• Title/Summary/Keyword: Future perception

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A Case Study of Elementary School Preservice Teachers' Mathematical Modeling Problem Creation Activities (초등학교 예비교사들의 수학적 모델링 문제 만들기 활동에 대한 사례연구)

  • Kim, YongSeok
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.141-162
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    • 2023
  • Recently, in school mathematics, classes using mathematical modeling are attracting attention to improve students' mathematical problem-solving skills. However, existing preceding studies have been conducted mainly on elementary, middle, and high school or in-service teachers, so it may be limited to apply the contents and results of the research as it is to pre-service teachers, who are future professors. Therefore, this study examined the school days' experiences of mathematical modeling for pre-service elementary school teachers. In addition, in order to provide a positive experience for mathematical modeling, mathematical modeling problem creation activities were conducted through group activities, and the results and their perceptions were examined. As a result of the study, elementary school preservice teachers had very little experience with mathematical modeling activities during their elementary, middle, and high school days. It was found that there is a deficiency in creating an appropriate mathematical modeling problem suitable for the level of elementary school students. In addition, it was found that they had a positive perception of mathematical modeling after participating in the study. Based on these results, implications for the training process for preservice teachers were suggested.

Exploring factors in terms of school and social environment that affect high school student's affective attitude on mathematics according to the student's academic level, grade, gender, and school location (고등학생의 학업성취도, 학년, 성별, 학교 소재지에 따른 수학에 대한 정의적 태도에 영향 미치는 학교와 사회 환경적 측면의 요인 탐색)

  • Jung Hye-Yun
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.62 no.1
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    • pp.151-173
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we explored factors that affect high school student's affective attitude on mathematics with respect to the school mathematics instructoin, school mathematics assessment, mathematics textbook, private mathematics education, college entrance and career, and social atmosphere. Considering students' grade, major, academic level, gender, and school location, 1,029 high school students participated in the survey. To analyze the survey results, descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and chi-square test were conducted using SPSS ver 29.0. Results are as follows. First, generally, college entrance and career and school mathematics instruction affected students' affective attitude on mathematics. Second, according to student's academic level and gender, there was a statistically significant difference in the factors affecting the affective attitude on mathematics. Third, according to students' background, there was a statistically significant difference in students' responses to sub-categories of each factor. We suggested that to improve student's affective attitude on mathematics, diversity of the school mathematics instruction, improvement of the mathematics textbook, student's appropriate participation in the private mathematics education, improvement of student's perception of the utilization of the mathematics in the future and the importance of the mathemaitcs in the society, and parents' emotional support are needed.

Assessment of Visual Landscape Image Analysis Method Using CNN Deep Learning - Focused on Healing Place - (CNN 딥러닝을 활용한 경관 이미지 분석 방법 평가 - 힐링장소를 대상으로 -)

  • Sung, Jung-Han;Lee, Kyung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.166-178
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to introduce and assess CNN Deep Learning methods to analyze visual landscape images on social media with embedded user perceptions and experiences. This study analyzed visual landscape images by focusing on a healing place. For the study, seven adjectives related to healing were selected through text mining and consideration of previous studies. Subsequently, 50 evaluators were recruited to build a Deep Learning image. Evaluators were asked to collect three images most suitable for 'healing', 'healing landscape', and 'healing place' on portal sites. The collected images were refined and a data augmentation process was applied to build a CNN model. After that, 15,097 images of 'healing' and 'healing landscape' on portal sites were collected and classified to analyze the visual landscape of a healing place. As a result of the study, 'quiet' was the highest in the category except 'other' and 'indoor' with 2,093 (22%), followed by 'open', 'joyful', 'comfortable', 'clean', 'natural', and 'beautiful'. It was found through research that CNN Deep Learning is an analysis method that can derive results from visual landscape image analysis. It also suggested that it is one way to supplement the existing visual landscape analysis method, and suggests in-depth and diverse visual landscape analysis in the future by establishing a landscape image learning dataset.

Perception of Early Childhood Education Experts on the Difficulties and the Revitalization Methods of Early Childhood Creativity Education (유아 창의성 교육의 어려움과 활성화 방안에 대한 유아교육전문가들의 인식)

  • Seo, Hyun-Ah;Park, So-Yun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.455-466
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    • 2022
  • This study was aimed at finding the direction to be supplemented in early childhood creativity education by identifying difficulties and revitalization methods for early childhood education experts such as early childhood education scholarships, directors of early childhood education institutions, and daycare center support staffs at childcare support center. For this study, we collected data of total 33 early childhood education experts, from August to October 2019. As a result of the study, first, the difficulties in early childhood creativity education were found to be 'Evaluation certification system (evaluation meeting)', 'Quality of teachers', 'Number of teachers to children', and 'Lack of definition and direction of creativity'. Second, as revitalization methods to active creativity education for early childhood, they answered with 'Establishment of infant-centered, play-centered curriculum considering on-the-ground characteristics', 'Securing the quality of teachers through their own efforts and supporting various policies', 'Autonomous and diverse program operation of early childhood education institutions', and 'Cooperation with parents'. Through this, it was possible to broadly understand difficulties and revitalization methods of early childhood education experts, and the results of this study can be used as basic data to prepare measures to improve and support in the field of creativity education in early childhood education in the future.

