• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ginseng flower buds

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Control of In Vitro Flowering of Ginseng(Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) by Growth Regulators (생장조절제에 의한 인삼(Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer)의 기내 화아형성 조절)

  • 이행순
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.255-264
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    • 1989
  • Ginseng zygotic embryos, seedlings, and exised cotyledonary nodes were cultured on Murashinge and Skoog's(MS) medium, supplemented with 6-benzyladenine(BA) and gibberellic acid(GA3) to induce flower buds. As the concenteration of nitrogen compounds in MS medium was reduced to half of its strength, the flowering frequency of zygotic embryos increased up to 90%. The optimum concentration of sucrose in the medium for flowering of seedlings was 30-60 g/1. In all cases flower buds were formed on elongated axillary branches from the cotyledonary nodes, while the apices remained vegetative. When zygotic embryos and excised cotyledonary nodes were cultured on the medium, supplemented with all possible combinations of BA, GA3, and abscisic acid(ABA) of 5 $\mu$M indole-3-acetic acid(IAA) in the above combinations did not affect flowering. These results suggest that cytokinins, gibberellins, and inhibitors play primary, permissive, and preventive roles, respectively, in the induction of flowering of ginseng.

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Complete 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR spectral assignment of five malonyl ginsenosides from the fresh flower buds of Panax ginseng

  • Wang, Yu-Shuai;Jin, Yin-Ping;Gao, Wei;Xiao, Sheng-Yuan;Zhang, Yu-Wei;Zheng, Pei-He;Wang, Jia;Liu, Jun-Xia;Sun, Cheng-He;Wang, Ying-Ping
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.245-250
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    • 2016
  • Background: Ginsenosides are the major effective ingredients responsible for the pharmacological effects of ginseng. Malonyl ginsenosides are natural ginsenosides that contain a malonyl group attached to a glucose unit of the corresponding neutral ginsenosides. Methods: Medium-pressure liquid chromatography and semipreparative high-performance liquid chromatography were used to isolate purified compounds and their structures determined by extensive one-dimensional- and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments. Results: A new saponin, namely malonyl-ginsenoside Re, was isolated from the fresh flower buds of Panax ginseng, along with malonyl-ginsenosides Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd. Some assignments for previously published $^1H$- and $^{13}C$-NMR spectra were found to be inaccurate. Conclusion: This study reports the complete NMR assignment of malonyl-ginsenoside Re, $Rb_1$, $Rb_2$, Rc, and Rd for the first time.

Functional Analysis of ESTs from the Flower Bud of Korean Ginseng

  • Yang, Deok-Chun;In, Jun-Gyo;Kim, Moo-Sung;Jeon, Jong-Seong
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.124-124
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    • 2003
  • In order to study gene expression in a reproductive organ, we constructed a cDNA library of immature flower buds in Korean ginseng and generated expressed sequence tags (ESTs) of 3,360 clones randomly selected. The ESTs could be clustered into 1,844 non-redundant groups. Similarity search of the non-redundant ESTs against public non-redundant databases of both protein and DNA indicated that 1,254 groups show similarity to genes of known function. These ESTs clones were divided into sixteen categories depending upon gene function. The most abundant transcripts were unknown protein (72), chlorophyll a/b-binding protein (48), and stylar glycoprotein. There are no useful informations of gene expression during the development of flower bud in Korean ginseng. These results could help to understand the development of flower bud in Korean ginseng.

