• Title/Summary/Keyword: Functional component

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Volatile Flavor Components and Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Cnidium officinale (천궁(Cnidium officinale)의 휘발성 향기성분 및 유리기 소거활성)

  • Lee, Ji-Hye;Choi, Hyang-Sook;Chung, Mi-Sook;Lee, Mie-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.330-338
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    • 2002
  • This study was performed to develop natural spices and functional foods using Cheongung (Cnidium officinale) which is one of the Korean medicinal plants. The volatile flavor patterns of Cnidium officinale were detected by electronic nose with 6 metal oxide sensors, and the principal component analysis was carried out. The volatile flavor components of Cnidium officinale were isolated by simultaneous steam-distillation extraction with pentane and diethylether (1 : 1), and essential oils were analyzed by capillary GC and GC/MS. The free radical scavenging activity of ethanol and methanol extracts from Cnidium officinale was measured by using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and compared with ${\alpha}-tocopherol$ as reference. The principal component analysis showed the difference of principal components between fresh and drying samples. Eighty-five volatile flavor components (643.64 ppm) from fresh Cnidium officinale were identified and the major components were butyl phthalide, sabinene, neocnidilide. Sixty-four volatile flavor components (218.15 ppm) from hot air dried one were identified and the major components were butyl phthalide, sabinene, 3-N-butyl phthalide. And 73 volatile flavor components (784.15 ppm) from freeze dried one were identified and the major components were butyl phthalide, sabinene, ${\beta}-selinene$. The free radical scavenging activity of methanol cold extract (500 ppm) of freeze dried Cnidium officinale was higher than other samples. And methanol and ethanol cold extracts (above 250 ppm) of freeze dried sample were higher than ${\alpha}-tocopherol$ $25\;{\mu}M$ (22.34%).

Effect of Korean red ginseng on collagen biosynthesis and MMP-I activity in human dermal fibroblast (홍삼성분이 섬유아세포의 콜라겐 생합성과 MMP-1 활성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Na-Mi;Koo, Bon-Suk;Lee, Seong-Kye;Hwang, Eui-Il;So, Seung-Ho;Do, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.86-92
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    • 2007
  • This study was carried out to develop health & functional food by using Korean red ginseng for prevention of skin wrinkles. Effects of Korean red ginseng on the collagen biosynthesis and inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase-I (MMP-1) activity in human dermal fibroblast were investigated. Crude saponin contents of Korean red ginseng water extract (WE), Korean red ginseng ethanol extracts (EE) and Korean Red ginseng purified extracts (PE) were 72 mg/g, 107 mg/g and 220 mg/g, respectively. We incubated human fibroblast cell with Korean red ginseng component by addition of l ${\mu}g/ml$, 5 ${\mu}g/ml$, 10 ${\mu}g/ml$. Amount of collagen biosynthesis was 1.86 ng/ml in control sample and 2.85 ng/ml, 2.05 ng/ml and 2.58 ng/ml in retinoic acid, EE and PE respectively. Furthermore, $ginsenoside-Rg_1$ and $ginsenoside-Rb_1$ were shown 2.01 ng/ml and 3.07 ng/ml. MMP-l activities of EE, PE, $ginsenoside-Rg_1$ and $ginsenoside-Rb_1$ were decreased to 92%, 94%, 91% and 78% respectively as compared with control. Cell proliferation were showed 84-96% in the Korean red ginseng components. The antioxidative SOD activities of the Korean red ginseng components were showed 28-69%, however it was lower than that of Vitamin C. From this results, we conclude that Korean red ginseng have a anti-wrinkle effect and $ginsenoside-Rb_1$ may be considered as a more effective component.

