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Analysis of Educational Needs by Adult Life Cycle for Well-aging Education Program Development (웰에이징 교육 프로그램 개발을 위한 성인 생애주기별 교육 요구도 분석)

  • Ku, Jin-Hee;Lim, HyoNam;Kim, Doo-Ree;Kang, Kyung-hee;Kim, Seol-Hee;Kim, Yong-Ha;Lee, Chong-Hyung;Ahn, Sang-Yoon;Kim, Kwang-Hwan;Song, Hyeon-Dong;Hwang, Hey-Jeong;Kim, Moon-Joon;Park, A-rma;Jo, Gee-yong;Chang, Kyung-Hee;Cho, Young-Chae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.257-269
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to secure basic data for the development and operation of well-aging education programs by analyzing the physical, mental, and socio-economic needs of well-aging education for successful aging. The research tool was developed as a questionnaire to investigate the perception of well aging and the needs of well-aging education in terms of physical, mental, and socio-economic aspects. In February 2021, 1949 adults over the age of 19 were surveyed through an online and mobile survey by Gallup Korea. Descriptive statistics analysis, variance analysis, Borich needs analysis, and IPA analysis were conducted to analyze the needs of well-aging education. The results revealed economic power, exercise, and chronic disease management to be high in terms of the overall priority of the education needs for well-aging, and infectious disease management, independence, and social responsibility were surveyed in the order of low education needs. In terms of economic power, education needs were highest among all age groups except for the middle-age group (35-49 years old), 82.4% of all respondents, and education needs for exercise and chronic disease management were highest in the middle-age group. Therefore, it is necessary to develop well-aging education programs for each life cycle. These results are expected to be used as empirical data in establishing a platform for developing and operating educational programs for well aging.

Temporal Transcriptome Analysis of SARS-CoV-2-Infected Lung and Spleen in Human ACE2-Transgenic Mice

  • Jung Ah, Kim;Sung-Hee, Kim;Jung Seon, Seo;Hyuna, Noh;Haengdueng, Jeong;Jiseon, Kim;Donghun, Jeon;Jeong Jin, Kim;Dain, On;Suhyeon, Yoon;Sang Gyu, Lee;Youn Woo, Lee;Hui Jeong, Jang;In Ho, Park;Jooyeon, Oh;Sang-Hyuk, Seok;Yu Jin, Lee;Seung-Min, Hong;Se-Hee, An;Joon-Yong, Bae;Jung-ah, Choi;Seo Yeon, Kim;Young Been, Kim;Ji-Yeon, Hwang;Hyo-Jung, Lee;Hong Bin, Kim;Dae Gwin, Jeong;Daesub, Song;Manki, Song;Man-Seong, Park;Kang-Seuk, Choi;Jun Won, Park;Jun-Won, Yun;Jeon-Soo, Shin;Ho-Young, Lee;Jun-Young, Seo;Ki Taek, Nam;Heon Yung, Gee;Je Kyung, Seong
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.45 no.12
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    • pp.896-910
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    • 2022
  • Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a highly transmissible and potentially fatal virus. So far, most comprehensive analyses encompassing clinical and transcriptional manifestation have concentrated on the lungs. Here, we confirmed evident signs of viral infection in the lungs and spleen of SARS-CoV-2-infected K18-hACE2 mice, which replicate the phenotype and infection symptoms in hospitalized humans. Seven days post viral detection in organs, infected mice showed decreased vital signs, leading to death. Bronchopneumonia due to infiltration of leukocytes in the lungs and reduction in the spleen lymphocyte region were observed. Transcriptome profiling implicated the meticulous regulation of distress and recovery from cytokine-mediated immunity by distinct immune cell types in a time-dependent manner. In lungs, the chemokine-driven response to viral invasion was highly elevated at 2 days post infection (dpi). In late infection, diseased lungs, post the innate immune process, showed recovery signs. The spleen established an even more immediate line of defense than the lungs, and the cytokine expression profile dropped at 7 dpi. At 5 dpi, spleen samples diverged into two distinct groups with different transcriptome profile and pathophysiology. Inhibition of consecutive host cell viral entry and massive immunoglobulin production and proteolysis inhibition seemed that one group endeavored to survive, while the other group struggled with developmental regeneration against consistent viral intrusion through the replication cycle. Our results may contribute to improved understanding of the longitudinal response to viral infection and development of potential therapeutics for hospitalized patients affected by SARS-CoV-2.