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Studies on the Embryo Culture of Korean Ginseng 1. Effects of Growth Regulators on Adventitious bud formation and Flower Emergence (인삼 배배양에 관한 연구 제1보 불정아 및 화기출현에 미치는 생장조절물질의 영향)

  • Jeong, Chan-Mun;Kim, Yo-Tae;Jo, Jae-Seong
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.79-83
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    • 1989
  • This study was conducted to determine the effect of growth regulators, IBA, GA, and BA, on the adventitious bud formation, shoot differentiation, and inflorescence development in embryo culture of Korean ginseng. The adventitious bud formation and shoot differentiation were significantly promoted by application of a combination of 1 ma/l IBA and 5 mg/l GA. The adventitious buds had the primordial shoots and were differentiated as to plantlets. About 5 to 10 adventitious buds developed around the basal axis of the epicotyle of the ginseng embryo, and development of inflorescence was possible only after shoot differentiation. The MS medium supplemented with a combination of 3 mal 1 each of IBA, GA, and BA was most effective for in vitro inflorescence development, and the ratio of inflorescence formation was 18.4%.

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Studies on the Ginseng Saponins -The Patterns of Ginseng Saponin in the Commercial Ginseng Teas and each Parts of Ginseng Plant- (인삼 Saponin에 관한 연구 -인삼각부위(人蔘各部位) 및 시판인삼차(市販人蔘茶)의 Saponin 조성(組成)에 대하여-)

  • Kim, Hai-Jung;Nam, Sung-Hi;Fukura, Yosiaki;Lee, Suk-Kun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.24-30
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    • 1977
  • The patterns of ginseng saponins in the commercial ginseng tea samples and each parts of ginseng plant were investigated by quantitative thin-layer chromatography. The quality of those sample teas were also evaluated. (1) White ginseng contained about $2.6{\sim}6.6$ times of Ra(o) than did other parts of ginseng. (2) Lateral roots, peelings and buds of ginseng were rich in $Rb_1$, $b_2$, c, which constituted about 50% of total saponin. (3) The ratio of Rb.c to Rg(f) in the leaves and stems of ginseng plant was 0.64 : 1. (White ginseng, 2 : 1 ; buds, 3 : 1 ; flower, 3.2 : 1 ; peelings, 5.8 : 1 ; lateral ginseng, 7 : 1) The relative content of Rg(f) in the white ginseng was about 3 times as much as the lateral ginseng. (4) The ratios of panaxadiol to panaxatriol in 13 kinds of commercial ginseng teas were in the range of $0.8{\sim}8\;:\;1$.

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Measurement of Determination Time of In-Vitro Flowering in Ginseng (Panax ginseng) (인삼의 기내 개화 결정시기의 측정)

  • 이행순;이광웅;유장렬
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.347-351
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    • 1994
  • To measure the time required for ginseng explants to become determined to form flower buds, we cultured zygotic embryos, seedlings, and cotyledonary nodes on MS medium supplemented with BA and GA$_3$of 5 ${\mu}$M each (flower inducing medium, FIM) for various periods and transferred to the basal medium. The explants required a minimum of 10 days on FIM to be determined. Histological observations revealed that the axillary meristem to be fated to develop into flower bud remained in a state of shoot meristem during the first 10 days of culture and differentiated into flower bud after 15 days of culture. We suggest that the in-vitro flowering system described in this study is useful in investigating (a) regulatory element(s) to cause the phase change from the vegetative to reproductive state by comparing predetermined explants with determined ones at the molecular level.

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Insilico profiling of microRNAs in Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng Meyer)

  • Mathiyalagan, Ramya;Subramaniyam, Sathiyamoorthy;Natarajan, Sathishkumar;Kim, Yeon Ju;Sun, Myung Suk;Kim, Se Young;Kim, Yu-Jin;Yang, Deok Chun
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.227-247
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    • 2013
  • MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of recently discovered non-coding small RNA molecules, on average approximately 21 nucleotides in length, which underlie numerous important biological roles in gene regulation in various organisms. The miRNA database (release 18) has 18,226 miRNAs, which have been deposited from different species. Although miRNAs have been identified and validated in many plant species, no studies have been reported on discovering miRNAs in Panax ginseng Meyer, which is a traditionally known medicinal plant in oriental medicine, also known as Korean ginseng. It has triterpene ginseng saponins called ginsenosides, which are responsible for its various pharmacological activities. Predicting conserved miRNAs by homology-based analysis with available expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences can be powerful, if the species lacks whole genome sequence information. In this study by using the EST based computational approach, 69 conserved miRNAs belonging to 44 miRNA families were identified in Korean ginseng. The digital gene expression patterns of predicted conserved miRNAs were analyzed by deep sequencing using small RNA sequences of flower buds, leaves, and lateral roots. We have found that many of the identified miRNAs showed tissue specific expressions. Using the insilico method, 346 potential targets were identified for the predicted 69 conserved miRNAs by searching the ginseng EST database, and the predicted targets were mainly involved in secondary metabolic processes, responses to biotic and abiotic stress, and transcription regulator activities, as well as a variety of other metabolic processes.