Antioxidative Effect and Active Component Analysis of Quercus salicina Blume Extracts (참가시나무의 항산화 효과 및 활성 성분 분석)

  • Lee, Hye-Jin;Park, Soo-Nam
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the antioxidative activity, inhibitory effects on tyrosinase and elastase, and active components of Quercus salicina Blume extracts were investigated. Q. salicina Blume was extracted using 50 % ethanol, from which ethyl acetate and aglycone fractions were prepared. The DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) scavenging activity ($FSC_{50}$) of Q. salicina Blume aglycone fraction was the highest ($8.25\;{\mu}g$/mL). The luminol-dependent chemiluminescence assay showed that reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging activities ($OSC_{50}$) of Q. salicina Blume aglycone fraction on ROS generated in $Fe^{3+}-EDTA/H_2O_2$ system was the most prominent at $0.039\;{\mu}g$/mL. The protective effects of extract/fractions of Q. salicina Blume against the rose-bengal sensitized photohemolysis of human erythrocytes were increased in a concentration dependent manner ($1{\sim} 25\;{\mu}g$/mL). Especially, ${\tau}_{50}$ of aglycone fraction in $10 \;{\mu}g$/mL concentration showed the most protective effect at 259.9 min. The inhibitory effects ($IC_{50}$) on tyrosinase and elastase of Q. salicina Blume extracts were higher at aglycone fraction (respectively, $21.82 \;{\mu}g$/mL, $41.18\;{\mu}g$/mL). Active component analysis by TLC and HPLC showed quercetin, keampferol, catechin, quercitrin, isoquercitrin, hyperoside, and etc. These results indicate that Q. salicina Blume extract has strong antioxidative activity and can be used as antioxidant. Particularly, aglycone fraction of Q. salicina Blume showed superior antioxdative activity and high inhibitory effect on tyrosinase and elastase. Therefore, aglycone fraction of Q. salicina Blume could be applicable to new functional cosmetics.

Antioxidative Activity and Component Analysis of Quercus glauca Leaf Extracts (종가시나무 잎 추출물의 항산화 활성, 성분 분석)

  • Yang, Hee-Jung;Ahn, You-Jin;Kim, Jae-Hyun;Park, Soo-Nam
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.189-200
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    • 2008
  • In this study, the antioxidative effects, inhibitory effects on elastase, and components of Quercus glauca extracts were investigated. The free radical (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl, DPPH) scavenging activity $(FSC_{50})$ of extract I fractions of Quercus glauca leaf was in the order: 50% ethanol extract $(12.45{\mu}g/mL)$ < ethyl acetate fraction $(10.47{\mu}g/mL)$ < deglycosylated flavonoid aglycone fraction $(8.57{\mu}g/mL)$. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging activities $(OSC_{50})$ of some Quercus glauca leaf extracts on ROS generated in $Fe^{3+}-EDTA/H_2O_2$ system were investigated using the luminol-dependent chemiluminescence assay. The order of ROS scavenging activity was 50% ethanol extract $(OSC_{50},\;4.2{\mu}g/mL)$ < deglycosylated flavonoid aglycone fraction $(1.58{\mu}ug/mL)$ < ethyl acetate fraction $(0.66{\mu}g/mL)$. Ethyl acetate fraction showed the most prominent scavenging activity. The protective effects of extract / fractions of Quercus glauca leaf on the rose-bengal sensitized photohemolysis of human erythrocytes were investigated. The Quercus glauca leaf extracts suppressed photohemolysis in a dose dependent manner, particularly deglycosylated flavonoid aglycone fraction exhibited the most prominent celluar protective effect $({\tau}_{50}$, 398.67 min at $50{\mu}g/mL$). Aglycone fractions obtained from the deglycosylation reaction of ethyl acetate fraction among the Quercus glauca leaf extracts, showed 2 bands in TLC and 2 peaks in HPLC experiments (360 nm) as well. Two components were identified as quercetin (55.77%), and kaempferol (44.23 %). TLC chromatogram of ethyl acetate fraction of Quercus glauca leaf extracts revealed 6 bands $(QG1{\sim}QG6)$, Among them, isoquercitrin (QG3), hyperin (QG4), and rutin (QG6) were identified. The inhibitory effect of aglycone fraction on tyrosinase $(IC_{50},\;73.5{\mu}g/mL)$ and elastase $(IC_{50},\;16.2{\mu}g/mL)$ was high. These results indicate that extract / fractions of Quercus glauca can function as antioxidants in biological systems, particularly skin exposed to UV radiation by scavenging $^1O_2$ and other ROS, and protect cellular membranes against ROS. And component analysis of Quercus glauca leaf extract and inhibitory activity on tyeisinase and elastase of the aglycone fraction could be applicable to new functional cosmetics.

