• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS method

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Establishment and Application of Landscape Control Point Selection Method for Landscape Assessment of Urban Development Projects (도시개발사업의 경관평가를 위한 조망점 선정체계 구축 및 적용)

  • Jang, Cheol-Kyu;Jung, Sung-Gwan;Kim, Kyung-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2011
  • This study furnishes basis data for plan foundation and proper valuation of view by presenting objective and concrete selection standards and ways of Landscape Control Point(LCP) on valuation of development projects. To sum up the results of study, it establishes the prospect, publicity and direction of view as a selection standard LCP on precedent studies. The prospect, which includes visual range, direction of view, geographical features, and visibility, sets up as a valuation basis picking out the available places which have alterations according to direction and distance in practice. In the case of publicity, to select the place as there presentative area where public activities often happen than others, thirteen evaluation indexes including administration facilities, educational facilities, commercial facilities and so on. And variation of landscape is set up as an assessment index to know how much the land has changed from the beginning to the end of development. To apply the selection standards to sample places, the preliminary LCP is founded by analyzing both the prospect and published; a series of courses for selecting the final LCP is founded by analyzing the preliminary LCP and variableness of landscape on a basic of placed which have many alterations of view. At last, in the case of a selection system for LCP, the preliminary LCP is founded by analyzing both the prospect and publicity; a series of courses for selecting the final LCP is found by analyzing the preliminary LCP and variableness of landscape. Applying selection standards and the assessment index to the Sam-deok 3 residence improvement area, in the case of prospect, the southern distant view area has the largest extent. Next, the results of the assessment using the system of publicity show that a five-lane road is taking up the largest area. Hence, a total of 48 preliminary LCPs are set up by analyzing both the prospect and publicity. The results of analyzing landscape variation, one of the valuation indexes, show that Sam-deok dong around the post office has the highest rate of variation at 28.07%. Finally, three LCPs in each part, which are close range, middle range and distance view, are selected; thus, a total of nine LCPs are selected. The selected LCPs that go through a series of practical courses like a GIS program have a lot of professional opinions and are expected to secure objectivity of landscape assessment.

Development and Application of a Methodologyfor Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment-Sea Level Rise Impact ona Coastal City (기후변화 취약성 평가 방법론의 개발 및 적용 해수면 상승을 중심으로)

  • Yoo, Ga-Young;Park, Sung-Woo;Chung, Dong-Ki;Kang, Ho-Jeong;Hwang, Jin-Hwan
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.185-205
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    • 2010
  • Climate change vulnerability assessment based on local conditions is a prerequisite for establishment of climate change adaptation policies. While some studies have developed a methodology for vulnerability assessment at the national level using statistical data, few attempts, whether domestic or overseas, have been made to develop methods for local vulnerability assessments that are easily applicable to a single city. Accordingly, the objective of this study was to develop a conceptual framework for climate change vulnerability, and then develop a general methodology for assessment at the regional level applied to a single coastal city, Mokpo, in Jeolla province, Korea. We followed the conceptual framework of climate change vulnerability proposed by the IPCC (1996) which consists of "climate exposure," "systemic sensitivity," and "systemic adaptive capacity." "Climate exposure" was designated as sea level rises of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 meter(s), allowing for a simple scenario for sea level rises. Should more complex forecasts of sea level rises be required later, the methodology developed herein can be easily scaled and transferred to other projects. Mokpo was chosen as a seaside city on the southwest coast of Korea, where all cities have experienced rising sea levels. Mokpo has experienced the largest sea level increases of all, and is a region where abnormal high tide events have become a significant threat; especially subsequent to the construction of an estuary dam and breakwaters. Sensitivity to sea level rises was measured by the percentage of flooded area for each administrative region within Mokpo evaluated via simulations using GIS techniques. Population density, particularly that of senior citizens, was also factored in. Adaptive capacity was considered from both the "hardware" and "software" aspects. "Hardware" adaptive capacity was incorporated by considering the presence (or lack thereof) of breakwaters and seawalls, as well as their height. "Software" adaptive capacity was measured using a survey method. The survey questionnaire included economic status, awareness of climate change impact and adaptation, governance, and policy, and was distributed to 75 governmental officials working for Mokpo. Vulnerability to sea level rises was assessed by subtracting adaptive capacity from the sensitivity index. Application of the methodology to Mokpo indicated vulnerability was high for seven out of 20 administrative districts. The results of our methodology provides significant policy implications for the development of climate change adaptation policy as follows: 1) regions with high priority for climate change adaptation measures can be selected through a correlation diagram between vulnerabilities and records of previous flood damage, and 2) after review of existing short, mid, and long-term plans or projects in high priority areas, appropriate adaptation measures can be taken as per this study. Future studies should focus on expanding analysis of climate change exposure from sea level rises to other adverse climate related events, including heat waves, torrential rain, and drought etc.

