• Title/Summary/Keyword: H$_{2}$O$_{2}$

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Physicochemical Changes of Swine Manure by the Treatment of Acid and Alkali for Inactivation of Pathogenic Microorganisms (병원성미생물의 불활성화를 위한 산·알칼리처리가 양돈분뇨의 이화학적 성상에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Cho-Long;Kim, Soo-Ryang;Kim, Ha-Je;Jeon, Sang-Joon;Han, Ho;Kim, Dong-Kyun;Lee, Myung-Gyu
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.229-234
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    • 2012
  • Disinfecting contaminated swine manure with FMD (Foot-and-Mouth Disease) and pathogenic viruses is very important for maintaining sanitized environment. However, very few research reported on this subject, especially post-disinfection to utilize the wastes as a renewable resource. This research is carried out to obtain basic information for chemical treatment in FMD SOP (Standard Operating Procedure, Korea) of contaminated swine manure. Using lime, sodium hydroxide, citric acid and hydrochloric acid, described in FMD SOP, the effects of chemical treatments on livestock manure were compared in this paper. Four combinations of alkali-acid treatments and four kinds of acid-alkali combinations were tested to find out the effective method. Total coliform bacteria in contaminated swine manure, $1.6{\times}10^4$ CFU/100 ml, decreased to the range of 1/1000~1/100 in all treatments. Some specific disinfectants increases BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) and EC(Electric Conductivity), especially, alkaline treatments increases ammonia level than acid treatments. These findings suggest that the treatment methods should be considered as an important environmental factor in post-disinfection of contaminated animal manure with pathogenic microorganisms.