Classification of Growth Stages of Business Entities and Management Component Analysis in Forestry Convergence Industry (산림융복합산업 경영체의 성장단계 구분 및 경영요소 분석 연구)

  • Lee, Bohwi;Park, Chang Won;Joung, Dawou;Lee, Chagjun;Lee, Sang-Jin;Kim, Tae-Im;Park, Bum-Jin;Koo, Seungmo;Kim, Sebin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.108 no.3
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    • pp.429-439
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    • 2019
  • The objectives of this study were to gauge the extent of the forestry business through establishing the definition of forestry industry from the perspective of economic convergence and to analyze key components that affect each growth phase of a forestry business entity by classifying them. A total of 1,397 "sixth-sector industry" management entities were certified by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs in South Korea from 2012-2017. Of these, 259 (18.5%) were in the forestry sector. In this study, the 259 forestry management entities were further classified into three phases based on sales distribution: entrance, development, and maturity. The entrance phase (<100 million KRW), development phase (>100 million and <1 billion KRW), and maturity phase (>1 billion KRW) constituted 33.2%, 55.4%, and 12.4% of the total 259 entities, respectively. The results showed that most of the management entities were either in the entrance or development phases, and only a small portion was in the maturity phase. To identify the key variables that affect each of the phases, chi-square analysis was used. We designed the "sixth-sector industry" type as an independent variable, whereas selected region, business organization, manager age group, forest product, processing type, and service type were designated as dependent variables. The results of the analysis showed that the processing and service types influenced all three developmental phases. Moreover, as the phase advanced, processing type showed a higher proportion of health-functional ingredients, such as powder or extract from forest products, which enable to develop and produce a variety of products. Service type also changed from simple experience to integrated experience tourism and finally to tourism education. Distribution and sales channel also turned out to be a significant factor during the development phase. This study provides the basic information needed to guide government support in the implementation of a formal forestry business through convergence as well as to increase the efficiency of business management.

Effect of Cardanol Content on the Antibacterial Films Derived from Alginate-PVA Blended Matrix (알지네이트-폴리비닐알콜 블랜드 항균 필름 제조를 위한 카다놀 함량의 영향)

  • Ahn, Hee Ju;Kang, Kyung Soo;Song, Yun Ha;Lee, Da Hae;Kim, Mun Ho;Lee, Jae Kyoung;Woo, Hee Chul
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 2022
  • Petroleum-based plastics are used for various purposes and pose a significant threat to the earth's environment and ecosystem. Many efforts have been taken globally in different areas to find alternatives. As part of these efforts, this study manufactured alginate-based polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) blended films by casting from an aqueous solution prepared by mixing 10 wt% petroleum-based PVA with biodegradable, marine biomass-derived alginate. Glutaraldehyde was used as a cross-linking agent, and cardanol, an alkyl phenol-based bio-oil extracted from cashew nut shell, was added in the range of 0.1 to 2.0 wt% to grant antibacterial activity to the films. FTIR and TGA were performed to characterize the manufactured blended films, and the tensile strength, degree of swelling, and antibacterial activity were measured. Results obtained from the FTIR, TGA, and tensile strength test showed that alginate, the main component, was well distributed in the PVA by forming a matrix phase. The brittleness of alginate, a known weakness as a single component, and the low thermal durability of PVA were improved by cross-linking and hydrogen bonding of the functional groups between alginate and PVA. Addition of cardanol to the alginate-based PVA blend significantly improved the antibacterial activity against S. aureus and E. coli. The antibacterial performance was excellent with a death rate of 98% or higher for S. aureus and about 70% for E. coli at a contact time of 60 minutes. The optimal antibacterial activity of the alginate-PVA blended films was found with a cardanol content range between 0.1 to 0.5 wt%. These results show that cardanol-containing alginate-PVA blended films are suitable for use as various antibacterial materials, including as food packaging.