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Wind Corridor Analysis and Climate Evaluation with Biotop Map and Airborne LiDAR Data (비오톱 지도와 항공라이다 자료를 이용한 바람통로 분석 및 기후평가)

  • Kim, Yeon-Mee;An, Seung-Man;Moon, Soo-Young;Kim, Hyeon-Soo;Jang, Dae-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.148-160
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    • 2012
  • The main purpose of this paper is to deliver a climate analysis and evaluation method based on GIS by using airborne LiDAR data and Biotop type map and to provide spatial information of climate analysis and evaluation based on Biotop type Map. At first stage, the area, slope, slope length, surface, wind corridor function and width, and obstacle factors were analyzed to obtain cold/fresh air production and wind corridor evaluation. In addition, climate evaluation was derived from those two results in the second stage. Airborne LiDAR data are useful in wind corridor analysis during the study. Correlation analysis results show that ColdAir_GRD grade was highly correlated with Surface_GRD (-0.967461139) and WindCorridor_ GRD was highly correlated with Function_GRD (-0.883883476) and Obstacle_GRD (-0.834057656). Climate Evaluation GRID was highly correlated with WindCorridor_GRD (0.927554516) than ColdAir_GRD (0.855051646). Visual validations of climate analysis and evaluation results were performed by using aerial ortho-photo image, which shows that the climate evaluation results were well related with in-situ condition. At the end, we applied climate analysis and evaluation by using Biotop map and airborne LiDAR data in Gwangmyung-Shiheung City, candidate for the Bogeumjari Housing District. The results show that the aerial percentile of the 1st Grade is 18.5%, 2nd Grade is 18.2%, 3rd Grade is 30.7%, 4th Grade is 25.2%, and 5th Grade is 7.4%. This study process provided both the spatial analysis and evaluation of climate information and statistics on behalf of each Biotop type.

Dynamic Traffic Assignment Using Genetic Algorithm (유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 동적통행배정에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Kyung-Chul;Park, Chang-Ho;Chon, Kyung-Soo;Rhee, Sung-Mo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.8 no.1 s.15
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 2000
  • Dynamic traffic assignment(DTA) has been a topic of substantial research during the past decade. While DTA is gradually maturing, many aspects of DTA still need improvement, especially regarding its formulation and solution algerian Recently, with its promise for In(Intelligent Transportation System) and GIS(Geographic Information System) applications, DTA have received increasing attention. This potential also implies higher requirement for DTA modeling, especially regarding its solution efficiency for real-time implementation. But DTA have many mathematical difficulties in searching process due to the complexity of spatial and temporal variables. Although many solution algorithms have been studied, conventional methods cannot iud the solution in case that objective function or constraints is not convex. In this paper, the genetic algorithm to find the solution of DTA is applied and the Merchant-Nemhauser model is used as DTA model because it has a nonconvex constraint set. To handle the nonconvex constraint set the GENOCOP III system which is a kind of the genetic algorithm is used in this study. Results for the sample network have been compared with the results of conventional method.

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A reevaluation of the castles and palaces of Goryeo Gangdo (江都) using GIS (고려 강도(江都)의 성곽과 궁궐 재고찰)

  • KANG, Dongseok
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.174-191
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    • 2021
  • Gangdo (江都), a reproduction of Gaegyeong, was the capital of Goryeo for 39 years. However, due to the urgent wartime situation of the Mongol invasion and the geographical features of Ganghwa Island, the castle system and palace layout were somewhat different from those of Gaegyeong. Gangdo's castle can be understood as a triple castle system consisting of outer castle, middle castle, and inner castle. First, the outer castle was the first to be completed, and it was built at the forefront to prevent the Mongol army from invading in the first place. It is presumed that the section was between Huamdon and Hwadodon in the outer castle during the Joseon Dynasty. The middle castle can be seen as the present 'Middle Castle', a castle built of earth on the outskirts of the Ganghwa-mountain Castle. Considering the sophistication and robustness of the construction method confirmed in the archaeological research, this castle is thought to have been built under a meticulous plan. In other words, as the capital city, it was completed 'at last' as recorded in the Koryo History, after a long 18-year construction process to protect palaces, government offices, and private houses. The inner castle was a castle with the character of a palace. This corresponds to the Old Castle of Ganghwabu (江華府) during the Joseon Dynasty, and it almost coincided with the scale of the composition of Gaegyeong's palace castle. It was a complex functional space, featuring the integration of the palace and the imperial castle, where the main government offices and ancillary facilities, including the palace, were located. Based on the documentary record that these palaces were similar to Gaegyeong's palace, the palace map was overlapped with that of Gaegyeong. The central axis of the building from Seungpyeongmun (昇平門) to Seongyeongjeon (宣慶殿) coincided with Kim Sangyongsunjeol Monument in Ganghwa- Goryeo Palace. Therefore, it seems that the palace of Gangdo had the same basic structure as that of Gaegyeong. However, the inner palace and annexed buildings must have been arranged in consideration of the topographical conditions of Ganghwa, and this is estimated to be the Gunggol area in Gwancheong-ri.

