• Title/Summary/Keyword: General student

검색결과 1,130건 처리시간 0.042초

서울 송현동 일대의 문화 헤게모니와 장소성 변화 분석 (An Analysis of Cultural Hegemony and Placeness Changes in the Area of Songhyeon-dong, Seoul)

  • 최지영;조경진
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제50권1호
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    • pp.33-52
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    • 2022
  • 서울 송현동에 역사문화공원과 이건희 기증관이 조성될 예정이다. 송현동의 역사성은 조선 시대부터 현대까지 정치적 판도에 영향을 받은 시련의 땅으로 인식되었다. 하지만 장소성 분석은 역사적 맥락보다는 토지소유자와 용도 변화에 국한해서 다루어졌다. 그래서 본 연구는 현대문화지리학과 비교역사학 관점을 활용하여 송현동의 장소성이 문화 헤게모니에 따라 변화한 맥락을 분석하였다. 분석결과, 역사적 이행과정에서 나타나는 중화주의, 대항해, 시민혁명, 제국주의, 민족자결주의, 민족주의, 대중예술, 신자유주의 같은 범세계 차원의 문화 헤게모니는 송현동을 비롯한 북촌 일대에 새로운 지식인층을 만들어냈고, 사회제도와 공간정책에 영향을 미쳤다. 이러한 사회적 관계 속에서 송현동의 장소성은 다음과 같이 변화했다. 첫째, 송현의 소나무숲은 이상적인 유교 국가를 목표로 했던 조선 건국세력이 왕조의 영속을 기원하며 만든 비보숲이었고, 내사산의 지맥을 보호하는 사산금표제로 관리되었다. 세계적으로 대항해시대를 맞이한 조선 후기에는 연행이 늘며 청나라 문화를 향유하는 경화세족의 정원이 들어섰다. 일제 강점기에 인구가 급증하면서 주택단지개발로 소나무 숲과 정원은 사라졌지만, 인공적인 정원과 외부의 자연을 조화롭게 연결했던 차경의 경관적 미학은 현대적으로 재해석할 가치가 있다. 둘째, 세계의 근대화 물결은 북촌 일대에 신식학교를, 친일파 소유의 송현동에는 하숙집을 만들었다. 송현동 옆의 안국동천길은 시민혁명과 민족자결주의를 접한 사상가들이 교류했던 장소였고, 최대규모의 하숙집이었던 송현동은 학생들이 3.1운동에 참여하며 학생운동문화가 발아한 계기가 되었다. 안국동천길은 옛길의 모습이 보존되어 있어 광화문-북촌-인사동-돈화문로를 연결하는 역사 도심 보행 재생의 한 부분으로 의의를 지닌다. 셋째, 조선총독부의 문화 통치기부터 군사 정권기까지 송현동은 조선식산은행의 서구식 문화주택과 미국대사관 직원 숙소가 들어서며 서구문화의 통로였다. 주변 지역은 고미술과 현대미술이 공존하며 근현대 미술시장이 형성되었다. 이건희 기증관은 북촌한옥마을, 공예박물관, 현대미술관, 갤러리와 문화벨트를 이루며 시민의 공간으로 변모할 것으로 기대되고 있다. 이같이 장소를 이루었던 숲과 정원, 시민탄생의 거리, 근·현대 미술의 진원지로서 의미가 새롭게 조성될 역사문화공원과 미술관 그리고 주변 보행 네트워크와 조화롭게 재창조될 수 있도록 담론과 도전이 필요하다.

농촌여성노인의 자아존중감 향상 및 자아통합감 증진을 위한 집단미술치료 프로그램 효과 (Effects of Group Art Therapy to Improve Self-esteem and Enhance Self-integrity of Rural Elderly Women)

  • 김종희
    • 한국노년학
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.259-275
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구는 집단미술치료가 농촌여성노인의 자아존중감과 자아통합감에 미치는 효과를 알아보는데 그 목적이 있다. 연구대상은 A시의 '농촌어르신 행복 만들기' 프로그램의 일환으로 농촌여성노인들의 자아존중감 향상과 자아통합감 증진을 위하여 농촌 특화 상품 생산에 참여하는 어르신 47명 중 프로그램을 원하시는 분 25명 실험집단으로, 나머지 22명은 통제집단으로 구성하였다. 사전·사후 검사 시 한 번이라도 빠지거나 고령으로 인하여 중도에 사망하신 분을 제외한 44명이 최종 분석 대상이었다. 프로그램 실시는 A지역의 대학생 2명의 보조자와 주최 측의 직원 1명의 도움으로 2010년 3월 16일부터 5월 18일까지 주 1회 화요일 오후 1시부터 3시까지 120분 동안 총 12회기를 실시하였다. 프로그램의 효과를 검증하기 위하여 SPSSWIN version 12.0 Program을 활용하여 분석하였다. 사전검사의 동질성검사를 위하여 독립 t-test를 실시하고, 각 집단의 일반적 특성을 파악하기 위하여 빈도분석을 실시하여 빈도와 백분율을 산출하였다. 연구 결과는 실험집단과 통제집단의 사전과 사후검사에서의 변화를 파악하기 위하여 평균과 표준편차를 산출하였다. 또한 프로그램을 실시한 후 프로그램의 효과를 검증하기 위하여 사전 검사를 공변인으로 하여 공분산분석(ANCOVA)을 실시하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 본 집단미술치료 프로그램 실시 후 실험집단이 통제집단에 비하여 자아존중감이 향상되었다. 둘째, 본 집단미술치료 프로그램 실시 후 실험집단이 통제집단에 비하여 자아통합감이 향상되었다. 그러므로 집단미술치료가 농촌여성노인의 자아존중감 향상과 자아통합감 증진의 효과성을 검증하는데 의의가 있다.

