• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS method

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Object-oriented Prototype Framework For Tightly Coupled GIS-based Hydrologic Modeling (객체지향성 프로그래밍 방법을 통한 GIS 연계의 수문모델)

  • Kang, Kwang-Min;Rim, Chang-Soo;Yoon, Sei-Eui
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.597-606
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    • 2012
  • With the availability of multi-scale hydrologic data in public domain depending on DEM size, there is a need for a modeling framework that is capable of using these data to simulate hydrologic processes at multiple scales for different topographic and climate conditions for distributed hydrologic model. To address this need, an object-oriented approach, called Geographic and Hydrologic Information System Modeling Objects (GHISMO), is developed. Main hydrologic approaches in GHISMO are storage-release for direct runoff and SCS curve number method for infiltration part. This paper presents conceptual and structural framework of storage-release concept including its application to two watersheds will be presented.


  • Goto, Shintaro
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1998.09a
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    • pp.3-8
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    • 1998
  • Using GIS and socio-economical data the relationship between human activities and global environmental change Is Analysed from the view point of food productivity and CO2 emission. Under the assumption that the population problem, the food problem and global warming due to energy consumption can be stabilized through managing land use, impacts of human activities such as consumption of food, energy and timber on global environment changes, and global population capacity are Analysed using developed system dynamics model in the research. In the model the world is divided into two groups: OECD countries and the others. Used global land use data set Is land cover map derived from satellite data, and potential distribution of arable land is estimated by the method of Clamor and Solomon which takes into consideration spatial distribution of climate data such as precipitation and evapotranspiration. In addition, impacts of CO2 emission from human activities on food production through global warming are included in the model as a feedback. The results of the analysis for BaU scenario and Toronto Conference scenario are similar to the results of existing models. From the result of this study, the human habitability in 2020 is 8 billion people, and CO2 emission in 2020 based on BaU Scenario and on Toronto Scenario is 1.7 and 1.2 times more than the 1986's respectively. Improving spatial resolution of the model by using global data to distribute the environmental variables and sauce-economical indices is left for further studies.

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Comparative Evaluation of Catchment-wide Solar Radiation to Locate Silver-town (실버타운 입지를 위한 집수구역별 일사량 비교평가)

  • Choi, Seon-Jeong;Um, Jung-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2014
  • It is usual to determine silver-town location by people's experienced knowledge or intuition considering many different type of thematic variables simultaneously. This paper is primarily intended to locate sunny silver-town according to catchment-wide solar radiation as single key variable. GIS based solar simulation realistically identified catchment-wide solar radiation in the study area using large scale spatial precision. More than 90% over the worst catchment were identified shadow surfaces while the optimal catchment was heavily covered by sunny radiation surfaces. It is confirmed that standard GIS technology can offers the viable method of measuring and comparing the catchment-wide solar radiation. Guidelines for a replicable methodology are presented to provide a strong theoretical basis for the standardization of factors involved in locating the sunny silver-town; delineation of catchment boundary, solar simulation, catchment-wide comparison etc. They could be used as an evidence to determine sunny catchment in comparison with other catchment, based solar simulation. It is anticipated that this research output could be used as a valuable reference to confirm the potential of introducing the new concept of "catchment specific solar radiation" to support more scientific and objective decision-making in the process of locating silver town.

A Study on Caching Methods in Client-Server Systems for Mobile GIS (모바일 GIS를 위한 클라이언트-서버 시스템에서 캐슁기법 연구)

  • 김진덕;김미란;최진오
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.201-204
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    • 2002
  • Although the reuse of the cached data for scrolling the map reduces the amount of passed data between client and server, it needs the conversions of data coordinates, selective deletion of objects and cache compaction at client. The conversion is time intensive operation due to limited resources of mobile phones such as low computing power, small memory. Therefore, for the efficient map control in the vector map service based mobile phone, it is necessary to study the method for reducing wireless network bandwidth and for overwhelming the limited resources of mobile phone as well. This paper proposes the methods for caching pre-received spatial objects in client-server systems for mobile GIS. We also analyze the strengths and drawbacks between the reuse of cached data and transmission of raw data respectively.

