• Title/Summary/Keyword: Guide 1.60

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Comparison of physicochemical and microorganism characteristics between the air-dried and sun-dried red pepper in south Korea (열풍 건조와 태양 건조한 국내산 고추의 물리화학적 및 미생물학적 품질 특성 비교)

  • Ku, Kyung Hyung;Lee, Kyung-A;Koo, Minseon
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.451-459
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study was to provide useful information for making guide of quality index of Korean red pepper. The results of physicochemical characteristics analysis showed the moisture content of air-dried and sun-dried red pepper were 10.38~15.60% and 9.46~17.22%, which show that 50% of the 40 samples exceeded the 13% KS moisture standards of red pepper powder. The capsaicinoids content of the air-dried and sun-dried samples were 10.85~126.39 mg% (1,627~18,958 Scoville heat unit) and 0.43~164.09 mg% (64.5~24,613.5 Scoville heat unit). A wide distribution of ASTA values was observed: 49.12~154.69 and 70.08~182.13 for air-dried and sun-dried red pepper, respectively, with 9.29~23.10% free sugar, and 0~1,050 mg% of ascorbic acid. The total viable cells of the air-dried red peppers were 2.01~6.67 log CFU/g and of sun-dried red peppers, 1.74~5.77 log CFU/g. The contamination level of yeast in the samples were 1.03~4.12 log CFU/g of the air-dried samples and 1.05~6.10 log CFU/g of the sun-dried samples. Among the foodborne pathogens, Clostridium perfringens and Bacillus cereus were detected in many red pepper samples regardless drying method. In the principal component analysis, the first (PC1) and second principal components (PC2) accounted for 56.78 % of the total variances (38.47% and 18.31%, respectively). Ascorbic acid, ASTA, color value (L, a, b) were strongly correlated with the PC1, and quality characteristics such as moisture, microorganism, sample (drying method) showed a negative correlation with the PC1.

An Analysis of the National Suicide Rate in Korea during 2005 (2005년 전국 자살실태 분석)

  • Kim, Gi-Jeong;Kwak, Jyung-Sik
    • Journal of forensic and investigative science
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.5-22
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    • 2007
  • From the numerous social problems generated by the unbalanced social development and the social trend of belittling life overall, we found the causes of suicide getting worse in its seriousness day by day. In reality, the problem has been approached in a collateral level in contrast with other social problems. There have been an active involvement in studying the definition, causes and ways of prevention of suicide theoretically until now. However, different from other social problems, it is almost impossible to treat or fix the problem of suicide. Only ways to treat or fix the problem is when the suicide has ended in failure. Thus, this study intends to examine the suicide rate among the total accidents during the year 2005, perform the analyses on the actual causes according to the relations such as the means of suicide, occupation, age group, educational background, etc. In order to present a solution to the issue of suicide becoming serious each day. Among the total accidents in 2005, the suicide rate came out to be approximately 52.4%. Among the result, 52.4%, male with 69% resulted higher than female with 31%, which appears to be related to the social functions. While men tends to take more active(80%) means of suicide like jumping off, poison, hanging, etc., women tends to take more passive(60%) means of suicide like sleeping pills, slitting wrist, etc. In terms of the cause, pessimism, illness, denial, mental disorder, etc resulted more than 75%, and there were many cases of suicide after exhibiting the signs of depression. Also there were higher suicide rate of the unemployed engaged in direct labor with educational background lower than college level related to the pessimism regarding the family living cost. We were able to determine the recent increase in the suicidal tendency of the educated people higher than the college level and the retired people with depression caused by the sudden change in social status. Overall there are several reasons for suicide, however, in most cases the signs of depression were exhibited until the final suicide, which tells us the serious psychological problem of suicide. Assuming that the current development of suicide will continue in future, the result of this study will guide the corresponding social policies, be utilized in preparing the insurance or management at the national level dealing with the real social problems that are not just a conflict of an individual, but could spread like a fad and become much bigger than the present by the continuous support at the environmental, social and political levels, and be utilized as the basic data to establish the research plan.

