• Title/Summary/Keyword: Functional components

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In-silico characterization and structure-based functional annotation of a hypothetical protein from Campylobacter jejuni involved in propionate catabolism

  • Mazumder, Lincon;Hasan, Mehedi;Rus’d, Ahmed Abu;Islam, Mohammad Ariful
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.43.1-43.12
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    • 2021
  • Campylobacter jejuni is one of the most prevalent organisms associated with foodborne illness across the globe causing campylobacteriosis and gastritis. Many proteins of C. jejuni are still unidentified. The purpose of this study was to determine the structure and function of a non-annotated hypothetical protein (HP) from C. jejuni. A number of properties like physiochemical characteristics, 3D structure, and functional annotation of the HP (accession No. CAG2129885.1) were predicted using various bioinformatics tools followed by further validation and quality assessment. Moreover, the protein-protein interactions and active site were obtained from the STRING and CASTp server, respectively. The hypothesized protein possesses various characteristics including an acidic pH, thermal stability, water solubility, and cytoplasmic distribution. While alpha-helix and random coil structures are the most prominent structural components of this protein, most of it is formed of helices and coils. Along with expected quality, the 3D model has been found to be novel. This study has identified the potential role of the HP in 2-methylcitric acid cycle and propionate catabolism. Furthermore, protein-protein interactions revealed several significant functional partners. The in-silico characterization of this protein will assist to understand its molecular mechanism of action better. The methodology of this study would also serve as the basis for additional research into proteomic and genomic data for functional potential identification.

Effect of Nitrogen Top Dressing at Late Flowering Stage on Yield and Chemical Components in Perilla (들깨 개화후기 질소추비가 수량 및 성분에 미치는 영향)

  • Pae, Suk-Bok;Lee, Myoung-Hee;Hwang, Chung-Dong;Shim, Kang-Bo;Kim, Sung-Up;Lee, Choon-Ki;Baek, In-Yeol
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.397-400
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    • 2012
  • Perilla is an excellent oil crop for linolenic acid production but still needs more research to improve grain yield and chemical properties. We tried to estimate the possibility for improving grain yield and its quality by applying nitrogen top dressing(4kg per 10a) at 5 days after flowering stage of perilla, using a cultivar Yujin. This study investigated the growth characteristics and seed quality. Nitrogen top dressing on the flowering stage has little affected on such traits as length, node number and diameter of main stem, and branch, cluster and capsules numbers per plant. But compared with standard cultivation as a control, top dressing showed more leaf chlorophyll content by 85%, higher 1000-grain-weight by 31%, and one day extension of maturing period; consequently, grain outyielded by 60% with 123kg per 10a. Seed chemical components also showed 33.3% protein and 48% oil contents that were 11.5% and 6.2% higher than those of control, respectively. Also by top dressing, saturated fatty acid (palmitic and stearic acid) decreased and linoleic acid among unsaturated fatty acids increased. It is concluded that nitrogen topdressing at late flowering stage promotes grain yield and quality of perilla.

