• 제목/요약/키워드: Grinding ratio

검색결과 142건 처리시간 0.024초

녹차보리죽의 저장기간과 해동방법에 따른 품질 특성 (Quality Characteristics of Nochaborijook Changes According to the Different Type of Thawing and Storage)

  • 최남순;오지은;이종미
    • 한국식생활문화학회지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.90-95
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to determine the desirable thawing method and storage time of Nokchaborijook(gruel made of barley, rice powder and Green tea) which made of optimum conditions as the 5.8% Green tea and 15 seconds grinding time. Decision on desirable storage time(10, 20, 30, 40, 50days), thawing method(water bath, microwave oven) of frozen Nokchaborijook were determined by sensory evaluation and physicochemical attributes. As the storage time became longer, moisture and flavonoid contents were decreased. Viscosity, the ratio of water seperation, spreadability of Nokchaborijook which stored at 30 days showed great differences between the two thawing method. Among the sensory characteristics, desirability for overall, flavor, and texture were decreased as the storage time became longer. As a result of consumer test, Nokchaborijook thawed at water bath was more desirable than Nokchaborijook thawed at microwave oven. According to the results, frozen Nokchaborijook can be using as a supplement of dietary fiber and flavonoid for the health and be using convenience food.

감쇠비를 고려한 가속도 신호의 프랙탈 해석 (Fractal analysis of acceleration signal considering damping)

  • 윤문철
    • 한국기계가공학회지
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    • 제12권5호
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    • pp.157-162
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    • 2013
  • To analyze the dynamic acceleration characteristics, it is necessary to identify the acceleration model using some methods that can represent the dynamic properties well. In this sense, fractal methods were used for the verification of characteristics of an acceleration signal. To estimate and analyze the geometry of acceleration signal, a fractal interpolation and its analysis was introduced in this paper. The chaotic nature of acceleration signal was considered in fractal modeling. In this study the fractal signal modeling has brought a focus within the scope of the fractal interpolation and fractal dimension. And a new idea of fractal dimension has been introduced and discussed considering the damping ratio and amplitude for its dynamic properties of the signal. The fractal dimension of acceleration with respect to the scaling factor using fixed data points of 1000 points was calculated and discussed. The acceleration behaviors of this results show some different characteristics. And this fractal analysis can be applied to other signal analysis of several machining such as pendulum type grinding and milling which has many dynamic properties in the signal.

한국산 잉어과 어류의 인두골과 인두치(제 1 보) (On the Pharyngela Bones and Their Teeth in Korean CYPRINIDS Fishes)

  • 양홍준
    • 한국동물학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 1963
  • The characteristics of the pharyngeal bones and their teeth in Korean Cyprinids fishes, as a rule, are summarized as follow : 1. The materials 13 genera and 17 species from Nak Dong River. 2. Breadth of bone about 2.8(Cyprinus carpio) to 4.9(Culter brevicauda) in bone length. Length of bone about 8.5(Carassius carassius ) to 20.2 (Pseudogobio esocinus ) in body length. Breadth of pitted surface about 66%(Carassius carassius) to 85%(Acanthorhodeus asmussi ) of breadth of bone. 3. The position and distinct ratio of anterior angle correlated. 4. Posterior limb always longer than anteriro, but posterior edentulous process not shorter than anterior's or equal. 5. Zacco platypus with pitted surface on anterior limb , but Z.temmincki without it. 6. Teeth one to three rowed in accordance with the differences of each genus : a. one rowed genera ..... Carassius , Pseudorasbora, Sarcocheilichthys (Sakiyae), Pungtungia, Acheilognathus, Acanthorhodeus. b. two rowed genera ........ Pseudogobio, Gnathopogon, Tribolodon. c. Three rowed genera .... Cyprinus, Hemibarbus, Zacco , Culter 7. Teeth of main (primary ) row with four or five teeth is symmetrized exceptive three genera (Tribolodon, Zacco, Culter). 8. Grinding surface and bill type correlated. 9. In Acheilognathus, A.Yamatsutae have one or two indistinct serration but each individual is unlike.