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Development of Dose Planning System for Brachytherapy with High Dose Rate Using Ir-192 Source (고선량률 강내조사선원을 이용한 근접조사선량계획전산화 개발)

  • Choi Tae Jin;Yei Ji Won;Kim Jin Hee;Kim OK;Lee Ho Joon;Han Hyun Soo
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.283-293
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : A PC based brachytherapy planning system was developed to display dose distributions on simulation images by 2D isodose curve including the dose profiles, dose-volume histogram and 30 dose distributions. Materials and Methods : Brachytherapy dose planning software was developed especially for the Ir-192 source, which had been developed by KAERI as a substitute for the Co-60 source. The dose computation was achieved by searching for a pre-computed dose matrix which was tabulated as a function of radial and axial distance from a source. In the computation process, the effects of the tissue scattering correction factor and anisotropic dose distributions were included. The computed dose distributions were displayed in 2D film image including the profile dose, 3D isodose curves with wire frame forms and dosevolume histogram. Results : The brachytherapy dose plan was initiated by obtaining source positions on the principal plane of the source axis. The dose distributions in tissue were computed on a $200\times200\;(mm^2)$ plane on which the source axis was located at the center of the plane. The point doses along the longitudinal axis of the source were $4.5\~9.0\%$ smaller than those on the radial axis of the plane, due to the anisotropy created by the cylindrical shape of the source. When compared to manual calculation, the point doses showed $1\~5\%$ discrepancies from the benchmarking plan. The 2D dose distributions of different planes were matched to the same administered isodose level in order to analyze the shape of the optimized dose level. The accumulated dose-volume histogram, displayed as a function of the percentage volume of administered minimum dose level, was used to guide the volume analysis. Conclusion : This study evaluated the developed computerized dose planning system of brachytherapy. The dose distribution was displayed on the coronal, sagittal and axial planes with the dose histogram. The accumulated DVH and 3D dose distributions provided by the developed system may be useful tools for dose analysis in comparison with orthogonal dose planning.

Performance of Drip Irrigation System in Banana Cultuivation - Data Envelopment Analysis Approach

  • Kumar, K. Nirmal Ravi;Kumar, M. Suresh
    • Agribusiness and Information Management
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2016
  • India is largest producer of banana in the world producing 29.72 million tonnes from an area of 0.803 million ha with a productivity of 35.7 MT ha-1 and accounted for 15.48 and 27.01 per cent of the world's area and production respectively (www.nhb.gov.in). In India, Tamil Nadu leads other states both in terms of area and production followed by Maharashtra, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh. In Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh, Kurnool district had special reputation in the cultivation of banana in an area of 5765 hectares with an annual production of 2.01 lakh tonnes in the year 2012-13 and hence, it was purposively chosen for the study. On $23^{rd}$ November 2003, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has commenced a comprehensive project called 'Andhra Pradesh Micro Irrigation Project (APMIP)', first of its kind in the world so as to promote water use efficiency. APMIP is offering 100 per cent of subsidy in case of SC, ST and 90 per cent in case of other categories of farmers up to 5.0 acres of land. In case of acreage between 5-10 acres, 70 per cent subsidy and acreage above 10, 50 per cent of subsidy is given to the farmer beneficiaries. The sampling frame consists of Kurnool district, two mandals, four villages and 180 sample farmers comprising of 60 farmers each from Marginal (<1ha), Small (1-2ha) and Other (>2ha) categories. A well structured pre-tested schedule was employed to collect the requisite information pertaining to the performance of drip irrigation among the sample farmers and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model was employed to analyze the performance of drip irrigation in banana farms. The performance of drip irrigation was assessed based on the parameters like: Land Development Works (LDW), Fertigation costs (FC), Volume of water supplied (VWS), Annual maintenance costs of drip irrigation (AMC), Economic Status of the farmer (ES), Crop Productivity (CP) etc. The first four parameters are considered as inputs and last two as outputs for DEA modelling purposes. The findings revealed that, the number of farms operating at CRS are more in number in other farms (46.66%) followed by marginal (45%) and small farms (28.33%). Similarly, regarding the number of farmers operating at VRS, the other farms are again more in number with 61.66 per cent followed by marginal (53.33%) and small farms (35%). With reference to scale efficiency, marginal farms dominate the scenario with 57 per cent followed by others (55%) and small farms (50%). At pooled level, 26.11 per cent of the farms are being operated at CRS with an average technical efficiency score of 0.6138 i.e., 47 out of 180 farms. Nearly 40 per cent of the farmers at pooled level are being operated at VRS with an average technical efficiency score of 0.7241. As regards to scale efficiency, nearly 52 per cent of the farmers (94 out of 180 farmers) at pooled level, either performed at the optimum scale or were close to the optimum scale (farms having scale efficiency values equal to or more than 0.90). Majority of the farms (39.44%) are operating at IRS and only 29 per cent of the farmers are operating at DRS. This signifies that, more resources should be provided to these farms operating at IRS and the same should be decreased towards the farms operating at DRS. Nearly 32 per cent of the farms are operating at CRS indicating efficient utilization of resources. Log linear regression model was used to analyze the major determinants of input use efficiency in banana farms. The input variables considered under DEA model were again considered as influential factors for the CRS obtained for the three categories of farmers. Volume of water supplied ($X_1$) and fertigation cost ($X_2$) are the major determinants of banana farms across all the farmer categories and even at pooled level. In view of their positive influence on the CRS, it is essential to strengthen modern irrigation infrastructure like drip irrigation and offer more fertilizer subsidies to the farmer to enhance the crop production on cost-effective basis in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh, India. This study further suggests that, the present era of Information Technology will help the irrigation management in the context of generating new techniques, extension, adoption and information. It will also guide the farmers in irrigation scheduling and quantifying the irrigation water requirements in accordance with the water availability in a particular season. So, it is high time for the Government of India to pay adequate attention towards the applications of 'Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and its applications in irrigation water management' for facilitating the deployment of Decision Supports Systems (DSSs) at various levels of planning and management of water resources in the country.