Contents of lead, mercury, and cadmium in seaweeds collected in coastal area of Korea (국산 해조류의 납, 수은 및 카드뮴 함량)

  • Hwang, Young Ok;Kim, Mu Sang;Park, Seog Gee;Kim, Su Jeong
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.227-236
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    • 2007
  • This study was carried out to estimate the contents of heavy metals (Hg, Pb, and Cd) in seaweeds (n=169) which are closely related to food resources. The contents of heavy metals in the laver were found as follows; Hg was highly detected in the east coastal area ($0.0509{\pm}0.0635mg/kg$), Pb in the south coastal area ($0.0509{\pm}0.0635mg/kg$), Cd in the south coastal area ($1.3785{\pm}0.7754mg/kg$). In the sea mustard, Hg was highly detected in the south coastal area ($0.0152{\pm}0.0116mg/kg$), Pb in the east coastal area ($0.1633{\pm}0.2888mg/kg$), Cd in the south coastal area ($0.7141{\pm}0.4952mg/kg$). In the sea tangle, Hg was highly detected in the south coastal area ($0.0177{\pm}0.0118mg/kg$), Pb in the east coastal area ($0.0728{\pm}0.1025mg/kg$), Cd in the south coastal area ($0.1640{\pm}0.1253mg/kg$). In the sea lettuce, Hg, Pb, and Cd were highly detected from the west coastal area. In the fusiforme, Hg and Cd were highly in the west coastal area, Pb in the south coastal area. In general brown algae showed the highest level of Hg, Pb, and green algae showed the highest level of Cd Additionally, the significant correlation was observed between Hg and Cd (r=0.513, p<0.01), between Cd and Pb (r=0.420, p<0.05). The weekly average intakes of Hg, Pb and Cd from seaweeds takes about 0.17~10.30 % of PTWI (Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intakes) that FAO/WHO Joint Food Additive and Contaminants Committee has set to evaluate their safeties.

Contents of mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic in dried marine products (건포류의 수은, 납, 카드뮴 및 비소 함유량)

  • Ok, Hwang Young;Kim, Su Un;Ryu, Seung Hee;Ham, Hee Jin;Park, Gun Yong;Park, Seog Gee
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.336-344
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    • 2009
  • This survey was carried out to estimate the contents of heavy metals (Hg, Pb, Cd, and As) in 10 kinds of dried marine products (n=189) which are closely related to food resources. The contents of heavy metals were estimated by inductively coupled plasma spectrometer (ICP) and mercury analyzer. The values of heavy metals in dried marine products were as follows (Mean${\pm}$SD (range), mg/kg). The average contents of heavy metals in the dried marine products were Hg $0.058{\pm}0.069$ (0.002~0.502) mg/kg, Pb $0.178{\pm}0.598$ (ND~5.130) mg/kg, Cd $0.306{\pm}0.610$ (ND~6.802) mg/kg, As $5.282{\pm}6.158$ (ND~71.760) mg/kg. The range of heavy metal contents in dried marine products are low level, except of lead contents (n=2). In the comparison of heavy metal content by anchovy size, it was shown that cadmium, mercury and arsenic were meaningfully different. The contents of heavy metals by the shape of shrimp and Alaska Pollack were shown that the result of each group was meaningless. In the comparison imported production with domestic production, in the case of common squid, cadmium and arsenic were meaningfully different. The weekly average intakes of Hg, Pb and Cd from dried marine products takes about 1.17~11.52% of PTWI (Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intakes) that FAO/WHO Joint Food Additive and Contaminants Committee has set to evaluate their safeties.