다층지원체계 중심의 긍정적 행동지원에 관한 한국과 미국의 실험연구 비교분석 (A Comparison of American and Korean Experimental Studies on Positive Behavior Support within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports)

  • 장은진;이미영;정재우;조광순;이동형;송원영;한미령
    • 한국심리학회지:학교
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.399-431
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 한국과 미국의 일반학교에서 실행한 다층지원체계 중심의 긍정적 행동지원(PBS)에 관한 실험연구 논문들을 비교분석하여 한국형 학교차원 PBS 모형 및 매뉴얼 개발을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고, 향후 한국에서의 PBS 실행에 관한 연구 방향의 제시 및 시사점을 도출하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 한국과 미국의 학술 검색엔진을 통해 2005년부터 2018년까지의 PBS 실행 논문 중, 보편적 1차 지원, 또는 1차 지원을 실행하면서 2차 혹은 3차 지원을 실행한 한국의 연구 논문 11편과 미국의 연구 논문 24편을 분석대상으로 하여 일반적 연구특성(대상, 설계, 기간, 종속 변인 등)과 PBS의 주요특성 및 결과(대상자 선별과정, 중재 과정과 내용, 사회적 타당도 등)를 지원 차원 별로 구분하여 비교하였다. 분석 결과, 한국과 미국의 모든 연구에서 PBS는 지원 차원을 막론하고 학생 행동과 기타 영역에서 긍정적 성과가 있음을 보고하고 있었다. 1차 지원의 경우 한국은 학교 또는 학급의 교육환경 수정과 사회적 기술교수에 초점을 둔 반면, 미국은 이 외에도 표준화된 중재 프로그램에 관한 교사훈련과 체계적인 교사지원에 초점을 둔 것으로 나타났다. 2차 지원의 경우 미국은 한국에 비해 학교차원의 PBS 내에서 1차 지원과 함께 실행하고 있는 학교가 많았고, 주로 Check/In Check/Out(CICO)를 중재방법으로 사용하고 있었다. 또한 대상 선별방법에서 보다 체계적인 선별도구나 절차를 사용하였고, 부모가 적극적으로 참여하여 가정에서도 중재가 이루어지도록 하는 차이를 보였다. 3차 지원의 경우, 미국은 종합적 행동기능평가 결과를 중심으로 중재계획을 수립한 점과 선별방식이 체계화되었다는 점이 한국과 차이가 있었다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 한국에서의 다층지원체계 중심의 학교차원 PBS 실행을 위한 각 차원별 PBS 실행충실도와 사회적 타당도 및 맥락적 적합성(contextual fit)에 대한 타당화된 측정도구 개발의 필요성 등 시사점을 도출하였으며, 본 연구의 의의와 제한점, 향후 연구방향에 대해 논의하였다.

이론 및 실습, 대면 및 비대면 교육 방식이 기업가정신과 창업의지에 미치는 효과 차이 연구: 코로나 펜데믹 상황의 대학생들을 대상으로 (Studying the Differences in the Effects of Theoretical and Practical, Face-to-face and Virtual Teaching Methods on Entrepreneurship and Willingness to Start a Business: University Students During the Coronavirus Pandemic)

  • 박미정;이철규;황보윤
    • 벤처창업연구
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.81-96
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    • 2024
  • 본 연구는 코로나 펜데믹 상황의 대학생들을 대상으로 이론교육과 실습교육, 대면교육과 비대면교육으로 구분하여 교육 방식에 따라 기업가정신과 창업의지에 미치는 효과 차이를 분석함으로써 기존연구의 대상과 달리 전면 비대면 강의를 경험한 대학생들의 기업가정신 교육효과가 높은 강좌 운영형태를 도출하고, 기업가정신교육의 효과를 높이는 방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 본 연구는 충청도 소재 종합대학의 재학생 552명을 대상으로 기업가정신 교육을 시행하고 표본을 이론교육과 실습교육, 대면교육과 비대면 교육으로 구분하여 분석하였다. 또한 이원 반복측정 ANOVA를 실시하여 교육 전·후 시점에 따라 기업가정신 교육 강좌 운영형태의 차이가 있는지 확인하고자 하였다. 연구결과, 첫째, 이론 및 실습교육의 교육 전·후 기업가정신 교육의 효과 차이는 유의적으로 나타났으며, 교육 후 이론교육보다 실습교육의 기업가정신이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 창업의지의 교육 전후 차이 검증에서는 실습교육에서만 효과 차이가 유의적으로 나타났다. 둘째, 교육 전·후 시점 차이에 따라 이론-실습의 강좌 운영형태의 반복측정 ANOVA 분석 결과는 교육 시점에 따라 이론-실습 강좌의 기업가정신 효과 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 대면 및 비대면교육에 따른 기업가정신 교육의 효과 차이는 유의적으로 나타났고, 창업의지에서 비대면 교육의 효과만 교육 전·후 차이가 유의적인 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 교육 전·후 시점 차이에 따라 대면-비대면 강좌운영형태의 반복측정 ANOVA 분석 결과는 교육 시점에 따라 대면-비대면의 기업가정신의 효과 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 창업의지효과는 비대면교육에서만 교육전·후 차이가 유의적인 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 시사점은 대학생의 기업가정신과 창업의지의 효과를 높이기 위해서는 교육대상이 적극적으로 창업과 관계된 활동에 참여하는 실습수업의 양적확대가 필요하다. 또한 창업의지 효과를 높이기 위해서는 메타버스 공간을 활용하여 수강생 각자의 역할 비중이 높은 비대면 교육 방식이 창업의지 효과성을 높이는 데 기여할 수 있다는 것이다.

