• Title/Summary/Keyword: Generalized connection

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A Study on the Architectural Design Utility of Object-based CAD System (객체기반 CAD 시스템의 건축설계적 효용에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Chang-Geun
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2002
  • As architectural forms tend to be large-scaled, high-storied and complicated, use of computer for processing design information has been generalized. However, CAD use in the process of developing architectural design has been neglected greatly in the educational field of architectural field due to the surging of recognition that it may limit the essential property of architectural design. It may be resulted from the limitation of CAD system, that is, it is because of tardy speed of application development for the related areas with the lack of simplicity and clarity of flexibility to be secured on the drawing and user interface. Recent CAD systems, however, overcome such a limitation, convert into object-based design from entity-based drawing, drafting and modeling for implementing design concept of architects and it connects with internet linked to superspeed information communication network and changes process and stream of architectural design. Therefore, this study deals with utility of object based CAD system with products of Autodesk Co. and consequently obtain the following conclusions. First, it expands architect's design areas by supporting cooperative design system based on model-based architectural design and internet. Second, it reduces consumption of personal and material resources and time in the process of drawing production for improving architectural design works. Third, it can reduce the frequent design changes by improving understanding of architectural space with visualization of immediate 3D information, escaping from traditional methods to deliver design information to building owner through 2D drawing or model and perspective drawing requiring much cost and time. Fourth, it keeps exactness without omission or duplication of design information and generate and renew information of all related drawings on a drawing. Fifth, it is possible to change difficult and boring architectural design work into a pleasure owing to immediate modeling and drawing of design idea. In addition, digital drawing generated by using object-based CAD system can playa role of establishing Urban Information System to be used for protecting from building in disaster and urban disasters in connection with GIS numerical map and be used for reference of all kinds of information required fro post-management of buildings. However, what is more important is that surplus time from introduction of object-based CAD system should be used for consideration to be recognized as a good space and building built as a product of this project for comfort to urban people.

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  • Kim, Dae-Won;Trippe, Sascha;Lee, Sang-Sung;Park, Jong-Ho;Kim, Jae-Young;Algaba, Juan-Carlos;Hodgson, Jeffrey A.;Kino, Motoki;Zhao, Guang-Yao;Wajima, Kiyoaki;Kang, Sincheol;Oh, Junghwan;Lee, Taeseok;Byun, Do-Young;Kim, Soon-Wook;Kim, Jeong-Sook
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.167-178
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    • 2017
  • We present a study of the inexplicit connection between radio jet activity and ${\gamma}$-ray emission of BL Lacertae (BL Lac; 2200+420). We analyze the long-term millimeter activity of BL Lac via interferometric observations with the Korean VLBI Network (KVN) obtained at 22, 43, 86, and 129 GHz simultaneously over three years (from January 2013 to March 2016); during this time, two ${\gamma}$-ray outbursts (in November 2013 and March 2015) can be seen in ${\gamma}$-ray light curves obtained from Fermi observations. The KVN radio core is optically thick at least up to 86 GHz; there is indication that it might be optically thin at higher frequencies. To first order, the radio light curves decay exponentially over the time span covered by our observations, with decay timescales of $411{\pm}85$ days, $352{\pm}79$ days, $310{\pm}57$ days, and $283{\pm}55$ days at 22, 43, 86, and 129 GHz, respectively. Assuming synchrotron cooling, a cooling time of around one year is consistent with magnetic field strengths $B{\sim}2{\mu}T$ and electron Lorentz factors ${\gamma}$ ~ 10 000. Taking into account that our formal measurement errors include intrinsic variability and thus over-estimate the statistical uncertainties, we find that the decay timescale ${\tau}$ scales with frequency ${\nu}$ like ${\tau}{\propto}{\nu}^{-0.2}$. This relation is much shallower than the one expected from opacity effects (core shift), but in agreement with the (sub-)mm radio core being a standing recollimation shock. We do not find convincing radio flux counterparts to the ${\gamma}$-ray outbursts. The spectral evolution is consistent with the 'generalized shock model' of Valtaoja et al. (1992). A temporary increase in the core opacity and the emergence of a knot around the time of the second ${\gamma}$-ray event indicate that this ${\gamma}$-ray outburst might be an 'orphan' flare powered by the 'ring of fire' mechanism.

