• Title/Summary/Keyword: Future perception

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Exploring the Research Trend Changes on Convergence Education of Before and After 2011 in Science Education (2011년 전후의 과학교육분야에서의 융합교육 연구동향의 변화 탐색)

  • Song, Youngwook;Paik, Seoung-Hey
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.531-542
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the research trend changes of convergence education since 2011 compared to the convergence education research that has been steadily continuing in science education. The trend in convergence education were investigated by comparing the number of publications, research subjects, research content, and topic linkages with previous studies, and using the network analysis method to check recent research trends. In the field of science education, the number of papers related to convergence education has been published more than 8.0% steadily, and it has been increasing since 2012, then decreasing again from 2015 and gradually increasing again from 2017. The subjects of study were high in elementary school students, while those in middle school, high school, and university students were low. While the number of in-service teachers increased, the number of pre-service teachers decreased, and the literature and public increased somewhat. In study content, effectiveness studies decreased, while development studies increased, and theoretical and perception studies appeared similar. In thematic linkage, the intra-science linkage was 23.9%, and the extra-science linkage was 76.1% and engineering/technology and art were high in extra-science linkage. In network analysis, elementary, science, STEAM, and program words have a high frequency of appearance and appear together with other words to lead the network. The educational implications of the research trend of convergence education will be more emphasized in the field of science education in the future, and in order to take root in the education field, research on secondary students should be more actively studied. In addition, it is necessary to move away from research on STEAM-centered program development and effects, and to increase research to establish the philosophical basis and theoretical of convergence education.

Development of Peer-Leadership Program focused on Recovery of People with Mental Illness (정신장애인 회복에 초점을 둔 당사자 리더십 프로그램 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Min;Lee, Keunhee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.256-265
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to develop and explore the effectiveness of a peer-leadership program on the recovery of people with mental illness. To develop the program, a literature review and an analysis of developed programs were performed.Brown's recovery framework was applied, including an understanding of mental illness, self-leadership, empowerment, and self-directed action plans. A program was developed (6 sessions over 3 days) including peer-led activities, disability awareness and perception, and recovery action plans. The program consisted of education, understanding, planning, and implementation. Its focus was on recovery-oriented activities for empowering people with mental illness. Twenty people with mental illness and using mental rehabilitation centers participated in the program. Four scales (i.e., stigma, empowerment, leadership, and disability awareness) were used for the pre-post analysis. The study results showed statistically significant differences in the participants' levels of stigma (p< .05), empowerment (p < .05), leadership (p< .01), and disability awareness (p< .05) after completing the program. These findings suggest that the peer-leadership program is a recovery program that includes increased understanding of mental illness, empowerment, and leadership capability. Discussions and suggestions were provided for a future study based on the results.

A Study on the Factors Affecting the KBS Institution and the Expert Recognition Study on the Improvement of Governance (KBS 제도에 영향을 미치는 요인과 지배구조 개선에 관한 전문가 인식 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Won;Lee, Chang-Hyung;Kim, Kwang-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1069-1079
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    • 2018
  • Based on the theory of media governance, we analyzed the factors affecting the KBS system and the perception of the improvement of corporate governance, and suggested ways to improve the governance structure. The results of the study are as follows. First, the factors affecting the KBS system are politics, followed by the public broadcasting itself, that is, professionalism. Political factors were found to be the most influential factors in the public broadcasting KBS Institution. Second, the KBS governance structure, like the BBC, preferred a political independent model, while the board composition and proportions favored a German-style union model involving various stakeholders outside the political circle. Third, the future - oriented KBS governance model requires a change in the civil society (public) sphere that is deviated from the influence of politics and market. In the end, in order for the public broadcasting KBS system to operate stably, the political influence should be reduced, and the role of the government and the market should be controlled by the growth of the public sphere (civil society).