Verification of International Trends and Applicability in the Republic of Korea for a Greenhouse Gas Inventory in the Grassland Biomass Sector (초지 바이오매스 부문 온실가스 인벤토리 구축을 위한 국제 동향과 국내 적용 가능성 평가)

  • Sle-gee Lee;Jeong-Gwan Lee;Hyun-Jun Kim
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.257-267
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    • 2023
  • The grassland section of the greenhouse gas inventory has limitations due to a lack of review and verification of biomass compared to organic carbon in soil while grassland is considered one of the carbon storages in terrestrial ecosystems. Considering the situation at internal and external where the calculation of greenhouse gas inventory is being upgraded to a method with higher scientific accuracy, research on standards and methods for calculating carbon accumulation of grassland biomass is required. The purpose of this study was to identify international trends in the calculation method of the grassland biomass sector that meets the Tier 2 method and to conduct a review of variables applicable to the Republic of Korea. Identify the estimation methods and access levels for grassland biomass through the National Inventory Report in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and type the main implications derived from overseas cases. And, a field survey was conducted on 28 grasslands in the Republic of Korea to analyse the applicability of major issues. Four major international issues regarding grassland biomass were identified. 1) country-specific coefficients by land use; 2) calculations on woody plants; 3) loss and recovery due to wildfire; 4) amount of change by human activities. As a result of field surveys and analysis of activity data available domestically, it was found that there was a significant difference in the amount of carbon in biomass according to use type classification and climate zone-soil type classification. Therefore, in order to create an inventory of grassland biomass at the Tier 2 level, a policy and institutional system for making activity data should develop country-specific coefficients for climate zones and soil types.

Immune Cells Are Differentially Affected by SARS-CoV-2 Viral Loads in K18-hACE2 Mice

  • Jung Ah Kim;Sung-Hee Kim;Jeong Jin Kim;Hyuna Noh;Su-bin Lee;Haengdueng Jeong;Jiseon Kim;Donghun Jeon;Jung Seon Seo;Dain On;Suhyeon Yoon;Sang Gyu Lee;Youn Woo Lee;Hui Jeong Jang;In Ho Park;Jooyeon Oh;Sang-Hyuk Seok;Yu Jin Lee;Seung-Min Hong;Se-Hee An;Joon-Yong Bae;Jung-ah Choi;Seo Yeon Kim;Young Been Kim;Ji-Yeon Hwang;Hyo-Jung Lee;Hong Bin Kim;Dae Gwin Jeong;Daesub Song;Manki Song;Man-Seong Park;Kang-Seuk Choi;Jun Won Park;Jun-Won Yun;Jeon-Soo Shin;Ho-Young Lee;Ho-Keun Kwon;Jun-Young Seo;Ki Taek Nam;Heon Yung Gee;Je Kyung Seong
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.7.1-7.19
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    • 2024
  • Viral load and the duration of viral shedding of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) are important determinants of the transmission of coronavirus disease 2019. In this study, we examined the effects of viral doses on the lung and spleen of K18-hACE2 transgenic mice by temporal histological and transcriptional analyses. Approximately, 1×105 plaque-forming units (PFU) of SARS-CoV-2 induced strong host responses in the lungs from 2 days post inoculation (dpi) which did not recover until the mice died, whereas responses to the virus were obvious at 5 days, recovering to the basal state by 14 dpi at 1×102 PFU. Further, flow cytometry showed that number of CD8+ T cells continuously increased in 1×102 PFU-virus-infected lungs from 2 dpi, but not in 1×105 PFU-virus-infected lungs. In spleens, responses to the virus were prominent from 2 dpi, and number of B cells was significantly decreased at 1×105 PFU; however, 1×12 PFU of virus induced very weak responses from 2 dpi which recovered by 10 dpi. Although the defense responses returned to normal and the mice survived, lung histology showed evidence of fibrosis, suggesting sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Our findings indicate that specific effectors of the immune response in the lung and spleen were either increased or depleted in response to doses of SARS-CoV-2. This study demonstrated that the response of local and systemic immune effectors to a viral infection varies with viral dose, which either exacerbates the severity of the infection or accelerates its elimination.

