• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geo-information

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Application of Linear Schedule Chart by Linking Location Information of Construction Project with Horizontal Work Space (수평작업공간을 갖는 건설프로젝트의 위치정보 연동에 의한 선형공정표 적용방안)

  • Han, Seon Ju;Kim, Hyeon Seung;Park, Sang Mi;Kang, Leen Seok
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.601-610
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    • 2018
  • Since the building construction works are repeated vertically in a limited space, there is not a great need for the location information of each activity in the schedule management. On the other hand, civil engineering works such as road and railway projects consist of a large number of earthworks, long bridges, and long tunnels. These types of work should be controlled in a horizontal space according to the linear axis of several tens of kilometers. In other words, since most of the activities are managed in the unit of distance from the start point to the end point, it is possible to improve the efficiency of the schedule management by linking the location information of the activity with the schedule data in the schedule management system. This study presents a methodology for creating a linear schedule chart specific to a project with horizontal work space and compares the convenience with the existing Gantt chart. In addition, the methodology of linking linear schedule chart to the 4D CAD system, which is a typical BIM technology in the construction phase, is presented to improve the usability of BIM. The practical applicability of the proposed methodology was verified statistically.

Land Cover Change Detection in the Nakdong River Basin Using LiDAR Data and Multi-Temporal Landsat Imagery (LiDAR DEM과 다중시기에 촬영된 Landsat 영상을 이용한 낙동강 유역 내 토지피복 변화 탐지)

  • CHOUNG, Yun-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.135-148
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    • 2015
  • This research is carried out for the land cover change detection in the Nakdong River basin before and after the 4 major rivers restoration project using the LiDAR DEM(Digital Elevation Model) and the multi-temporal Landsat imagery. Firstly the river basin polygon is generated by using the levee boundaries extracted from the LiDAR DEM, and the four river basin imagery are generated from the multi-temporal Landsat-5 TM(Thematic Mapper) and Landsat-8 OLI(Operational Land Imager) imagery by using the generated river basin polygon. Then the main land covers such as river, grass and bare soil are separately generated from the generated river basin imagery by using the image classification method, and the ratio of each land cover in the entire area is calculated. The calculated land cover changes show that the areas of grass and bare soil in the entire area have been significantly changed because of the seasonal change, while the area of the river has been significantly increased because of the increase of the water storage. This paper contributes to proposing an efficient methodology for the land cover change detection in the Nakdong River basin using the LiDAR DEM and the multi-temporal satellite imagery taken before and after the 4 major rivers restoration project.

IoT Security Channel Design Using a Chaotic System Synchronized by Key Value (키값 동기된 혼돈계를 이용한 IoT의 보안채널 설계)

  • Yim, Geo-Su
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.981-986
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    • 2020
  • The Internet of Things refers to a space-of-things connection network configured to allow things with built-in sensors and communication functions to interact with people and other things, regardless of the restriction of place or time.IoT is a network developed for the purpose of services for human convenience, but the scope of its use is expanding across industries such as power transmission, energy management, and factory automation. However, the communication protocol of IoT, MQTT, is a lightweight message transmission protocol based on the push technology and has a security vulnerability, and this suggests that there are risks such as personal information infringement or industrial information leakage. To solve this problem, we designed a synchronous MQTT security channel that creates a secure channel by using the characteristic that different chaotic dynamical systems are synchronized with arbitrary values in the lightweight message transmission MQTT protocol. The communication channel we designed is a method of transmitting information to the noise channel by using characteristics such as random number similarity of chaotic signals, sensitivity to initial value, and reproducibility of signals. The encryption method synchronized with the proposed key value is a method optimized for the lightweight message transmission protocol, and if applied to the MQTT of IoT, it is believed to be effective in creating a secure channel.

