• Title/Summary/Keyword: Garden Perspectives

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A Study on the Preference Analysis of the Traditional Design Elements Emerging in the Contemporary City Park of China - with Special Reference to Beijing Olympic Forest Park - (중국 현대 도시공원에 나타난 전통원림 요소에 대한 선호도 분석 - 베이징 올림픽산림공원을 사례로 -)

  • Liu, Il-Hong;Cho, Se-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2010
  • This study conducts a case analysis based on the Olympic Forest Park in Beijing, which is specially designed for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The construction of the Olympic Forest Park not only comprises the design philosophy of city parks and forest parks, but also applies Chinese traditional design elements. This study, first, researches on the design concepts of city parks in the context of traditional landscape architecture elements from both physical and cultural perspectives. The author studies the related materials including the"General Introduction of the Beijing Olympic Forest Park Landscape Plan", and employs the approaches of site investigation and user survey and interview, to analyze the cognition and preference degree of the various traditional design elements displayed in the Olympic Forest Park. To quantize the survey data on the Olympic Forest Park, this study uses the spss(v17.0) software to run a frequency analysis and presents detailed demographic, frequencies and means analyses. The author then reaches the conclusion on the preference degree of the various Chinese traditional design elements in the Olympic Forest Park. According to the analysis result, the elements that appear with the highest frequencies are mountains and waters, traditional garden plants and artistic conception. The most favorable elements are in sequence traditional garden architecture, traditional garden philosophical thinking and artistic conception. The Olympic Forest Park in Beijing is constructed on the basis of multiple design elements, comprising Chinese traditional design elements and the historical axis. As an exemplification of contemporary city park that reflects the variation of age and development of society, the Olympic Forest Park offers the reference for the selection of traditional design elements in the future schemes of city parks. However, due to the difficulty in gathering materials about the Forest Park and the limitations on the location and time constrain of the survey, there exists lack of sufficiency that could be improved in the future.

Haptic Perception presented in Picturesque Gardens - With a Focus on Picturesque Garden in Eighteenth-Century England - (픽처레스크 정원에 나타난 촉지적 지각 - 18세기 영국 픽처레스크 정원을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jin-Seob;Kim, Jin-Seon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2016
  • Modern optical mechanisms slanted toward Ocular-centrism have neglected diverse functions of vision, judged objects in abstract and binary perspectives, and organized spaces accordingly, there by neglecting the function of eyes groping objects. Recently, various experiences have been induced through communication with other senses by the complex perception beyond the binary perception system of vision. Haptic perception is dynamic vision that induces accompanying bodily experiences through interaction among the various senses; it recognizes the characteristics of material properties and various sensitive stimulations of human beings. This study elaborates on the major features of haptic perception by examining the theoretical background of this concept, which stimulates the active experience of the subject and determines how characteristics of haptic perception are displayed in picturesque gardens. In order to identify the major features of haptic perception, this study examines how Adolf Hildebrand's theory of vision is developed, expanded, and reinterpreted by Alois Riegl, Wilhelm Worringer, Walter Benjamin, Maurice Merleau Ponty, and Gilles Deleuze in the histories of philosophy and aesthetics. Based thereon, the core differences in haptic perception models and visual perception models are analyzed, and the features of haptic perception are identified. Then, classical gardens are set for visual perception and picturesque gardens are set for haptic perception so that the features from haptic perception identified previously are projected onto the picturesque gardens. The research results drawn from this study regarding features of haptic perception presented in picturesque gardens are as follows. The core differences of haptic perception in contrast to visual perception can be summarized as ambiguity and obscureness of boundaries, generation of dynamic perspectives, induction of motility by indefinite circulation, and strangeness and sublime beauty by the impossibility of perception. In picturesque gardens, the ambiguity and obscureness of boundaries are presented in the irregularity and asymmetric elements of planes and the rejection of a single view, and the generation of dynamic perspectives results from the adoption of narrative structure and overlapping of spaces through the creation of complete views, medium range views, and distant views, which the existing gardens lack. Thus, the scene composition technique is reproduced. The induction of motility by indefinite circulation is created by branching circulation, and strangeness and sublime beauty are presented through the use of various elements and the adoption of 'roughness', 'irregularity', and 'ruins' in the gardens.

Present Status of Rooftop Gardening in Sylhet City Corporation of Bangladesh: an Assessment Based on Ecological and Economic Perspectives

  • Rahman, Md. Habibur;Rahman, Mizanur;Kamal, Md. Mostafa;Uddin, Md. Jasim;Fardusi, Most. Jannatul;Roy, Bishwajit
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2013
  • Present study analyzes the rooftop gardening status, floristic composition and cost and return of the rooftop garden in Sylhet City Corporation of northeastern Bangladesh. Data was collected from 450 rooftop gardeners randomly during July-September 2010. Study reveal that rooftop gardening is generally for mental satisfaction (95.3%) followed by leisure time activity (87.8%) in the study area and almost all the family members of gardeners' were involved; while collection of planting materials, sites preparation and marketing of products were reported to be carried out by males only (male 71.33%). Middle income classes were most interested in rooftop gardening (43.78%). The survey recorded 53 plant species (35 families) of which Cucurbitaceae family represented highest eight species. Shrubs (28%) were highest followed by herbs (26%) among agri-crops (36%) and flower species (30%). About 89% of the rooftop gardeners procured planting materials from nursery, market, fair, neighbor, relative and friends and they mostly prefer to use seedlings (48%) for roof gardening followed by direct seed sowing (21%). Gardeners sell products sporadically in different local markets, directly or through intermediaries, with no uniform pricing for system. Rooftop gardening improves the food security and meet nutritional deficiency to the gardeners. Survey revealed that generally very few people consider rooftop gardening commercially to get profit and from the cost-return analysis this gardening system can be economically viable if proper and scientifically managed. The study conclude that active government and NGOs could play vital role to increasing this activities by providing training and motivate people with technical aspects of rooftop gardening.