  • PDF

과학 관련 직업과 진로 교육에 대한 중학교 과학 교사의 인식 (Middle School Science Teacher's Perceptions of Science-Related Careers and Career Education)

  • 송나윤;박선영;노태희
    • 한국과학교육학회지
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    • 제44권2호
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    • pp.167-178
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    • 2024
  • 이 연구에서는 중학교 과학 교사들을 대상으로 과학 관련 직업에 대한 인식과 진로 교육의 인식을 조사하였다. 중학교 1학년 과학과 나의 미래 단원 수업 경험이 있는 과학 교사 64명을 대상으로 온라인 설문을 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 과학 교사들이 제시한 과학 관련 직업에는 과학적 직업뿐만 아니라 과학을 활용한 직업이 차지하는 비율도 상당하였다. 교사가 제시한 과학 관련 직업 중에서 연구직 및 공학기술직이 가장 높은 비율로 나타났으며, 교육·법률·사회복지·경찰·소방직 및 군인, 보건·의료직이 그 뒤를 이었다. 그러나 설치·정비·생산직이 차지하는 비율은 매우 낮았다. 과학 관련 직업에 필요한 능력으로는 일하는 데 필요한 기능, 일하는 방법이 주를 이루었으며, 사회와의 공존은 직업의 종류와 무관하게 대부분 직업에서 가장 낮았다. 과학 관련 진로 교육의 실태를 조사한 결과, 대부분 교사가 과학과 나의 미래 단원을 2~4차시 운영하는 그쳤으며, 일반 과학 수업에서도 과학 관련 진로 교육 운영에 할애하는 시간은 많지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 자유학기제 상황에서는 8시간 이상 과학 관련 진로교육을 운영한다고 응답한 교사가 상당수 나타났다. 과학과 나의 미래 단원이나 일반 과학 교과 수업 상황 모두 강의법이나 토의·토론법, 자율학습법을 주로 활용하는 것으로 나타났다. 한편 자유학기제 상황에서는 자원기반 학습이 다른 수업 상황과 비교했을 때 높은 비율로 나타났다. 이때 교사들은 전반적으로 미디어 자료를 많이 활용하였고, 교과서나 교사용 지도서의 활용은 예상보다 낮은 비율로 나타났으며, 과학관, 전시관 등에서 배포한 자료를 활용하거나 교육부 지원 자료를 활용하는 경우도 나타났다. 교사들은 학생 중심의 과학관련 진로 교육을 실행하고 다양한 교수학습 방법을 활용하는 것을 지향하였다. 이상의 연구 결과를 바탕으로 과학 관련 직업과 진로 교육에 대한 교사들의 인식을 개선하기 위한 방안을 제안하였다.

일부(一部) 중학생(中學生)의 성(性)에 대한 의식행태조사(意識行態調査) (A study on the Awareness and Behavior about Sex of Middle School Students -from middle school students in Taegu area-)