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An Establishment of Guideline and Evaluation Items for Before-and-After Study in Railroad Construction Projects (철도건설공사 사후평가 항목 및 지침 수립방안)

  • Kim, Yeon Kyu
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.2D
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    • pp.315-322
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    • 2011
  • The Korea government set a Act called as Before and After Study for a huge SOC projects in order to check their feasibility again at the time of design, construction and completion period. However, the evaluation items and analysis method are so vague that its effectiveness has been challenged. Especially railroad projects need to be evaluated differently by railroad construction types and rolling stocks. This paper suggests the evaluation items as a common items and exclusive items on the type of construction and rolling stocks. Also data collection in the standardized form and GIS techniques and are introduced to analyze evaluation items effectively.

Syntax-based Accessibility Analysis Algorithm for Indoor Spaces (실내공간을 위한 기반 Syntax 접근성 분석 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Hye-Yeong;Jeon, Cheol-Min
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.247-256
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    • 2007
  • Accessibility is a field of study that has primarily been applied to urban or transportation problems two dimensionally. However, in large complex buildings as shopping centers or hospitals, inter-spatial accessibility among compartments has to be taken into account such as in building layouts or evacuation planning. This study expands space syntax theory, one of accessibility-related methodologies used for computing connectivity in urban or architectural spaces, into 3D indoor spaces. Although space syntax is basically a topology-based theory that does not consider general costs such as distance or time, this study suggests modification that incorporates different types of impedances in moving between places including distances, turns and transfers between floors. The proposed method is applied to a 3D campus building model in computing and displaying the accessibility to exit doors or cohesive accessibility among similar functions.

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An advanced PRPD Pattern recognition method considering frequency analysis of the PD signals detected in GIS (PD 신호의 주파수 분석이 고려된 GIS 절연 결함 분류를 위한 Advanced PRPD 패턴인식)

  • Park, Jae-Hong;Jung, Seung-Yong;Ryu, Chel-Hwi;Kim, Young-Hong;Lee, Young-Jo;Lim, Yun-Sok;Koo, Ja-Yoon
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2007.07a
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    • pp.1443-1444
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    • 2007
  • 지속적으로 증가되는 전기에너지 공급의 신뢰성을 높이기 위하여 전력설비 주요 사고 원인인 부분방전(PD : Partial Discharge)을 검출하고 결함원의 패턴인식 방법의 개발 필요성 날로 증가되고 있다. 본 논문은 부분방전의 패턴인식 확률을 높이기 위하여 검출된 부분방전의 주파수 분석을 이용하여 Conventional PRPD Analysis 방법의 결함 판독확률을 향상시키기 위하여 Advanced PRPD를 제안 한다. 이를 위하여, GIS(Gas Insulated Switchgear)의 주요 사고원인으로 인식되어 있는 결함들을 인위적으로 제작 후 삽입하여 부분방전을 발생시켜 자체 설계 개발된 UHF 내장형 센서를 이용하여 검출하였다. 새로이 제안하는 방법과 기존의 PRPD 방법의 인식률을 상호 비교하기 위하여, 두 가지 그룹을, 즉, 기존의 방법에 의한 것과 부분방전의 주파수 분석이 포함된 방법에 의한 데이터그룹을 구축하고 학습방법은 동일한 인공신경망 MLP (Multilayer Perceptron)를 이용하여 인식률과 학습시간을 동시에 비교하였다. 상호 비교 결과에 의하면, 후자의 방법이 인식확률 뿐만아니라 학습시간도 좋은 결과가 나타났다.