LCD 연구 개발 동향

  • 이종천
    • The Magazine of the IEIE
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.76-80
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    • 2002
  • 'Liquid Crystal의 상전이(相轉移)와 광학적 이방성(異方性)이 1888년과 1889년 F. Reinitzer와 O. Lehmann에 의해 Monatsch Chem.과 Z.Physikal.Chem.에 각각 보고된 후 부터 제2차 세계대전이 끝난 뒤인 1950년대 까지는 Liquid Crystal을 단지실험실에서의 기초학문 차원의 연구 대상으로만 다루어 왔다. 1963년 Williams가 Liquid Crystal Device로는 최초로 특허 출원을 하였으며, 1968년 RCA사의 Heilmeier등은 Nematic 액정(液晶)에 저주파(低周波) 전압(電壓)을 인가하면 투명한 액정이 혼탁(混濁)상태로 변화하는 '동적산란(動的散亂)'(Dynamic Scattering) 현상을 이용하여 최초의 DSM(Dynamic Scattering Mode) LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)를 발명하였다. 비록 150V 이상의 높은 구동전압과 과소비전력의 특성 때문에 실용화에는 실패하였지만 Guest-Host효과와 Memory효과 등을 발견하였다. 1970년대에 이르러 실온에서 안정되게 사용 가능한 액정물질들이 합성되고(H. Kelker에 의해 MBBA, G. Gray에 의한 Cyano-Biphenyl 액정의 합성), CMOS 트랜지스터의 발명, 투명도전막(ITO), 수은전지등의 주변기술들의 발전으로 인하여 LCD의 상품화가 본격적으로 이루어지게 되었다. 1971년에는 M. Shadt, W. Helfrich, J.L. Fergason등이 TN(Twisted Nematic) LCD를 발명하여 전자 계산기와 손목시계에 응용되었고, 1970년대 말에는 Sharp에서 Dot Matrix형의 휴대형 컴퓨터를 발매하였다. 이러한 단순 구동형의 TN LCD는 그래픽 정보를 표시하는 데에는 품질의 한계가 있어 1979년 영국의 Le Comber에 의해 a-Si TFT(amorphous Silicon Thin Film Transistor) LCD의 연구가 시작되었고, 1983년 T.J. Scheffer, J. Nehring, G. Waters에 의해 STN(Super Twisted Nematic) LCD가 창안되었고, 1980년 N. Clark, S. Lagerwall 및 1983년 K.Yossino에 의해 Ferroelectric LCD가 등장하여 LCD의 정보 표시량 증대에 크게 기여하였다. Color화의 진전은 1972년 A.G. Ficher의 셀 외부에 RGB(Red, Green, Blue) filter를 부착하는 방안과, 1981년 T. Uchida 등에 의한 셀 내부에 RGB filter를 부착하는 방법에 의해 상품화가 되었다. 1985년에는 J.L. Fergason에 의해 Polymer Dispersed LCD가 발명되었고, 1980년대 중반에 이르러 동화상(動畵像) 표시가 가능한 a-Si TFT LCD의 시제품(試製品) 개발이 이루어지고 1990년부터는 본격적인 양산 시대에 접어들게 되었다. 1990년대 초에는 STN LCD의 Color화 및 대형화(大型化) 고(高)품위화에 힘입어 Note-Book PC에 LCD가 본격적으로 적용이 되었고, 1990년대 후반에는TFT LCD의 표시품질 대비 가격경쟁력 확보로 인하여 Note-Book PC 시장을 독점하기에 이르렀다. 이후로는 TFT LCD의 대형화가 중요한 쟁점으로 부각되고 있고, 1995년 삼성전자는 당시 세계최대 크기의 22' TFT LCD를 개발하였다. 또한 LCD의 고정세(高情細)화를 위해 Poly Si TFT LCD의 개발이 이루어졌고, 디지타이져 일체형 LCD의 상품화가 그 응용의 폭을 넓혔으며, LCD의 대형화를 위해 1994년 Canon에 의해 14.8', 21' 등의 FLCD가 개발되었다. 대형화 방안으로 Tiled LCD 기술이 개발되고 있으며, 1995년에 Sharp에 의해 21' 두장의 Panel을 이어 붙인 28' TFT LCD가 전시되었고 1996년에는 21' 4장의 Panel을 이어 붙인 40'급 까지의 개발이 시도 되었으며 현재는 LCD의 특성향상과 생산설비의 성능개선과 안정적인 공정관리기술을 바탕으로 삼성전자에서 단패널 40' TFT LCD가 최근에 개발되었다. Projection용 디스플레이로는 Poly-Si TFT LCD를 이용하여 $25'{\sim}100'$사이의 배면투사형과 전면투사형 까지 개발되어 대형 TV시장을 주도하고 있다. 21세기 디지털방송 시대를 맞아 플라즈마디스플레이패널(PDP) TV, 액정표시장치 (LCD)TV, 강유전성액정(FLCD) TV 등 2005년에 약 1500만대 규모의 거대 시장을 형성할 것으로 예상되는 이른바 '벽걸이TV'로 불리는 차세대 초박형 TV 시장을 선점하기 위하여 세계 가전업계들이 양산에 총력을 기울이고 있다. 벽걸이TV 시장이 본격적으로 형성되더라도 PDP TV와 LCD TV가 직접적으로 시장에서 경쟁을 벌이는 일은 별로 없을 것으로 보인다. 향후 디지털TV 시장이 본격적으로 열리면 40인치 이하의 중대형 시장은 LCD TV가 주도하고 40인치 이상 대화면 시장은 PDP TV가 주도할 것으로 보는 시각이 지배적이기 때문이다. 그러나 이러한 직시형 중대형(重大型)디스플레이는 그 가격이 너무 높아서 현재의 브라운관 TV를 대체(代替)하기에는 시일이 많이 소요될 것으로 추정되고 있다. 그 대안(代案)으로는 비교적 저가격(低價格)이면서도 고품질의 디지털 화상구현이 가능한 고해상도 프로젝션 TV가 유력시되고 있다. 이러한 고해상도 프로젝션 TV용으로 DMD(Digital Micro-mirror Display), Poly-Si TFT LCD와 LCOS(Liquid Crystals on Silicon) 등의 상품화가 진행되고 있다. 인터넷과 정보통신 기술의 발달로 휴대형 디스플레이의 시장이 예상 외로 급성장하고 있으며, 요구되는 디스플레이의 품질도 단순한 문자표시에서 그치지 않고 고해상도의 그래픽 동화상 표시와 칼라 표시 및 3차원 화상표시까지 점차로 그 영역이 넓어지고 있다. <표 1>에서 보여주는 바와 같이 LCD의 시장규모는 적용분야 별로 지속적인 성장이 예상되며, 새로운 응용분야의 시장도 성장성을 어느 정도 예측할 수 있다. 따라서 LCD기술의 연구개발 방향은 크게 두가지로 분류할 수 있으며 첫째로는, 현재 양산되고 있는 LCD 상품의 경쟁력강화를 위하여 원가(原價) 절감(節減)과 표시품질을 향상시키는 것이며 둘째로는, 새로운 타입의 LCD를 개발하여 기존 상품을 대체하거나 새로운 시장을 창출하는 분야로 나눌 수 있다. 이와 같은 관점에서 현재 진행되고 있는 LCD기술개발은 다음과 같이 분류할 수 있다. 1) 원가 절감 2) 특성 향상 3) New Type LCD 개발.