Study on the Home-range and Winter Habitat Pintail using the Wild-Tracker (WT-300) in Korea (WT-300을 이용한 월동기 고방오리(Anas acuta)의 행동권 및 서식지 이용연구)

  • Jung, Sang-Min;Shin, Man-Seok;Cho, Hae-jin;Han, Seung-Woo;Son, Han-Mo;Kim, Jeong Won;Kang, Sung-Il;Lee, Han-soo;Oh, Hong-Shik
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2019
  • Pintail (Anas acuta) is the major wintering bird in South Korea and known as a major mediator of the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). Pintail migrates long distances between Russian Siberia and Korea. This species prefers a rice paddy area as their winter habitat. The purpose of this study is to provide the data necessary for the conservation and management of bird habitats in Korea by understanding the wintering home-range and habitat of pintail in Korea. We captured six pintails using a cannon-net in the winter of 2015 and attached the GPS-mobile phone based telemetry (WT-300) on them to study the wintering home-range and wintering habitat. We analyzed the tracking location data using ArcGIS 9.0 Animal Movement Extension and calculated Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) and Minimum Convex Polygon (MCP). The average home-range in the wintering ground analyzed by MCP was $677.3km^2$ (SD=130.2, n=6) while the maximum and minimum were $847.7km^2$ and $467.5km^2$, respectively. Extents of home-range analyzed by KDE were $194.7km^2$ (KDE 90%), $77.4km^2$ (KDE 70%), and $35.3km^2$ (KDE 50%). The pintails mostly used both sea and paddy field as habitat in the winter season and utilized paddy fields more during the nighttime and than the daytime. We concluded that the home-range and habitat of pintails in the winter could be used as the reference data for the preservation of species, management of habitats, and coping with a breakout of HPAI.

Physical Offset of UAVs Calibration Method for Multi-sensor Fusion (다중 센서 융합을 위한 무인항공기 물리 오프셋 검보정 방법)

  • Kim, Cheolwook;Lim, Pyeong-chae;Chi, Junhwa;Kim, Taejung;Rhee, Sooahm
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_1
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    • pp.1125-1139
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    • 2022
  • In an unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) system, a physical offset can be existed between the global positioning system/inertial measurement unit (GPS/IMU) sensor and the observation sensor such as a hyperspectral sensor, and a lidar sensor. As a result of the physical offset, a misalignment between each image can be occurred along with a flight direction. In particular, in a case of multi-sensor system, an observation sensor has to be replaced regularly to equip another observation sensor, and then, a high cost should be paid to acquire a calibration parameter. In this study, we establish a precise sensor model equation to apply for a multiple sensor in common and propose an independent physical offset estimation method. The proposed method consists of 3 steps. Firstly, we define an appropriate rotation matrix for our system, and an initial sensor model equation for direct-georeferencing. Next, an observation equation for the physical offset estimation is established by extracting a corresponding point between a ground control point and the observed data from a sensor. Finally, the physical offset is estimated based on the observed data, and the precise sensor model equation is established by applying the estimated parameters to the initial sensor model equation. 4 region's datasets(Jeon-ju, Incheon, Alaska, Norway) with a different latitude, longitude were compared to analyze the effects of the calibration parameter. We confirmed that a misalignment between images were adjusted after applying for the physical offset in the sensor model equation. An absolute position accuracy was analyzed in the Incheon dataset, compared to a ground control point. For the hyperspectral image, root mean square error (RMSE) for X, Y direction was calculated for 0.12 m, and for the point cloud, RMSE was calculated for 0.03 m. Furthermore, a relative position accuracy for a specific point between the adjusted point cloud and the hyperspectral images were also analyzed for 0.07 m, so we confirmed that a precise data mapping is available for an observation without a ground control point through the proposed estimation method, and we also confirmed a possibility of multi-sensor fusion. From this study, we expect that a flexible multi-sensor platform system can be operated through the independent parameter estimation method with an economic cost saving.