A Study on Health Information and Medical Consulting via Internet Focusing on the Age Group of 20s (인터넷을 활용한 건강정보 및 의료상담에 관한 연구 (20대를 중심으로))

  • Rhee, Hyun-Sill;Lee, Kyung-Sook;Kim, Mi-Sun;Hwang, Seung-Hwan;Kim, Dong-Soo;Woo, Jong-Won;Mun, Dae-Hun;Ryu, Jin-Sol;Lee, Tae-Ro
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.255-267
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    • 2012
  • High Internet usage and the public's keen interest on health have influenced the health care system, and a potential value of the online health information and medical consultation market is immense. This study reveals results from data collected from Seoul residents in the age group of 20s in 2011. Out of 499 respondents, 75.2% answered that they used online health information; however, only 7.2% answered that they have used online medical consultation services. Findings on the purposes of using online medical consultation included treatments of symptoms(33.6%) and self-disciplines of one's health(19.5%). Mostly used Websites for health information search included search engines and blogs, but respondents preferred to use government sites and hospital sites in the future. When choosing a medical consultation, respondents preferred a certain website for different reasons including creditability of the consultant(23.7%), creditability of the organization(23.7%), rapid responses(21.2%), and more. Overall, although health information search via web is being highly utilized among people in their 20s, utilization of online medical consulting is not. Thus, promotion efforts to increase awareness and utilization of online medical consulting based on the site selection criteria, type of personal information disclosure, and other preferences are essential. Also, creating websites meeting these criteria is important.

A Comparative Study on Korea and China consumer of counterfeit attitudes and satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors (한국과 중국 소비자의 위조품 태도와 만족과 불만족 요인 비교연구)

  • Kim, Koosung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.169-178
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    • 2013
  • How do Korean and Chinese consumers to use counterfeit behavior? Began to research the question. Among consumers in Korea and China, Counterfeiting Usage and counterfeit attitude, counterfeit satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors were investigated. Differences in perception and for each what was confirmed. The results of this study are as follows. First, it showed significant difference for the Korean and Chinese consumers prefer to counterfeit brand, high preference, Louis Vuitton for consumers, while consumers in China also showed high preference for Chanel. Second, Korean and Chinese consumers prefer to counterfeit brand clothing and shoes there was a significant difference. In particular, The North Face brand of high preference, while Korean consumers, Chinese consumers a higher preference for the Converse brand. Third, the Korean consumer counterfeit compared to the Chinese consumer attitudes to higher moral awareness is interpreted. Fourth, South Korea and China all counterfeit consumer satisfaction factors showed the highest response rate of the price will be cheaper. Finally, South Korea and China all counterfeit consumer dissatisfaction factors showed the highest response rate of quality is not good enough. Future through an in-depth understanding of Korea and China of counterfeit consumer behavior, these findings will be useful to formulate a campaign strategy, to reduce the use of counterfeit.

The study on the effect of Brand image, Brand recognize, Relationship Quality in Food-Service on Industry (외식업체의 브랜드 이미지, 브랜드 인지와 관계의 질 간의 관계)

  • Seo, Gyeong-Do
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.192-198
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the brand and awareness of the brand image relationship in a catering company in Gwangju quality(trust, satisfaction). Twenty adults aged 20 years or older residing in Gwangju were surveyed after setting a hypothesis as a convenience sampling method in order to achieve the research objectives via extraction of the sample survey and empirical analysis. Customers using the brand image of catering companies in a relationship significantly affected the quality of the relationship (trust) forming symbolic images, but the images that were empirically related significantly to the trust did not form a significant relationship for trust. Brand image quality significantly impacted the relationship(satisfaction) that is the symbolic image of relations forms a significant relationship between satisfaction. Empirically, however, the image did not form a significant relationship for satisfaction. Brand recognition is significant in relationship quality(trust) and a significant relationship brand recognition, as it has formed a significant relationship on trust. Brand recognition is the quality of the catering companies using the customer significant effect on the relationship (satisfaction) relationship of brand recognition was formed a significant relationship satisfaction. As a result, the catering company's brand image, brand perception and empirical validation suggested a relationship between the quality of the relationship that provided very significant implications in this regard. In the future, overcoming the limitations of this study will necessitate conducting a more in-depth and detailed study.