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Fate of Heavy Metals in Activated Sludge: Sorption of Heavy Metal ions by Nocardia amarae

  • Kim, Dong-wook
    • Proceedings of the Korean Environmental Sciences Society Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.2-4
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    • 1998
  • Proliferation of Nocardia amarae cells in activated sludge has often been associated with the generation of nuisance foams. Despite intense research activities in recent years to examine the causes and control of Nocardia foaming in activated sludge, the foaming continued to persist throughout the activated sludge treatment plants in United States. In addition to causing various operational problems to treatment processes, the presence of Nocardia may have secondary effects on the fate of heavy metals that are not well known. For example, for treatment plants facing more stringent metal removal requirements, potential metal removal by Nocardia cells in foaming activated sludge would be a welcome secondary effect. In contrast, with new viosolid disposal regulations in place (Code o( Federal Regulation No. 503), higher concentration of metals in biosolids from foaming activated sludge could create management problems. The goal of this research was to investigate the metal sorption property of Nocardia amarae cells grown in batch reactors and in chemostat reactors. Specific surface area and metal sorption characteristics of N. amarae cells harvested at various growth stages were compared. Three metals examined in this study were copper, cadmium and nickel. Nocardia amarae strain (SRWTP isolate) used in this study was obtained from the University of California at Berkeley. The pure culture was grown in 4L batch reactor containing mineral salt medium with sodium acetate as the sole carbon source. In order to quantify the sorption of heavy metal ions to N amarae cell surfaces, cells from the batch reactor were harvested, washed, and suspended in 30mL centrifuge tubes. Metal sorption studies were conducted at pH 7.0 and ionlc strength of 10-2M. The sorption Isotherm showed that the cells harvested from the stationary and endogenous growth phase exhibited significantly higher metal sorption capacity than the cells from the exponential phase. The sequence of preferential uptake of metals by N. amarae cells was Cu>Cd>Ni. The specific surFace area of Nocardia cells was determined by a dye adsorption method. N.amarae cells growing at ewponential phase had significantly less specific surface area than that of stationary phase, indicating that the lower metal sorption capacity of Nocardia cells growing at exponential phase may be due to the lower specific surface area. The growth conditions of Nocardia cells in continuous culture affect their cell surface properties, thereby governing the adsorption capacity of heavy metal. The comparison of dye sorption isotherms for Nocardia cells growing at various growth rates revealed that the cell surface area increased with increasing sludge age, indicating that the cell surface area is highly dependent on the steady-state growth rate. The highest specific surface area of 199m21g was obtained from N.amarae cell harvested at 0.33 day-1 of growth rate. This result suggests that growth condition not only alters the structure of Nocardia cell wall but also affects the surface area, thus yielding more binding sites of metal removal. After reaching the steady-state condition at dilution rate, metal adsorption isotherms were used to determine the equilibrium distributions of metals between aqueous and Nocardia cell surfaces. The metal sorption capacity of Nocardia biomass harvested from 0.33 day-1 of growth rate was significantly higher than that of cells harvested from 0.5- and 1-day-1 operation, indicatng that N.amarae cells with a lower growth rate have higher sorpion capacity. This result was in close agreement with the trend observed from the batch study. To evaluate the effect of Nocardia cells on the metal binding capacity of activated sludge, specific surface area and metal sorption capacity of the mixture of Nocardia pure cultures and activated sludge biomass were determined by a series of batch experiments. The higher levels of Nocardia cells in the Nocardia-activated sludge samples resulted in the higher specific surface area, explaining the higher metal sorption sites by the mixed luquor samples containing greater amounts on Nocardia cells. The effect of Nocardia cells on the metal sorption capacity of activated sludge was evaluated by spiking an activated sludge sample with various amounts of pre culture Nocardia cells. The results of the Langmuir isotherm model fitted to the metal sorption by various mixtures of Nocardia and activated sludge indicated that the mixture containing higher Nocardia levels had higher metal adsorption capacity than the mixture containing lower Nocardia levels. At Nocardia levels above 100mg/g VSS, the metal sorption capacity of activate sludge increased proportionally with the amount of Noeardia cells present in the mixed liquor, indicating that the presence of Nocardia may increase the viosorption capacity of activated sludge.