A Study on Effects of Air-delivery Rate upon Drying Rough Rice with Unheated Air. (벼의 자연통풍건조에 있어서 통풍량이 건조에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 이상우;정창주
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.3293-3301
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    • 1974
  • An experimental work was conducted by using a laboratory-made model dryer to investigate the effect of the rate of natural forced-air on the drying rate of rough rice which was deposited in the deep-bed. The dryer consisted of 8 cylinderical containers with grain holding screen at their bottoms, each of which having 30cm in diameter and 15cm in height. The containers were sacked vertically with keeping them air-tight by using paper tape during dryer operation. Two separate layers of containers were operated in the same time to have two replications. The moisture contents of grains within each bins after predetermined period of dryer operation were determined indirectly by measuring the weight of the individual containers. The air-rates were maintained at 6 levels, or 5, 8, 10, 15, 18 and 20 millimenters of static head of water. The roomair conditions during dryer operation were maintained in the range of 10-l5$^{\circ}C$ in temperature and 40-60% in relative humidity. The results of the study are summarized as follows: 1. Drying characteristics of the grains in the bottom layers were approximately the same regardless of airdelivery rates, giving the average drying rate as about 0.35 percent per hour after 40-hour drying period, during which moisture content (w. b.) reduced from 24 percent to about 10 percent. 2. After about 40-hour drying period, the mean drying rates increased from 0.163 percent per hour to 0.263 percent per hour as air-flow rates increased from 5mm to 87.16mm of static head of water. In the same time, the moisture differences of grains between lower and upper layers varied from 12.7 percent at the air rate of 5mm of water head to 7.5 percent at the air-flow rate of 20mn of water head. Thus, the greater the air-flow rate was, the more overall improvement in drying performance was. Additionally, from the result of ineffectiveness of drying grain positioned at 70cm depth or above by the air rate of 5mm of static head of water it may be suggested in practical application that the height of grain deposit would be maintained adequately within the limits of air-rates that may be actually delivered. 3. Drying after layer-turning operation was continued for about 30 hours to test the effectiveness of reducing moisture differences in the thick layers. As a result of this layer-turning operation, moisture distribution through layers approached to narrow ranges, giving the moisture range as about 7 percent at air-flow rate of 5mm head of water, about 3 percent at 10mm head about 2 percent at 15mm head, and less than 1 percent at 20mm head. In addition, from the desirable results that drying rate was rapid in the lower layers and dully in the upper layers, layer-turning operation may be very effective in natural air drying with deep-layer grain deposit, especially when the forced air was kept in low rate. 4. Even though the high rate of air delivery is very desirable for deep-layer natural-air drying of rough rice, it can be happened that the required air delivery rate could not be attained because of limitation of power source available on farms. To give a guide line for the practical application, the power required to perform the drying with the specified air rate was analyzed for different sizes of drying bin and is given in Table (5). If a farmer selects a motor of which size is 1 or {{{{1 { 1} over {2 } }}}} H.P. and air-delivery rate which ranges from 8~10mm of head, the diameter of grain bin may be suggested to choose about 2.4m, also power tiller or other moderate size of prime motor may be recommended when the diameter of grain bin is about 5.0m or more for about 120cm grain deposit.

