• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS method

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Development of Low-Cost Data Acquisition Method for Close-range Digital Photogrammetric System (근거리 수치사진측량시스템을 위한 저가격 자료획득방법의 개발)

  • Park, Hong-Gi
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.7 no.2 s.14
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    • pp.143-153
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    • 1999
  • GIS have become easier to use and very popular. In recent year digital photogrammetric systems ire becoming cost-effective tools to build and update GIS databases. In close-range photogrammetry for the acquisition of geospatial data, the bundle adjustment needs both initial approximate values and control points to solve the exterior orientation parameters. This paper gives a review of applied and potential algorithms for estimating Initial approximate values before the bundle adjustment, develope new algorithms for determine the exterior orientation parameters, and gives a cost-effective methods for close-range digital photogrammetric system Modifications of existing DLT algorithm were made in this study for providing an efficient, economic, and more accurate photogrammetric data reduction technique. These modifications include robust approaches for automatic detection and elimination of all lands of gross errors in the measurement data, and incorporation of GPS to reduce the number of control points necessary for a DLT solution. Also, this paper derives a new method for space resection from a monocular image. A major advantage of proposed method is that the solution can be uniquely and analytically determined without initial approximate values of exterior orientation parameters and without iterative computation.

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Study on the Building of Digital Terrain Model Using Satellite Remotely Sensed Data and Its Applications (위성 원격탐사 데이타를 이용한 지형표고모델 산출 알고리즘 구축 및 응용)

  • 최윤수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 1995
  • In generating DTM as basic data to GIS, the use of existing map is difficult to aquire current data and the method using airphotos needs cost for stereoplotting and ground control surveying. So, the method of DTM generation by satellite imagery is promising because satellite is able to observe wide area at once. In this study the program for SPOT bundle adjustment and image matching based on Coarse to Fine method is developed and various image enhancement algorithm is used for more accurate DTM generation and also evaluation of accuracy was carried out. Further more, orthophoto, a bird's eye-view, contour map producing, net-work analysis and terrain analysis were performed for GIS applications using generated DTM in this study. Generated DTM using SPOT stereo imagery is useful for GIS applications such as automated mapping, facility management, national geographic information system. Moreover developed automatic DTM generation pro-gram is studied, tested and verified more to be applicable to all the area.

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Method on Constructing Precision Population-statistical Map Integrating GIS and National Census Data for Location Analysis (GIS와 국가인구통계자료 통합에 의한 입지분석용 정밀인구통계지도 구축 방법)

  • Lee, Yong-Ik;Hong, Sung-Eon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.3302-3307
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    • 2009
  • The objective of the present study lies in providing the method to construct the precision population-statistical map for statistical demographics making full advantage of GIS and the national census data in an attempt to improve accuracy and reliability of population estimation applicable for a variety of location analysis. More specifically, it adopts the multiple regression analysis by segmented land use type(biotope) taking into account that the land use diversified as residence, commercial and office areas has the close connectivity and interdependence with population. Based on the analyzed result above, the study finalizes the modeling to construct demographic map with higher precision by prioritizing the population density by weight value and then re-distributing the population according to jurisdictional dong's and types of use for the land. The study consequently is expected to be conducive to improving precision and reliability rather than the existing method for population estimation widely acceptable thus far.

Generation of Epipolar Image from Drone Image Using Direction Cosine (방향코사인을 이용한 드론영상의 에피폴라 영상제작)

  • Kim, Eui Myoung;Choi, Han Seung;Hong, Song Pyo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.271-277
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    • 2018
  • Generating an epipolar image which is removed a y-parallax from an original image is an essential technique for creating a 3D stereoscopic model or producing a map. In epipolar image production, there is a method of generating epipolar images by estimating the relative orientation parameters after matching the extracted distinct points in two images and a method of generating epipolar images by using the baseline and rotation angles of the two images after determining the exterior orientation parameters In this study, it was proposed a methodology to generate epipolar images using direction cosine in the exterior orientation parameters of the input images, and a method to use the transformation matrix for easy calculation when converting from the original image to the epipolar image. The applicability of the proposed methodology was evaluated by using images taken from the fixed wing and rotary wing drones. As a result, it was found that epipolar images were generated regardless of the type of drones.

Pilot Building for a Participation System on the Basis of WebGIS by the Process of Urban Planning (도시계획과정에 있어서 웹기반 GIS를 이용한 주민참여시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dae-Wuk;Ryu, Ji-Won;Jung, Eung-Ho;Kim, Soobong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.66-77
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    • 2006
  • Considering constantly increasing number of internet users and information-oriented society with high speed internet network, the application of computer technology is considered to be valuable in urban planning. Particularly, since using Geographic Information System (GIS) is expected to be the best method to convey the information related to the urban planning. Therefore, this study aims at the development of participation system by using GIS and Internet. The system consists of Basic Module, Disposal Module and Decision Support Module. Each module is designed for expressing planning information and processing database, opinion statement and convenience of citizens, and the effectiveness of administration process and decision making. These are connected each other in a basic and simple form, i.e. Java Script and HTML, and the system was realized through data process, Map date and PostGIS for Mapping, and PHP. Last but not least, this system has been tested on the internet and the result indicated its convenience and availability in actual use concluding that participation system has enough application value on urban planning process.