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Nutritional Components and Their Antioxidative Protection of Neuronal Cells of Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) Fruit Pericarp (리치 과피의 영양화학 성분 및 항산화성 신경세포 보호효과)

  • Jeong, Hee-Rok;Choi, Gwi-Nam;Kim, Ji-Hye;Kwak, Ji-Hyun;Kim, Yeon-Su;Jeong, Chang-Ho;Kim, Dae-Ok;Heo, Ho-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.481-487
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    • 2010
  • The nutritional components, antioxidant, and neuroprotective effects of water and a 50% methanol extract from litchi fruit pericarp were investigated. The most abundant mineral, amino acid, and fatty acid were K, proline, and palmitic acid, respectively. In addition, the total water phenolics and 50% methanol extracts were 8.02 and 12.28 mg/g, respectively. The DPPH, ABTS radical scavenging activities and ferric reducing antioxidant power of the water and 50% methanol extracts showed dose-dependent antioxidant activity. In a cell viability assay using MTT, almost all extracts showed a protective effect against $H_2O_2$-induced neurotoxicity, and lactate dehydrogenase leakage was also inhibited by the pericarp extracts. In particular, the 50% methanol extract showed a higher cell membrane protective effect than the water extract at the highest concentration. Consequently, these data suggest that litchi fruit pericarp can be utilized as an effective and safe functional food substances for natural antioxidants and may reduce the risk of neurodegenerative disorders.

Antioxidant and Cellular Protective Effects against Oxidative Stress of Calendula officinalis Flowers Extracts in Human Skin Cells (사람피부세포에서 카렌둘라 꽃 추출물의 항산화 및 산화적 스트레스에 대한 세포보호효과)

  • Xuan, Song Hua;Kim, Ga Yoon;Yu, Ji Yeon;Kim, Jee Won;Yang, Ye Rim;Jeon, Young Hee;Jeong, Yoon Ju;Kim, A Rang;Park, Soo Nam
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.620-626
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we investigated the total phenolic and flavonoid contents, antioxidant activity and cellular protective effects against oxidative stress on human skin cells in 50% ethanol extract and its fractions of Calendula officinalis (C. officinalis) flowers. We measured the antioxidant effects of 50% ethanol extract and its fractions of C. officinalis flowers on the free radical scavenging activity ($FSC_{50}$), the reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging activities ($OSC_{50}$) and the inhibition of intracellular ROS generation in human skin cells. These results showed that the antioxidant effect of the ethyl acetate and aglycone fraction was more than the 50% ethanol extract of C. officinalis flowers. We also investigated the cellular protective activity and the results showed that treatment of the ethyl acetate fraction ($0.05-3.13{\mu}g/mL$) protects human skin cells in a concentration-dependent manner when the skin cell damages were induced by treating them with $H_2O_2$. In addition, the aglycone fraction ($1.56-3.13{\mu}g/mL$) shows cellular protective effects on the UV-induced cell damages in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that the fractions of C. officinalis flowers can function as a natural antioxidant agent of cosmetics in human skin cells exposed to oxidative stress by ROS scavenging effects.

Effects of Feeding Levels and Particle Size of Germanium Biotite on Pig Performance (돼지 생산성에 있어 게르마늄흑운모의 첨가수준 및 입자도의 효과)