  • 김상옥;남철현
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.42-65
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    • 1992
  • A survey was made of 976 students who were selected among students of 5 middle schools at Taegu so that it could furnish basic knowledge about sex education of adolescents by analyzing students recognition of sex, acquaintance with the opposite-sex, sex-education, The survery took a month from Nov. 1, to Nov 30, 1991. The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1. The general characteristics of the surveyed students. The survey consisted of 332 boys middle school student & 325 girls middle school students, 157 male & 162 female students of coeducational middle schools. 32.9% of them were from the first grade, 33.2% from the second grade & 33.9% from the third grade. 35.7% of them believed in Buddhism, 19% Christianism and the mode of their living standard, 86.7%, fell on 34.7% of their parents engaged in commerce and they were followed by salary man and public officals, 93.1 % of the students, parents were alive. 44.9% of their fathers were graduates of high school and 42.2% of their mothers middle school. 2. Sexual maturity 89.1 % of the surveyed girls had experienced menstruation. The mode of first menstruation, 48.2%, was at the age of 13 and the mean of it was 12.9, 3.7% the surveyed boys had exprienced a wet drem before. The mode of the first wet dream, 40.0%, was at the age of 14 and the mean was 13.4. 21.3% of surveyed students had the experience of masturbation but the number of girls fell far short of that boys. The mode of the first masturbation, 37.0%, was at the age of 14 and the mean was 13.4. 3. The acquaintance and sexual relations with the opposite sex 1) Analyzing the students actual conditions with the opposite, I found out that 52.3% of them wanted to have any kind of relations with the opposite and that 30.25 had already had some kind of relations. 73.2% of the students having relations with the opposite thought the other sex merely as a friend and the number of students who were thinking that way was distributed evenly among schools. 28.8% of the students had got acquainted with the other sex through their frieds and there were not much difference between boys and girls in the method of getting acquainated with the opposite. About 35.2% of the students having relations with the opposite came from the third grade. 47.8% of them answered that the meeting place was not fixed and 26.4% answered that they were meeting their parthers outdoors. 60.7% replyed that they were not disturbed in their studies by the relations with the other sex. 2) Most of the students 79.4%, answered that they had never had sexual relations and 16.3% of the rest said that thery were expressing their feelings by grasping each other's hand. 3) 16.6% of the surveyed students asid that they had the exprience of smoking, 1.1 % of an illusion caused by inhaling chemical addhesives, 44.0% of drinking and 41.4% of warching pornographic films. 4. The knowledge and attitude about the sex 1) The distribution and analysis according to schools and grades : 64.8% of the surveyed students answered correctly to the questions about mensturation, 49.3 % did so about wet dreams, 94.3 % did so about conception, 60.6% did so about child birth, 73.9% did so about AIDS and 50.1 % did so about sexual diseases. Roughly speaking, they had not much knowledge of sexual diseases. 2) The recognition of sex according to schools and grades : 39.0% of the students said that they had worries about sex. 33.1 % of what they worried was concerned with their bodies and 26.8% was about the acqaintance and relationship with the opposite sex. The girls were much more concerned about the former and the boys the latter. 51.1 % of the students asid that they had no specific opinion of masturbation but 19.2% said that's alright if self-restrained. About the sexual intercourse before marriage, 75.7% said negatively. 5. The need for sex education most of the students, 99.4% said they needed sex education and there was not much difference in that thought among schools. And 49.7% answered that schools, families, and societies were equlally important in sex education. About half of the students, exactly 50.2%. considered it as the main reason of sex education to prevent accidents cauesd by ignorance of sex. 81.4% said that they had had some kind of sex education. Most of the educations, 87.0%, had taken place at schools but 5.2% said they were getting most of the knowledge about sex from therir friednds, juniors and seniors. 59.5% of the students who had ever had a sex education said "Just so, so" when asked of the level of their contentment but the number of students who said "satisfied" was only a few, 16.1 %. 20.7% of the survered answered that thery wanted sex education to be made in the course of home life, and 26.6 % of the students most wanted to know about the acquaintance and relationship with the oppostie sex, 29.0% preferred nurse teachers as proper councellors of sex education. The mode of their present councellors, 42.0%, was friends but only 7.6% answered they dicussed with teachers. 6. The correlation analysis between general characteristcs and sexual behaviors of the surveyed students revealed that sex had a signigicant(P<0.001) positive correlation with parents' love toward students(P<0.01), the experience of masturbation, smoking, an illusion caused by inhaling chemical adhesives and the experience of watching pornographic films. And the standard of living had a significant(P<0.01) positive correlation(P<0.01) with grade point average, parents' existence(P<0.01) and parents' love, but a significant(P<0.01) negative correlation with sexual worries. grade point average had a significant(P<0.01)negative correlation with the experience of an illusion caused by chemical adhesives(P<0.01) and smoking. Parents' existence had significant(P<0.01) positive correlations with parents' love and smoking but a significant(P<0.01) negative correlation with the experience of an illusion by chemical adhesives. There was a significant(P<0.01) negative correlations between parents' love and the experience of an illusion by chemical adhesives, and a significant(P<0.001) positive correlation among masturbation and sexual worries, smoking, an illusion by chemical adhesives and the experience of watching pornographic films. There was a significant(P<0.001) positive correlation among acquaintance with the opposite sex, smoking, the experience of an illusion by chemical adhesives and watching pornographic films. Sexual worries had significant(P<0.01) positive correlations with smoking, the experience of an illusion by chemical adhesives and watching pornographic films. smoking had a significant positive correlation with drinking the experirence of, an illusion by chemical adhesives and watching pornographic films. Finally, there was a significant(P<0.01) positive correlation between the drinking experience and the illusion experience by chemical adhesives. According to the results mentioned above, the fact is certain that there is a great need for sex education of adolescents. Therefore, it is desirable that the schools teach sexual physiology and normal positively and that sex education including hygien education be an independant course in the curriculums. Furthermore, it is essential that the schools should have enough nurse teachers to take up sex education, expand training opportunities for them and that they develop educational materials. Considering the unbalance of the level of sex educations between boys and girls, I want to suggest that all boys and girls have sex education evenly and lead happy lives by correction irrational thought about sex, that is to say, sex discrimination, Sex education programs, especially of middle school students, should be reexamined if it is to give the students effective and profitable knowledge about sex. In addition, the government should establish a policy of adolescents' sex education to have healthy opinions of sex settled nationwide.

