• 제목/요약/키워드: Geo-education

검색결과 132건 처리시간 0.028초

Analysis of Rainfall-Runoff Characteristic at Mountainous Watershed Using GeoWEPP and SWAT Model (GeoWEPP과 SWAT 모델을 이용한 산지 유역 강우-유출량 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Jisu;Kim, Minseok;Kim, Jin Kwan;Oh, Hyun-Joo;Woo, Choongshik
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.31-44
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    • 2021
  • Due to recent climate change, continuous soil loss is occurring in the mountainous watershed. The development of geographic information systems allows the spatial simulation of soil loss through hydrological models, but more researches applied to the mountain watershed areas in Korea are needed. In this study, prior to simulating the soil loss characteristics of the mountainous watershed, the field monitoring and the SWAT and GeoWEPP models were used to simulate and analyze the rainfall and runoff characteristics in the mountainous watershed area of Jirisan National Park. As a result of monitoring, runoff showed a characteristic of a rapid response as rainfall increased and decreased. In the simulation runoff results of calibrated SWAT models, R2, RMSE and NSE was 0.95, 0.03, and 0.95, respectively. The runoff simulation results of the GeoWEPP model were evaluated as 0.89, 0.30, and 0.83 for R2, RMSE, and NSE, respectively. These results, therefore, imply that the runoff simulated through SWAT and GeoWEPP models can be used to simulate soil loss. However, the results of the two models differ from the parameters and base flow of actual main channel, and further consideration is required to increase the model's accuracy.

GML-based Strategic Approach and Its Application for Geo-scientific Infrastructure Building

  • Moon, Sun-Hee;Lee, Ki-Won;Kwon, Byung-Doo
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 대한원격탐사학회 2003년도 Proceedings of ACRS 2003 ISRS
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    • pp.235-237
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    • 2003
  • GIS became increasingly important in information-oriented society as social indirect capital and many GIS data are developed. To use these data effectively standard format that enables easy to transport and store is needed. For this purpose, OGC developed GML based on XML as web standard format of geographical information. In this study, web based mapping with respect to digital geologic map and gravity anomaly map was accomplished using GML. While, styling methods were implemented in XSLT to make the visualizing suitable for the character of each layer, so it is possible to make dynamic maps in the SVG. GML-base map produced in this study can be transferred and represented without loss of the meaning and degrading on the web.

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Improvement of the Mathematical Creativity Using Engineering Tools in Mathematics Mentorship Program (수학 사사과정에서 공학도구를 이용한 창의력 증진)

  • Boo, Deok Hoon
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.119-136
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    • 2021
  • We performed the research and education programs using engineering tools such as Mathematica, Microsoft Excel and GeoGebra for the students in mathematics mentorship program of the institute of science education for the gifted. We used the engineering tools to solve the problems and found the rules by observing the solutions. Then we generalized the rules to theorems by proving the rules. Mathematica, the professional mathematical computation program, was used to calculate and find the length of the repeating portion of the repeating decimal. Microsoft Excel, the spreadsheet software, was used to investigate the Beatty sequences. Also GeoGebra, the dynamic geometric software, was used to investigate the Voronoi diagram and develop the Voronoi game. Using GeoGebra, we designed the Voronoi game plate for the game. In this program, using engineering tools improved the mathematical creativity and the logical thinking of the gifted students in mathematics mentorship program.

A Development and Applications of Problem Solving Tool for Learning Geometry (기하 학습을 위한 문제해결 도구 개발 및 적용)

  • Bae, Jin-Seong;Kim, Kap-Su
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.449-459
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    • 2010
  • Using a geometric computer program achieve learning effects as handling various function and has advantage to overcome the environment of classroom through providing an inquiring surroundings in the figure learning at an elementary school. There are many software for drawing the geometric. But currently most is focus on how to use the softwares without contents. So, It is necessary to develope a geometric software adapted cognitive development of primary schoolchildren. This study is aim to analyze elementary mathematic curriculum based on Van Heiles theory, to develope the software(Geometry for Kids : GeoKids) considering cognitive level of the primary schoolchildren. This software is developed to substitute a ruler and a compass considering cognitive level of the primary schoolchildren. Using mouse, GeoKids software help a child to draw easily lines and circles and this software notice another lines and circle automatically for a more accurate drawing figures. Children can use practically this software in connection with subjects of elementary mathematic curriculum.