Environment-Friendly Optimum Route Selecting With Geo-spatial Information Analysis (지형공간정보분석에 따른 환경친화적 최적 도로노선 선정)

  • Kim, Sang-Seok;Jang, Yong-Gu;Choi, Su-Geun;Kang, In-Joon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.13 no.3 s.33
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2005
  • Most of the evaluations of environmental effect of construction of road do not run parallel with the evaluation of the propriety of the business, but it just reviews how to reduce contamination before the beginning of the construction work. This reveals the limitation of the induction of environment friendly development from the fundamental. In this study, a function of GIS spatial analysis for 9 elements of pre-evaluation of environmental effect has been introduced, and a GIS decision making system for environmental effect of a road has been established for an integrated evaluation by using individual evaluation result. By using GIS decision making system for pre-evaluation of environmental effect that has been developed in this study and the GIS data that has been collected, it would be possible to decrease time and money for evaluation as well as fulfill the requirement of objectivity. Therefore, it would be possible to apply for pre-evaluation of environmental effect when deciding on the route of the road at the beginning stage of the construction work. Also, through the system developed in this study, the construction body could easily induce a mutual agreement with the residents by the visual evaluation material, which might result in an evaluation of environmental effect while decreasing time and money at the beginning stage of the construction.

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Modification of IKONOS RPC Using Additional GCP (지상기준점 추가에 의한 IKONOS RPC 갱신)

  • Bang, Ki-In;Jeong, Soo;Kim, Kyung-Ok;Cho, Woo-Sug
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.10 no.4 s.22
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2002
  • RPM is the one of the sensor models which is proposed by Open GIS Consortium (OGC) as image transfer standard. And it is the sensor model for end-users using IKONOS, a commercial pushbroom satellite, imagery which provide about 1m ground resolution. Parameters called RPC which is IKONOS RFM coefficients are serviced to end-users. But if some users try to make additional effort to get rigorous geo-spatial information, it is necessary to apply mathematic or abstract sensor models, because vendors don't offer any ancillary data for physical sensor models such as satellite orbit and navigation. Abstract sensor models such as pushbroom Direct Linear Transform (DLT) require many GCPs well distributed in imagery, and mathematic sensor model such as RFM, polynomials need much more GCPs. Therefore RPC modification using additional a few GCPs is the best solution. In this paper, two methods are proposed to modify RPC. One is method to use pseudo GCPs generated in normalized cubic, and another method uses parameters observations and a few GCPs. Through two methods, we get improvement of accuracy 50% and over.

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Development of Java/VRML-based 3D GIS's Framework and Its Prototype Model (Java/VRML기반 3차원 GIS의 기본 구조와 프로토타입 모델 개발)

  • Kim, Kyong-Ho;Lee, Ki-Won;Lee, Jong-Hun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.6 no.1 s.11
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 1998
  • Recently, 3D GIS based on 3D geo-processing methodology and Internet environment are emerging issues in GIS fields. To design and implement 3D GIS, the strategic linkage of Java and VRML is first regarded: 3D feature format definition in the passion of conventional GIS including aspatial attributes, 3B feature indexing, 3D analytical operators such as selection, buffering, and Near, Metric operation such as distance measurement and statistical description, and 3D visualization. In 3D feature format definition, the following aspects are implemented: spatial information for 3D primitives extended from 2D primitives, multimedia data, object texture or color of VRML specification. DXF-format GIS layers with additional attributes are converted to 3D feature format and imported into this system. While, 3D analytical operators are realized in the form of 3D buffering with respect to user-defined point, line, polygon, and 3D objects, and 3D Near functions; furthermore, 'Lantern operator' is newly introduced in this 3D GIS. Because this system is implemented by Java applet, any client with Java-enable browser including VRML browser plug-in can utilize the new style of 3D GIS function in the virtual space. Conclusively, we present prototype of WWW-based 3D GIS, and this approach will be contribute to development of core modules on the stage of concept establishment and of real application model in future.

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Technology Trends and Future Prospects of Satellite-Based Photovoltaic Electricity Potential (위성기반 태양광 발전가능량 산출기술 개발 동향 및 향후 전망)

  • Han, Kyung-Soo;Kim, Jinsoo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.579-587
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    • 2016
  • To obtain a stable energy supply and manage PhotoVoltaic (PV) systems efficiently, satellite imagery methods are being developed to estimate the solar PV potential. This study analyzed trends in the use of satellite imagery in solar PV and solar irradiation estimation technology. The imaging technology is used to produce solar energy resource maps. The trend analysis showed that the level of solar PV technology in Korea is 30% below that of advanced countries. It is impossible to raise such low-level technologies to the levels of advanced countries quickly. Intensive research and development is the only way to achieve the 80% technology level of advanced countries. The information produced in this process can contribute to the management of solar power plants. A valid technology development strategy would be to obtain effective data that can be used for fieldwork. Such data can be produced by estimating solar irradiation very accurately with several-hundred-meter resolution using Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellites (COMS) and next-generation GEO-KOMPSAT 2A, developing core technologies for short- and medium-term irradiation prediction, and developing technologies for estimating the solar PV potential.

