invasive alien plant, Amaranthus patulus, in an agricultural area of South Korea. We collected 254 presence localities of A. patulus using field survey and literature search and stimulated the potential distribution area of A. patulus using maximum entropy modeling (MaxEnt) with six climatic variables. Two different kinds of agricultural risk index, raster risk index and regional risk index, were estimated. The 'raster risk index' was calculated by multiplying the potential distribution by the field area in $1{\times}1km$ and 'regional risk index' was calculated by multiplying the potential distribution by field area proportion in the total field of South Korea. The predicted potential distribution of A. patulus was almost matched with actual presence data. The annual mean temperature had the highest contribution for distribution modeling of A. patulus. Area under curve (AUC) value of the model was 0.711. The highest regions were Gwangju for potential distribution, Jeju for 'raster risk index' and Gyeongbuk for 'regional risk index'. This different ranks among the index showed the importance about the development of various risk index for evaluating invasive plant risk.

A Study on the Data Cleaning and Standardization of National Ecosystem Survey in Korea (전국자연환경조사 데이터 정제와 표준화 방안 연구)

  • Kwon, Yong-Su;Song, Kyohong;Kim, Mokyoung;Kim, Kidong
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.380-389
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    • 2020
  • Research on diagnosing and predicting the response of ecosystems caused by environmental changes such as artificial disturbance and climate change is emerging as the most important issue of biodiversity and ecosystem researches. This study aims to clean, standardize, and provide the results of National Ecosystem Survey which should be considered fundamentally in diagnosing and predicting ecosystem changes in the form of dataset. To refine and clean the dataset we developed a simple verification program based on the fifth National Ecosystem Survey Guideline and applied that program to the data from the second (1997~2005), third (2006~2013) and fourth (2014~2018) National Ecosystem Survey. Data quality control processes were implemented including (1) standardization of terminology, (2) similar data table integration, (3) unnecessary attribute and error elimination, (4) unification of different input items, (5) data arrangement in codes, and (6) code mapping for input items. These approaches and methods are the first attempt propose an option for ecological data standardization in Korea. The standardized dataset of National Ecosystem Survey in Korea will be easily accessible, reusable for both researchers and public. In addition, we expect it will contribute to the establishment of diverse environmental policies concerning environmental assessments, habitat conservation, prediction of endangered species distribution and ecological risks due to climate change. The dataset through this study is open freely online via EcoBank (nie-ecobank.kr) which is the first ecological information portal system in Korea developed by National Institute of Ecology.

Correlation Analysis between Sediment Particle Size and Number of Macromia daimoji (Endangered Species II) Nymphs in Naeseong Stream, Korea (내성천 퇴적물 입도와 노란잔산잠자리(멸종위기야생생물 II급) 약충 개체수와의 상관관계 분석)

  • Park, Jinyoung;Kwon, Hyeok Yeong;Jang, Myeong Seong;Cha, Jin Yeol;Lee, Jong Eun
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.325-331
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    • 2020
  • Macromia daimoji nymphs (Endangered Species II) are known to inhabit the Naeseong Stream in Korea. In March 2019, we performed a correlation analysis between sediment particle size and the M. daimoji population using data collected from a 0.2-㎡ area at 37 sites in Naeseong riverbed. Particle size analysis showed different ratios of sediments in the riverbed: Coarse Sand (500-1,000 ㎛) 52.5%; Very Coarse Sand (1,000-2,000 ㎛) 25.6%; Medium Sand (250-500 ㎛) 17.2%; Fine Sand (125-250 ㎛) 3.1%; Very Fine Sand (63-125 ㎛) 1.0%; and Silt (less than 63 ㎛) 0.7%. The number of M. daimoji nymphs showed a positive correlation with Very Fine Sand and Fine Sand and a negative correlation with Coarse Sand, indicating that M. daimoji nymphs inhabit fine sand. These results can be used to monitor changes in the riverbed environment of Naeseong Stream to ensure the conservation of M. daimoji habitat.

Assessing Conservation Priority of Private Land in Unexecuted Urban Parks in Seoul Using Betweenness Centrality Analysis (매개중심성 분석을 활용한 서울시 미집행공원 내 사유지 보전 우선순위 평가)

  • Hwang, Byungmook;Ko, Dongwook W.;Kang, Wanmo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.110 no.1
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    • pp.22-34
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    • 2021
  • The implementation of the sunset provision of unexecuted urban parks in Seoul has been postponed; however, the mentioned parks still remain vulnerable since they can be subject to development under certain circumstances. Local governments may purchase the parks to prevent their loss but are constrained due to limited resources. The purpose of this study is to prioritize the purchase of unexecuted urban parks in Seoul based on landscape connectivity, which represents the important role of allowing the movement of wildlife and providing biodiversity in urban environments. In this study, we used four potential scenarios (PB100, PB1, PA100, PA1), which reflects the degree of land cover change resulting from the implementation of the sunset provision, and the role of Han River as a conduit or barrier for wildlife movement. Landscape connectivity was evaluated by calculating current flow betweenness centrality (CFBC). This was used to rank the importance of the unexecuted urban parks in Seoul. The results demonstrated that the implementation of the sunset provision will greatly decrease the connectivity of all parks in Seoul and particularly more so for parks in the southern part of the city. In addition, the results suggested that the low connectivity of Han river will diminish the connectivity around Bukhansan Mountain in the northern part of Seoul. Our study can be used for the prioritization of purchase, since it has the ability to evaluate the anticipated vulnerability of each park's connectivity after the sunset provision.