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A Clinical Study of Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis with Nephrotic Syndrome (신증후군을 동반한 연쇄상구균 감염후 급성사구체신염의 임상적 고찰)

  • Moon Sang-Ae;Yook Jin-Won;Kim Ji-Hong;Lee Jae-Seung;Jeong Hyun-Joo;Kim Pyung-Kil
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 1999
  • Purpose: Acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis(APSGN) is a renal disease which is characterized by glomerular proliferation and inflammatory changes due to immune reaction. Although the 95% of patients with APSGN seems to recover fully and present as benign course, the remaining patients show poor prognosis. Therefore comparative retrograde study between APSGN with and without nephrotic syndrome was done to find out the any prognostic indicator to predict the outcome in patients with APSGN. Methods: We had retrospectively analyzed seventy-one patients who were diagnosed as APSGN clinically from Mar.1989 to Feb.1999 in Yonsei university medical center. Sixty-four of the patients was APSGN without nephrotic syndrome(Group A) and seven patients were in APSGN with nephrotic syndrome(Group B). Results: Patients who were diagnosed as APSGN with nephrotic syndrome were seven(9.9%) out of seventy-one. In the comparative study, sex ratio was 1:1 in group A and 1.9: 1 in group B, onset mean age was $8.9{\pm}2.6$ in group A and $8.8{\pm}2.6$ in group B. Following clinical profiles were compared but there were no significant difference between these two groups: WBC count($9413{\pm}2964\;vs\;9368{\pm}2650(/mm^3)$), hemoglobin($10.6{\pm}1.2\;vs\;10.0{\pm}0.9(gm/dL)$), ASO($746.1{\pm}640.7\;vs\;614.9{\pm}475.9(IU/ml)$), $C_3(20.1{\pm}17.0\;vs\;16.9{\pm}13.1(mg/dL)$), $C_4(22.8{\pm}9.5\;vs\;22.6{\pm}6.9(mg/dL)$), BUN($25.8{\pm}26.1\;vs\;28.1{\pm}14.5(mg/dL)$), creatinin($0.8{\pm}0.3\;vs\;0.8{\pm}0.3(mg/dL)$), $C_{cr}(80.6{\pm}28.8{\pm}62.4{\pm}31.4(ml/min/1.73\;m^2$)), the duration of edma, gross hematuria, and hypertension. However, we found that there were a significant difference in the duration of proteinuria($1.95{\pm}2.27\;vs\;13.3{\pm}21.1(months)$)(P<0.05), decreased $C_3$ duration($1.9{\pm}2.9\;vs\;7.3{\pm}5.0(weeks)$)(P<0.05) and especially it was proloned according to the amount of early urine protein excretion. Conclusion: Our study showed markedly prolonged duration of proteinuria and decreased $C_3$ duration in patients with APSGN with nephrotic syndrome. We were not able to find the definite prognostic factor that will guide the outcome of patients with APSGN accompaning nephrotic syndrome, but above findings seemed to represent as a relative indication of the outcome of the disease. All patients recovered completely and we did not experience any cases that progressed into the renal failure.