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양호겸직교사의 배치근거 및 분포양상 (A study on the distribution basis and aspect of teachers holding additional school health)

  • 이정임
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.58-90
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    • 1989
  • This study was attempted to contribute to the development of school health by providing the basic data about the distribution basis and distribution aspect of teachers holding additional school health that are in charge of school health business in parimary schools, middle schools and high schools without any nurse-teacher. This study analyzed literatures about the history, related laws, organization and professional manpower of school health. The emphasis was set on the distribution basis of theachers holding additional school health. The results of this study are as following: 1. The school health of the world dates to the late 18th century in Europe where was free supplying with food for poor children. The school health of Korea orginated from smallpox vaccination which was executed with appearance of modern schools in the late 19th century. 2. The related laws of school health began as a part of Education Law with was constituted in 1949. By the School Health Law constituted in 1967 and the enforcement ordinance of School Health made firm the legal basis of school health. 3. The administrative organs of school health are the Ministry of Education in center and each Board of Education in cities and provinces. For the first time in 1979, the department of school health was established in the organization of the Ministry of Education. And at about the same time of establishment of the department of school health, health section was established in the department of social physical-training in locality. 4. In the manpower of school health which was presented in the related statute of school health, there are the ward chief of education, the superintendent of educational affair, of cities and districts, the mayors, the governors of provinces, the school managers, the principals, the school doctors, the school pharmacists, and the nurse-teachers, including teachers holding additional school health as the practical manpower of school health. 5. In order to get some information on distribution aspect of teachers additional school health, this study made up a questionnaire from August 3 to August 11, 1988. The subjects of this study were 212 leachers who took part in the yearly training for teachers holding additional school health from Kyunggi province, Chungbuk province and Jeonbuk province. The results of the questionnaire are as following: 1. The distribution percentages of teachers holding additional school health according to each Board of Education wich schools are subject to, are as following:70.1% (Kyunggi), 76.5% (Chungbuk), and 81.4% (Jeonbuk). There was a significant difference. The distribution percentages of teachers holding additional school health according to the school levels of 3 provinces are as following: 74.1% (Primary schools), 77.8% (Middle schools), 76.7% (High schools). There were little significant differences. 2. The distribution according to the general characteristics of the subject schools: There were 64.2 percent of primary schools and 35.8 percent of middle schools among 212 schools. 91. 5 percent of schools were located in districts. Public schools formed 55.7% and then national schools were higher in percentage than private schools. 58.5 percent of schools had 1-9 classes, 64.6 percent of schools had 101-500 students, and 90 percents of schools had 1-20 teachers. In considering student sex, the coed school showed the high distribution percentage (Primary schools : 100%, Middle schools: 81.6%). 3. The distribution according to the characteristics of teachers holding additional school health: 93.3 percent of teachers were female, and more than 60 percent of teachers were 20-29 years old. As the age got higher, the percentage became lower. There were little significant differences by marital status. In considering their educational status, 86.8 percent of teachers in primary schools were from teacher's colleges, and 64.5 percent of teachers in middle schools were from education colleges. In considering teaching career, 46.7 percent of teachers had teaching career of less than 2 years. 73.6 percent of teachers had held additional school health for less than one year. More than 80 percent of teachers had participated in the training one time or twice. More than 70 percent of teachers had 1-2 additional jobs except for the school health business. The motivation to hold additional school health is most caused by mandatory order, which accounts for more than 80.0 percent. In considering interesting degree concerning school health, lukewarm answer is the highest of 62.7 percent, followed by affirmative answer of 23.6 percent. In considering their contentment degree respecting additional school health job, "discontent or very discontent"is the highest of 47.6 percent. As a descontent reason of additional school health job, overwork is the highest factor of 37.9 percent. Among addiitional school health job, the most difficult affair is nursing service to be 34.0 percent, followed by health education of 31.6 percent. It testify the need of professional. The source of knowledge about school health has been acquired from masscommunication or private health experience, which account for as much as 56.1 percent. It shows seriousness of lack of professionalism. With regard to neccessity of school health experts, 95.8 percent represents absolute need. With above consideration of study results, I propose as follows : 1. I propose that the authorities concerned unify and improve statute respecting current school health which has not been steadfastly supporting school health business by ambiguity of expression and dualization. 2. I propose that the authorities concerned give the school manager, school staffs and parents of students educational chance with which they can acknowledge the importance of school health and in which they can participate as well as set up alternative policy plan to be albe to vitalize school health committee. 3. I propose that administrative organization practicable to taking totally charge of school health business is established within the Ministry of Education. 4. I propose that the authorities concerned back up and cooperate in an attempt by make school health better and desirable toward development by way of appointing qualitied health teachers on the basis of legally regular teacher staffs.

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산욕기 초산모의 간호요구와 만족도에 관한 연구 (A student on the Nursing Needs and Satisfaction of Primipara During the Early Postpartum Period)