Different Perception on Product Attributes of HMR: Focusing on College Students and Consumers (가정간편식의 제품속성에 대한 인식차이: 대학생들과 소비자를 중심으로)

  • Yang, Hoe-Chang;Kim, Jong-Baek;Kim, An-Sik
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference in the degree of significance and satisfaction perceived by college students and ordinary consumers on the HMR product attributes. Comparison of the difference on HMR product attributes between ordinary consumers and college students who belong to the current and future consumption groups of HMR will provide information for clear marketing strategies and PR on target consumers from the aspects of companies. Also, overall difference on HMR was investigated through IPA(importance-performance analysis) on significance and satisfaction with each product attribute. This result will provide information to food companies that produce or supply HMR products to be supplemented and improved. Finally, IPA was conducted between groups on product attribute to find which difference exists between groups. This result is also expected to provide crucial information to companies as suggested in the first purpose. Research design, data, and methodology - The procedure of analysis is as follows. First, independent sample t-test was conducted on the significance and satisfaction on HMR product attributes. Second, with using IPA, the significance and satisfaction on HMR product attributes of the respondents were checked to investigate marketing strategy direction on overall HRM products. Third, the difference between generations was verified using IPA on the college student and consumer groups. According to this result, the direction of marketing strategy on HRM products was to be proposed to food companies. Results - It was known that consumers consider HMR product attributes statistically and significantly such as nutrient content(nutrition), country of origin, brand, main raw material, packaging, and awareness of manufacturer. They keep after purchase more importantly than college students who considered only volume and price than consumers. In comparison with the difference in satisfaction on HMR product attributes, the college student group was more satisfied than ordinary consumers only in flavor, condition of food additives, and volume. Also, HMR related food companies must maintain taste, cooking method, manufacturing date, expiration date, and safety on current products continuously. Finally, as a result of analysis from the groups, the attributes such as cooking method, manufacturing date, expiration date, and safety were considered significantly with high achievement by the two groups. It was known that college students considered food texture to be important, but consumers considered storage method to be important after purchasing it. Conclusions - There is necessity to differentiate effectiveness of products when releasing HMR products subject to consumers and college students. The result will give great assistance to the improvement of companies, produce or supply HMR products. It will also provide entry strategies on target groups of companies that are planning for entry. The factors that consumers commonly considered not to be significant were brand, package form(appearance), cooking time, and sale(purchase) location, which were found in the comparison with the groups that awareness about manufacturers and storage method after purchase corresponded to college students and that distribution route corresponded to ordinary consumers.

A Study on the Spatiotemporal Interpretation of Derek Jarman's Garden (데릭 저먼의 정원에 대한 시공간적(時空間的) 해석)

  • Yun, Jiayan;Zoh, Kyungjin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.66-79
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    • 2016
  • This study looks at spatiotemporal theories regarding the pluralism of time inherent in garden space, and attempts to establish spatiotemporal theories suitable for garden spaces. Based on the established theories, this study analyzes the intimacy of garden spaces by focusing on the objective and subjective time of garden spaces in Derek Jarman's garden through a literature review. The sense of time inherent to a garden space was divided into objective and subjective time. The former refers to ecological time that is quantified and has durability, while the latter indicates time that changes according to the consciousness of the human subject. It also includes time that is emotionalized by the sense of the human subject. This study first interpreted Jarman's garden space from the perspective of objective time. The garden transforms itself into a sensitive space according to Jarman's personal emotions in the current space within objective time, showing the multilayered attributes of space. Therefore, a garden space that exists in objective time is ultimately not objective, and is transformed according to the active reception of the human subject. Next, this study examined Jarman's garden space from the perspective of subjective time. The garden space lost in Jarman's memories and the one in his future illusion turn into a space that connotes abundant meaning according to Jarman's imagination or perception. Therefore, in subjective time, garden space is transformed according to Jarman's consciousness. This study verified that garden space, regardless of whether time is objective or subjective, can create infinite space according to the consciousness or emotions of the human subject beyond the existence of physical space. Since garden space has a unique intimacy unlike urban space, this study presented the uniqueness of garden space with an approach that differs from previous studies on gardens.

