• Title/Summary/Keyword: Gomso bay

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The Distribution of phosphorus in the Gomso Bay Tidal Flat (곰소만 조간대에서 인의 시공간적 분포)

  • 양재삼;김영태
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2002
  • The temporal and spatial distributions of phosphorus have been investigated in the Gomso Bay, Korea. TP, PIP, TOP and DIP in sediment were found 548.8mg P kg$^{-1}$ , 426.1mg P kg$^{-1}$ , 122.6mg P kg$^{-1}$ , and 0.217mg P kg$^{-1}$ , respectively with a decreasing order of PIP>TOP>DIP. Any temporal or spatial trend has not been found on the distribution of TP in the sediment, except the high TP values near the mouth of Julpo-chun. We found seasonal patterns high TOP(28.90% of TP) and low TIP(71.10% of TP) in August, but low TOP(15.63% of TP) and high TIP(84.38% of TP) in November. There were three times higher DIP concentration in August than in November. Such case is probably not only due to the enhanced supply of DIP directly from the decomposition of organic matter from overlying water in summer, but also the released phosphate from the adsorbed particulate matter such as PIP under the low pH and Eh conditions at the subsurface layers of the sediment induced by the active microbial respiration of increased organic materials in summer. Primarily, the source of phosphorous from municipal sewage strongly influenced the early stage of the distribution of all the phosphorous in the Gomso tidal flat. Notwithstanding, through the processes of diagenesis in sediment, water temperature and organic contents probably functioned as the key parameters to control the temporal distributions of TOP, TIP and DIP in the Gomso tidal flat.

Precise Topographic Change Study Using Multi-Platform Remote Sensing at Gomso Bay Tidal Flat (다중 원격탐사 플랫폼 기반 곰소만 갯벌 정밀 지형변화 연구)

  • Hwang, Deuk Jae;Kim, Bum-Jun;Choi, Jong-Kuk;Ryu, Joo Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.2_2
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    • pp.263-275
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    • 2020
  • In this study, DEMs (Digital elevation model) based on LIDAR, TanDEM-X and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) are used to analyze topographic change of Gomso tidal flat during a few years. DEM from LIDAR data was observed at 2011 by KHOA (Korean hydrographic and oceanographic agency) and DEM based on TanDEM-X data was generated at Lee and Ryu (2017). UAV data was observed at KM and KH area of Gomso tidal flat. KM area was surveyed at MAY and AUG 2019, and KH area was surveyed at APR 2018 and MAY 2019. During research period, 2011 to AUG 2019, elevation of KM area is decreased 0.24 m in average, and Chenier is retreat to landward about 130 m. In KH area, elevation is increased 0.16 m in average during research period, 2011 to MAY 2019. It is expected that multi-platform remotely sensed data can help to study accurate topographic change of tidal flat.

Seasonal Accumulation Pattern and Preservation Potential of Tidal-flat Sediments: Gomso Bay, West Coast of Korea (조간대 퇴적물의 계절적 집적양상과 보존: 한국 서해안의 곰소만)

  • Chang, Jin-Ho;Choi, Jin-Yong
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 1998
  • Seasonal changes of topography, sediment grain size and accumulation rate in the Gomso-Bay tidal flat, west coast of Korea, have been studied in order to understand the seasonal accumulation pattern and preservation potential of the tidal-flat sediments. Seasonal levelings across the tidal flat show that the landward movement of both intertidal sand shoals and cheniers accelerates during the winter and typhoon periods, but it almost stops in summer when mud deposition is instead predominant at the middle and upper tidal flats. Seasonal variations of mean grain size were largest on the upper part of middle tidal flat where summer mud layers were eroded during the winter and typhoon periods. Measurements of accumulation depths from sea floor to basal plate reveal that accumulation rates were seasonally controlled according to the elevation of tidal-flat surface. The upper tidal flat where the accumulation rate of summer was generally higher than that of winter was characterized by a continuous deposition throughout the entire year, whereas in the middle tidal flat, sediment accumulations were concentrated in winter relative to summer and were intermittently eroded by typhoons. The lower tidal flat were deposited mostly in winter and eroded during summer typhoons. Can cores taken across the tidal flat reveal that sand-mud interlayers resulting from such seasonal changes of energy regime are preserved only in the upper part of the deposits and generally replaced by storm layers downcore. Based on above results, it is suggested that the storm deposits by winter storms and typhoons would consist of the major part of the Gomso-Bay sediments.

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Phytoplankton variability in digestive tract of the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum in Gomso Bay, west coast of Korea (서해 곰소만에서 바지락 소화관 내용물의 변동 특성)

  • Kim, Hyung Seop
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.165-174
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    • 2016
  • Feeding behaviour of the manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum was qualitatively and quantitatively characterized by comparing the contents composition in digestive tract of the clam and the phytoplankton community in surface sea water in Gomso Bay, west coast of Korea. The contents of digestive tract comprised diatoms (71.5%), dinoflagellates (13.1%), nannoplankton (6.6%), and detritus including mesozooplankton. The abundance of food organisms in digestive tract of the clam was high in winter and spring, while low in summer and autumn. But The biomass of phytoplankton in surface sea water revealed the highest value in autumn. Also, the larger the clam size increases the abundance of food organisms in digestive tract. The dominant species in digestive tract were Paralia sulcata and Navicula arenaria such as benthic diatoms and dinoflagellate cysts, whereas the dominant species in surface sea water were Chaetoceros, Skeletonema, Asterionellopsis such as pelagic diatoms in genus, cryptomonads, and P. sulcata. Analyses of digestive tract revealed that benthic diatoms especially represent an important constituent of food organisms in the malina clam and different of phytoplankton size and morphology explain preference for food selectivity.

