• Title/Summary/Keyword: Game Scene

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A Study on the Mobile-based Learning Environment Using English Vocabulary Learning Game (영어 어휘 학습 게임을 이용한 모바일 기반 학습 환경에 관한 연구)

  • Ha, Jeong-Sook;Park, Jung-Ho;Bae, Young-Kwon;Lee, Tae-Wuk
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.209-217
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    • 2006
  • For its maximum impact on the scene of school as the educational equipment, it is necessary to understand equipmental characteristics of PDA and study the basis for utilizing it educationally. In this point of view, to inquire how PDA is helpful for education more than PC, the typical educational equipment in the past, PDA-based English vocabulary learning game is developed in this study, and after that it is applied on the scene of education. The result of study showed PDA can access the content more easily than PC, and learners expressed more curiosity and expectation of PDA than PC in a recent poll. In addition, under the condition of learner's voluntary use, the present study has found that learning with PDA is helpful to enhance the academic achievement more than one with PC.

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Calibration of Omnidirectional Camera by Considering Inlier Distribution (인라이어 분포를 이용한 전방향 카메라의 보정)

  • Hong, Hyun-Ki;Hwang, Yong-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2007
  • Since the fisheye lens has a wide field of view, it can capture the scene and illumination from all directions from far less number of omnidirectional images. Due to these advantages of the omnidirectional camera, it is widely used in surveillance and reconstruction of 3D structure of the scene In this paper, we present a new self-calibration algorithm of omnidirectional camera from uncalibrated images by considering the inlier distribution. First, one parametric non-linear projection model of omnidirectional camera is estimated with the known rotation and translation parameters. After deriving projection model, we can compute an essential matrix of the camera with unknown motions, and then determine the camera information: rotation and translations. The standard deviations are used as a quantitative measure to select a proper inlier set. The experimental results showed that we can achieve a precise estimation of the omnidirectional camera model and extrinsic parameters including rotation and translation.

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A Control Method for designing Object Interactions in 3D Game (3차원 게임에서 객체들의 상호 작용을 디자인하기 위한 제어 기법)

  • 김기현;김상욱
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.322-331
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    • 2003
  • As the complexity of a 3D game is increased by various factors of the game scenario, it has a problem for controlling the interrelation of the game objects. Therefore, a game system has a necessity of the coordination of the responses of the game objects. Also, it is necessary to control the behaviors of animations of the game objects in terms of the game scenario. To produce realistic game simulations, a system has to include a structure for designing the interactions among the game objects. This paper presents a method that designs the dynamic control mechanism for the interaction of the game objects in the game scenario. For the method, we suggest a game agent system as a framework that is based on intelligent agents who can make decisions using specific rules. Game agent systems are used in order to manage environment data, to simulate the game objects, to control interactions among game objects, and to support visual authoring interface that ran define a various interrelations of the game objects. These techniques can process the autonomy level of the game objects and the associated collision avoidance method, etc. Also, it is possible to make the coherent decision-making ability of the game objects about a change of the scene. In this paper, the rule-based behavior control was designed to guide the simulation of the game objects. The rules are pre-defined by the user using visual interface for designing their interaction. The Agent State Decision Network, which is composed of the visual elements, is able to pass the information and infers the current state of the game objects. All of such methods can monitor and check a variation of motion state between game objects in real time. Finally, we present a validation of the control method together with a simple case-study example. In this paper, we design and implement the supervised classification systems for high resolution satellite images. The systems support various interfaces and statistical data of training samples so that we can select the most effective training data. In addition, the efficient extension of new classification algorithms and satellite image formats are applied easily through the modularized systems. The classifiers are considered the characteristics of spectral bands from the selected training data. They provide various supervised classification algorithms which include Parallelepiped, Minimum distance, Mahalanobis distance, Maximum likelihood and Fuzzy theory. We used IKONOS images for the input and verified the systems for the classification of high resolution satellite images.

Indexing Considering Video Rating of Scenes in Video (동영상의 장면별 비디오 등급을 고려한 색인)

  • Kim Young-Bong
    • Journal of Game and Entertainment
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2006
  • Recently, many streaming videos including drama, music videos, and movies have been extensively given on the web. Such video services are on negative lines in any service restriction depending on the age of users and then whole part of a video have been restricted considering the age of users. Therefore, in this paper, we will present a new method that provides the access depending on the ages of users and also sets the video rating of each scene in a video. To get this restricted access for video, we will first divide a streaming video into many scenes using histogram techniques. Each scene gets an access control depending on the nudity level. Finally, we will make the video indexing including the access level depending on its nudity level and then hide restricted scenes using several masks in playing that streaming video.