The difference of cultural emotions in unfair situation in Korea, China, Japan, and the U.S. (부당한 상황에서 경험되는 정서의 문화 차이: 한국, 중국, 일본, 미국을 중심으로)

  • Min Han;Seungah Ryu
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.251-272
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    • 2018
  • There could be different ways of perception, emotions, and behaviors facing on unfair situation according to the culture background by which people have been affected. We investigated whether definition, feelings, and behaviors in 4 countries (Korea, China, Japan, and the US) would differ in terms of unfair situations. We further examined the relationship between new self-construal model (subjectivity-objectivity-autonomy model) and behaviors resulted from unfair situations. Three hundred seventeen participants (87 Koreans, 71 Chinese, 80 Japanese, and 79 Americans) took part in this research. We found that all countries defined unfair situation as "having a disadvantage or blame that one did not done by him or her" with the highest percentage, but there was a different percentage according to countries. Next, Chinese felt disappointment or betray from the situations highly while others expressed anger with the largest portion. In the area of behaviors, three countries in Asia answered "no behaviors" with the highest percentage while Americans mostly responded "direct expressions". In terms of self-construal model, subjective self was high in Chinese and Koreans while autonomy was high in Chinese and American. Japanese showed objective self with the highest. Implications and future research are discussed.

Perception on the Education Practicum of Pre-service School Librarian Teachers: Focusing on the Analysis of In-depth Interview Data (예비 사서교사의 교육실습에 대한 인식 조사 - 심층 면담자료 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeonghoon Lim;Bong-Suk Kang;Juhyeon Park;Sang Woo Han
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.75-95
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    • 2023
  • This study investigated the overall perceptions of pre-service school librarian teacher on the current education practicum through semi-structured in-depth interviews and suggested improvements to the educational practicum system. For this purpose, interview data were collected from 28 pre-service school librarian teacher (6 teachers' colleges, 14 taking teaching qualification courses, and 8 graduate school of education) who participated in educational practicum in school libraries, and a research method that combines qualitative analysis techniques with text network analysis was applied. The results of the study showed that pre-service school librarian teacher believe that educational practicum can prepare them for various field experiences and cultivate their ability to cope with situations they will encounter in the future. Through qualitative inquiry, we were able to identify their perceptions of school field practicum as a whole, their perceptions of the school field practicum, and their perceptions of educational service activities. Based on this, to improve the current problems of educational practice, we suggested expanding the period of school internship program, distributing the time, establishing a full-time practice system, having continuous discussions with field teachers, and developing a systematic school field practicum.

Important Social Issues in Korea: Continuity and Change over 10 Years (한국 사회문제의 변화: 지난 10년간 세 시점의 비교)

  • Doun-Woong Hahn;Hoon-Seok Choi
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.103-128
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    • 2006
  • The present study investigated individuals' perception of important social issues in Korea. Based on previous research(Hahn, 1994; Hahn & Kang, 2000), a checklist containing 370 social issues was created. This checklist was administered to 1600 Koreans(812 college students, 788 adults) residing in 5 regional areas in Korea during the period of December 2004 and February 2005. Data were analyzed by the respondents' age, sex, and residing areas, and findings were compared to those of the two previous studies conducted in 1994 and 1999. Major findings of the study are as follows. First, across the three surveys, over 50% of the respondents consistently indicated the following four items as important social issues in the Korean society: political corruption, environmental pollution, the education system that is driven too much for college entrance, employment difficulty for local college graduates. Second, more than 50% of the respondents in the current survey indicated the following 12 items as important social issues that must be resolved: high unemployment rate, political corruption, environmental pollution, education system, overall difficulty of getting jobs, the nation's distrust in politics, hardships of life among the working classes, political incompetence, people with defective personal credit standings, employment difficulty for local college graduates, political instability, corruption of public servants. Third, analyses on the top 30 social issues across the three surveys revealed a positive and significant rank-order correlation for a five-year period(i.e., 1994-1999, 1999-2004), but not for a ten-year period(i.e., 1994-2004). Implications of the study and directions for future research are discussed.