Antimicrobial Resistance and Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Strains Isolated from Seawater and Commercial Fisheries (해수 및 시판 수산물에서 분리한 장염비브리오균(Vibrio parahaemolyticus)의 항균제 내성 및 최소발육억제농도의 규명)

  • Cho, Eui-Dong;Kim, Hee-Dai;Park, Kwon-Sam
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.587-595
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    • 2019
  • Eighty-three Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from surface seawater in Gomso Bay on the west coast of Korea, and commercial fisheries from Gunsan fisheries center were analyzed for the presence of virulence genes and susceptibility to 30 different antimicrobials. All 83 isolates were examined for the presence of two virulence genes (tdh or trh) using polymerase chain reaction; however, neither gene was found in any of the isolates. A disk diffusion susceptibility test, showed that all of the strains studied were resistant to clindamycin, oxacillin, ticarcillin, and vancomycin, and also revealed varying levels of resistance to ampicillin (98.8%), penicillin G (95.2%), streptomycin (20.5%), cefoxitin (14.5%), amikacin (6.0%), cephalothin (4.8%), and erythromycin (3.6%). However, all of the strains were susceptible to 19 other antimicrobial agents, including cefepime, cefotaxime, chloramphenicol, gentamycin, nalidixic acid, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, and trimethoprim. All 83 isolates (100%) were resistant to five or more classes of antimicrobials, and two strains exhibited resistance to ten antimicrobial agents. The average minimum inhibitory concentrations against V. parahaemolyticus of clindamycin, oxacillin, ticarcillin, and vancomycin were 55.9, 98.3, 499.3, and 44.3 ㎍/mL, respectively. These results provide new insight into the necessity for seawater sanitation in Gomso Bay and commercial fisheries, and provide evidence to help reduce the risk of contamination by antimicrobial-resistant bacteria.

Tidal Flat Simulation Characteristics of the Hydrodynamic Models (해수유동모형의 조간대 모의 특성)

  • Kang, Ju-Whan;Park, Seon-Jung;Kim, Yang-Seon;So, Jae-Kwi
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.357-370
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    • 2009
  • EFDC, ESCORT and MIKE21 models are applied at the Gomso Bay to investigate each models' facilities of tidal flat simulation. Comparisons with observation data show that all models simulate hydrodynamic phenomena and tidal flat well. CPU time and WCM are examined to evaluate the efficiency of the models, and the effects of flooding/drying depth and bottom friction are examined to analyze models' facilities of simulating tidal flat. The EFDC model is considered to be fairly good in accuracy, stability and applicability, it is, however, poor in efficiency and its complexity. While the ESCORT model is superior to the EFDC in simulation of tidal flat, it is inferior to the EFDC in CPU time and simulation of bottom friction. The MIKE21 model is excellent in efficiency, but some numerical noise would be detected at low water, not permitting correction of the model.

Stable Isotopic Compositions of Foraminifera of the Tidal Flat in the Gomso Bay of the Western Coast of Korea (서해안 곰소만 조간대 유공충의 안정동위원소 성분)

  • 박병권;이광식
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.183-187
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    • 1994
  • The oxygen and carbon isotopic compositions of the foraminiferal species, Elphidirm dtigoense and Ammonia beccarii tepida, of the tidal flat in the Gomso Bay of the western coast of Korea have been measured. This work was intended to study the relationship between oxygen and carbon isotopic compositions of the foraminifera and present oceanographic environments, and also the difference between two foraminiferal species. The values of $\delta$/SUP 18/O and $\delta$/SUP 13/C of E. dtigoense varied from - 3.20% to + 0.58% and from - 5.26% to - 0.93%, respectively. The values of $\delta$/SUP 18/O and $\delta$/SUP 13/C of A. beccarii tepida varied from - 1.11% to + 0.61% and from - 2.04% to - 1.40%, respectively. Mo significant variations in these values occur from the samples among the upper, middle and lower tidal zones except for the one from the upper tidal zone that has extremely low value. The difference between the two foraminiferal species was 0.20% and 1.63% in the average values of $\delta$/SUP 18/O and $\delta$/SUP 13/C, respectively. The relationship between $\delta$/SUP 18/O and $\delta$/SUP 13/C values was positive in interspecies of two species.

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Study of the Correlation Between Diatom and Environmental Variables for Palao-Sealevel Reconstruction in the Korea Peninsula: Case Study of the Eastern Tidal Flat of Gomso Bay (한반도 고해수면 변동 복원을 위한 규조-환경변수 상관관계 연구: 곰소만 동부 조간대 지역을 대상으로)

  • Kim, Jeong-Yun;Yoon, Soon-Ock;Yang, Dong Yoon;Hwang, Sang ill
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2017
  • This study investigated the correlation between the diatom community and the environmental variables on the tidal flat surface of the eastern part of Gomso Bay in the West coast of Korea in order to utilize the quantitative sea level record as a basic data. 24 sediment samples at 10cm intervals downstream of the Galgok Stream were used for diatom analysis, grain size analysis and CCA. As a result of diatom analysis, marine diatoms dominated at lower altitudes and the ratio of diatoms to fresh water diatoms and brackish diatoms increased toward upland. As a result of CCA, the contribution of environmental variables was analyzed as 25.3% at altitude, 21.6% at sand, 13.3% at skewness, etc. This means that altitude above sea level has the greatest influence on the diatom composition in the tidal flat surface. It suggests that the contribution of environmental variables at altitude above sea level can be used as a basic data for the quantitative records for reconstruction of paleo-sea level.