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Design of Web-GIS based SWG Simulator for Disseminating Integrated Water Information (통합 물정보 제공을 위한 웹 GIS 기반의 SWG 시뮬레이터 설계)

  • Park, Yonggil;Kim, Kyehyun;Lee, Sungjoo;Yoo, Jaehyun
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.19-31
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    • 2015
  • Due to the global warming and unstable abnormal climate changes, water resources differences between regions and water shortage are occurring. Therefore, the water resources management is becoming more important for the stable securement of future water supply and demand. Researches on Smart Water Grid (SWG), which is considered as a new method, that can stably secure and maintain the water resources, are actively being conducted but it is still in infancy. Thus, this study aimed to design SWG simulator based on GIS in order to provide integrated water information in web environment. The user's requirements were analyzed for system development and important functions such as SWG current situation checking, future prediction, filtration plant situation checking functions were designed and data expression techniques using GIS and HTML5 were applied to enhance the understanding of the users. Also, when the emergency situations occurred, the solving process of the situations are reproduced to check the solution process using scenario reproduction functions. Use-case, class, sequence diagram, which are a design for real system development and defines the system usage contents of users, were written, and the story board was written to check the final development contents. This study designed a SWG simulator in order to support the water maintenance reacting to climate changes. The development of system is expected to help securing information to deal with emergency situations such as water shortage and help the decision maker to make decision through reproduction of scenario. The major functions were designed for the convenience of water resource manager and producer but new contents for consumers must be developed to enable duplex information transmission.

A Study on GIS based effective management method of river thematic maps (GIS기반의 연안역 통합관리 시스템 구축)

  • Lee, Hyuk;Kim, Kye-Hyun;Kwun, Oh-Jun
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.201-205
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    • 2005
  • 미국과 일본 등 많은 나라들이 연안역에 대한 오염총량관리제를 실시하고 있으며 우리나라 역시 90년도 초반부터 환경부와 국립환경연구원에 의하여 4대강을 대상으로 내륙에 대한 지자체 단위의 오염총량관리제가 추진되고 있다. 연안해역에서도 최근 해양오염방지법의 개정으로 특별관리해역 지정 등 특정 연안해역에 영향을 미치는 육역을 포함하는 연안역 통합관리제가 해양수산부에 의하여 추진되고 있다 또한 외국의 사례로서 미국 체사피크만에서는 오염총량관리제를 포함하는 연안역 통합관리제 수립 및 운용을 위하여 GIS 및 모델 package로 구성된 시스템을 구축 활용하고 있으며, 이런 GIS 및 모델 package로 구성된 시스템을 바탕으로 연안역 통합관리를 위한 기본적인 자료를 수집 분석하고 정책 수립의 방향을 제시하고 있다. 하지만 우리나라에서는 아직까지 연안역 통합관리를 위한 기초 자료도 많이 부족하고 이런 기초 자료를 토대로한 분석 도구인 GIS-modeling 시스템 개발도 매우 미미한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 GIS를 이용하여 오염원의 발생 및 배출부하 산정 과정을 공간적으로 분석하여 환경관리에 응용할 수 있는 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 또한 효율적인 연안의 오염원 관리를 위하여 기존 환경부 및 관련 기환 자료를 활용하여 잠실 수중보에서 한강 하구의 세부 오염원자료를 수집하여 GIS 기반의 오염원데이터베이스를 구축하고, 오염부하산정모델을 개발한 후, 구축된 정보의 효율적인 관리와 분석을 위한 GIS 프로그램을 개발하였다. 아울러 육역에서의 오염물질 배출에 따른 연안역 수질의 모의를 통해 육역과 연안역에 대한 효율적인 통합관리방안을 제시하고자 한다.사용될 수 있는 블루투스 서비스와 서비스 속성을 기술한 XML 문서에서 블루투스 기기에 적합한 내부 정보를 생성하는 생성기를 설계하고 구현을 하였다.보다는 현저히 낮았다. 총 휘발성 유기화합물읜 농도는 실내가 실외 보다 높았다(I/O ratio 2.5). BTEX의 상대적 함량도 실내가 실외보다 높아 실내에도 발생원이 있음을 암시하고 있다. 자료 분석결과 유치원 실내의 벤젠은 실외로부터 유입되고 있었고, 톨루엔, 에틸벤젠, 크실렌은 실외뿐 아니라 실내에서도 발생하고 있었다. 정량한 8개 화합물 각각과 총 휘발성 유기화합물의 스피어만 상관계수는 벤젠을 제외하고는 모두 유의하였다. 이중 톨루엔과 크실렌은 총 휘발성 유기화합물과 좋은 상관성 (톨루엔 0.76, 크실렌, 0.87)을 나타내었다. 이 연구는 톨루엔과 크실렌이 총 휘발성 유기화합물의 좋은 지표를 사용될 있고, 톨루엔, 에틸벤젠, 크실렌 등 많은 휘발성 유기화합물의 발생원은 실외뿐 아니라 실내에도 있음을 나타내고 있다.>10)의 $[^{18}F]F_2$를 얻었다. 결론: $^{18}O(p,n)^{18}F$ 핵반응을 이용하여 친전자성 방사성동위원소 $[^{18}F]F_2$를 생산하였다. 표적 챔버는 알루미늄으로 제작하였으며 본 연구에서 연구된 $[^{18}F]F_2$가스는 친핵성 치환반응으로 방사성동위원소를 도입하기 어려운 다양한 방사성의 약품개발에 유용하게 이용될 수 있을 것이다.었으나 움직임 보정 후 영상을 이용하여 비교한 경우, 결합능 변화가 선조체 영역에서 국한되어 나타나며 그 유의성이 움직임 보정 전에 비하여 낮음을