  • 전영자
    • 여성건강간호학회지
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.5-27
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    • 1997
  • This study was carried out to identify the difference between nursing needs and levels of satisfaction of primiparae during the early postpartum period. The goal of the study was to obtain data needed to develope maternal education programs and to improve the nursing quality for primipara. The subjects were 111 primiparae who had normal delivery at 2 general hospitals in the Seoul area. The data was gathered using an 81 items questionnaire which was developed by the researcher from Nov. 30, 1995 to Feb. 5, 1996. Results found are as follows : 1. The characteristics of subjects : The majority of subjects were aged 26-30yrs(60.4%), high school graduated(49.5%), jobless(52.3%), had no religion(49.5%), no antenatal(74.5%), and postnatal education on self and infant care(55.9%). A large proportion of primiparae intended to feed breast milk(49.5%) but in fact only 7.2% fed breast milk while in the hospital. Many subjects perceived that they had reasonable self confidence about self care(46.8%), and infant care(36%). 2. The level of nursing needs of overall nursing care was relatively high(Mn 3.98) but the level of satisfaction was of average level(Mn 3.09). Therefore, difference between the level of nursing needs and satisfaction was significant(p=0.0001). 3. The nursing needs by category of nursing care the highest need was on the education of infant care(4.29), the lowest was on physical care(3.80). The level of satisfaction was higher on environmental care(3.40) and physical care(3.32). But the category that showed the lowest satisfaction was education of infant care(2.67). Hence, difference of categories between the level of nursing needs and satisfaction was significant(p=0.0001). 4. Among items of physical care, observation of primiparas' conditions(4.21), accurate medication and treatment(4.18), care of breast engorgement(4.07) and control of postpartal hemorrage(4.01) showed high nursing needs. On the other hand, only the level of satisfaction was higher on accurate medication and treatment(3.82). The rest of items revealed only average level of satisfactions. Difference of items between the level of nursing needs and satisfaction was significant(p=0.0001) except items of dietary care. 5. Among items of psychological care, 8 items of nursing needs were high(3.72-4.29), expecially detailed explanation on which mothers want to know(4.29), treatment and nursing care they receive(4.23), kind and faithful care(4.22), early contacts with their baby(4.20), and adequate draping during the care and treatment(4.18). Among items of psychological care higher satisfactions were shown on items of kind and faithful care(3.80), personal treatment(3.70), and detailed explanation to mothers, but the least satisfied items was early contact with baby(2.13). Difference between the level of nursing needs and satisfaction was significant(p=0.0001). 6. Among items of environmental care, the highest level of need and satisfaction was on the items of neat bedding and pajamas(3.54). The difference was significant (p=0.0001). 7. Among the items of educational needs on self care, all of 22 items revealed higher educational needs(3.50-4.33) but the levels of satisfaction varied with a range of 2.63-3.42. Among the items the satisfactions were high on items of breast care including massages(3.42), perineal care(3.36) and expression of breast milk(3.32). Less satisfied items were drugs not be taken by breast milk feeder(2.63), maintenance of breast figure(2.76) and postpartum exercise(2.80) and so on. The difference was significant(p=0.0001). maintain 8. Among the items of educational needs on infant care, 19 items revealed higher educational needs(3.28-4.54). And the highest need were on the 3 items of normal growth and development of infant, safety and emergency care, symptoms of sick(4.45) and the meaning of crying of the baby(4.52). The level of satisfaction among items of education of infant care ranged from 2.47 to 3.16. Most satisfied items were buriping(3.16), bathing(3.11) and diapering(3.09). The items of which the mother's needs were high revealed the lowest satisfaction level. The difference was significant (p=0.0001). 9. Relationship between nursing needs and levels of satisfaction among primiparae of different characteristics were as follows : 1) Nursing needs of physical and psychological areas were significantly different among different age levels but no relationship was found on other categories regardless of the level of satisfaction. 2) With regard to different levels of education, some relationship was found in nursing needs of psychological area(p=0.007), educational needs on infant care(p=0.04) and environmental care(p=0.01). Also, the difference of satisfaction level was significant. 3) Working mothers had higher nursing needs and were more satisfied on items of physical care(p=0.05), education on self care and infant care. Difference were significant between nursing needs and level of satisfaction. 4) With regards to different religion a moderate relation was found between nursing needs of environmental care infant care education but no relationship was found on levels of satisfaction. 5) With regards to antenatal education, the mothers who have had no antenatal education revealed higher nursing needs on physical care but those who had antenatal education were more satisfied with education on self care and infant care. The difference was significant. (p=0.0001). 6) With regards to postpartum education, the mothers who have had some sort of postpartum education revealed higher nursing needs on physical and self care. And they were more satisfied with nursing of every category except infant care than mothers who had not any postpartum education. Differences was significant between the nursing needs and levels of satisfaction.(p=0.0001). 7) With regards to breast feeding experience during the hospitalization, those who had no experience of breast feeding revealed higher nursing needs on physical care in contrast to breast feeders, who had higher educational needs on infant care. And breast feeder were more satisfied with all categories. Differences was significant(p=0.0001). 8) With regards to perception of self confidence on self care and infant care, no relationship was found on nursing needs and level of satisfaction in every category of nursing.

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가정과 안전교육의 연구 동향 분석 (An Analysis of the Research Trends in Safety Education for Home Economics Education)

