• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geographic Data

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Comparison of Precipitation Distributions in Precipitation Data Sets Representing 1km Spatial Resolution over South Korea Produced by PRISM, IDW, and Cokriging (PRISM, 역거리가중법, 공동크리깅으로 작성한 1km 공간해상도의 남한 강수 자료에서 강수 분포의 비교)

  • Park, Jong-Chul;Kim, Man-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.147-163
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to compare precipitation distributions in precipitation data sets over South Korea produced by three interpolation methods. The differences of precipitation caused by interpolation methods is an important information when the interpolated precipitation data sets were used in researches such as ecological and hydrological modeling as well as regional climate impact studies. In this study, the precipitation data sets were produced by IDW(Inverse Distance Weighting) and Cokriging in this study and the PRISM(Precipitation-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model) data set obtained from Climate Change Information Center of Korea. The spatial resolution of the precipitation data is 1km. As a result, there was a great precipitation difference caused by interpolation methods in data of mountainous watersheds in general. Especially the difference of monthly precipitation was 10~20% or more in the mountainous watersheds near the Military Demarcation Line dividing North and South Korea, Mt. Sobaik, Mt. Worak, Mt. Deogyu, Mt. Jiri and Taeback Mountain Range. It means that a final result of a research can be affected by adopted interpolation method when an interpolated precipitation data set is used in the research for the these study sites.

A Study on the Revitalization of Local Tourism in Yongin City Based on Tourism Bigdata Analytics: Focusing on Geographic Information System Analytics Combining Mobile Communication and Credit Card Data (관광 빅데이터 기반의 용인시 관내 관광 활성화 방안: 이동통신과 신용카드 데이터를 결합한 지리정보시스템 분석을 중심으로)

  • An, Eunhee;An, Jungkook
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.207-216
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    • 2021
  • Recently, there is increasing interest in attracting local tourist in the city to revitalize the local economy. For this purpose, customized tourism strategies based on the analysis of travel routes and consumption patterns are becoming important. However, existing studies either focused on limited mainstream tourist analysis or lacked analysis of tourists' behavior-based data perspectives. Therefore, this study aims to present a big data-based tourism strategy that provides customized information by analyzing the demand of individual travelers in details based on mobile service data and card expenditure data generated by the travelers in Yongin city. By tracing those data, this study visualized the tourists' itinerary and their expenditure patterns. The analysis of data from July 2017 to June 2018 shows that men tend to consume in various areas compared to women. It also shows consumption areas for people in their 30s and 40s are similar, whereas those in their 20s do not vary. Using the big data based on Geographic Information system, this study provides strategic insights to administrative personnel who are in charge of tour policy.

Urban Growth Analysis Through Satellite Image and Zonal Data (도시성장분석상 위상영상자료와 구역자료의 통합이용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Ik;Hwang, Kook-Woong;Chung, Hyun-Wook;Yeo, Chang-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2004
  • Nowadays, a satellite image is widely utilized in identifying and predicting urban spatial growth. It provides essential informations on horizontal expansion of urbanized areas. However, its usefulness becomes very limited in analyzing density of urban development. On the contrary, zonal data, typically census data, provides various density information such as population, number of houses, floor information within a given zone. The problem of the zonal data in analyzing urban growth is that the size of the zone is too big. The minimum administration unit, Dong, is too big to match the satellite images. This study tries to derive synergy effects by matching the merits of the two information sources-- image data and zonal data. For this purpose, basic statistical unit (census block size) is utilized as a zonal unit. By comparing the image and zonal data of 1985 and 2000 of Daegu metropolitan area, this study concludes that urban growth pattern is better explained when the two types of data are properly used.

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The Measurements of Data Accuracy and Error Detection in DEM using GRASS and Arc/Info (GRASS와 Arc/Info를 이용한 DEM 데이터의 정확도와 에러 측정)

  • Cho, Sung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.3-7
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    • 1998
  • The issue of data accuracy brings a different perspective to the issue of GIS modeling, calls into a question the usefulness of data models such as DEM. Accuracy can be determined by randomly checking positional and attribute accuracy within a GIS data layer. With the increasing availability of DEM and the software capable of processing them, it is worthwhile to call attention for data accuracy and error analysis as GIS application depends on the priori established spatial data. The purpose of this paper was to investigate methods for data accuracy measurement and error detection methodology with two types of DEM's: 1 to 24,000 and 1 to 250,000 DEM released by U.S. Geological Survey. Another emphasis was given to the development of methodology for processing DEM's to create Arc/Info and GRASS layers. Data accuracy analysis with DEM was applied to a 250 sq.km area and an error was detected at a scale of 1:24,000 DEM. There were two possible reasons for this error: gross errors and blunders.

