• Title/Summary/Keyword: Great Point

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Study on Ego states in the view of Transactional analysis, Coping style and Health states of Nursing Students (상호교류분석으로 본 간호학생의 자아상태와 스트레스 대처방법 및 건강상태에 관한 연구)

  • Won, Jeong-Sook;Kim, Jeong-Hwa
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.68-81
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the type of ego states and stress coping style on female college students who are in the course of nursing study. This study is performed in the view of Transactional Analysis and designed to scrutinize descriptive correlations between the type of ego states and stress coping style. The subject is consists of 144 freshmen and sophomore, 138 junior and senior students group, who are students of K nursing college located in Seoul. The sampling investigation period is on Sept. 14, 2002 to Oct. 26, 2002. The measuring instrument used for Transactional Analysis ego state is 50 items Ego-gram research paper devised by Dusay(1997). For studying coping style, Folkman & Lazarus's measurement(1984) was adopted, which is translated and modified by Han, and Oh,(1990). Health states is adopted by standardized health inspecting instrumental table (Cornell Medical Index:CMI) which is designed for Korean people by Ko and Park(1980) Statistic average and standard deviation were generated by using SPSS PC+, t=test and Pearson correlation. The results were as follows: 1) In the type of ego states on both groups indicated the arithmetic apex NP(maximum value), then the point A was high and the data made a down slope to point AC. In the comparison to type of ego states between two groups, only at point CP, the data value of upper year students represented higher than that of lower year ones by c(t=2.28, p=.023). 2) Stress coping style of whole students were highly and affirmatively dedicated to research. Especially hopeful aspect(t=.67, p=.05), relaxation of tension(t=-2.16, p=.03) made significant difference each other in the view of arithmetic calculation. 3) In view of nursing students' physical health states, there is significant difference in past history(t=2.50, p=.013) and in case of mental health states, there are considerable discrepancies between lower group(73.52) and upper group(75.11)(p<.05). In view of all field, state of tension(t=2.13, p=.048) has difference. 4) While verifying coping style in terms of ego states level between lower and upper students group, In type CP, high level ego states group indicated significant difference on stress coping style area than low leveled group and made such sequences as the central point of problem, In type NP, sequences such as the central point of problem, In type A, the central point of problem, In type FC, hopeful aspect and In type AC, hopeful aspect and indifference were derived significantly different (p<.05). 5) While verifying health state differences in the level of lower and upper ego states, In type FC, low level group(150.29) marked higher point than upper group(145.19), there is remarkable discrepancy and so did whole health state(p=.014), In type AC both mental state(p=.000) and whole health state (p=.015) showed differences. 6) When analyzing correlations between whole students' ego states, copying style and health state, all type of ego state showed differences(p<.001). In correlations between ego state and health state, in type FC physical state had an apex and there are inverse correlations among the other types. Especially, type FC showed inverse correlations with great discrepancies(p<.05). In mental state, type NP(${\gamma}=.198$, p<.001) and type A(${\gamma}=.166$, p<.05) represented straight correlations with remarkable differences. Especially, In type AC showed inverse correlations(${\gamma}=.282$, p<.001). In case of correlations between copying style and health state, indifference(${\gamma}=-.157$) and relaxation of tension(${\gamma}=-.158$) presented great difference(p<.05). In mental state, central point of problem and search for social support showed straight correlations with great discrepancies(p<.05), hopeful aspect and indifference showed inverse correlations with considerable differences(p<.001).

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The Meaning of 'Maitreya(彌勒)' in 『Jeon-gyeong』 (『전경』에 나타난 '미륵'의 성격)