  • Lee, W.B.;Kim, I.H.;Hong, J.W.;Kwon, O.S.;Min, B.J.;Shon, K.S.;Jung, Y.K.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.787-796
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    • 2003
  • Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of germanium biotite (GB) on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and fecal gas emission in pigs. In Exp 1., a total of one hundred nursery pigs (initial body weight 13.12${\pm}$0.15kg) were used in a 21 d growth assay. The five treatments were control (CON, basal diet), GB0.5-200 (basal diet + 0.5% GB, 200mesh), GB1.0-200 (basal diet + 1.0% GB, 200mesh), GB0.5-325 (basal diet + 0.5% GB, 325mesh), GB1.0-325 (basal diet + 1.0% GB, 325mesh). Each treatment had four replicates with five pigs per replicate. ADG, ADFI and gain/feed were not significantly different among the treatments. Fecal NH3-N concentration of pigs fed the GB325 diet was lower than that of pigs fed the GB200 diet (P=0.01). The GB treatments reduced fecal volatile fatty acids significantly compared to the CON (propionic acid, P=0.01; butyric acid, P=0.01; acetic acid, P=0.02). Especially, fecal propionic acid concentration of pigs fed the GB325 diets was lower than that of pigs fed the GB200 diets (P=0.02). In Exp 2., a total of seventy five pigs (initial body weight 21.18${\pm}$0.15kg) were used in a 28 d growth assay. The treatments were same as described for Exp. 1. Each treatment had five replicates with three pigs per replicate. The GB1.0 treatments significantly increased the ADG compared to the GB0.5 treatments (P=0.03). The DM and N digestibility of pigs fed the GB1.0 diets were higher than that for pigs fed the GB0.5 diets (P=0.01). Also, the Ca digestibility of pigs fed the GB diets was higher than that for pigs fed the CON diets (P=0.01). The fecal NH3-N concentrations for the GB treatments were lower than that for the CON (P=0.01). The GB325 treatments significantly decreased the fecal NH3-N concentration compared to the GB200 treatments (P=0.03). The fecal butyric acid concentration for the GB325 treatments was lower than that for the GB200 treatment (P=0.04). In conclusion, the results obtained from these feeding trials suggest that the dietary GB for nursery pigs affects fecal noxious gas emission. In growing pigs, dietary GB was effective to improve ADG and decrease fecal noxious gas emission.

Longitudinal flowcytometric measurement of respiratory burst activity of neutrophils in patients with pneumonia (폐렴경과 중 순환 호중구의 Respiratory Burst 활성도 변화)

  • Lee, Jae Myung;Lee, Jong Min;Kim, Dong Gyu;Choi, Jeong Eun;Mo, Eun Kyung;Park, Myung Jae;Lee, Myung Goo;Hyun, In Gyu;Jung, Ki-Suck;Park, Chan Jeoung
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.728-735
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    • 1996
  • Background : Recognition and ingestion of opsonized microorganisms by neutrophils induces the burst of oxidative metabolic activity. Products of the respiratory burst activity provide powerful oxygen dependent killing mechanism. Measurement of respiratory burst activity has been a major indicator of the functional capacity of neutrophils. We determined the respiratory burst activity of neutrophils in patients with pneumonia and observed the changes during the clinical course of pneumonia. Methods: The EDTA blood was drawn from 24 normal controls and same numbers of pneumonia patients. The respiratory burst activity(with the production of $H_2O_2$ which changes nonfluorescent DCF-DA to green fluorescent DCF) in the non-stimulated state and the stimulated state with fMLP and PMA of neutrophils was measured by flowcytometry at day 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 of admission. Results: The respiratory burst activity of neutrophils was mildly increased by stimulation with fMLP. But there was no statistical significance between normal control and patients with pneumonia. The respiratory burst activity of neutrophils was markedly increased by stimulation with PMA in both groups. There was a significant difference in response to PMA between normal control and patients with pneumonia. The production of hydrogen peroxide from neutrophils was decreased during early course of pneumonia and it was recuperated gradually to normal level in 9 days. Conclusion : Hydrogen peroxide production from neutrophils was suppressed during early course of pneumonia and restored after treatment. It is suggested that the production of oxygen radical in response to PMA stimulation from each neutrophils is decreased rather than increased during the early course of pneumonia.

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Effects of Gamma Irradiation on Color Changes and Antioxidative Activities of Caesalpinia sappan L. (감마선 조사에 의한 소목추출물의 색상변화 및 항산화 활성 평가)