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Land Use Classification of TM Imagery in Hilly Areas: Integration of Image Processing and Expert Knowledge

  • Ding, Feng;Chen, Wenhui;Zheng, Daxian
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1329-1331
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    • 2003
  • Improvement of the classification accuracy is one of the major concerns in the field of remote sensing application research in recent years. Previous research shows that the accuracy of the conventional classification methods based only on the original spectral information were usually unsatisfied and need to be refined by manual edit. This present paper describes a method of combining the image processing, ancillary data (such as digital elevation model) and expert knowledge (especially the knowledge of local professionals) to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the satellite image classification in hilly land. Firstly, the Landsat TM data were geo-referenced. Secondly, the individual bands of the image were intensitynormalized and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) image was also generated. Thirdly, a set of sample pixels (collected from field survey) were utilized to discover their corresponding DN (digital number) ranges in the NDVI image, and to explore the relationships between land use type and its corresponding spectral features . Then, using the knowledge discovered from previous steps as well as knowledge from local professionals, with the support of GIS technology and the ancillary data, a set of conditional statements were applied to perform the TM imagery classification. The results showed that the integration of image processing and spatial analysis functions in GIS improved the overall classification result if compared with the conventional methods.

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Estimation of Probable Maximum Precipitation in Thailand Using Geographic Information System

  • Kingpaiboon, Sununtha;Netwong, Titiya
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.804-806
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    • 2003
  • Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) is essential in the design of hydraulic structures such as dams, weirs and flood control structures. Up to the present, PMP has been derived from any proper single storm which can have a large error. PMP values should be evaluated from many historic heavy storm events from all over the country. Since this can be done at the spots of storm occurring and the calculated PMP from all spots in the country can be correlated. The objectives of this study are therefore to evaluate PMP from historic heavy storm data from 1972 to 2000 by using meteorological method, then to correlate and to present the results using GIS. The maximized rainfall depths can be calculate from depth of heavy rainfall and dew point temperature, and then can be analyzed for each rainfall duration to obtain spatial rainfall distribution by using GIS. The depth-area-duration relationship of maximized rainfall can be obtained and this helps to develop enveloped curves . The results from this study are a set of contour maps of PMP for each rainfall duration for all over the country and the depth-area-duration relationships for the area of 100 to 50,000 km.$^{2}$ at duration of 1, 2 and 3 days.

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Analysis of Debris flow and Landslide Hazard Area using Weight of Evidence Technique in GIS (GIS의 Weight of Evidence 기법을 이용한 토석류 및 산사태 위험지역 분석)

  • Oh, Chae-Yeon;Jun, Kye-Won;Jun, Byong-Hee;Jang, Chang-Deok;Yoon, Ji-Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.705-705
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    • 2012
  • 우리나라는 최근 여름철 태풍 및 집중호우로 인해 많은 토석류 및 산사태가 발생하고 있다. 작년 7월에도 집중호우로 인해 서울시 우면산 일대와 강원도 춘천에 많은 인적 물적 피해를 입었다. 해마다 반복되는 토석류나 산사태의 위험을 감소시키기 위해서는 보다 정확한 위험지역 예측모델을 필요로 한다. 본 연구는 토석류 및 산사태의 위험과 취약지역을 예측하기 위하여 GIS기반의 Weight of Evidence 기법을 적용하여 위험지역을 분석 하고자 한다. 2006년 태풍 에위니아에 의해 많은 토석류 피해를 입은 강원도 인제군 가리산일대를 대상으로 하였으며 토석류 및 산사태 위치 자료는 2005년, 2006년 토석류 발생 전후 항공사진의 중첩분석을 토대로 발생 지역을 추출하였다. 토석류 및 산사태발생에 영향을 미치는 지형, 지질, 토양, 수문, 임상 등의 인자들은 GIS를 이용하여 DB로 구축하였다. 베이시안 확률기법(Bayesian Method)에 기반 하여 구축된 DB와 결합하여 각각의 인자의 가중 값 W+, W-를 계산하여 상관관계를 분석하고 Weight of Evidence 기법을 적용하여 위험지역을 정량적으로 평가하고자 한다.

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