• Title/Summary/Keyword: Graduate School Newspaper

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Evaluation of Similarity Analysis of Newspaper Article Using Natural Language Processing

  • Ayako Ohshiro;Takeo Okazaki;Takashi Kano;Shinichiro Ueda
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2024
  • Comparing text features involves evaluating the "similarity" between texts. It is crucial to use appropriate similarity measures when comparing similarities. This study utilized various techniques to assess the similarities between newspaper articles, including deep learning and a previously proposed method: a combination of Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI) and Word Pair Matching (WPM), denoted as PMI+WPM. For performance comparison, law data from medical research in Japan were utilized as validation data in evaluating the PMI+WPM method. The distribution of similarities in text data varies depending on the evaluation technique and genre, as revealed by the comparative analysis. For newspaper data, non-deep learning methods demonstrated better similarity evaluation accuracy than deep learning methods. Additionally, evaluating similarities in law data is more challenging than in newspaper articles. Despite deep learning being the prevalent method for evaluating textual similarities, this study demonstrates that non-deep learning methods can be effective regarding Japanese-based texts.

Development and Validation of Home Newspaper Utilization Scale for Elementary School Students (HNUS-E) (초등학생을 위한 가정 신문 활용 척도의 개발 및 타당화)

  • Choi, Naya;Jung, Soojeong
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.225-241
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    • 2019
  • This study develops and validates an objective scale to measure newspaper use at home by elementary school students and parents. We developed a preliminary scale of 59 items through the review of literature on newspaper use and mediation as well as the examination of content validity by education experts. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0 programs. A total of 42 items were supported by 703 parents with students in grades 1-6 using exploratory factor analysis. The model included 3 categories and 9 sub-factors: instruction (modeling, restriction, and text instruction), activities (play activity, conversation, online mediation, and scrap activity), and belief (academic achievement and information acquisition). Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed and validated the model fit; in addition, convergent validity, and discriminant validity, and cross validity was confirmed through correlation analysis by gender comparison and grade comparison. We also verified the validity of this scale through correlation analysis based on Yu and Jung (2012)'s newspaper mediation variables and scale in regards to children's motivation for using newspapers. Finally, internal consistency reliability and half reliability were also confirmed. In conclusion, the suitability and stability of home newspaper utilization scale for elementary students (HNUS-E) were confirmed. This scale provides parents and educators with ideas for the development of the children's literacy, cognitive, and affective domains that can be effectively used in research on newspaper use for school-aged children.

A Study on The Color Reproduction Properties of Domestic Newspaper Prints (국내 신문 인쇄의 색재현 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Han-A-Reum;Kang, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.27-41
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    • 2007
  • Web offset newspaper prints is the most widely used printing process in domestic printing industry, but there are no industry-wide specifications for press control to assure consistent quality across newspaper printing plants. As newspaper printing becomes more of a commodity and less of an art, it is necessary to develop the print quality specification standard suitable for Korea web offset newspaper printing field. There are a few commonly employed printing standards such as, SNAP (Specification for Non-Heatset Publication) of the US, IFRA(INCA-FIEJ Research Association), J-color (Japan printing machinery association). And there exists KS for domestic standards, however, since it has been directly imported from ISO standards, there are discrepancies in printing materials and media. This paper aims to examine the color reproduction quality of domestic web offset newspaper prints by comparing with foreign standards. Printing experiments on this study have been performed at one of the domestic newspaper printing companies. The color reproduction properties of the web offset newspaper prints are measured by means of densitometry and colorimetry. These measures are evaluated comapratively with the international standards by means of analyzing, the major factors that determine the color reproduction quality of web offset newspaper prints.

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Impact of NIE on entrepreneurship and career awareness in Adolescent: Mediated effect of self-efficacy (청소년의 신문활용교육(NIE)이 기업가정신 및 진로인식에 미치는 영향: 자기효능감을 매개효과로 하여)