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Study for Diagnostic Correspondent Rates between DSOM and Oriental Medical Doctors (한방진단시스템과 진단의 간의 진단일치도 연구)

  • Lee, In-Seon;Lee, Yong-Tae;Chi, Gyoo-Yong;Kim, Jong-Won;Kim, Kyu-Kon
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.1359-1367
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    • 2008
  • DSOM(Diagnosis System of Oriental Medicine) was made as a computerized assistant program for oriental medicine doctors to be able to diagnose with statistical basis. Then DSOM uses questionnaires filled out by subjects without enough explanatory guide. If the subject misunderstand the meaning of the passages, we might not rely on that result. So I designed this study to investigate the diagnostic correspondent rates between DSOM and practitioners. First, let the respondents answer to DSOM(DSOM-Ⅰ for the rest). After that, three doctors diagnosed the respondents and marked how much they had symptoms about 16 pathogenic factors in the score range 0${\sim}$5('0' means they didn't have that symptom, '1' means they had that symptom but mild, '3' means they had that symptom moderately, '5' means they had that symptom severely. And let the respondents answer to DSOM(DSOM-Ⅱ for the rest) again. Finally, we investigated the correspondent rates of diagnosis between DSOM-Ⅰ,Ⅱ and doctors'. We obtained conclusions as following. In the comparison of output frequency rate of the pathogenic factors, the difference between DSOM-Ⅰ and Ⅱ was 1%. In the correspondent rates of diagnosis between DSOM-Ⅰ,Ⅱ and doctors', In DSOM-Ⅰ and Ⅱ answered by subjects two times respectively, the correspondent rate was highest in insufficiency of Yang(陽虛) and liver(肝) as 93.2%, lowest in damp(濕) as 69.5% and showed 81.9% in all 16 pathogenic factors mean. In DSOM-Ⅰ and Ⅱ, and Doctors' diagnose, they showed the complete correspondent rates of 15.3${\sim}$61.0%, 15.3${\sim}$59.3% in individual pathogenic factor, 36.5%, 37.3% in all 16 pathogenic factors mean each, and within ${\pm}$1 errorrange, they showed the correspondent rates of 32.2${\sim}$93.2%, 35.6${\sim}$89.8% in individual pathogenic factor, 67.6%, 67.3% in all 16 pathogenic factors mean each, and within ${\pm}$2 error range, they showed the correspondent rates of 62.7${\sim}$98.3%, 71.2${\sim}$100% in individual pathogenic factor, 85.1 87.6%% in all 16 pathogenic factors mean each. In the correspondent rates of the severe case, In the cases that the Doctors' diagnostic score mean was over 3(the severity of disease is middle), there were deficiency of qi(氣虛), stagnation of qi(氣滯), blood stasis(血瘀), damp(濕), liver(肝), heart(心), spleen(脾) and they all showed the correspondent rates of over 60 except blood stasis(血瘀). In the cases that the weighed pathogenic factor was above 9, the correspondent rates were 50${\sim}$100%. deficiency of qi(氣虛), blood-deficiency(血虛), stagnation of qi(氣滯), blood stasis(血瘀), insufficiency of Yin(陽虛), insufficiency of Yang(陽虛), coldness(寒), heat (熱), damp(濕), dryness(燥), liver(肝), heart(心), spleen(脾), kidney(腎), phlegm(痰).