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Physical and Chemical Properties of Nano-slag Mixed Mortar

  • Her, Jae-Won;Lim, Nam-Gi
    • 한국건축시공학회지
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    • 제10권6호
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    • pp.145-154
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    • 2010
  • As buildings have become higher and larger, the use of high performance concrete has increased. With this increase, interest in and use of ultra fine powder admixture is also on the rise. The silica fume and BSF are the admixtures currently being used in Korea. However, silica fume is exclusively import dependent because it is not produced in Korea. In the case of BFS, it greatly improves concrete fluidity and long-term strength. But a problem exists in securing early strength. Furthermore, air-cooled slag is being discarded, buried in landfills, or used as road bed materials because of its low activation energy. Therefore, we investigated in this study the usability of nano-slag (both rapidly-chilled and air-cooled) as an alternative material to the silica fume. We conducted a physic-chemical analysis for the nano-slag powder and performed a mortar test to propose quality standards. The analysis and testing were done to find out the industrial usefulness of the BFS that has been grinded to the nano-level.

M/C 가공과 회귀분석방법에 의한 가공성 세라믹의 특성 평가 (A Property Evaluation of Machinable Ceramics by M/C Machining and Multiple Linear Regression Method)

  • 장성민;윤여권
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2009
  • In machining of ceramic materials, they are very difficult-to cut materials because of there high strength and hardness. Machining of ceramics are characterized by cracking and brittle fracture. Generally, ceramics are machined using conventional method such as grinding and polishing. However these processes are generally costly and have low MRR(material removal rate). This paper focuses on machinability evaluation of machinable ceramics for products with CNC machining center. Thus, in this paper, experiment applying cutting parameters is performed based on experimental design method. A design and analysis of experiments is conducted to study the effects of these parameters on the surface roughness by using the S/N ratio, analysis of ANOVA, and F-test. And multiple linear regression analysis is applied to compare experimental with predicted data in consideration of surface roughness. Cutting parameters, namely, feed, cutting speed and depth of cut are used to accomplish purpose of this paper. Required experiments are performed, and the results are investigated.

기계.화학적 방법으로 제조된 고활성 나노-니켈 촉매의 특성 I. MA된 Ni-50wt% Al 합금의 미세구조 및 나노 촉매 제조 (The Characterization of Nano-Nickel Catalyst with High Activity by Mechanochemical (MC) Method I. Microstructure of MA Ni-50wt% Al and Preparation of Nano-Ni)

  • 이창래;최재웅;강성군
    • 한국재료학회지
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    • 제9권6호
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    • pp.615-621
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    • 1999
  • The new process in order to fabricate of Ni catalyst with high activity by the mechanochemical(MC) method which was combined the mechanical alloying(MA) and the chemical treatment process. The microstructure and characterization of mechanically alloyed Ni-5-wt% Al powder and Ni catalyst gained by alkali leaching were investigated byt he various analysis such as XRD, SEM-EDS, HRTEM and laser particle analyzer. The steady state powder with 1~2$\mu\textrm{m}$ mean particle size was obtained after 30hr milling with the PCA of 2 wt% stearic acid under the condition of grinding stainless steel ball to powder ratio of 60:1 and rotating speed fo 300rpm. According to result of HRTEM diffraction pattern, MA powder of the steady state was nanocrystalline $Al_3$$Ni_2$ intermetallic compound. Ni catalyst was obtained after KOH leaching of the steady state powder was about 20nm nanocrystalline which contained about 8 wt % Al.

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Changes in Pasting and Fluid Properties of Corn and Rice Starches after Physical Modification by Planetary Mill

  • Kim, Bum-Keun;Lee, Jun-Soo;Cho, Yong-Jin;Park, Dong-June
    • Food Science and Biotechnology
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.814-818
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    • 2008
  • Com and rice starches were physically modified by planetary mill. While native starches showed high peak viscosities (1,001 and 563 cp), it decreased largely (42 and 20 cp for rice and com starch, respectively) after 2 hr of physical modification. When two starches were co-ground, peak viscosities decreased more largely than single ground one only in 30 min, indicating the pasting properties could be easily changed by co-grinding. Especially, the higher the amount of com starch, the viscosity decreased more largely, which means that paste stability could be controlled also by changing the ratio of com and rice starch. Mean particle size increased with physical modification time since particles became spread because of shear force. There were also changes in surface morphology after physical modification. Fluid property, such as mean time to avalanche (MTA), was improved (from $6.16{\pm}0.47$ and $8.37{\pm}1.23\;sec$ to $5.47{\pm}0.78$ and $5.26{\pm}1.37\;sec$ for rice and com starch, respectively) by physical modification. Pasting property, such as swelling power, was also improved by physical modification. These mean that native starches can be applied to both conventional powder and new paste-food industry more efficiently by physical modification.