Comparison Analysis of Biological Activities of Three Sedum species

  • Lee, Dong Gyu;Yu, Seung Bin;Jeong, Hye Jeong;Kang, Young-Hwa
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2019.10a
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    • pp.96-96
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    • 2019
  • Sedum kamchaticum, Sedum middendorffianum and Sedum takesimense belong to the sebum species. Especially, Sedum takesimense is a Korean native species growing only on Ullenung-do. Few studies for the biological activities of these plants have been reported. In this study, we examined biological activity and the contents of functional components of the aerial part and the root part of Sedum kamchaticum, Sedum middendorffianum and Sedum takesimense. As the results, the roots of Sedum takesimense showed the highest total phenolic contents (TPC : $13040{\pm}50.0mg\;GAE{\cdot}100g^{-1}$), and the aerial part of Sedum takesimens showed the highest total flavonoid contents (TFC : $2722.2{\pm}107.1mg\;CAE{\cdot}100g^{-1}$). Meanwhile, Sedum middendorffianum exhibited the highest anti-oxidant activity (DPPH $RC_{50}$ value of aerial part : $50.69{\pm}0.75{\mu}g{\cdot}mL^{-1}$, DPPH $RC_{50}$ value of root part : $27.27{\pm}0.55{\mu}g{\cdot}mL^{-1}$; ABTS $RC_{50}$ value of aerial part : $11.32{\pm}0.38{\mu}g{\cdot}mL^{-1}$, ABTS $RC_{50}$ value of roots part $5.54{\pm}0.02{\mu}g{\cdot}mL^{-1}$). The root part of Sedum middendorffianum showed the potent alpha glucosidase inhibitory activity (AGI $IC_{50}$ : $60.69{\pm}0.72{\mu}g{\cdot}mL^{-1}$). In order to elucidate active principle of Sedum middendorffianum that was shown the most potent antioxidant and anti-diabetic activities, the methanol extract of Sedum middendorffianum was fractionated with various solvents according to the polarity successively. As a result, EtOAc fraction of Sedum middendorffianum showed the highest contents of functional components (TPC : $16245.8{\pm}1025.7mg\;GAE{\cdot}100g^{-1}$, TFC : $4850.4{\pm}182.9mg\;CAE{\cdot}100g^{-1}$). And it also showed excellent anti-oxidant activities (DPPH $RC_{50}$ : $14.0{\pm}0.6{\mu}g{\cdot}mL^{-1}$, ABTS $RC_{50}$ : $3.4{\pm}0.1{\mu}g{\cdot}mL^{-1}$) and anti-diabetic activity (AGI $IC_{50}$ : $79.0{\pm}2.2{\mu}g{\cdot}mL^{-1}$). Above results suggest that Sedum middendorffianum can be developed to health functional material as a plant resource with potent antioxidant activity.

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A study on the design hypothesis of integrated part for product improvement (제품개선을 위한 부품통합 설계가설에 대한 연구)

  • Choi, Jun-Ho;Lee, Kun-Sang
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.1176-1180
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    • 2008
  • This paper represents a study on design hypothesis to improve properties of a product. The functional requirements and function structure of various technical products are analysed. From the above analysis we could formulate one hypothesis. This hypothesis also satisfies basic rules clarity, simplicity and safety that are required in all design cases. The hypothesis says that functional requirements is refined to improve and if there are components which have the same function, they can be integrated into one component and improved. A one-handed faucet was developed by applying the above hypothesis to a two-handed faucet. The design of heat exchange tester was be improved successfully through the hypothesis.

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Analyzer to Identify Phrases and the Functional Roles in Sentences: Its Architectural Aspects

  • Alam, Yukiko Sasaki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Language and Information Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents the architectural aspects of the phrase analyzer that attempts to recognize phrases and identify the functional roles in the sentences in formal Japanese documents. Since the object of interest is a phrase, the current system, designed in an object-oriented architecture, contains the Phrase class, and makes use of the linguistic generalization about languages with Case markers that a phrase, whether a noun phrase, a verb phrase, a postposition (or preposition) phrase or a clause phrase, can be separated into the content and the function components. Without a dictionary, and drawing on the orthographic information on the words to parse, it also contains a class that identifies the types of characters, a class representing grammar, and a class playing the role of a controller. The system has a simple and intuitive structure, externally and internally, and therefore is easy to modify and extend.

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Functional Properties of Enzymatically Modified Egg Yolk Powder Produced by Phospholipase $A_2$ Treatment

  • Kim, Mi-Ra;Shim, Jae-Yong;Park, Ki-Hwan;Imm, Jee-Young
    • Food Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.1289-1293
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    • 2008
  • Fresh egg yolk (EY) was enzymatically modified using phospholipase $A_2$ ($PLA_2$) to produce an enzymatically modified-egg yolk powder (EM-EYP). The EM-EYP offered significantly higher emulsifying activity, emulsion stability, protein solubility, and mayonnaise stability than the control EYP. By employing $PLA_2$ in the enzymatic modification process, structural changes occurred in the phospholipids and lipoproteins of the yolk, and cleavage of apo-high density lipoprotein (HDL) components (Mw 105 kDa) was detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyaerylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Based on its functional properties, EM-EYP has great potential as a replacement for fresh EY in the production of processed food products such as mayonnaise.