  • 김남은
    • 한국가정과교육학회지
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.47-63
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구의 목적은 가정교과에서의 안전교육 관련 연구 동향을 파악하여 이 분야에서의 다양하고 균형 있는 연구개발을 위한 기초자료를 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 2001년부터 2015년까지 한국연구재단 등재지에 게재된 가정교과 관련 15개 학회지의 논문 중 '안전'을 직접적으로 언급한 경우와 안전교육 영역과 관련된 내용을 다룬 논문(244편)과 '안전'을 키워드로 제시하여 검색한 석 박사학위 논문(179편)을 대상으로전집 표집하였다. 분석 내용은 안전교육 관련 논문의 연도별 주제별 연구동향과 안전교육의 영역별 연구방법별 연구동향이다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 가정과 교육에서 안전 교육에 관한 연도별 연구논문의 편수는 증가와 감소를 반복하여 매년 14-52편으로 연간 평균 28.2편 정도 지속적인 안전교육에 관련된 연구가 이어져온 것으로 나타났다. 반면, 2015년에는 논문 연구수가 2014년의 26편의 2배인 52편으로 가장 많은 연구가이루어졌는데 이는 정부의 안전종합대책 발표와 교육부의 2015개정 교육과정에서의 안전내용 강조 때문으로 생각된다. 둘째, 연구 주제의 동향을 살펴보면 안전교육관련 논문은 137(29%)편, 안전실태 관련 논문은 336편(71%)으로 2009년 이전에는 사고 실태나 인식 조사가 많은 비율을 차지(74.4%)하였고 반면, 2009년 이후에는 안전교육 프로그램 개발이나 효과 검증, 교육자료 개발, 교육방법 개발 등에 대한 연구가 증가(21편${\rightarrow}$53편)하였다. 안전실태 연구 중 가장 많이 다룬 주제영역은 안전사고와 관련이 있거나 영향을 주고 받는 변인에 대한 주제로(23.2%) 그 변인과 관련된 주제는 가정폭력에 영향을 미치는 요인, 인터넷 중독의 영향 요인, 부부 폭력에 영향을 미치는 요인, 위험 식품 구매 의사 영향 요인, 또래 괴롭힘 요인, 자살시도 요인 등과 관련된 연구 등이었다. 다음으로 안전 인식에 관련된 연구(13.9%), 안전지식 및 태도(7.4%), 안전행동(6.3%), 안전의식(2.3%)의 순으로 나타났다. 안전교육 관련 연구 중 가장 많이 다룬 주제영역은 안전교육 프로그램 개발 및 효과(11%)로 연도별로는 2015년에 가장 많았다(21.1%). 셋째, 안전교육의 8개 영역 중 생활안전이 143편(33.8%), 폭력 및 신변 안전 106편(25.1%), 안전에 대한 일반적인 주제나 안전의 영역 전체를 다룬 논문 93편(22%), 약물 및 인터넷 중독 안전 58편(13.7%) 순으로 나타났고, 응급처치와 관련된 논문은 없었으며, 직업안전의 경우 1편(0.2%)이었다. 직업안전의 영역은 가정교과에 관련단원이 있음에도 불구하고 적게 연구되고 있었고 응급처치는 가정교과 내용과 직접적인 연관은 없었지만 실습수업에서 일어날 수 있는 사고를 대비하여 연구될 필요가 있다. 넷째, 연구방법별 연구동향을 살펴보면 연구유형은 양적연구가 대부분(89.1%)으로 조사연구(70.4%)와 실험연구(18.7%)가 대표적으로 가장 빈번하게 사용되었다. 특히, 안전교육의 실태조사연구와 효과 검증인 실험연구가 거의 대부분을 차지하였으며 질적연구로는 안전사고 실태와 관련된 현상학적 연구(3.1%)와 사례연구(3.1%)가 있었다. 양적연구와 질적연구가 혼합된 형태는 10편(2.4%)이며, 조사연구와 실험연구가 동시에 진행된 연구도 있었다(0.9%). 연구대상에서 인적환경에 대한 연구(87.5%)가 물리적 환경에 대한 연구(12.5%)보다 많았고 교사나 학부모에 대한 연구(20.6%)에 비해 학생에 관한 연구(48.4%)가 많았다. 물리적인 환경 대상은 학교(6.5%)가 가장 많았지만, 가정환경에 대한 연구는 하나도 없었다. 본 연구의 결과, 추후에는 안전교육을 평가하는 평가도구 개발 연구와 직업안전에 대한 연구, 평생교육 측면을 주제로 한 연구가 필요하다. 또한, 연구대상을 전 생애 관점의 인적환경과 함께 가정을 대상으로 한 물리적 환경으로 확대할 필요가 있으며 학생 개개인을 관찰하고 면담을 통한 심도 있는 질적 연구도 필요할 것이다.