Use of extraction solvent method to monitor the concentrations of acidic polysaccharides and ginsenosides from red and black ginseng (추출용매에 따른 홍삼 및 흑삼의 산성다당체와 진세노사이드 함량 모니터링)

  • Gee Dong Lee
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.857-867
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the extraction yield, acidic polysaccharides and ginsenosides of red and black ginseng were optimized by using the response surface methodology in consideration of the ethanol concentration and temperature of the extraction. The R2 of the model formula for the yield, acidic polysaccharides and ginsenosides was 0.8378-0.9679 (p<0.1). An optimal extraction yield of 5.29% was reached for red ginseng soluble solids when 1.52% ethanol concentration was used at a temperature of 67.27℃. Additionally, the optimal extraction yield for black ginseng soluble solid was 6.11% when 3.12% ethanol concentration was used at a temperature of 66.13℃. Furthermore, the optimal conditions for extracting acidic polysaccharides from red ginseng were using an ethanol concentration of 4.03% at a temperature of 69.61℃; a yield of 1.86 mg/mL was obtained. The optimal extraction yield for acidic polysaccharides from black ginseng was 1.80 mg/mL when extracted using a concentration of 24.67% of ethanol at a temperature of 71.14℃. An optimal extraction yield of 0.22 mg/mL was reached for ginsenoside Rg1 from red ginseng when 79.92% ethanol concentration was used at a temperature of 70.62℃. The optimal extraction yield of ginsenoside Rg3 from black ginseng was 0.31 mg/mL when ethanol was used at a concentration of 75.70% at a temperature of 65.49℃. The ideal extraction conditions for obtaining the maximum yield of both acidic polysaccharide and ginsenoside from red and black ginseng were using ethanol at a concentration between 35 and 50% at an extraction temperature of 70℃.

Lived experience of mothers who have child with cerebral palsy (뇌성마비아 어머니의 경험)