  • Lee, Bong-ho
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.26
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    • pp.45-75
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study is to explain characteristics of Maitreya and Maitreya belief from a point of view that 'Jeungsan is the very Maitreya(甑山卽彌勒)'. In 『Jeon-gyeong』, Maitreya is mentioned several times. Thus, new religions of Jeungsan of Daesoonjinrihoe take 'Jeungsan is the very Maitreya' belief for truth. Due to the fact that characteristics of Maitreya are so multi-layered and complicated, it is necessary to explain clearly what kind of feature Maitreya has in 『Jeon-gyeong』. If believing and following 'Jeungsan is the very Maitreya' without clarifying it, they will be faced with a problem that they regard Jeungsan of Supreme being of the Ninth Heaven as one of Maitreya and take its belief for truth. Furthermore, with respect to the characteristics of 'Jeungsan is the very Maitreya' belief, while believing in Mireukasaeng, longed-for Millenarian movement by people through Messianism and Mireukasaeng belief is found in Daesoon Thought, whereas there is a need how to understand the point that we cannot finped Messianism and Millenarian movement in Daesoon Thought. To solve this problem, I draw a conclusion that 'Jeungsan is the very Maitreya' in 『Jeon-gyeong』 has to be understood with two meanings by four demonstrations. First of all, the people perceived late Joseon dynasty as the age of decadence but Maitreya's divinity which is desired by the people is not divinity of Maitreya Sutra(Mileuggyeong). Maitreya's divinity is reflected in the people's cherished desire and it is newly created as the Messiah. Thus, the idea of Jeungsan being the very Maitreya was developed in a way that the people desired the Messiah, encompassing this inclination. That is the Messiah of the people and the divinity of Jeungsan. Although Jeungsan as Supreme being of the Ninth Heaven satisfied the people's desire, it shows a different way to salvation from the way in Maitreya Sutra(Mileuggyeong). It is 'the Great Reordering of the Universe' and 'the Great Reordering of the Three Realms'. Reordering in Jeungsan shows that divinity of Jeungsan is not limited to the people's Messiah. In other words, divinity of Jeungsan is established as The Messiah, surpassing divinity of Maitreya Sutra(Mileuggyeong). And following statements prove this divinity of Jeungsan. Jeungsan's emphasis is not only the people's desire and the Gods' appeal. Jeungsan's emphasis is that only does Supreme being of the Ninth Heaven correct heaven and earth, which is the Gods' appeal. Therefore, 'Jeungsan is the very Maitreya' belief embraces the people's Messianism and at the same time it runs with he Gods' appeal. Thus, Reordering through the Great Reordering of the Universe and the Great Reordering of the Three Realms builds up a new ideal world.

Microsurgical Distal Thumb Reconstruction Using a Mini Wrap-around Free Flap (Mini Wrap-around 유리 피판술을 이용한 무지 원위부 재건술)

  • Kwon, Gi-Doo;Ahn, Byung-Moon;Yeo, Yong-Bum
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.101-107
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: Free flaps from the great toe are an established method for reconstruction of absent or partially amputated thumbs. However, options differ as to which technique represents the ideal solution for each level of amputation. Various methods of distal thumb reconstruction have been proposed. We prefer to transplant the entire great toe nail complex with the almost all of the pulp rather than a portion of the nail. This paper reflects our experience in using the great toe mini wrap-around flap for distal thumb reconstruction. Materials and Methods: In the period from October of 2005 to July of 2007, 9 patients were treated for traumatic thumb defects localized at the distal phalanx of the thumb. The patients included seven men and two women. The mean age was 44 years (range, 21~60) and the dominant right hand was involved in seven of nine patients. Results: The transferred flaps have survived completely in all cases. The mean range of motion in the interphalangeal joints was 51o, with 73% of the normal uninjured opposite hands. The two-point discrimination was 10.5 mm (range, 5~13 mm). In Semmes-Weinstein monofilament test, the sensibility was 4.31 in 4 cases, 3.61 in 3 cases and 2.83 in 2 cases. The pinch power was 64% (range, 55~95%) of the opposite hand. All patients were satisfied with the appearance of the reconstructed thumb and felt comfortable at final follow-up. Conclusion: We have successfully reconstructed 9 cases of traumatic distal thumb defects using the mini wrap-around free flap. The mini wrap-around free flap in great toe is an excellent alternative method for distal thumb reconstruction in selected patients.