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A case study of assessment items construction through the teacher's training for making up questions utilizing GeoGebra (GeoGebra 활용 문항 출제 연수를 통한 평가 문항 제작 사례 연구)

  • Yang, Seong Hyun;Huh, Nan
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.73-90
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    • 2015
  • When teachers make up assessment questions regarding the content area that contains shapes and graphs, they should present the pictures so that their role might be represented properly. We exhibited the process of constructing shapes and graphs utilizing GeoGebra, and simultaneously analyzed the process of developing and revising questions using this and awareness changes in teachers who participate in the teacher's training focused on improving professionalism for making up questions such as CSAT(College Scholastic Ability Test). Through the survey they mentioned that making questions utilizing algebraic construction overcame the limitations of making up questions and played an instrumental role in developing creative questions. Based on the results, We suggested effectiveness of making up questions utilizing algebraic construction. Our intention was to improve the skills of teachers for making up questions such as CSAT and to suggest implications about it.

Effects of Teaching of Limit Using GeoGebra to High School Students' Mathematics Learning (GeoGebra를 활용한 극한 지도가 고등학생들의 수학 학습에 미치는 영향)

  • Kong, Min Sook;Kang, Yun Soo
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.697-716
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this paper is to investigate high school students' learning characteristics which revealed in their learning process of limit using GeoGebra. And we are going to analyze effects of teaching of limit using GeoGebra to high school students' interesting and attitudes for mathematics learning. To do this, we selected three high school students as participants and ask them performing limit learning using GeoGebra. We recorded their problem solving process. Through analyzing their problem solving process relate to their solution, we found the followings: First, students did not logically approach based on mathematical properties or given materials, rather showing tendency decide with self-conscious and intuition. Second, it is possible that former reasoning strategies disturb following reasoning in the process of high school students' mathematics learning. Third, learning process of limit using GeoGebra help high school students to identify and correct their errors relate to limit learning. Forth, learning process of limit using GeoGebra positively effects to high school students' interesting and attitudes for mathematics learning.

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Sedimentary Geochemical Characteristics and Environmental Impact of Sediments in Tamjin River and Doam Bay (탐진강 및 도암만 지역 퇴적물의 퇴적지구화학적 특성과 환경영향)

  • Hong, Jin-Taek;Na, Bum-Soo;Kim, Joo-Yong;Koh, Yeong-Koo;Youn, Seok-Tai;Shin, Sang-Eun;Kim, Hai-Gyoung;Moon, Byoung-Chan;Oh, Kang-Ho
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.393-405
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    • 2007
  • To examine the sedimentary geochemical characteristics of sediment in the Tamjin River and Doam bay, the analysis was conducted, using the sample obtained in February 2000, on the grain size and the contents of metallic elements and organic carbon. The factors that influence the geochemical behavior of metallic elements in the surface sediment are grain size, organism, surrounding soil and $CaCO_3$. To find out the pollution level of metallic elements, the enrichment factor (EF) and the index of geoaccumulation ($I_{geo}$) were researched. The majority of metallic elements sustain their values in natural state. The elements such as K, Ba, Zr, etc. appear to be rich in some places. The EF and $I_{geo}$ of P, Cu, Zn, and Pb, which belong to toxic heavy metals, are partly related with man-made pollution. P and Cu have a high EF, Pb has a high $I_{geo}$ and Zn is high in both EF and $I_{geo}$. The low contents of P and Cu are not likely to be related with the pollution of water environment. However, given the development of relative pollution, the research and the management regarding the pollutants are needed. Because Pb, naturally enriched by geological characteristics, has a large influence on water environment along with Zn, the adequate measures against man-made pollution should be worked out.