The Current State Analysis and Activation Plan on Management of Online Contents Produced in Public Library (공공도서관의 온라인콘텐츠 현황분석 및 관리 활성화 연구)

  • Jaehun Choi;Eunju Shin;Eun-Gyoung Seo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.123-145
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    • 2023
  • During the COVID-19 period, public libraries produced and provided a variety of online contents to users as an alternative to offline services. The purpose of this study was to analyze the overall management of online contents in public libraries in the post COVID-19 period and to provide a methodological basis for improving online contents management. This study surveyed the overall current state of online content management in 305 public libraries in terms of production, services, and preservation. We also analyzed the librarian's perception of the online contents management process. As a result of the analysis even after the COVID-19 period, public libraries are efficiently producing and providing online contents and are actively providing this through the library website and social media. In addition, librarians recognized that online contents produced by public libraries are valuable as library resources and predicted that the online content would be produced more in the future. Also, they faced difficulties in production and management due to a lack of professional capabilities and extra workload, but they have recognized the high need for online contents management. Online contents is leading a paradigm shift in public library services. Therefore, attention and effort to activate online content is no longer an option but a necessity.

Investigating the Smart Hotel Customers' Technology Amenities Adoption Behaviour (스마트호텔 고객의 기술 어메니티 수용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tack Yeon;Chung, Namho
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.142-159
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    • 2023
  • As the core technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution are introduced into luxury hotels, they are taking off as cultural and experiential spaces that provide new products and services to hotel users and new experiences. Therefore, this study investigated the effect of hotel users' perception of the experience of using technological amenity services on their trust and satisfaction, focusing on luxury hotels as smart hotel to identify the essential factors of smart hotels that can lead to continuous competitive advantage and improvements in the future. In addition, the study aimed to find an effective hotel marketing strategy and plan to satisfaction the smart hotel by maximizing customer satisfaction. To verify the research hypothesis, a survey was conducted targeting hotel users with experience using technological amenities in smart hotels within the last two years. As a result of the study, it was confirmed that all hypotheses were adopted except for the relationship between personification, intention to use technical amenities, and perceived performance expectations and satisfaction with smart hotels. Based on these research results, this paper presents theoretical and practical implications. Smart hotels are rapidly changing by introducing various smart technologies. Therefore, it will be meaningful data for securing a sustainable competitive advantage and establishing differentiated hotel management and marketing strategies.

Analysis of the Reason for ROK's Foreign Strategy Adjustment: The growing threat from DPRK under the U.S.-China strategic competition and its profound influences on the security situation in Northeast Asia (韩国对外战略调整的原因分析-美中战略竞争下不断增加的北韩威胁对东北亚安全局势带来的深远影响)

  • Dongchan Kim;Jangwon Lee
    • Analyses & Alternatives
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.115-144
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    • 2023
  • Under the Trump administration, the U.S. has made clear that "China is America's strategic competitor, revisionist power and a major challenge to America's prosperity and security." The Biden administration has largely inherited this perception of China. China has also responded without backing down. Therefore, the U.S.-China strategic competition has become the most important background factor in the international system and has a great impact on the security situation in Northeast Asia. Nevertheless, if you look at the recent process of establishing trilateral security cooperation among ROK, the U.S. and Japan, we can find that ROK's foreign strategy adjustment has played a key role. This is because establishing trilateral security cooperation among ROK, the U.S. and Japan depends on improving ROK-Japan relations. And the Yoon Suk Yeol government is pushing for rapid improvement in ROK-Japan relations regardless of domestic political constraints. The trilateral summit at Camp David laid the groundwork for future cooperation among ROK, the U.S. and Japan in security and other broader areas. China is strongly dissatisfied with the formation of trilateral security cooperation among ROK, the U.S. and Japan. However, this paper argues that although ROK agrees to form trilateral security cooperation with the U.S. and Japan, ROK's strategic objectives are not exactly the same as those of the U.S. and Japan. For example, looking back at the development of the U.S.-Japan alliance after the end of the Cold War, both the U.S. and Japan share similar views and perceptions of China's rise. The real goal of the strengthening of the U.S.-Japan alliance in recent years is also how to cope with China's rise. On the other hand, ROK's previous administrations have been negative about trilateral security cooperation with the U.S. and Japan. This is because ROK's main strategic goal is to reduce or eliminate threats from DPRK rather than respond to China. Faced with increasing DPRK's provocations and threats, more than half of South Koreans are in favor of reinforcing trilateral security cooperation with the U.S. and Japan to contain or mitigate threats from DPRK. As a result, if North Korea's nuclear and missile threats to ROK continue, then ROK's foreign strategy is likely to be to strengthen trilateral security cooperation between the U.S. and Japan to ensure its own safety and survival. If China wants to reduce the strategic pressure from the trilateral security cooperation among ROK, the U.S. and Japan, the best way is to reduce DPRK's provocations and threats to ROK and play a more substantive role in getting DPRK to give up its nuclear program.