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A Study on the Soil Contamination(Maps) Using the Handheld XRF and GIS in Abandoned Mining Areas (휴대용 XRF와 GIS를 이용한 폐광산 지역의 토양오염에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyeon-Gyu;Choi, Yo-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.195-206
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    • 2014
  • In this study, soil contamination maps related to Cu and Pb were created at the Busan abandoned mine in Korea using a handheld X-Ray Fluorescence(XRF) and Geographic Information Systems(GIS). Hydrological analysis was performed using the Digital Elevation Model(DEM) of the study area to identify the flow directions of surface runoff where pollutants can be dispersed from the soil contamination sources. 24 locations for measuring the soil contamination related to Cu and Pb were selected by considering the result of hydrological analysis. The results measured at the 24 locations using the handheld XRF showed that the highest value of Cu contamination is 8,255ppm and that of Pb is 2,146ppm. The field investigation data were entered into ArcGIS software, and then soil contamination maps regarding Cu and Pb with a 5m grid-spacing were created after performing spatial interpolations using the ordinary kriging method. As a result, we could know that high concentrations of Cu and Pb are presented at the waste and tailings dumps around the abandoned mine openings. This study also showed that the handheld XRF and GIS can be utilized to create soil contamination maps related to Cu and Pb in the field.

A Study on Constructive Method and the Practical use of Marine GIS (해양 GIS 구축 및 활용 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Gi-Chul;Suh, Sang-Hyun;Cho, Seung-Rae;Han, Chang-Seuk;Park, Chang-Ho;Roh, Hong-Seung;Kim, Eun-Hyung;Kim, Jin-Hoo;Park, Jong-Hwa;Suh, Young-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.126-143
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    • 2006
  • The main objective of this study is to determine the methodology to increase the practical use of future Marine GIS based on the user's point of view of the analysis of maritime & fishery government agencies's roles. GIS related job duty of two Busan District offices of MOMAF(Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries), NFRDI(National Fisheries Research & Development Institute), Korea Institute of Maritime and Fisheries Technology and marine & fisheries local government offices of Busan Metropolitan city were analyzed for the establishment of MGIS, future extended service targeting user's increased practical utilization. Several suggestions in the area of production mechanism and technical policy for marine geographic information among the government agencies are developed to settle down successfully MGIS in Busan. Furthermore, 10 fields of Marine Geographic issues are rearranged for intending the desirable system and service.

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Analysis of River Disturbance using a GIS (I) (GIS기법을 이용한 하천 교란 실태의 분석(I))

  • Park, Eun-Ji;Kim, Kye-Hyun;Lee, On-Kil
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.81-93
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    • 2008
  • Current re-arrangement of river and waterway has been made uniformly ignoring characteristics of individual rivers thereby aggravating artificial river restructuring. Subsequently this severely affects the rivers' physical, chemical, and biological phenomenon. On the contrary, quantitative techniques to evaluate the aftermath of artificial river disturbance such as uprising of river bed, intrusion of foreign fisheries, and changes of ecological habitats are not available. To establish such quantitative techniques, analysis of river changes to evaluate the major causes of the river disturbance and its impacts is essential. Therefore, this study mainly focused on proposing a method which can be applied for the development of techniques to investigate river disturbance according to the major factors for the domestic rivers using airphotos and GIS techniques. For the analysis, the study area on the downstream of the river was selected and airphotos of the area were converted into GIS format to generate 'shape' files to secure waterways, river banks, and auxiliary data required for analyzing river disturbance. Trend analysis of the waterway sinuosity and changes of the flow path leaded to detailed verification of the river disturbance for specific location or time period, and this enabled to relatively accurate numbers representing sinuosity of the waterway and relevant changes. As the major results from the analysis, the relocation of waterways and the level of river sinuosity were quantified and used to verify the impacts on the stability of the waterways especially in the downstream of the dam. The results from this study enabled effective establishing proper measures against waterways' unstability, and emphasized subsequent researches for identifying better alternatives against river disturbances.

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