  • Kwon, Hyung-Jun;Jung, U-Hee;Park, Hae-Ran;Shin, Dong-Hwa;Jo, Sung-Kee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.36 no.8
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    • pp.1055-1061
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    • 2007
  • Caesalpinia sappan L. is an indeciduous tree distributed in China, India, Miyanmar and Vietnam. Its heartwood has long been used in oriental folk medicines to treat diseases. In this study, antioxidative activities of Caesalpinia sappan L. and the effect of gamma irradiation on its chemical and biological properties were investigated. The ethyl acetate fraction (EtOAc fr.) of Caesalpinia sappan L. was irradiated with 100 kGy of gamma ray. The dark red color of EtOAc fr. was significantly (p<0.05) removed by irradiation (Hunter L and b values increased and a value decreased). The total phenolic content of EtOAc fr. was 865 mg/g and it was increased to 1195 mg/g by gamma irradiation. DPPH radical and superoxide anion radical scavenging activities and lipid peroxidation inhibitory activity of EtOAc fr. were very high and its activities were also increased by gamma irradiation. EtOAc fr. also inhibited the irradiation-induced DNA damage of lymphocyte as determined by comet assay. In conclusion, EtOAc fr. of Caesalpinia sappan L. extract showed high antioxidative activities in vitro. Furthermore, gamma irradiation on EtOAc fr. ameliorated the color and antioxidative properties. Therefore, it can be suggested that Caesalpinia sappan L. may be a good material for antioxidant function and gamma irradiation may be applied for the improvement of chemical and biological properties of Caesalpinia sappan L.

Improvement of Herbicide Use in Crop Production. X. Interpretations in Tank - mix Use of Aciflurofen and Haloxyfop - methyl for Weeding on Late - season Cropped Soybeans (Glycine max L.) (제초제(除草劑)의 사용법(使用法) 개발(開發)을 위한 연구(硏究) - X. 만파대두(晩播大豆)의 잡초방제(雜草防除)를 위한 Acifluorfen과 Haloxyfop-methyl의 혼용효과(混用效果) 해석연구(解析硏究))

  • Guh, J.O.;Lee, K.;Kim, D.K.;Hong, S.H.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 1985
  • 25 tank-mixed combinations between Haloxyfop-methyl at 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2 kg ae/ha and Acifluorfen at 0, 0.082, 0.163, 0.245 and 0.326 kg ai/ha were applicated at post-emergence on the late-season cropped soybean(Glycine max) fields predominated by grasses and assessed on the weeding efficacy. A most abundant weed species on the experimented fields were found at September (25 species). The broadleaved weed species and sedges were successively and proportionately emerged by the control rate of grass species. From the mono-treatment of each herbicide, Haloxyfop-methyl was recognized as a highly selective one between grasses and soybean, and Acifluorfen between broadleaf weeds and soybean, respectively. By combined application with both herbicides a synergistic weeding efficacy was detected on total weed species, however antagonistic or additive on each weed groups. Among other traits of soybean, stem dry weight was influenced by weed competitions during October, number of pods per plant during August and seed yields during whole periods. For most effective and reasonable weeding, no less than 0.4 kg ai/ha of each herbicides should be applicated in combinations.

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Application Rate Modification of Paddy Herbicide Quinclorac Depending on Different Cultural Patterns (벼 작부양식(作付樣式)의 차이(差異)에 따른 제초제(除草劑) QUINCLORAC 의 선택활성(選擇活性) 변동(變動))

  • Guh, J.O.;Im, W.H.;Han, S.U.;Kuk, Y.I.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.124-131
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    • 1992
  • Not only reducing the carry-over effects of quinclorac [3, 7-dichloro-8-quinoline carboxylic acid] used in paddy field to some following vegetable crops but also rationalizing agro-ecology conservation and farm economy, the reducing feasibility of application rates by various cropping patterns and application timing after rice seeding and transplanting. Four cropping patterns namely dry direct seeding(DDS), flooded direct seed(FDS), transplanting of 8 days old early seedlings(EST) and 25 days old machinery seedling(MST) were experimented with 7 application timings as 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 days after seeding/transplanting and 9 levels of application rates as 0, 75, 150, 225, 300, 375, 450, 525, and 600g ai/ha of the chemical, respectively. Within the maximum permitted limit of rice phytotoxicity, the minimum application rate of quinclorac to complete control of Echinochloa crus-galli as influenced by various cropping patterns with application timing could be evaluated as follows : A. Dry direct seeding : The minimized application rate at application timing upto 10 days after seeding (DAS) was counted 150g ai/ha, and delaying upto 15-30 DAS, the rates were increased upto 225-525g ai/ha. B. Flooded direct seeding and transplanting : The application rates were minimized 75g ai/ha at application timing upto 10 days after seeding/transplanting(DAS/T), 150g ai/haupto 15 DAS/T, and 225g ai/ha at later than 20 DAS/T, respectively.

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