Physicochemical Characteristics and Antioxidant activities of Sikhye Made with Pigmented Rice (유색미로 제조한 식혜의 이화학적 특성 및 항산화 활성에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Ji-won;Kim, Young Eon;Lee, Kyung Hee
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.830-841
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    • 2015
  • This study compared the physicochemical characteristics, proximate composition, taste compound and antioxidant properties of Sikhye prepared with pigmented rice. Proximate composition showed a significant difference depending on the type of pigmented rice except crude fat contents and pH, color was a significant difference depending on the type of pigmented rice. The highest brix degree was $15.07^{\circ}Brix$ in red and black rice Sikhye. Each highest value of reducing sugar and free sugar content showed milled rice and brown rice Sikhye. Titratable acidity and total acidity of the pigmented rice Sikhye were highest for black rice Sikhye, free sugar content were highest for green rice Sikhye. Analysis of their relative antioxidative properties indicated that black rice Sikhye had the highest total polyphenol, flavonoid, and anthocyanin content, the highest levels of DPPH radical scavenging ability, and the highest level of reducing power and ferric reducing ability of plasma scores. Principal component analysis suggested that black rice Sikhye had a strong association with antioxidant properties, brown and red rice Sikhye had the strongest association with the sweetness and unique flavor.

Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Anticoagulation Activities of Korean Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) Leaves (무청의 항균, 항산화 및 항혈전 활성)

  • Lee, Ye-Seul;Kwon, Kyung-Jin;Kim, Mi-Sun;Sohn, Ho-Yong
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.228-235
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    • 2013
  • Radish (Raphanus sativus) is a common cruciferous vegetable, and its aerial parts, called Mu-chung in Korean, have plentiful nutritional components such as vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers. Mu-chung has been used as a kimchi, a traditional Korean fermented dish, and dried Mu-chung is an important component of soups commonly consumed during winter in Korea. Since the advent of the mass production of radish in Korea, with the segregation of farm areas and towns and changing diets, Mu-chung has mostly been discarded instead of utilized. In addition, studies concerning the efficient utilization and useful bioactivities of Mu-chung are still lacking worldwide. In this study, we prepared the ethanol extract of Mu-chung and its subsequent solvent fractions. Antimicrobial, antioxidation, and anticoagulation activities were then evaluated in the hopes of developing a functional biomaterial from Korean radishes' aerial parts. The ethanol extraction yield for hot-air dried Mu-chung was 5.6%, and the fraction yields of n-hexane (H), ethylacetate (EA), butanol (B) and water residue were 25.3, 3.6, 19.4, and 51.7%, respectively. Analysis of total polyphenol and total flavonoid contents showed that the EA fraction had the highest content (97.57 and 152.91 mg/g) amongst the fractions. In antimicrobial activity assays, the H and EA fractions were effective against gram positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, and Bacillus subtilis), but not effective against gram negative bacteria (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa). The B fraction also exhibited moderate antibacterial activity, suggesting that the extract of Mu-chung has various antibacterial components. In antioxidation activity assays, the EA fraction showed strong DPPH, ABTS and nitrite scavenging activities ($69-222{\mu}g/ml$ of $IC_{50}$), including reducing power. In anticoagulation activity assays, the EA fraction demonstrated strong inhibition activity against human thrombin and prothrombin. Prominent anticoagulation activity was found in aPTT assays; the aPTT of the EA fraction was extended 15-fold compared than that of the solvent control. Our results suggest that Mu-chung is an attractive nutritional food material possessing useful bioactivities, and the EA fraction of Mu-chung could be developed as a functional food ingredient.

