Research on Tongmu I Je-ma's medical idea

동무(東武) 이제마(李濟馬)의 의학사상(醫學思想)에 대한 연구(硏究)

  • 백상용 (경희대학교 한의과대학 원전교실)
  • Published : 2000.06.24


Tongmu I Je-ma(1837-1900) set up Sasang Constitutional Medicine(四象體質醫學), a medical theory that would be original in the Korean medical history through his book ${\ll}$Tang-uisusebowon(東醫壽世保元)${\gg}$. In this book, he writes that he found the clue to his sasang Constitution(四象體質) theory from ${\ll}$Hwangjenaegyong(黃帝內經)${\gg}$. But the main logic that gives shape to the Constitution(體質) theory is $s{\check{o}}ng-ch{\check{o}}ng$ theory(性情論) of Confucian. Therefore, Tongmu(東武)'s Constitution $s{\check{o}}ng-ch{\check{o}}ng$ theory(體質性情論) is fundamentally based on confucian thoughts. Kongmaeng(孔孟) saw $s{\check{o}}ng$(性) as a base for connecting the entire mankind to be united, and $ch{\check{o}}ng$(情) as a individual thing that can exalted differently according to one's state of mind. Chuja(朱子) weakene the human's active volition by dividing $s{\check{o}}ng$ and $ch{\check{o}}ng$ as ibal(理發) and kibal(氣發) and therefore describing mankind to be submitted to Heaven's will. On the other hand Yolgok(栗谷) generalized $s{\check{o}}ng-ch{\check{o}}ng$ in the active mind of man himself by saying that $s{\check{o}}ng$ is when i-ki(理氣) does not act as a bodily function of the mind and $ch{\check{o}}ng$ is when it does. Furthennore he emphasized man's activeness on pursuing good by saying that the division of good and bad does not start from the origin of motion but is divided by the condition of ki(氣) which leads motion. Tongmu, who was influenced by Yulgok linked both $s{\check{o}}ng$and $ch{\check{o}}ng$ through, happiness, anger, sadness, pleasure(喜怒哀樂), and saw $s{\check{o}}ng$ as the ability to recognize good which is in the kijil(氣質) formed from the integration of i-ki, and saw $ch{\check{o}}ng$ as $s{\check{o}}ng$ blurred by man's greed. In addition to this, he says that the direct connection between each person's divergence in $s{\check{o}}ng-ch{\check{o}}ng$ and the condition of Four-organ(四臟) which is ki, not the mind which is i(理) forms sasangch'ejirin(四象體質人). His theory that illness comes from the partiality of $s{\check{o}}ng-ch{\check{o}}ng$ and therefore can prevent this by clarifying the mind and adjusting $s{\check{o}}ng-ch{\check{o}}ng$ through volition, has led Korean oriental medicine to be human based.



  1. 備旨具解 原本周易
  2. 四端七情論 民族과 思想硏究會(編)
  3. 性理大典
  4. 禮記
  5. 原本備旨 大學集註 明文堂
  6. 原本備旨 孟子集註
  7. 原本備旨 中庸
  8. 退溪選集 尹絲淳(譯註)
  9. 栗谷全書 李珥
  10. 格致藁 李濟馬
  11. 東醫壽世保元 李濟馬
  12. 明善錄 韓錫地
  13. 懸吐釋字具解 論語
  14. 精校黃帝內經素問 洪元植
  15. 精校黃帝內經素問 洪元植