An Analysis of Research on Fatigue (피로와 관련된 논문 분석)

  • 변영순;박미숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.868-877
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    • 1996
  • This study was done to analyze research trends and to suggest future perspectives for nursing research on fatigue. The author reviewed 31 Korean and foreign research papers which have been published in the literature since 1970. An analysis of the study focused on the type of research subjects, type of study design. measurement instrument, and its correlated parameters. The results of the study are summarized as follows : First, within all of the studies analayzed, 14 studies were publised in Korea and 17 were published abroad. The number of studies done abroad have been increasing rapidly since 1991. Second, an analysis of the research design of the studies showed, eight studies each, Korean and foreign used survey design. Two Korean studies and seven foreign studies used a correlational design. Four comparative studies were done in Korea, but only two experimetal studies were performed abroad. Therefore, it was found that the trend of the study design used is survey design and there are more correlational studies done abroad than in Korea. Third, the type of the study subjects ; 11 Korean and three foreign studies dealt with healthy people. In addition, three Korean and 14 foreign studies investigated patients with various illnesses. It was found that patients with various illnesses were studied more frequently in foreign studies than in Korean studies. Fourth, the measurement tool used in the Korean studies ; 13 studies used a testible tool to assess patients' subjective symtoms or complaints of fatigue. The most commonly used tool used in 10 studies, was the Fatigue Self-Perception Scale, which was designed by the Labor and Health Institute of Japan. The Visual Analogue Scale was used in two studies, and Piper Fatigue Scale, addtional with physiologic parameters, was used in one study. In the foreign studies, subjective measurement tools were used in 16 studies. A combination of a subjective measurement tool with objective parameters was used in ten studies. For the subjective measurement tool used in the foreign studies, a specific measurement tool developed by the researcher which was used in seven studies. Either Rhoten Fatigue Scale or the Visual Analog Scale were used in three studies. Additionally, in order to identify the relationship between fatigue and psychological factors, The Profile of Mood State was used in three studies. Beck Depression Inventory was used in two studies. The Self Rated Depression Scale, developed by Zung, was used in one study and other measurement tools were used to measure various psychological parameters. Rhoten fatigue Checklist was also used to observe behavior patterns. Lastly, nine studies identified correlations between fatigue and other parameters. A significant correlation was found between fatigue and psychological factors such as depression, and pain. As a result of the above findings, it can be said that research trends on fatigue are increasing internationally. The selected study designs are survey studies both in Korea and abroad. There are more correlational studies abroad than in Korea. In addition, subjective measurement tools and objective parameters are used variously and combined with each other. had, there is a significant correlation between fatigue and psychological factors such as depression, and pain. More survey and correlational studies need to be done to identify the relationship of fatigue in patients with various condition or diagnoses and to suggest a scientific basis for nursing interventions with fatigue. Also, a tool to assess patient's subjective, objective, and behavioral aspects on fatigue needs to be developed.

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The Influences of Perceived Risk on Attributes of Smart Clothing -Comparison among Korea, Spain, and U.S.- (지각된 위험이 스마트 의류 속성에 미치는 영향 연구 -한국, 스페인, 미국 비교 연구-)

  • Ko, Eun-Ju;Okazaki, Shintaro;Lee, Chang-Han;Yun, Hye-Lim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.893-903
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    • 2009
  • Smart clothing represents the future of both the textile/clothing industry and electronic industry and has an effort to make electronic devices a genuine part of our daily life. The researches about technologies innovation and application of smart clothing can be found in previous studies. But consumer researches about perception or attitude toward smart clothing can be hardly found. Therefore, we proposed a conceptual framework that explores the impact of perceived risks on perceived attributes to adopt smart clothing. In addition, we compared differences of this framework among three counties. Korea, U.S. and Spain. Based on the literature review and hypotheses development, a research model was constructed. After data analysis using Amos 7.0, the results can be concluded as following: First, the influences of psychological risk among Korea, U.S. and Spain are same. Psychological risk has negative effect on relative advantage and complexity, but has positive effect on trialability. Second, loss risk was found to have nothing to do with relative advantage. But it negatively influences complexity for Korean consumers and positively influences trialability for both Korean and American consumers. Third, the influences of performance risk for different consumers are different. At last, based on our discussion, some implications were also concluded.