A 3D Magnetic Inversion Software Based on Algebraic Reconstruction Technique and Assemblage of the 2D Forward Modeling and Inversion (대수적 재구성법과 2차원 수치모델링 및 역산 집합에 기반한 3차원 자력역산 소프트웨어)

  • Ko, Kwang-Beom;Jung, Sang-Won;Han, Kyeong-Soo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we developed the trial product on 3D magnetic inversion tentatively named 'KMag3D'. Also, we briefly introduced its own function and graphic user interface on which especially focused through the development in the form of user manual. KMag3D is consisted of two fundamental frame for the 3D magnetic inversion. First, algebraic reconstruction technique was selected as a 3D inversion algorithm instead of least square method conventionally used in various magnetic inversion. By comparison, it was turned out that algebraic reconstruction algorithm was more effective and economic than that of least squares in aspect of both computation time and memory. Second, for the effective determination of the 3D initial and a-priori information model required in the execution of our algorithm, we proposed the practical technique based on the assemblage of 2D forward modeling and inversion results for individual user-selected 2D profiles. And in succession, initial and a-priori information model were constructed by appropriate interpolation along the strke direction. From this, we concluded that our technique is both suitable and very practical for the application of 3D magentic inversion problem.

Design of RFID Authentication Protocol Using 2D Tent-map (2차원 Tent-map을 이용한 RFID 인증 프로토콜 설계)

  • Yim, Geo-su
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.425-431
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    • 2020
  • Recent advancements in industries and technologies have resulted in an increase in the volume of transportation, management, and distribution of logistics. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) technologies have been developed to efficiently manage such a large amount of logistics information. The use of RFID for management is being applied not only to the logistics industry, but also to the power transmission and energy management field. However, due to the limitation of program development capacity, the RFID device is limited in development, and this limitation is vulnerable to security because the existing strong encryption method cannot be used. For this reason, we designed a chaotic system for security with simple operations that are easy to apply to such a restricted environment of RFID. The designed system is a two-dimensional tent map chaotic system. In order to solve the problem of a biased distribution of signals according to the parameters of the chaotic dynamical system, the system has a cryptographic parameter(𝜇1), a distribution parameter(𝜇2), and a parameter(𝜃), which is the constant point, ID value, that can be used as a key value. The designed RFID authentication system is similar to random numbers, and it has the characteristics of chaotic signals that can be reproduced with initial values. It can also solve the problem of a biased distribution of parameters, so it is deemed to be more effective than the existing encryption method using the chaotic system.

A Comparative Analysis for the Digitizing Accuracy by Satellite Images for Efficient Shoreline Extraction (효율적인 해안선 추출을 위한 위성영상별 디지타이징 정확도 비교 분석)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun;Park, Ju-Sung;Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 2015
  • The existing field survey and aerial photography involve the waste of manpower and economic loss in the coastline survey. To minimize these disadvantages, the digitization for efficient coastline extraction was conducted in this study using the points extracted from the standard coastline of the approximate highest high water and the diverse satellite images (KOMPSAT-3, SPOT-5, Landsat-8 and Quickbird-2), and the comparative accuracy analysis was conducted. The differences between the standard coastline points of the approximate highest high water and the coastline of each satellite were smallest for KOMPSAT-3, followed by Quickbird-2, SPOT-5 and Landsat-8. The significant probability from between the multipurpose applications satellite and Quickbird-2 (significant probability two-tailed) was statistically significant at 1% significance level. Therefore, high-resolution satellite images are required to efficiently extract the coastline, and KOMPSAT-3, from which images are easily acquired at a low cost, will enable the most efficient coastline extraction without external support.