Comparison of Nutrient Composition of Yacon Germplasm (야콘 유전자원의 영양성분 비교 분석)

  • Kim, Su Jeong;Jin, Yong Ik;Nam, Jeong Hwan;Hong, Su Young;Sohn, Whang Bae;Kwon, Oh Kuen;Chang, Dong Chil;Cho, Hyun Mook;Jeong, Jin Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2013
  • The aim of this study is to provide the basic data for yacon [Samallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. & Endl.) H. Robinson] in dietary food. The nutritional compositons, such as protein, ash, carbohydrate, dietary fiber, vitamin and fructooligosaccharide, were analyzed for 4 yacon germplasm lines. Yacon has low calories with only 46~56 kcal/100 g. The contents of water, fat, ash, protein, carbohydrate and dietary fiber were ranged 85.9~86.8%, 0.1~0.2%, 0.2~0.3%, 0.5~0.7%, 12.2~13.1% and 1.05~1.14%, respectively. The iodine-starch test did not show any color or precipitation reaction, which indicates that yacon has no starch content. However, in the absence of starch, yacon is rich in fluctooligosaccharide, which is between 9.6~11.1%. Maltose is present in the larger amount, followed by sucrose, glucose, and fructose in terms of free sugars. The analysis of minerals revealed that yacon contains potassium in the larger amount of 141~176 mg/100 g F.W., followed by magnesium at 8.2~10.6 mg, calcium, and sodium representing the least present mineral. Yacon proved to have a total of 17 types of amino acids, which are between 404.0~581.8 mg per 100 g of yacon. Glutamic acid, the main sweetening component, is present in the large amount of 94.0~182.2 mg/100 g F.W., followed by aspartic acid, arginine, and alanine. The proportion of the essential amino acid was 24.8~33.6%. Results of analysis also showed that yacon contains 0.001~0.024 mg, 0.03~0.11 mg, 0.02~0.3 mg, 0.3~0.4 mg and 14.1~20.6 mg of ${\beta}$-carotene, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and ascorbic acid, respectively. It is also likely to be highly used as functional food material in the future because it is abundant in both fluctooligosaccharide and antioxidants which are important functional components.

Solubility Improvement of Cuttle Bone Powder Using Organic Acids (유기산처리에 의한 갑오징어갑 분말의 가용성 개선)

  • KIM Jin-Soo;CHO Moon-LAE;HEU Min-Soo;CHO Tae-Jong;AN Hwa-Jin;CHA Yong-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2003
  • As a pan of a study on effective use of seafood processing by-products, such as cuttle bone as a calcium source, we examined on the kind of organic acid (acetic acid and lactic acid), reaction concentration (mole ratio of calcium to mole of organic acid), reaction temperature $(20\~60^{\circ}C)$ and reaction time (6$\~$24 hours) as reaction conditions for the solubility improvement of cuttle bone powder. The high soluble cuttle bone powder was also prepared from the optimal reaction conditions and partially characterized. From the results on examination of reaction conditions, the high soluble cuttle bone powder was prepared with 0.4 in mole ratio of a calcium to mole of a acetic acid at room temperature for 12 hours, Judging from the patterns of IR and X-ray diffraction, the main component of the high soluble cuttle bone powder was presented as a form of calcium acetate, and a scanning electron micrograph showed an irregular form. The soluble calcium content in the high soluble cuttle bone powder was $5.3\%$ and it was improved about 1,380 times compared to a raw cuttle bone powder. For the effective use of the high soluble cuttle bone powder as a material for a functional improvement in processing, it should be used after the calcium treatment at room temperature for about 1 hour in tap water or distilled water. from these results, we concluded that it is possible to use the high soluble cut시e bone powder as a material for a functional improvement in processing.