한국 청소년의 약물남용과 비행행위

  • 김성이
    • 한국인구학
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.54-66
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    • 1988
  • I. Introduction Since the 1970's drug abuse among young people has increasingly become a social problem in Korea. In the 1980's, drug abuse, especially glue sniffing, has become the cause of many unfortunated incidents resulting in harm to others as well as the abusers themselves. Taking into consideration of the seriousness of this problem, the Republic of Korea National Red Cross initiated a nation-wide research programme, to understand the present situation and to raise the level of public awareness. The goal of this research was to begin a nation - wide campaign against drug abuse. The research team was composed of the Advisary Committee members and the staff of the Youth Department of the Republic of Korea National Red Cross. The data were collected in February 1988 with the collaboration of the staff and volunteers in the local Chapters. The respondents were allocated nation-wide by the quota sampling method. The questionnaires were distributed to the respondents in three groups :2, 700 to junior and senior high school students, 605 to working youths, and 916 to delinquent youths. A total of 4, 221 questionnaires were collected. II. Characteristics of the Respondents The respondents in each group were selected evenly from rural and urban areas. The general characteristics of the respondents can be described as follow: in case of students, the proportions between male and female respondents, and between senior high school and junior high school students were almost evenly distributed. In case of working youths, the proportion of females (80.5%) was higher than those of the students and the delinquents groups. Delinquent youths were defined as those currently being under custody of the centers for juvenile delinquents. Of this number, 38.8% and 68.2% were junior and senior high school drop-outs respectively. The majority of them (92.6%) were male. As for the family background of the respondents, the proportion of those residing in poverty - stricken areas, and the proportion of those from broken families were higher in case of working youths and delinquent youths than those in case of students. III. Present Patterns of Drug Abuse The following summarizes the presents of drug abuse, as tabulated from the results of the survey. 1. Smoking The percentage of youths who smoke was 36% in the student group, 32% m the working youths group, and 94.4% in the delinquent youths group. 2. Alcohol 50.3% of students, 71.6% of working youths, and 93.3% of delinquent youths has experienced drinking alcohol beverages. 3. Tonic: non - alcoholic, caffeinated beverages popular in Korea and Japan The percentage of those who have used tonic at least once was over 90% in all of the three groups. 4. Sedative About 70% of each group has used sedative with the proportion of working youths use higher than those in other groups. 5. Stimulants Those who have used stimulants comprised around 15% in each group. 6. Tranquilizers Somewhat less than 5% of students and working youths, and 28% of delinquent youths, have used tranquilizers. 7. Hypnotics The users of hypnotics amounted to 0.4% of students, 2.6% of working youths and 7.1% of delinquent youths. 8. Marihuana Those who have used marihuana indicated 0.7% of students, 0.8% of working youths, and 13% of delinquent youths. 9. Glue-sniffing The percentage of glue-sniffing was 3.7%, 5% in the students group and in the youths group respectively, but the proportion was unusually high, at 40.7% in the delinquent youths group. From the results of the survey the present situation of drug abuse in Korea can be summarized as follows: 1. A high percentage of Korean youths have experienced smoking cigarettes and drinking alcoholic beverages. 2. Tonics (non - alcoholic, caffeinated beverages), antipyretic analgesics and stimulants quite regularly used. 3. Tranquilizers, hypnotics, marihuana and glue-sniffing are more widely used among delinquent youths than the other youths. From this fact, there exists a correlation between drug abuse and juvenile delinquency. IV. Time-series Analysis of the First Experience of Drug Abuse and Deviant Behaviour The respoundents were asked when they were first exposed to drugs and when they committed deviant acts. By calculating the average age of each experience, the following pattern was found (See Figure 1). Youths are first exposed to drugs by abuse of tonic(non - alcoholic, caffeinated beverages). At the age of 13, they amoke cigarettes, the use of antipyretic analgesics begins at 14 year old, while at the age of 15, they use tranquilizers, and at 16 hynotics. The period of drug abuse which starts from drinking caffeinated beverages and smoking cigarettes and ends in the use of hypnotics takes about three years. During this period, other delinquent behaviours begin to surface, that is, at the age of 13 when smoking cigarettes begins, the delinquent behaviour pattern starts with truancy. Next, they start taking money from others by using physical force. Prior to the age of 15, they are suspended from school, become hostile to adults, begin running away from home, and start using stimulants and alcohol. Soon they become involved even in glue-sniffing and in the use of marihuana. At the age of 15, they begin to see adult videos and carry weapons. Sexual promiscuity and usage of tranquilizers follows the viewing of adult videos. Consequently, by the time they reach the age of 16, they visit drinking establishments, and are picked up by police for committing delinquent acts. And finally, they come to use hypnotic - type drugs. From the above descriptions, drug abuse can be assumed to have a close correlation with delinquent behaviour. V. Social Factors Related to Drug Abuse As for the Korean youths, glue-sniffing is found to he related to aggressive delinquency, in such cases as run - aways, being picked up by the police, and taking money by force. Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol is found to be related to seeing adult videos and visiting drinking establishments. Hypnotics and marihuana were found to be representive of drugs which are related to degenerational delinquency, irrespective of social delinquency. The social factors connected with these drug abuse are as follows: 1. Individual factors Male students were more heavily involved in the usage of drug than females. Youths who do not attend church were more likely to be involved in drugs than those who attend. 2. Family factors The youths who were displeased with their mothers smoking and those who thought their parents did not love each other, or those whose parents had used drugs without prescription, were more likely to he drug users. 3. School factors Those youths who found school life boring, were unsuccessful in their studies, spend most of their time with friends, feel their teachers smoke too much, those who had a positive perception of their teachers smoking were likely to he drug users. To sum up, drug abusers depend on the influence of their parents, teachers and peers. IV. Reasons for Drug Abuse Korean students have mainly used drugs to release stress (42.8%), to stay awake (19.7%), and because of the easy accessibility of drugs( 16.6%). Other reasons are due to their ignorance of the side effects of the drugs (3.6%), natural curiosity (4.2%), and to increase strength(3.O%). From the above facts, the major reasons for drug abuse among Korean youths are to release stress and to stay awake in order to prepare exams. Furthermore, since drugs are readily available, we can conclude that drug abuse is caused by the school system(such as entrance exams) in Korea. VII. Conclusion Drug usage among Korean youths are relatively less common than those of western youths. In some cases, such as, glue-sniffing and use of stimulants, the pattern of drug abuse is found. Moreover, early drug abuse is evident, and it has a close connection with deviant behaviour, resulting in juvenile delinquency. Drug abuse cannot be attributed to any one social factor. Specifically, drug abuse depends on parents, peers, teachers and other members of the community, and also is influenced by social institutions such as the entrance exam system. Every person and organization concerned with youth must participate collectively in restraining drug abuse. Finally, it is suggested that social agencial working for youth welfare should make every effort to tackle this serious problem confronted by the Korean youths today.

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