• Title/Summary/Keyword: Graph Interconnection

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The Fault Tolerance of Interconnection Network HCN(n, n) and Embedding between HCN(n, n) and HFN(n, n) (상호연결망 HCN(n, n)의 고장허용도 및 HCN(n, n)과 HFN(n, n) 사이의 임베딩)

  • Lee, Hyeong-Ok;Kim, Jong-Seok
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.9A no.3
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    • pp.333-340
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    • 2002
  • Embedding is a mapping an interconnection network G to another interconnection network H. If a network G can be embedded to another network H, algorithms developed on G can be simulated on H. In this paper, we first propose a method to embed between Hierarchical Cubic Network HCN(n, n) and Hierarchical Folded-hypercube Network HFN(n, n). HCN(n, n) and HFN(n, n) are graph topologies having desirable properties of hypercube while improving the network cost, defined as degree${\times}$diameter, of Hypercube. We prove that HCN(n, n) can be embedded into HFN(n, n) with dilation 3 and congestion 2, and the average dilation is less than 2. HFN(n, n) can be embedded into HCN(n, n) with dilation 0 (n), but the average dilation is less than 2. Finally, we analyze the fault tolerance of HCN(n, n) and prove that HCN(n, n) is maximally fault tolerant.

Matching Preclusion Problem in Restricted HL-graphs and Recursive Circulant $G(2^m,4)$ (제한된 HL-그래프와 재귀원형군 $G(2^m,4)$에서 매칭 배제 문제)

  • Park, Jung-Heum
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.60-65
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    • 2008
  • The matching preclusion set of a graph is a set of edges whose deletion results in a graph that has neither perfect matchings nor almost perfect matchings. The matching preclusion number is the minimum cardinality over all matching preclusion sets. We show in this paper that, for any $m{\geq}4$, the matching preclusion numbers of both m-dimensional restricted HL-graph and recursive circulant $G(2^m,4)$ are equal to degree m of the networks, and that every minimum matching preclusion set is the set of edges incident to a single vertex.

Cycle Extendability of Torus Sub-Graphs in the Enhanced Pyramid Network (개선된 피라미드 네트워크에서 토러스 부그래프의 사이클 확장성)

  • Chang, Jung-Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.1183-1193
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    • 2010
  • The pyramid graph is well known in parallel processing as a interconnection network topology based on regular square mesh and tree architectures. The enhanced pyramid graph is an alternative architecture by exchanging mesh into the corresponding torus on the base for upgrading performance than the pyramid. In this paper, we adopt a strategy of classification into two disjoint groups of edges in regular square torus as a basic sub-graph constituting of each layer in the enhanced pyramid graph. Edge set in the torus graph is considered as two disjoint sub-sets called NPC(represents candidate edge for neighbor-parent) and SPC(represents candidate edge for shared-parent) whether the parents vertices adjacent to two end vertices of the corresponding edge have a relation of neighbor or sharing in the upper layer of the enhanced pyramid graph. In addition, we also introduce a notion of shrink graph to focus only on the NPC-edges by hiding SPC-edges within the shrunk super-vertex on the resulting shrink graph. In this paper, we analyze that the lower and upper bounds on the number of NPC-edges in a Hamiltonian cycle constructed on $2^n{\times}2^n$ torus is $2^{2n-2}$ and $3{\cdot}2^{2n-2}$ respectively. By expanding this result into the enhanced pyramid graph, we also prove that the maximum number of NPC-edges containable in a Hamiltonian cycle is $4^{n-1}$-2n+1 in the n-dimensional enhanced pyramid.

Constructing Algorithm for Optimal Edge-Disjoint Spanning Trees in Odd Interconnection Network $O_d$ (오드 연결망 $O_d$에서 에지 중복 없는 최적 스패닝 트리를 구성하는 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Jong-Seok;Lee, Hyeong-Ok;Kim, Sung-Won
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.429-436
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    • 2009
  • Odd network was introduced as one model of graph theory. In [1], it was introduced as a class of fault-tolerant multiprocessor networks and analyzed so many useful properties such as simple routing algorithms, maximal fault tolerance, node axsjoint path, etc. In this paper, we sauw a construction algorithm of edge-axsjoint spanning trees in Odd network $O_d$. Also, we prove that edge-disjoint spanning tree generated by our algorithm is optimal edge-disjoint spanning tree.

Maximum Node Interconnection by a Given Sum of Euclidean Edge Lengths

  • Kim, Joonmo;Oh, Jaewon;Kim, Minkwon;Kim, Yeonsoo;Lee, Jeongeun;Han, Sohee;Hwang, Byungyeon
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.246-254
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    • 2019
  • This paper proposes a solution to the problem of finding a subgraph for a given instance of many terminals on a Euclidean plane. The subgraph is a tree, whose nodes represent the chosen terminals from the problem instance, and whose edges are line segments that connect two corresponding terminals. The tree is required to have the maximum number of nodes while the length is limited and is not sufficient to interconnect all the given terminals. The problem is shown to be NP-hard, and therefore a genetic algorithm is designed as an efficient practical approach. The method is suitable to various probable applications in layout optimization in areas such as communication network construction, industrial construction, and a variety of machine and electronics design problems. The proposed heuristic can be used as a general-purpose practical solver to reduce industrial costs by determining feasible interconnections among many types of components over different types of physical planes.