  • Kim, Yong-Ho;Kim, Jong-Keun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.153-164
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    • 2016
  • It is critical for adolescents to foster self-efficacy, creativity, and adventurous spirit as well as plans for appropriate career path in order to become good members of society. During this adolescent period, newspapers will be a good learning material as they deliver various and timely information in refined language. In this paper, we analyzed the impact of NIE on development of self-efficacy, awareness of career path, and entrepreneurship through comparing adolescents who regularly read newspapers with those who do not. We came up with the following result after analysis of surveys (with a sample size of 283) that targeted middle school and higher grade elementary school students across Korea. We confirmed that reading newspapers has a positive impact on development of self-efficacy, awareness of career path, and entrepreneurship. More specifically, reading newspapers regularly has a positive impact on development of self-efficacy that subsequently has a positive impact on development of awareness of career path and entrepreneurship. Therefore, we found that simply reading newspapers regularly has a positive impact on development of self-efficacy, awareness of career path, and entrepreneurship with no special programs utilizing the newspapers. This is because various information and opinions in newspapers help adolescents to develop their own views, improve understanding and awareness of career, and development of sociality including creativity and adventurous spirit. There is the meaning as the first research that this research checks what the NIE of the adolescents affects the positive impact to not only the self-efficacy and career awareness but also entrepreneurship.

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A Study on the Transference of Headlines and Types of Preferred Headlines in Offline and Online Newspapers

  • Kim, Man-Ki;Kang, Hyun-Jig
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.89-106
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    • 2011
  • With the development of the Internet, the media market is experiencing rapid change. The traditional form of offline newspaper markets, which has created the mainstream news delivery market, have been losing large amounts of power due to the emergence of online media. On the other hand, online media armed with its ability to post breaking news almost as it occurs has increased its influence and popularity at a rapid speed. However, since the exposure time and readership of online newspapers are less than their offline counterparts online media has a high dependence on sensational titles and somewhat exaggerating headlines rather than the objective and recapitulative headlines which are preferred. This paper will examine the function and significance of headlines, and conduct a comparative analysis on contents and forms of the headlines in offline newspaper and online newspaper in order to identify the characteristics of each newspaper. Through comparisons, it examines the types of headlines and the transference of headlines. In addition, it examines the differences in recognition of copy editors according to media in determining the headline, and it illuminates which type of headlines is preferred in order to instigate readers to read online newspapers. The analysis results of title-transferring cases in offline newspaper and online newspapers are that offline newspapers try to convey the contents accurately by making use of an information-transferring headline, while attention-attracting headline or subject-hiding headlines tend to be used for attracting the eye of readers. In addition, analysis results of headlines that are put on the top with a click counts in online newspapers are that attention-attracting headlines are the majority, while subject-hiding headlines that are hardly used in offline newspapers, are well-used in online newspapers. In an interview with copy editors, they responded that offline editors focus on the fact-transference in determining the title, while online editors put the weight on immediacy in the delivery of news and the function of guiding readers.

Analysis of Dietary Informations in Newspapers and Magazine for Children (2002) (어린이신문 및 잡지에 게재된 식생활 관련 정보 현황조사(2002년))

  • Moon Hyun-Kyung;Cho Yeon-Jin
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.161-172
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    • 2005
  • Children regard newspapers and magazines as the important source of information. Because informations about diet in the newspaper and magazines are regarded as good, it is necessary to find out whether informations provided to children are correct. Thus, this study shows the present situation of informations on diet by monitoring 3 newspapers (Kids. Chosun, Kids. Donga, Kids. Hankook) and 2 magazines (Earinee - Dongsan, Sae-But) for children. This study focused on the quantitative and the qualitative analysis for articles and advertisements. For the quantity, rate and number were calculated. For the quality, the accuracy was analyzed. Result of this study were as follow; Analyzed the number of articles and advertisements on diet, there are 2 times more number of advertisements (339 cases) than that of articles (180 cases) in the newspaper. There are slightly more number of advertisements (24 cases) than that of articles (18 cases) in the magazine. Most of advertisements are about processed foods and children' favorite foods. Especially, the advertisement of processed foods are ranked first by the quantity with 245 cases (75%) in the newspaper. In the magazine, 10 cases (42%) are about processed foods. About source of advertisements on diet informations in the newspaper, there are 300 cases (86.7%) without evidence based data and 34 cases (9.8%) of interview with entertainers, from the total 346 cases. In the magazine, there are high rate of cases without evidence based data and interview with entertainers. For the evaluation of the information about diet in the newspaper, there are 148 cases (19.7%) with no clear guidance and position, some cases with advertisements for specific products and etc. Discordance between subjects and contents, and emphasis of specified field or some parts are found from the total 750 cases. About the accuracy of contents, from the total 180 cases in the newspaper, 99 cases (55%) are inappropriate and 19 cases (10.6%) are appropriate. In magazines from the total 18 cases, 7 cases (38.9%) are inappropriate and 11 cases (61.1 %) are appropriate. With these results, we can conclude that informations about diet in newspapers and magazine for children needs improvement. Therefore, for newspapers and magazines contents should be reported scienifically by inspecting contents and by taking professional advice, in order to spread the accurate information about diet. Also, there are need to manage the systematic monitoring, for children. (Korean J Nutrition 38(2): 161~172, 2005)