Research on Tongmu I Je-ma's medical idea (동무(東武) 이제마(李濟馬)의 의학사상(醫學思想)에 대한 연구(硏究))

  • Baek Sang-Yong
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.117-145
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    • 2000
  • Tongmu I Je-ma(1837-1900) set up Sasang Constitutional Medicine(四象體質醫學), a medical theory that would be original in the Korean medical history through his book ${\ll}$Tang-uisusebowon(東醫壽世保元)${\gg}$. In this book, he writes that he found the clue to his sasang Constitution(四象體質) theory from ${\ll}$Hwangjenaegyong(黃帝內經)${\gg}$. But the main logic that gives shape to the Constitution(體質) theory is $s{\check{o}}ng-ch{\check{o}}ng$ theory(性情論) of Confucian. Therefore, Tongmu(東武)'s Constitution $s{\check{o}}ng-ch{\check{o}}ng$ theory(體質性情論) is fundamentally based on confucian thoughts. Kongmaeng(孔孟) saw $s{\check{o}}ng$(性) as a base for connecting the entire mankind to be united, and $ch{\check{o}}ng$(情) as a individual thing that can exalted differently according to one's state of mind. Chuja(朱子) weakene the human's active volition by dividing $s{\check{o}}ng$ and $ch{\check{o}}ng$ as ibal(理發) and kibal(氣發) and therefore describing mankind to be submitted to Heaven's will. On the other hand Yolgok(栗谷) generalized $s{\check{o}}ng-ch{\check{o}}ng$ in the active mind of man himself by saying that $s{\check{o}}ng$ is when i-ki(理氣) does not act as a bodily function of the mind and $ch{\check{o}}ng$ is when it does. Furthennore he emphasized man's activeness on pursuing good by saying that the division of good and bad does not start from the origin of motion but is divided by the condition of ki(氣) which leads motion. Tongmu, who was influenced by Yulgok linked both $s{\check{o}}ng$and $ch{\check{o}}ng$ through, happiness, anger, sadness, pleasure(喜怒哀樂), and saw $s{\check{o}}ng$ as the ability to recognize good which is in the kijil(氣質) formed from the integration of i-ki, and saw $ch{\check{o}}ng$ as $s{\check{o}}ng$ blurred by man's greed. In addition to this, he says that the direct connection between each person's divergence in $s{\check{o}}ng-ch{\check{o}}ng$ and the condition of Four-organ(四臟) which is ki, not the mind which is i(理) forms sasangch'ejirin(四象體質人). His theory that illness comes from the partiality of $s{\check{o}}ng-ch{\check{o}}ng$ and therefore can prevent this by clarifying the mind and adjusting $s{\check{o}}ng-ch{\check{o}}ng$ through volition, has led Korean oriental medicine to be human based.

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A Study about Development of Environment Printing Technology and $CO_2$ (환경 인쇄 기술의 발전과 인쇄물의 $CO_2$ 발생량에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Mun-Hag
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.89-114
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    • 2012
  • For as to world, the concern about the environment problem is enhanced than any other time in the past because of being 21 century. And the environment problem is highlighted as the world-wide issue. The time of the environment problem intimidates the alive of the mankind and presence of an earth over the time. It becomes the essentiality not being selection in the personal living or the economical viewpoint now to prepare for the climatic modification. As to the company management, the green growth period which it excludes the environment management considering an environment, cannot carry on the company the continued management comes. That is, in the change center of the management paradigm, there is the environment management. Nearly, the greenhouse gas which the publication industry is the environmental toxic material like all industries is generated. The greenhouse gas is ejected in the process of running the manufacturing process and print shop of the various kinds material used as the raw material of the book. Particularly, the tree felling for getting the material of the paper is known to reach the direct influence on the global warming. This study does according to an object it considers and organizes the environment parameter based on this kind of fact as to the publication industry. And it is determined as the reference which is used as the basic materials preparing the case that carbon exhaust right transaction(CAP and TRADE) drawing are enforced in all industries and is sustainable the management of the publication industry and reduces the environmental risk among the company many risk management elements and plans and enforces the publication related policy that there is a value. In the printing publication industry, this study tried to inquire into elements discharging the environmental pollutant or the greenhouse gas. Additionally, in the printed publication production process, it tried to inquire into the effort for an environment-friendly and necessity at the printing paper and the printers ink, regarded as the element discharging the greenhouse gas all kinds of the printing materials, operation of the print shop and all kinds of the machines and recycle process, and etc. These considerations make these industrial field employees aware of the significance about a conservation and environmental protection. They try to give a help in the subsequent study producing quantitatively each environmental parameter emission of green house gas. This makes the calculation of the relative $CO_2$ output reproached ultimately possible. Meanwhile, in a sense, many research protects and improving an environment in connection with the contents of research at the printing publication industrial field is in progress. There will be the voluntary human face that it has to protect an environment but this can not do by the outside factor according to all kinds of environment related law and regulation. Anyway, because of acting on company management as the factor of oppression, the increase of this environment-related correspondence cost could know that the research that the environment loading relates with a procurement and development, environment management system introduction, quality control standard, including, normalizing including a material, and etc. through the part of the effort to reduce the cost low was actively in progress. As to the green growth era, as follows, this paper prescribed the subject and alternative of the print publication industry. It is surrounded by the firstly new digital environment and the generation of the subject. And secondly the printing industry is caused by the point of time when the green growth leaves by the topic which is largest in the global industry and it increases. The printing publication industry has to prepare the bridgehead for the environment-friendly green growth as the alternative for this resolution with first. The support blown in each industry becomes the obligation not being selection. Prestek in which the print publishing was exposed to spend many energies and which is known as the practice of the sustainable print publishing insisted that it mentioned importance of the green printing through the white pages in 2008 and a company had to be the green growth comprised through the environment-friendly activity. The core management for the sustainable printing publication industry presented from Presstack white pages is compacted to 4 words that it is a remove, reduce, recover, and recycle. Second, positively the digital printing(POD) system should be utilized. In the worldwide print out market, the digital printing area stops at the level of 10% or so but the change over and growth of the market of an analog-to-digital will increase rapidly in the future. As to the CEO Jeff Hayes of the Infoland, the offset print referred to that it of the traditional method got old and infirm with the minor phase of the new printing application like the customer to be wanted publication and the print of the digital method led the market. In conclusion, print publishers have to grasp well the market flow in the situation where a digitalization cannot be generalized and a support cannot avoid. And it keeps pace with the flow of the digital age and the recognition about the effort for the development and environment problem have to be raised. Particularly, the active green strategy is employed for the active green strategy.