Effects of Intracavitary Urokinase Instillation in Complicated Pleural Effusion (합병성 흉막 삼출에 대한 국소적 Urokinase 주입치료 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Sohn, Dong-Hyun;Yoon, Su-Mi;Kim, Chung-Mi;Park, Ik-Soo;Sohn, Jang-Won;Yang, Seok-Chul;Yoon, Ho-Joo;Shin, Dong-Ho;Park, Sung-Soo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.357-364
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    • 2000
  • Background : Complicated exudative pleural fluid collections have traditionally been treated by either closed tube thoracostomy drainage or by open surgical drainage. Complete drainage is important in order to control pleural sepsis, restore pulmonary function, and entrapment. Recently intracavitary fibrinolytic therapy has been advocated as a method to facillitate drainage of complicated exudative pleural effusion and to allow enzymatic debridemant of the restrictive fibrinous sheets covering the pleural surface. The purpose of this study is to prospectively evaluate the effects of image-guided catheter drainage with high dose urokinase(UK) instillation in the treatment of complicated pleural effusions. Patients : Twenty complicated pleural effusion patients that poorly respond to image-guided drainage were allocated to receive UK. There were 8 pneumonia and 12 tuberculosis. Methods : Drugs were diluted in 250 mL normal saline and were infused intrapleurally through the chest tube or pig-tail catheter in a daily dose of 250,000 IU of UK. Response was assessed by clinical outcome, fluid drainage, chest radiography, pleural ultrasound and/or computed tomography. Results : The mean UK instillation time was $1.63{\pm}0.10$. The mean volume drained UK instillation was $381.3{\pm}314.4\;mL$, and post-UK was $321.6{\pm}489.5\;mL$. The follow up duration after UK therapy was mean $212.9{\pm}194.5$ days. We had successful results in 19 cases (95.0%). There were 12 pleural thickenings (60.0%), 2 markedly decreased effusions (10.0%) and 5 cases of no thickening or effusion. There was recurrence after treatment in only one patient(5%) with complicated pleural effusiondue to tuberculosis. Conclusions : Image-guided drainage with high dose UK instillation (250,000 U/day) in complicated pleural effusion is a safe and more effective method than closed thoracostomy drainage. And this management, in turn, can obviate surgery in most cases.

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A study on knowledge, self-efficacy and compliance in Reumatic arthritis Patients (류마티스 관절염 환자의 지식, 자기효능감 및 치료이행과의 관계연구)

  • Kim, Soon-Bong
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.238-252
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    • 1998
  • Reumatic arthritis is a disease with joint pain being one of the key symptoms. The patient suffers from the pain, stiff sensation and edema due to the inflammation taking Place In one or more joints. Accompanying these problems are fatigue, unusual exhaustion, fever, tachycardia and weakness. Inaddition, joints are often deformed and muscles shrink along with the progress of edema, coupled with depression and psychological instability resulting from the loss of the mobile function and limitations on the daily life. Some patients become fed up with the long and hard flight with the disease and just give up, which aggravates the symptoms. Others come to the hospital only when the conditions have become serious. We need to prevent these and guide the patients in the right direction. Against this backdrop, this study aims to look into the relations between the knowledge on the part of the patients together with their feeling of self-efficacy and the compliance. The results are expected to help the patients improve their life, In addition to providing useful materials for setting up appropriate plan for nursing intervention. The study was conducted by distributing questionnaire to 88 patients selected from the out-patient department of a university hospital in Inchon, from April 6 to 27, 1998. The following tools were used the yardstick of self-efficacy, developed in 1997 by the Society for the Health of Rheumatism Patients, was used for measuring the levels of knowledge and the feeling of self-efficacy. The degree of compliance was measured by the data collected from documents in addition to the results of the analysis of the interviews with the patients. The reliability of the tools was confirmed. In the analysis, the general characteristics were expressed in figures and percentages. The levels of knowledge, feeling of self-efficacy, and compliance were expressed in the average values and standard deviations. The relations among the variables following the general characteristics were analysed by the t-test and one-way ANOVA. The Pearson correction coefficient was used for the analysis of factors. Multiple-loop analysis was used to identify the variables affecting the compliance. The following are the results of this study. 1. Among the 88 patients, 18 were men and the remaining 70 were women, with a ratio 1 : 3.87. Regarding the age groups, 23 were between 50 and 59 years old, with those between 50 and 69 accounting for 51.1% of the total. High school graduates or higher amounted to 58%. Religious patients was 67% or 59 persons. Fifty nine percent were unemployed, and 58.3% (49 persons) had two children or fewer. The period of suffering from rheumatism varied between 2 months and IS years, with 70% less than years. 2. The average figure In relation to the of knowledge was 17.63 points over 30 or 58. 76%, which means a medium level. 3. The average figure of the feeling of self-efficacy was 60.06 points. 4. The level of compliance was 3.26, which was above average. 5. The relation between the feeling of self-efficacy and compliance showed an "r" value of 0.37, which was significant. It means that the higher the feeling, the greater the compliance points. 6. The analysis of the knowledge level revealed that the difference is found only between the college graduates and junior-high graduates or lower. 7. The feeling of self-efficacy varied along with the age and education level. 8. The general characteristics of patients as discussed above did not show significant difference with the compliance. 9. Regarding the elements influencing the compliance, the number of children, period of suffering, income, age, feering of self-efficacy, knowledge, and compliance had 54% of significance. In conclusion, rheumatism victims can lead a better life if they are appropriately educated, based on efficient training program from the early days of the disease ; if they become able to manage themselves thanks to the training ; and if they are helped by a program focusing on the increase of the feeling of self-efficacy aimed at changing patient's behavior.