Content Analysis of the Articles of the Overseas Local Newspapers on the Culture Contents of Korea, China, and Japan -Focusing on Malaysia, Singapore, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, and Spain- (해외 현지신문의 한·중·일 문화콘텐츠 관련 기사의 내용분석 연구 -말레이시아, 싱가폴, 몽골, 우즈베키스탄, 스페인을 중심으로-)

  • Ahn, Cheunsoon;Narantuya, Lkhagva
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.1100-1115
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    • 2016
  • This research investigated the relative influence of culture contents from Korea, China, and Japan published in the internet version of local newspapers for Malaysia, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, and Spain (from January 2010 to December 2014) and from Singapore (January 2012 to December 2014) using content analysis focused on the frequency distribution of newspaper content. 'Food' showed the highest appearance frequency of the 11 culture contents investigated in the study. Among the articles related to Korea, 'Pop Music' showed the highest frequency for Malaysia, Uzbekistan, and Spain and 'Star' showed the highest frequency for Singapore and Mongolia. Among the Hallyu related contents, 'Pop Music' showed the highest frequency followed by 'Star', 'Movie', and 'Drama'. Articles related to Korea showed a significantly higher frequency than articles related to China and Japan in 'Pop Music' and 'Star' categories. Spain showed articles related to Korea only in the 'Pop Music' category.

Semantic network analysis of schizophrenia through newspaper articles. (신문기사를 통해 본 조현병의 의미연결망 분석)

  • Song, Hye-Jin;Kim, Suk-Sun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.375-384
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    • 2021
  • This study explored the change in keywords and topics in newspaper articles related to schizophrenia after the Gangnam murder case. The study examined newspaper articles related to schizophrenia for five years before and after the Gangnam murder case. A semantic network analysis was conducted using the NetMiner 4.4.1 program. 610 articles between 2013 and 2018 were retrieved from 8 national newsletters. The most frequent core keyword was 'treatment' before the murder case, but 'incidents' after the case. Four topics were identified: 'becoming chronic if missing the time of treatment due to prejudice', 'being curable with early treatment', 'living an ordinary life with medication', 'being indicted as a murderer while impaired by a mental disorder' before the murder case. After the case, four topics were identified: 'committing murder for delusions, not misogyny', 'medication non-adherence leads to more impulsive behavior', 'claiming leniency for criminals due to the mental impairment', 'killing the police who were mobilized to stop stabbing rampage'. These findings suggest that newspaper articles should provide accurate information about schizophrenia to reduce prejudice and stigma toward patients with schizophrenia and other forms of mental illness.

Analysis of Food and Nutrition Information for Articles and Advertisements in the Daily Newspapers (Year 2002) (일간 신문의 기사와 광고에 나타난 식품영양정보의 현황 조사 (2002년))

  • Mun, Hyeon-Gyeong;Yong, Mi-Jin;Jang, Yeong-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.143-158
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    • 2004
  • The object of this study is to investigate and analyze the quantity and quality of informations on health, food and nutrition reported by newspapers. Six different major domestic daily newspapers(Hankook Ilbo, Donga IIbo, Chosun IIbo, Kyunghyang Shinmun, Hankyoreh Shinmun, JoongAng Ilbo), were monitored from 1st of May to 31st of Oct. 2002.. The results of monitoring in the newspapers were summarized as follows; 1. The total percentage of the articles on health and food nutrition was 2.7% and the percentage of the advertisements on health, food and nutrition was 17.5% of total area of the newspaper. The ratio of the number of food and nutrition topic on the total number of health and food nutrition topic was 35.8% for the articles, was 62.9% for the advertisements. Among advertisements on food and nutrition, the percentage of advertisements on healthy foods was the highest (3,481 or 55.0%). 2. Contents of 340 articles(26.1%) were reported as suitable informations. Contents of 259 articles(19.9%) were reported as inaccurate informations on health, food and nutrition. In the analysis of advertisements, the number of advertisements without sufficient reliable sources was 2,488 cases(23.0%), and with exaggerated contents was 2,268 cases(21.0%). The articles and advertisements should be backed by scientific research or reliable sources and also the opinions of people with expertise in order to report accurate informations to the general public. In order to achieve these results, there should be continuing monitoring activity for the newspapers.

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