Converting Triangulated 3D Indoor Mesh Data to OGC IndooGML (삼각분할된 3차원 실내공간데이터를 OGC IndoorGML로 변환하는 방법)

  • Li, Ki-Joune;Kim, Dong Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.499-505
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    • 2018
  • Most of 3D indoor spatial data recently constructed by many projects merely focus on the visualization rather than geospatial information applications. The 3D indoor data for visualization in 3DS or COLLADA format are based on triangular mesh representation. In order to implement meaningful applications, we need however more meaningful information in 3D indoor spatial data than visualization data in triangular meshes. For this reason, an OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standard, called IndoorGML(Indoor Geographic Markup Language) was published to meet the requirements on 3D indoor spatial data for several geospatial applications for indoor space more than simple visualization. It means that it becomes a critical functional requirement to convert triangular mesh representation in 3DS or COLLADA to IndoorGML. In this paper we propose a framework of the conversion, which consists of geometric, topological, and semantic construction of data from triangular meshes. An experiment carried out to validate the proposed framework is also presented in the paper.

Signal Analysis Software for DGPS Station (DGPS 기준국 신호분석 소프트웨어)

  • Hwang, Ho-Yon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2007
  • In this research, algorithm and software for the medium frequency signal analysis of DGPS(Differential Global Positioning System) station were developed. Based on new MF(Medium Frequency) algorithm, the software of NDGPS(National DGPS) signal analysis was developed for coverage analysis. Predicted MF propagation data from this software was compared to the measurement data for the verification of a developed MF algorithm. GIS(Geographic Information System) techniques including digital map with elevation data were used because MF propagation is closely related to ground conductivity, mountains, building intensity.

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The GIS Technology Application for the Forest and Grassland Fire Monitoring by Using Meteorological Satellite Data

  • Zhe, Xu;Cheng, Liu
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1295-1297
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    • 2003
  • Owing to the higher temporal resolution, meteorological satellite data is widely used to monitor the disasters happened on the earth's surface. However, the precision of identifying disaster information is limited by the poor spatial resolution. As known, GIS technology is good at processing and analyzing the geographic information. The result shows, integrating with GIS technology, the ability of monitoring forest fire using meteorological satellite data has been greatly improved.

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Towards 4-dimensional Geographic Information Systems

  • Lee, Seong-Ho;Park, Jong-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.473-475
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    • 2003
  • To overcome the limitation that traditional GISs lose much information for the real world, 4-dimensional GIS has the additional reference systems including object's height and temporal dimension. This paper describes the 4-dimensional geometric object model and components. The prototype for 4-dimensional GIS consists of the data provider, manager, and renderer components. We show the virtual city that its database contains topographic maps, buildings, roads and temporal history data. This provides spatial, temporal operations and analysis functions.

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Analysis on Complex Disaster Information Contents for Building Disaster Map of Coastal Cities (연안도시 재해지도 작성을 위한 복합재해정보 콘텐츠 분석)

  • KIM, Jung-Ok;KIM, Ji-Young;LEE, Won-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.43-60
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    • 2016
  • Coastal cities need disaster planning that accounts for the complex causes of environmental disasters such as high tides or tsunamis generated by typhoons, and of river or lowland flooding caused by heavy rains, etc. The elements of the disaster map were initially defined using a Geographic Information System (GIS) to allow for efficient information management. Complex disaster information elements were thus established in this study to create a disaster map of coastal cities. The range of information required for coastal cities includes the type of disaster, evacuation methods, available sheltering facilities, and learning content. These informational elements are intended to build on spatial information based on data available from the Ministry of Public Safety and Security as well as local governments.

Disjointed Multipath using Energy Efficient Face Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks (무선 센서 망에서 에너지 효율적인 페이스 라우팅을 활용한 분리된 다중 경로 방안)

  • Cho, Hyunchong;Kim, Cheonyong;Kim, Sangdae;Oh, Seungmin;Kim, Sang-Ha
    • KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.116-121
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    • 2017
  • In wireless sensor networks, the multipath prefers energy efficient routing method due to the characteristic of low-power sensor which uses geographic method to transmit data packet through information of the neighbor nodes. However, when multipath meets the routing fail area called hole area, path overlap problem can occur, resulting in failed maintenance of disjoint multipath. To solve this problem, multipath research studies have been performed to exploit the modeling and detouring method in routing fail area by keeping the disjoint multipath. However, in an energy point of view, additional method like modeling can lead to a lot of energy consumption of sensor node. Moreover, lots of energy consumption of sensor node can shorten the life span of sensor network. In this study, we proposed an energy efficient geographic routing by keeping the disjoint multipath in routing fail area. The proposed scheme exploited the face routing using the geographic recovery method without additional method like modeling.