Geo-educational Values of the Jebudo Geosite in the Hwaseong Geopark, Korea (화성 지질공원 제부도 지질명소의 지질교육적 가치)

  • Ha, Sujin;Chae, Yong-Un;Kang, Hee-Cheol;Kim, Jong-Sun;Park, Jeong-Woong;Shin, Seungwon;Lim, Hyoun Soo;Cho, Hyeongseong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • 제42권3호
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    • pp.311-324
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    • 2021
  • Recently, ten geosites have been considered in Hwaseong for endorsement as national geoparks, including the Jebudo, Gojeongri Dinosaur Egg Fossils, and Ueumdo geosites. The Jebudo geosite in the southern part of the Seoul metropolitan area has great potential for development as a new geoscience educational site because it has geological, geographical (landscape), and ecological significance. In this study, we described the geological characteristics through field surveys in the Jebudo geosite. We evaluated its potential as a geo-education site based on comparative analysis with other geosites in Hwaseong Geopark. In addition, we reviewed the practical effect of field education at geosites on the essential concepts and critical competence-oriented education emphasized in the current 2015 revised science curriculum. The Jebudo Geosite is geologically diverse, with various metamorphic rocks belonging to the Precambrian Seosan Group, such as quartzite, schist, and phyllite. Various geological structures, such as clastic dikes, faults, joints, foliation, and schistosity have also been recorded. Moreover, coastal geological features have been observed, including depositional landforms (gravel and sand beaches, dunes, and mudflats), sedimentary structures (ripples), erosional landforms (sea cliffs, sea caves, and sea stacks), and sea parting. The Jebudo geosite has considerable value as a new geo-education site with geological and geomorphological distinction from the Gojeongri Dinosaur Egg Fossils and Ueumdo geosites. The Jebudo geosite also has opportunities for geo-education and geo-tourism, such as mudflat experiences and infrastructures, such as coastal trails and viewing points. This geosite can help develop diverse geo-education programs that improve key competencies in the science curriculum, such as critical thinking, inquiry, and problem-solving. Furthermore, by conducting optimized geo-education focused on the characteristics of each geosite, the following can be established: (1) the expansion of learning space from school to geopark, (2) the improvement of understanding of specific content elements and linkage between essential concepts, and (3) the extension of the education scope throughout the earth system. There will be positive impacts on communication, participation, and lifelong learning skills through geopark education.

Visualization of Linear Algebra concepts with Sage and GeoGebra (Sage와 GeoGebra를 이용한 선형대수학 개념의 Visual-Dynamic 자료 개발과 활용)

  • Lee, Sang-Gu;Jang, Ji-Eun;Kim, Kyung-Won
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2013
  • This work started with recent students' conception on Linear Algebra. We were trying to help their understanding of Linear Algebra concepts by adding visualization tools. To accomplish this, we have developed most of needed tools for teaching of Linear Algebra class. Visualizing concepts of Linear Algebra is not only an aid for understanding but also arouses students' interest on the subject for a better comprehension, which further helps the students to play with them for self-discovery. Therefore, visualizing data should be prepared thoroughly rather than just merely understanding on static pictures as a special circumstance when we would study visual object. By doing this, we carefully selected GeoGebra which is suitable for dynamic visualizing and Sage for algebraic computations. We discovered that this combination is proper for visualizing to be embodied and gave a variety of visualizing data for undergraduate mathematics classes. We utilized GeoGebra and Sage for dynamic visualizing and tools used for algebraic calculation as creating a new kind of visual object for university math classes. We visualized important concepts of Linear Algebra as much as we can according to the order of the textbook. We offered static visual data for understanding and studied visual object and further prepared a circumstance that could create new knowledge. We found that our experience on visualizations in Linear Algebra using Sage and GeoGebra to our class can be effectively adopted to other university math classes. It is expected that this contribution has a positive effect for school math education as well as the other lectures in university.