A Study of Improvement for the Prediction of Groundwater Pollution in Rural Area: Application in Keumsan, Korea (농촌지역 지하수의 오염 예측 방법 개선방안 연구: 충남 금산 지역에의 적용)

  • Cheong, Beom-Keun;Chae, Gi-Tak;Koh, Dong-Chan;Ko, Kyung-Seok;Koo, Min-Ho
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.40-53
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    • 2008
  • Groundwater pollution prediction methods have been developed to plan the sustainable groundwater usage and protection from potential pollution in many countries. DRASTIC established by US EPA is the most widely used groundwater vulnerability mapping method. However, the DRASTIC showed limitation in predicting the groundwater contamination because the DRASTIC method is designed to embrace only hydrogeologic factors. Therefore, in this study, three different methods were applied to improve a groundwater pollution prediction method: US EPA DRASTIC, Modified-DRASTIC suggested by Panagopoulos et al. (2006), and LSDG (Land use, Soil drainage, Depth to water, Geology) proposed by Rupert (1999). The Modified-DRASTIC is the modified version of the DRASTIC in terms of the rating scales and the weighting coefficients. The rating scales of each factor were calculated by the statistical comparison of nitrate concentrations in each class using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test; while the weighting coefficients were modified by the statistical correlation of each parameter to nitrate concentrations using the Spearman's rho test. The LSDG is a simple rating method using four factors such as Land use, Soil drainage, Depth to water, and Geology. Classes in each factor are compared by the Wilcoxon rank-sum test which gives a different rating to each class if the nitrate concentration in the class is significantly different. A database of nitrate concentrations in groundwaters from 149 wells was built in Keumsan area. Application of three different methods for assessing the groundwater pollution potential resulted that the prediction which was represented by a correlation (r) between each index and nitrate was improved from the EPA DRASTIC (r = 0.058) to the modified rating (r = 0.245), to the modified rating and weights (r = 0.400), and to the LSDG (r = 0.415), respectively. The LSDG seemed appropriate to predict the groundwater pollution in that it contained land use as a factor of the groundwater pollution sources and the rating of each class was defined by a real pollution nitrate concentration.

Mapping Time-distance Cartogram and the Accessibility Analysis in Korea (시간거리 접근성 카토그램 제작 및 접근성 공간구조 분석)

  • Kim, So-Yeon;Lee, Keum-Sook
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.149-166
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to produce time-distance cartograms based on the various Korean transportation networks, and to analyze the spatial structure of time-distance accessibilities. For the purpose this study attempts to develop continuous area cartogram by utilizing Wolf's algorithm for creating contiguous cartogram in ArcGIS 9. The absolute physical space was transformed to the functional space indexed by time-distances along various transportation networks in Korea. We examined the differences in the time-distance accessibilities among transportation networks. This study makes a comparison between the spatial structure of time-distance accessibility of KTX network with them of existing railroad network, as well as with them of road network. In order to clarify the spatial structures of time-distance accessibilities, we restructured them on the time-distance circular diagrams and performing Multi-Dimensional Scaling analysis. Overall structure of time-distance accessibilities shows similar patterns: The time distances are shrinked a lot along the Seoul-Busan axis, while coastal parts, in particular the eastern part of the county, are shrinked relatively little via all transportation networks. The Road network affects significantly on the accessibilities of cities in Gangwon-do and Gyeonggi-do, while railway network affects on the accessibilities of cities in Jeolla-do and Gyeongsang-do in general. When we compared the time-distance accessibilities based on the 5 largest cities, Seoul appears as the most accessible city from/to all other cities in Korea. We can also find significant changes in the time-distance accessibility between KTX network and existing railroad network. Cities along the KTX network, in particular cities which has KTX stops, improved significantly in time-distance accessibilities.

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A Method for the Extraction of a Subset of Points from a Large Set of Points Affecting the Distribution of Surface Data - A Case Study of Market Area and Competitive Power Analysis by Sales Data of Micro Scale Retail Stores - (평면 데이터 분포에 영향을 끼치는 점 분포의 부분집합 추출 방법 - 소규모 소매점포의 매출자료를 이용한 상권 및 경쟁력 분석기법을 사례로 -)

  • Lee, Jung-Eun;Sadahiro, Yukio
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2006
  • Approaches to spatial analysis differ from the type of spatial objects to be treated. Especially, in here, the case where two spatial data sets coexist is considered. The goal of such case lies on detecting a subset of spatial objects out of a large set that affects the distribution of the other object. However, it is not easy to extract a subset from a large set by visualization just with the help of GIS since huge amount of data are provided nowadays. In this research, therefore, relationship between two different spatial data are analyzed by quantitative measure in the case study of marketing geography. A purchase history data of a small retail store and the location of its competitors are given as source data for the analysis. The goal of analysis from the aspect of this case study is to extract strong competitors of the store that affects the sales amount of the store among many competitors. With the result, therefore, it is expected that market area pattern and competitive power of stores under micro scale retail environment would be understood by quantitative measure.

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