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Trends in Programmable Object-Based Content Production Technologies (프로그래밍 방식의 객체 기반 영상 콘텐츠 제작 기술 동향)

  • Lee, J.Y.;Kim, T.O.;Choo, H.G.;Lee, H.K.;Seok, W.H.;Kang, J.W.;Hur, N.H.;Kim, H.M.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.70-80
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    • 2022
  • With the rapid growth in media service platforms providing broadcast programs or content services, content production has become more important and competitive. As a strategy to meet the diverse needs of global consumers for a variety of content and to retain them as long-term repeat customers, global over-the-top service providers are increasing not only the number of content productions but also their production efficiency. Moreover, a considerable amount of scene composition in the flow of content production work appears to be combined with rendering technology from a game engine and converted to object-based computer programming, thereby enhancing the creativity, diversity, quality, and efficiency of content production. This study examines the latest technology trends in content production such as virtual studio technology, which has emerged as the center of content production, the use cases in various fields of artificial intelligence, and the metadata standards for content search or scene composition. This study also examines the possibility of using object-based computer programming as one of the future candidate technologies for content production.

Directed Identification, Synchronization by Aesthetic Recognition of Animation Field (애니메이션 분야의 심미적 인식에 의한 동일시와 동기화 연출)

  • Lee, Hyun Woo;Ryu, Chang Su
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.25 no.10
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    • pp.1475-1482
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    • 2022
  • Mickey Mousing perfect match between animation sound and image was an aesthetic in the field of animation, but since the 2000s, works such as and released by producers such as DreamWorks and Pixar have expanded the perfection of synchronization to irony. It also influenced the identification system of sentiment. It is time to view the directing attempt of these elements as a factor that changed the new paradigm of narrative, and related research is needed. In this study, the scene of was analyzed as a case study for the synchronization of animation sound and image components and the boundary direction on the recognition of identification between reality and fiction. Aesthetic recognition of the research work is based on the premise of real time and space perception, and the audience can recognize in the conceptual world as an integrated art by playfully producing fictional time and space. The direct antithesis of synchronization and identification was drawn to maintain the curiosity of the next scene by repeating selective concealment and disclosure of information in the direction of conveying an unfamiliar and heterogeneous feeling to the audience.

Study of Capturing Real-Time 360 VR 3D Game Video for 360 VR E-Sports Broadcast (360 VR E-Sports 중계를 위한 실시간 360 VR 3D Stereo 게임 영상 획득에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun Wook;Lee, Jun Suk;Yang, Sung Hyun
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.876-885
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    • 2018
  • Although e-sports broadcasting market based on VR(Virtual Reality) is growing in these days, technology development for securing market competitiveness is quite inadequate in Korea. Global companies such as SLIVER and Facebook already developed and are trying to commercialize 360 VR broadcasting technology which is able to broadcast e-sports in 4K 30FPS VR video. However, 2D video is too poor to use for 360 VR video in that it brings less immersive experience and dizziness and has low resolution in the scene. this paper, we not only proposed and implemented virtual camera technology which is able to capture in-game space as 360 video with 4K 3D by 60FPS for e-sports VR broadcasting but also verified feasibleness of obtaining stereo 360 video up to 4K/60FPS by conducting experiment after setting up virtual camera in sample games from game engine and commercial games.

A Scalable Global Illumination Algorithm for Animated Graphics (움직이는 물체의 개수에 비례하는 시간을 가지는 전역조명 알고리즘)

  • Zheng, Haoxu;Oh, Kyungsu;Paik, Doowon
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2016
  • Global illumination is key factor for realistic image but it is not common in realtime rendering due to its complexity. Visibility of $2^{nd}$ lights is hard to determine because we should process all object for each $2^{nd}$ light. In this paper, we reuse visibility of static objects. We present an indirect illumination algorithm which shows good performance and provides exact $2^{nd}$ light visibility when the scene has small number of moving objects. Our method renders correct image while showing good performance.

Development of Multi User Games using 3D Graphics and Multicasting (원격 다중 참여자 3차원 그래픽스 게임 개발)

  • Kim, JongSeong;Park, JiHun
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 1998
  • In this paper we describe a development of a multi user game using 3D graphics and multicasting. First, we represent a virtual reality world by 3D graphics technology. Next, we use computer communication technology for the purpose of interaction among multi users. As a result, multi users share 3D graphics objects and play games. The goal of this paper is a development of a system that enables multi users to play games sharing a virtual world represented by 3D graphics. We use the OpenInventor library and C++ language for 3D graphics scene representation, and IP multicasting protocols for computer communication. The system allows to use Polhemus Fastrak 3D input device that recognizes the 3D position and 3D orientation. As an example we present a game that demonstrates the effect of piano concert by multi piano players who are distributed in a computer network.

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Generating a Ball Sport Scene in a Virtual Environment

  • Choi, Jongin;Kim, Sookyun;Kim, Sunjeong;Kang, Shinjin
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.5512-5526
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    • 2019
  • In sports video games, especially ball games, motion capture techniques are used to reproduce the ball-driven performances. The amount of motion data needed to create different situations in which athletes exchange balls is bound to increase exponentially with resolution. This paper proposes how avatars in virtual worlds can not only imitate professional athletes in ball games, but also create and edit their actions effectively. First, various ball-handling movements are recorded using motion sensors. We do not really have to control an actual ball; imitating the motions is enough. Next, motion is created by specifying what to pass the ball through, and then making motion to handle the ball in front of the motion sensor. The ball's occupant then passes the ball to the user-specified target through a motion that imitates the user's, and the process is repeated. The method proposed can be used as a convenient user interface for motion based games for players who handle balls.