Half a cenury of the rural geography in Korea(1945-1995):review and prospect (촌락지리학 50년(1945-1995)의 회고와 전망)

  • ;Lee, Moon-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.213-254
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    • 1996
  • The Korean Geographical Society was founded in 1945, when Korea was liberated from the Japanese rule. And The Journal of the Korean Geography activated academic studies of geography by publishing research papers in it. Professor Kang, Dae-Hyun wrote the first two specialized papers of rural geography in 1966: " Flood Plain Settlements on the Han River" and "The Location and Form of the Dispersed Villages around Dae-Cwan-Ryung". The early studies of rural geography were not based on serious academic foundations, such as the adjustment of theoretical notions and a good grasp of subjects. After choosing subjects that came to hand without academic consideration. they simply enumerated generalized items of the results of the field work investigation such as the location the landscape and the process of formation of the settlements. In the 1970s and 1980s, however, rural settlement studies progressed remarkably in Korea. More than 80% of 318 dissertations, theses, or papers collected for this review were written in the late 1980s, and the subjects and methodology became diversified. As may be expected, recent studies are found very systematic and problem-solving in the various fields - contexual understanding spatial structure, the development of clan villages according to the socialization process, the effects of rural-out migration on the change of villages etc. Such a trend can be understood as a reaction to the circumstances under which, as the Western society already experienced, rural villages become washed out by the waves of industralization and urbanization and hardly continue to exist. In this paper, geographical studies of rural settlement which have been carried out in Korea last fifty years will be reviewed under the four headings on the studies related to a) farming villages; b) fishing villages; c) mountain villages: and d) special function villages. Studies of farming villages and related ones are very diverse. The results of the studies carried out last fifty years can be classified into sixteen subjects. Just as, in the West, studies of rural settlement have been mainly concerned with farming villages since rural geography came into being, so, in Korea, they have been centred on farming villages. It is a natural result considering the history of human life. Even in Korea, however the rural settlement is no more an isolated life space which keeps unique traditions of old life style, but it begins to form a dynamic life space connected to big cities by heavy traffic. Because the modern farming villages of Korea have an undetachable connection with the cities, special methodology to solve new problems has been posed in the studies of rural settlement. Many scholars have produced a lot of studies of farming villages, and three of them are prominent: Oh. Hong-Seok, Choi, Ki-Yeop, and Lee, Moon-Jong. Oh, Hong-Seok is a versatile and hard-working scholar who has published more papers than anyone else in the various fields of rural geography such as farming villages, fishing villages, mountain villages, and reclamation villages. And he has expanded his concerns to environment issues in recent years. Choi, Ki-Yeop has maintained that the prototype of Korean rural villages is clan villages continuing to write a series of good papers in which he pursues their regionalizion in the process of socialization. Lee, Moon-Jong divides the spatial organization of side settlement, sahachon (settlement near the temple), religion settlement, orchard settlement, settlement near the foreign military camp, displaced people's settlement. Chung Gam Lok settlement, etc. Though The Korean Geographical Society has half a century's history, academic activties in the field of rural settlement have been performed no more than thirty years. We cannot help saying that it is admirable that in such a rather short time we have five academical schools of the rural geography in Korea. geography in Korea.

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