Nutritive Value and Functional Properties of Protein Concentrate Fractionated from Chrysanthemum Flowers

  • Park, Nan-Young;Park, Yong-Jin;Kwon, Joong-Ho
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.175-179
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    • 1998
  • Some functional properties and nutritive value were determined for the protein concentrated fractionated from chrysanthemum flower in orer to renew interest in the flowers as food. Proximate components of chrysanthemum flower protein concentration (FPC) showed 61.2% protein, 2.0% fat and 35.2% carbhydrate on a dry basis. In amino acid composition of FPC, glutamic acid was the highest in the content, follwoed by aspartic acid, leucine and lysine. The ratio of essential/ total amino acids(E/T) was 0.42, showing a higher level of essential amino acids compared to the FAO reference protein. Digestibility of chrysanthemum FPC by pepsin and trypsin was lwoer than that of casein and was negatively correlative to both water and fat absorptions. Similar characteristics were determined between chrysanthemum FPC and milk casein in their emulsifying activity and emulsion stability. This results indicate that flowers or petals of chrysanthemum might be developed as a good source of protein.

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Optimization of Conditions for High Concentration of Eleutheroside E and Chlorgenic Acid Components of Acanthopanax koreanum Stem Extract

  • Kim, Sung Gi;Yang, Byung Wook;Lee, Jae Bum;Kim, Sa Hyun;Ko, Sung Kwon
    • Biomedical Science Letters
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.319-326
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to develop a new functional material by optimizing the conditions for high concentrations of chlorogenic acid and eleutheroside E in Acanthopanax koreanum stem. The total phenolic compound content was the highest in the 20 hours sonication Acanthopanax koreanum stem extract (UAK-20). In addition, eleutheroside E, a typical functional ingredient of Cortex Acanthopanacis, in the 20 hours treated Acanthopanax koreanum stem extract showed the highest content at 1.646%. However, another functional ingredient, chlorogenic acid, showed the highest content of 2.625% in 1 hour treated Acanthopanax koreanum stem extract. Therefore, it is considered that the optimal conditions for high concentrations of total phenolic compound and eleutheroside E are 20 hours sonication Acanthopanax koreanum stem extract.

Short-term Effects of Kaltenborn-Evjenth Functional Glide on Pain, ROM, and Function in Patients with Breast Cancer

  • Hyunah Lee;Dongkwon Seo
    • Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.354-367
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    • 2024
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Kaltenborn-Evjenth concept functional glide (KEFG) on shoulder pain, range of motion (ROM), upper extremity dysfunction in breast cancer patients. Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: In this study, 42 subjects were randomly assigned and distributed to 21 subjects in the KEFG group and 21 subjects in the Mulligan technique (MWM) group. Results: After the application of joint mobilization, pain decreased significantly in both groups, and there was no significant difference between the two groups. The ROM of the joint was significantly increased in both groups, and there was no significant difference between the two groups. The SPADI pain was significantly decreased in both groups, and the disability and total components were significant only in the KEFG group, and there was no significant difference between the two groups. Conclusions: KEFG and MWM were found to be effective in improving shoulder pain, ROM and upper extremity dysfunction in breast cancer patients. KEFG is thought to be an intervention that can yield positive outcomes among breast cancer patients with upper extremity dysfunction.

Efficient Description Method for Hanok Components Reflecting Coupling Scheme of Wooden Structure (목조건축의 결구방식을 고려한 효과적인 한옥부재 표현 기법)

  • Ahn, Eun-Young;Kim, Jae-Won
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.318-328
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    • 2011
  • This paper suggests a comprehensive method to describe architectural components for supporting Korean Traditional Building design with only small components set in CAD system. Korean traditional buildings can be classified variously based on the their size, usage and structure type(whether ornament part, namely Gongpo, is in there or not). Moreover components can be varied according to the combining rule between them. If all of these components are presented, these tremendous components rather prevent the efficient design of traditional buildings. In order to solve this problem we present object-oriented approach to describe versatile components as one template if they are same in functional aspects. From the template, many similar instances can be derived according to the attribute value. The templates are designed in order to reflect the coupling scheme between components in the relative parameters of the templates. It leads effects of minimizing error which can be occurred frequently in the process of traditional building design.