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Research on Proper Dietary Recommendations for Korea (한국인(韓國人)의 균형식(均衡食) 권장에 관한 연구(硏究) -한국인(韓國人)의 식생활(食生活)의 추이(해방후 30년간)-)

  • Lee, Ki-Yull;Leekim, Yang-Cha
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 1977
  • This study was designed to evaluate the changes and improvements in the Korean diet during the last thirty years (since independence in 1945), and to make recommendations for the improvement of their nutritional status, consequently contributing to the physical and mental welfare of the Korean people. The results and recommendations are as follows: 1. The total calorie and carbohydrate intake decreased by $8{\sim}12%$ in the 1970's, as compared with the 1940's and the 1950's. 2. The intake of calcium and vitamiu A increased $30{\sim}50%$ and $20{\sim}60%$ respectively in the 1960's and 1970's as compared with the 1940,s. But this intake level is still lower than the RDA values. 3. The vitamin C intake was somewhat higher in the mountainous and farming areas than in urban areas. 4. In the 1970's, the decrease of untriend intake due to seasonal variation was marked especially for protein, niacin, vitamin $B_1$, and vitamin C. 5. The consumption of protein foods (meats and legumes) increased in an amount of $15{\sim}36g$ per day. There was a marked increase in the intake of meat in farming areas and of milk in urban areas in the 1970's. This increased intake of animal proteins is a very desirable dietary change. 6. The cereal consumption was lowest in urban areal, but there was a general decrease in the intake of the cereal group in the entire area in the 1970's. For the farmers, the intake of cereal food decreased most, from 750 g to 576 g, but cereals still composed a high proportion of the entire diet. 7. Fruits and vegetables showed the highest intake for the urban people, as expected. For the whole area, this food group showed an increase of 8.7% in the 1970's, as compared with the 1960's. 8. The gradual ihcrease in the intake of the fats and oil group was a desirable dietary change. but the absolute amount was too low. 9. A 7% increase in height and a 9% incrrase in weight for growing children and adolescents was observed in the 1970's as compared with the 1940's, but several kinds of deficiency diseases, such as nutritional anemia and dental caries were still apparent in many areas. 10. To improve cur food life and to cope with food shortages faced in Korea, an efficient and nationwide nutrition education program should be implemented. This would maximize efficiency of intake from the limited food sources for a balanced diet. 11. As it is of utmost importance to provide growing children with a desirable physical, sccial mental, and especially nutritional environment, a well-planned and organized school feeding program should be practiced widely and efficiently. 12. Young mothers and pregnant women should be educated on the importance of their children's nutrition, especially for the critical fetal and infancy periods. 13. More thorough and continuous nutritional survey studies on the changes in dietary patterns for the entire nation should be pursued, evaluated and documented. This would Provide a good information guide for future nutritional study programs. 14. It is the nutritionistist's strong desire that national leaders, especially decision makers recognize the fact that improvement of the nutritional status of the People is one of the most economic and preventative ways of improving their physical and mental health. This is closely related to the economic development and strength of the nation.

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