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Beat tuning of Silla Great Bell (신라대종의 맥놀이 조절)

  • Kim, Seockhyun;Lee, Joong Hyeok
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.194-201
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    • 2017
  • Silla Great Bell was made to reproduce King Seongdeok Divine Bell and it was restored to have the same structure and patterns. The most difficult problem was to reproduce the magnificent striking sound and dynamic hum tone with strong beat like in King Seongdeok Divine Bell. Especially, beating sound is attributed to the uncontrollable asymmetry occurring in the casting process, so it can not be predicted or controlled before casting. In this study, we introduce the method and process to make Silla Great Bell have a strong beat with a proper period. Position conditions of mode pairs and striking point for a strong beat were identified. Bell thickness was locally decreased to make proper period of beat. The process was performed according to the simulation result of an equivalent bell model. As a result, the original weak and long beat was made to a strong beat with a proper period.

Hangil Design and Oullim, the Great Harmony (한글 디자인과 어울림)

  • 안상수
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.383-392
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    • 2004
  • Oullim is Vital principle Which allows humanity to continue its inherent culture. By proposing the evaluative authority of the creative significance of the invention of Hangul and its formation and superiority from the stand point of Oullim, I would like to focus on Hangul's creative significance on the grounds of 'broadly profound design'. The ideas of Hunminchongum's invention id based on the philosophy of Great Absolute. The philosophy of Great Absolute is natural phenomenon and metaphysical understanding of cosmology. But King Sejong could keep a good balance between identity and practicality. It is a high value of Hangul. The main idea of design is seeking for principle of nature and systematical vitality. King Sejong also put this main idea of design in practice for inventing Hunminchongum. In the process, Oullim appeared as an essential function for the Great Design.

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Operating Temperature and Time of Rate of Rise Heat Detector (차동식 열감지기의 작동온도와 작동시간)

  • 류호철;이병곤
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 1994
  • Rate of rise heat detectors that respond to the heat generated in fire plume and alarm when the temperature reaches a specified point, give a great influences to the loss of life and property according to their reaction sensitivity. In this study, simple equations were derived which can be predicted the response time and temperature of the rate of rise heat detector with the results of hot wind tunnel tests and compartment fire experiments.

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Low-power memory based FFT structure for high speed UWB (UWB용 저전력 Memory based FFT 구조)

  • Choi, Dong-Kyu;Jang, Young-Beom
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.215-216
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    • 2008
  • Ultra wideband (UWB) system is one of the promising solutions for future short-range communication which has recently received a great attention by many researchers. In this paper, we proposed 128-point low power FFT structure based on the memory for UWB systems. The proposed structure can improve implementation area and power consumption efficiency as it consists of one of the butterfly PE and a little memory.

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The Effect Analysis of Quality Considering Human Factor in a Single Lot Production System (단일 Lot 생산시스템에서의 Human Factor가 품질에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • 윤상원;윤석환;신용백
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.17 no.31
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 1994
  • This paper aims to analyse and appraise the effect of human performance to the variation of quality through constructing the dynamic recursive control model considering the human factor in a single production system. The model studied in this paper has a great advance from the point of combinating three technologies(quality control, automatic control theory, human engineering) and can also be expanded in several applications.

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순서와 위상구조의 관계

  • 홍성사;홍영희
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 1997
  • This paper deals with the relationship between the order structure and topological structure in the historical point of view. We first investigate how the order structure has developed along with the set theory and logic in the second half of the nineteenth century. After the general topology has emerged in the beginning of the twentieth century, two disciplines of the order theory and topology give each other a great deal of effect for their development via various dualities, compactifications by maximal filter spaces and Alexandroff's specialization order, which form eventually a fundamental setting for the development of the category theory or functor theory.

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A Family of Tests for Trend Change in Mean Residual Life with Known Change Point

  • Na, Myung-Hwan;Kim, Jae-Joo
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.789-798
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    • 2000
  • The mean residual function is the expected remaining life of an item at age x. The problem of trend change in the mean residual life is great interest in the reliability and survival analysis. In this paper, we develop a family of test statistics for testing whether or not the mean residual life changes its trend. The asymptotic normality of the test statistics is established. Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to study the performance of our test statistics.

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