Strongly Hamiltonian Laceability of Mesh Networks (메쉬 연결망의 강한 해밀톤 laceability)

  • Park Kyoung-Wook;Lim Hyeong-Seok
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.32 no.8
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    • pp.393-398
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    • 2005
  • In interconnection networks, a Hamiltonian path has been utilized in many applications such as the implementation of linear array and multicasting. In this paper, we consider the Hamiltonian properties of mesh networks which are used as the topology of parallel machines. If a network is strongly Hamiltonian laceable, the network has the longest path joining arbitrary two nodes. We show that a two-dimensional mesh M(m, n) is strongly Hamiltonian laceabie, if $m{\geq}4,\;n{\geq}4(m{\geq}3,\;n{\geq}3\;respectively)$, and the number of nodes is even(odd respectively). A mesh is a spanning subgraph of many interconnection networks such as tori, hypercubes, k-ary n-cubes, and recursive circulants. Thus, our result can be applied to discover the fault-hamiltonicity of such networks.

Maximum Terminal Interconnection by a Given Length using Rectilinear Edge

  • Kim, Minkwon;Kim, Yeonsoo;Kim, Hanna;Hwang, Byungyeon
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.114-119
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    • 2021
  • This paper proposes a method to find an optimal T' with the most terminal of the subset of T' trees that can be connected by a given length by improving a memetic genetic algorithm within several constraints, when the set of terminal T is given to the Euclidean plane R2. Constraint (1) is that a given length cannot connect all terminals of T, and (2) considers only the rectilinear layout of the edge connecting each terminal. The construction of interconnections has been used in various design-related areas, from network to architecture. Among these areas, there are cases where only the rectilinear layout is considered, such as wiring paths in the computer network and VLSI design, network design, and circuit connection length estimation in standard cell deployment. Therefore, the heuristics proposed in this paper are expected to provide various cost savings in the rectilinear layout.

Maximum Node Interconnection by a Given Sum of Euclidean Edge Lengths in a Cluster Node Distribution

  • Kim, Yeonsoo;Kim, Minkwon;Hwang, Byungyeon
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.90-95
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    • 2022
  • This paper proposes a method to find a tree with the maximum number of terminals that can be connected by a given length when numerous terminals distributed in a cluster form are given to the Euclidean plane R2 with several constraints. First constraint is that a given terminal is distributed in a cluster form, second is that a given length cannot connect all terminals in the tree, and third is that there is no curved connection between each terminal. This paper proposes a method to establish more efficient interconnections within terminals distributed in a cluster form by improving a randomly distributed memetic genetic algorithm. The construction of interconnections has been extensively used in design-related fields, from networking to architecture. Additionally, in real life, the construction of interconnections is mostly distributed in the form of clusters. Therefore, the heuristic algorithm proposed in this paper can be effectively utilized in real life and is expected to provide various cost savings.

Fault Diameter and Mutually Disjoint Paths in Multidimensional Torus Networks (다차원 토러스 네트워크의 고장지름과 서로소인 경로들)

  • Kim, Hee-Chul;Im, Do-Bin;Park, Jung-Heum
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.34 no.5_6
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    • pp.176-186
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    • 2007
  • An interconnection network can be represented as a graph where a vertex corresponds to a node and an edge corresponds to a link. The diameter of an interconnection network is the maximum length of the shortest paths between all pairs of vertices. The fault diameter of an interconnection network G is the maximum length of the shortest paths between all two fault-free vertices when there are $_k(G)-1$ or less faulty vertices, where $_k(G)$ is the connectivity of G. The fault diameter of an R-regular graph G with diameter of 3 or more and connectivity ${\tau}$ is at least diam(G)+1 where diam(G) is the diameter of G. We show that the fault diameter of a 2-dimensional $m{\times}n$ torus with $m,n{\geq}3$ is max(m,n) if m=3 or n=3; otherwise, the fault diameter is equal to its diameter plus 1. We also show that in $d({\geq}3)$-dimensional $k_1{\times}k_2{\times}{\cdots}{\times}k_d$ torus with each $k_i{\geq}3$, there are 2d mutually disjoint paths joining any two vertices such that the lengths of all these paths are at most diameter+1. The paths joining two vertices u and v are called to be mutually disjoint if the common vertices on these paths are u and v. Using these mutually disjoint paths, we show that the fault diameter of $d({\geq}3)$-dimensional $k_1{\times}k_2{\times}{\cdots}{\times}k_d$ totus with each $k_i{\geq}3$ is equal to its diameter plus 1.

Interconnection Problem among the Dense Areas of Nodes in Sensor Networks (센서네트워크 상의 노드 밀집지역 간 상호연결을 위한 문제)

  • Kim, Joon-Mo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.6-13
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    • 2011
  • This paper deals with the interconnection problem in ad-hoc networks or sensor networks, where relay nodes are deployed additionally to form connections between given nodes. This problem can be reduced to a NP-hard problem. The nodes of the networks, by applications or geographic factors, can be deployed densely in some areas while sparsely in others. For such a case one can make an approximation scheme, which gives shorter execution time, for the additional node deployments by ignoring the interconnections inside the dense area of nodes. However, the case is still a NP-hard, so it is proper to establish a polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS) by implementing a dynamic programming. The analysis can be made possible by an elaboration on making the definition of the objective function. The objective function should be defined to be able to deal with the requirement incurred by the substitution of the dense area with its abstraction.