저소음 기어펌프용 연속접촉 헬리컬기어의 형상 설계에 관한 연구 (Theoretical Shape Analysis of Continuous Contact Helical Gear for Low Noise Pump)

  • 김갑태;신수식;지상원
    • 동력기계공학회지
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.58-66
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    • 2018
  • The use of external gear pumps is an effective way to achieve adequate performance at low cost when composing hydraulic systems. The biggest drawback, on the other hand, is the accompanying noise. Gears of continuous contact shape are actively used for the pump recently. The continuous contact shape must be the helical type due to the nature of the gear pump that is driven only by the drive gear. In this paper the theoretical shape of continuous contact gear is analyzed using simple rack shape of straight lines and two circular arcs. Using such geometry, the theoretical equation will be developed by envelope curves according to the conjugate gear shape rules. After checking the validity of the theory by the shape of gear rules, the grinding shape was also developed. The 3D shapes using equation can be also drawn. It was also shown that contact ratio and radius of curvature are easily developed by the theoretical equations.

표면 소수화 처리를 통한 도자타일 과립 분말의 유동 특성 (Effect of Hydrophobic Surface Coating on Flowability of Ceramic Tile Granule Powders)

  • 김진호;김응수;한규성;황광택
    • 한국재료학회지
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    • 제29권7호
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    • pp.425-431
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    • 2019
  • Generally, ceramic tiles for building construction are manufactured by dry forming process using granular powders prepared by spray drying process after mixing and grinding of mineral raw materials. In recent years, as the demand for large ceramic tiles with natural texture has increased, the development of granule powders with high packing ratio and excellent flowability has become more important. In this study, ceramic tile granule powders are coated with hydrophobically treated silica nanoparticles. The effects of hydrophobic silica coating on the flowability of granule powders and the strength of the green body are investigated in detail. Silica nanoparticles are hydrophobically treated with GPTMS(3-glycidoxypropyl trimethoxy silane), which is an epoxy-based silane coupling agent. As the coating concentration increases, the angle of repose and the compressibility decrease. The tap density and flowability index increase after silica coating treatment. These results indicate that hydrophobic treatment can improve the flowability of the granular powder, and prevent cracking of green body at high pressure molding.

시험조건과 고강도콘크리트의 압축강도 관계에 관한 실험적 연구 (An Experimental Study on the Compressive Strength of High Strength Concrete According to Testing Condition)

  • 진영길;이용수;김광서
    • 한국건축시공학회지
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 2002
  • The strength and durability of concrete are affected by various factors such as the quality of material, mixing ratio, construction, the method of cure, time elapsed. the condition of test and etc., it is very difficult to pre-estimate the strength of concrete with the use of experimental specimen. The domestic standard of specimen cylindrical type and its sizes are both l0cm$\times$20cm and 15cm$\times$30cm, which are prescribed in KS F2405, and the loading speed is prescribed to test with 2~3kgf/$\textrm{cm}^2$ per second. The loading speed should have great effect on the compressive strength, but in reality in the construction site sometimes the loading speed is applied so dubiously that the value of the compressive strength can be unreliable. And the cross sectional area of a specimen should be level and smooth, otherwise it can be broken at a lower stress than the real strength through the eccentric or intensive working of the load. Capping should be carried out in order to measure the strength correctly. And used for capping are various materials such as capping compound, cement glue, plaster, mechanical grinding and etc. In this study, therefore, I have carried out an experiment on the relationship among the loading speed, the ratio of height to diameter of specimen, the method of capping, and the compressive strength, for the efficient quality control of concrete structures. So this study has been purposed to provide some basic data that can be used effectively at construction sites.