  • Lee Hwa Za;Kim Yee Soon;Lee Gee Won;Gwan Soo Za;Kang In Soon;An Hea Gyung
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.93-111
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of the study is to identify the lived experience of mothers who have children with cerebral palsy in order to understand their agony. Moreover, the result of study was to find some nursing intervention for disabled children and their mothers. For this purpose, ten mothers who are willing to cooperate with this research were selected at random from those who have children with the cerebral palsy, currently using the municipal facilities for the handicapped with cerebral malfunction. Data collection was done from October 4, 1994 th December 31, 1994. The data were collected by asking the mothers mentioned above with some unstructured open-ended questions, recorded on the tapes with permission by the interviewee in order to prevent missing of the interviewed contents. These collected data have been substantiated and properly analyzed on the basis of phenomenological approach initiated by Colaizzi's method. The results and validity are proved to be credible by means of the individual checking of the interviewed mothers. The results of this study are as follows : 1. When the mother is first informed of the diagnosis of cerebral palsy on her child, she usually misses the crucial timing needed for proper treatment of the child's disorder because she is notified through the doctor's indifference and his apparently inactive, matter-of-fact attitude. At first she suspects the doctor's diagnosis and tries to attribute it to the unknown cause from a certain genetic problem and then she quickly wants to deny the whole situation that her child is really suffering from the cerebral palsy. The reality is too much for her to accept as it is and she would not believe her child is abnormal. Therefore, she even attempts depend on the power of God for its solution. 2. The mother, who goes thorough this kind of uncommon experiences, is totally devoted to the treatment and care of the child and completely ignores her own life and happiness. At the same time, she feels sorry for her other normal children she believes having not enough care and concern. Also, she feels sorry for the sick child when the child's brothers or sisters show special concern for the patient out of sympathy. It is sorry and not satisfied for her that the child is growing with abnormality and neighbor other around have inappropriate attitudes. Likewise, she is discontent with her husband's lack of concern about the child's treatment. She believes that the health care system in this society isn't fulfilling its due purpose. In the state of her utmost distress and anxiety, she always feels the need of competent consultants, and is angry about that her child is treated as an abnormal being, she is trying to hide the child from other people and to make him or her disappear, if possible. Although she doesn't have harmonious relation with her husband, she id happy when he shows his affection for the child and she feels relieved and thankful when the relatives don't mention about the child's condition Since the child's overall status of health is continuously in unstable conditions, requiring her all-time readiness for an emergency, she feels guilty of her child's illness toward the fEmily members as if it was her own fault to have borne such an abnormal child and she feels responsible for the child morally and financially if necessary Because her life is centered on taking care of the child, she cannot afford to enjoy her own life and happiness. She is a lonely mother, fatigued, with no proper relationship with other people around her. With this sense of guilt and responsibility as a mother of an unusual disease, she has no choice but to grieve her destiny from which she is not allowed to escape. 3. Nevertheless, the mother with the child suffering from the cerebral palsy does not easily give up the hope of getting her child cured and she believes that in the long run, though slower than hoped, her abnormal son or daughter will be eventually cured to become a normal sibling someday. This kind of hope is sustained by the mother's strong faith coming from observing the progress of other similar children getting better. Sometimes she is encouraged to have this faith by other mothers who share the same painful experiences, believing that her child will improve even more rapidly than others with the same palsy. Full of hope, she painstakingly waits for the child's healing. Moreover, she plans to have another child. she thinks that the patient child's brothers and sisters only can truly understand and look after the patients. However, when she notices that the progress of other children under the treatment does not look so hopeful, she is distressed by the thoughts that her child may never get well. Too, she is worried that the patient's brother or sister will be born as the same invalid with the cerebral disease. She is discouraged to have another baby as much as she is encouraged to. She is also troubled by the thought that in case she has another baby, she will have to be forced. to neglect the patient child, especially when she does have an extra hand or some reliable person to help her with taking care of the patient.

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The Accuracy of Tuberculosis Notification Reports at a Private General Hospital after Enforcement of New Korean Tuberculosis Surveillance System (새로운 국가결핵감시체계 시행 후 한 민간종합병원에서 작성된 결핵정보관리보고서의 정확도 조사)

  • Kim, Cheol Hong;Koh, Won-Jung;Kwon, O Jung;Ahn, Young Mee;Lim, Seong Young;An, Chang Hyeok;Youn, Jong Wook;Hwang, Jung Hye;Suh, Gee Young;Chung, Man Pyo;Kim, Hojoong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.178-190
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    • 2003
  • Background : The committee of tuberculosis(TB) survey planning for the year 2000 decided to construct the Korean Tuberculosis Surveillance System (KTBS), based on a doctor's routine reporting method. The successful keys of the KTBS rely on the precision of the recorded TB notification forms. The purpose of this study was to determine that the accuracy of the TB notification form written at a private general hospital given to the corresponding health center and to improve the comprehensiveness of these reporting systems. Materials and Methods : 291 adult TB patients who had been diagnosed from August 2000 to January 2001, were enrolled in this study. The lists of TB notification forms were compared with the medical records and the various laboratory results; case characteristics, history of previous treatment, examinations for diagnosis, site of the TB by the international classification of the disease, and treatment. Results : In the list of examinations for a diagnosis in 222 pulmonary TB patients, the concordance rate of the 'sputum smear exam' was 76% but that of the 'sputum culture exam' was only 23%. Among the 198 cases of the sputum culture exam labeled 'not examined', 43(21.7%) cases proved to be true 'not examined', 70 cases(35.4%) were proven to be 'culture positive', and 85(43.0%) cases were proven to be 'culture negative'. In the list of examinations for a diagnosis in 69 extrapulmonary TB patients, the concordance rate of the 'smear exam other than sputum' was 54%. In the list of treatments, the overall concordance rate of the 'type of registration' in the TB notification form was 85%. Among the 246 'new' cases on the TB notification form, 217(88%) cases were true 'new' cases and 13 were proven to be 'relapse', 2 were proven to be 'treatment after failure', one was proven to be 'treatment after default', 12 were proven to be 'transferred-in' and one was proven to be 'chronic'. Among the 204 HREZ prescribed regimen, 172(84.3%) patients were taking the HREZ regimen, and the others were prescribed other drug regimens. Conclusion : Correct recording of the TB notification form at the private sectors is necessary for supporting the effective TB surveillance system in Korea.