Biological Characteristics of the Ginseng Stem Fungus Gnat (Phytosciara procera) and Its Environmental-friendly Control Using Modified Topping of Ginseng Peduncles

  • Lee, Seung-Hwan;Shin, Jung-Sup;Hong, Tae-Gyun;Ahn, Young-Joon;Cho, Dae-Hui
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2010
  • This study examined the biological characteristics of the insect and examined potential cultural controls using peduncle topping methods. Ginseng stem fungus gnat eggs hatched after 5 days; ecdysis lasted 3-4 weeks, and after 5 days pupation, adults emerged. Adults deposited eggs 1-2 days after emerging, and the entire life cycle lasted 32-40 days. The fungus gnats laid eggs $327\times220{\mu}m$ in size on cut planes of stems, but not on intact stem parts that had not been topped or wounded. Analyses of major weather data for the experimental areas and weather data for the past 30 years acquired from the Korea Meteorological Administration revealed that fungus gnat dispersion was prevalent under highly humid conditions and in areas with thick and frequent fogging. Among the topping times examined, fungus gnat damage to ginseng was lowest when topping occurred in late May. Among the five different topping methods evaluated on experimental ginseng farms, the cumulative fungus gnat damage to ginseng was low (0.8%) under partial peduncle topping (removal of peduncle with lateral fruit remaining) and removal of only flower buds (0.6%), with fungus gnat control effects of 82% and 86%, respectively, compared to conventional topping (removal of peduncle about 5 cm above its base). No fungus gnat damage to ginseng was observed under the no-topping treatment. These results suggest that partial topping of peduncles, while letting lateral fruits remain, is a potentially environmentally friendly method of controlling the ginseng stem fungus gnat.

Changes of Saponin Contents of Leaves, Stems and Flower-buds of Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer by Harvesting Days (인삼 지상부의 채취시기에 따른 사포닌조성 비교)

  • Choi, Jae-Eul;Li, Xiangguo;Han, Young-Hwan;Lee, Ki-Teak
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.251-256
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    • 2009
  • The parts of leaves, flowers and stems in ginseng were obtained for analyzing the component of saponin on 15th April, 25th April, 5th May, 25th May, which were considered as ginseng foliation stage. The total saponin content of the leaves were 97.29, 66.42, 67.61, 36.24 mg/g, respectively, in which the content of Re, $Rb_1$ and Rd were more than 2/3 amount of total saponin. Especially, the saponin content of leaves decreased according to the sequential collection days, in which the similar results were observed from the flowers and stems of ginseng. The total saponin content of the flowers and stems were 141.09,143.84,139.25,133.47 and 13.32, 9.85, 8.00, 4.65 mg/g, respectively. Among them, the content of Re, Rd and $Rb_2$ in flowers were more than 2/3 while the content of Re, $Rg_1$ and Rd in stems showed more than 9/10 amount of total saponin. The total saponin content of individual leaf were 19.46, 28.56, 58.82 and 169.24 mg/plant, 2.53, 2.76, 5.20 and 12.32 mg/plant in stems, and 14.11, 30.21, 37.60 and 73.41 mg/plant in flowers. Therefore, the total saponin content of aboveground parts in ginseng were leaves > flowers > stems.