Short-Term Efficacy of Steroid and Immunosuppressive Drugs in Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Pre-treatment Factors Associated with Favorable Response (특발성폐섬유화증에서 스테로이드와 면역억제제의 단기 치료효과 및 치료반응 예측인자)

  • Kang, Kyeong-Woo;Park, Sang-Joon;Koh, Young-Min;Lee, Sang-Pyo;Suh, Gee-Young;Chung, Man-Pyo;Han, Jung-Ho;Kim, Ho-Joong;Kwon, O-Jung;Lee, Kyung-Soo;Rhee, Chong-H.
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.685-696
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    • 1999
  • Background : Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a diffuse inflammatory and fibrosing process that occurs within the interstitium and alveolus of the lung with invariably poor prognosis. The major problem in management of IPF results from the variable rate of disease progression and the difficulties in predicting the response to therapy. The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate the short-term efficacy of steroid and immunosuppressive therapy for IPF and to identify the pre-treatment determinants of favorable response. Method : Twenty patients of IPF were included. Diagnosis of IPF was proven by thoracoscopic lung biopsy and they were presumed to have active progressive disease. The baseline evaluation in these patients included clinical history, pulmonary function test, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), and chest high resolution computed tomography (HRCT). Fourteen patients received oral prednisolone treatment with initial dose of 1mg/kg/day for 8 to 12 weeks and then tapering to low-dose prednisolone (0.25mg/kg/day). Six patients who previously had experienced significant side effects to steroid received 2mg/kg/day of oral cyclophosphamide with or without low-dose prednisolone. Follow-up evaluation was performed after 6 months of therapy. If patients met more than one of followings, they were considered to be responders : (1) improvement of more than one grade in dyspnea index, (2) improvement in FVC or TLC more than 10% or improvement in DLco more than 20% (3) decreased extent of disease in chest HRCT findings. Result : One patient died of extrapulmonary cause after 3 month of therapy, and another patient gave up any further medical therapy due to side effect of steroid. Eventually medical records of 18 patients were analyzed. Nine of 18 patients were classified into responders and the other nine patients into nonresponders. The histopathologic diagnosis of the responders were all nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) and that of nonresponders were all usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) (p<0.001). The other significant differences between the two groups were female predominance (p<0.01), smoking history (p<0.001), severe grade of dyspnea (p<0.05), lymphocytosis in BAL fluid ($23.8{\pm}16.3%$ vs $7.8{\pm}3.6%$, p<0.05), and less honeycombing in chest HRCT findings (0% vs $9.2{\pm}2.3%$, p<0.001). Conclusion : Our results suggest that patients with histopathologic diagnosis of NSIP or lymphocytosis in BAL fluid are more likely to respond to steroid or immunosuppressive therapy. Clinical results in large numbers of IPF patients will be required to identify the independent variables.

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