• Title/Summary/Keyword: Functional Independent

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A Design & Implementation of Remote Access Function for A Multimedia Database of The Tele-medical System Based on ATM/B-ISDN (ATM/B-ISDN 기반의 원격 의료정보 시스템을 위한 멀티미디어 데이터베이스 원격 접속기능 설계 및 구현)

  • 김호철;김영탁
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.98-108
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    • 1998
  • In the multimedia tele-medical system the medical informations are stored and managed in multimedia database. Also, multimedia DBMS is essential in order to manage large scale medical informations, and the remote access function is necessary for the distributed processing at all around the hospital. For the multimedia tele-medical information that is composed of image/picture, data, video, and audio, a high-speed telecommunication network is necessary that can provide separated connections for each medical information type with different QoS. The commercial DBMSs are based on the TCP/IP socket API(Application Programming Interface) that does not provide multiple QoS. Also, each commercial DBMS has its own API that is incompatible with other DBMS. In this paper, we propose a multimedia DBMS agent for the remote access of the multimedia database in the tele-medical system. The proposed multimedia DBMS agent is based on the ATM API that can provide high-speed data transfer capability and multiple QoS connections. Also, the proposed multimedia DBMS agent is independent of the commercial DBMS. We explain the functional architecture of the multimedia DBMS agent, implementation technology on the ATM network environment, and the result of performance analysis.

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The Effect of Adversity Quotient of Small business CEOs on Customer Orientation: Mediating Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation (소기업 CEO의 역경지수가 고객지향성에 미치는 영향: 기업가지향성의 매개역할)

  • Ku, Woongmo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.103-119
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed to derive theoretical and practical implications by analyzing the relationship between adversity quotient, entrepreneurial orientation, and customer orientation, which are the internal competency of start-up entrepreneurs affecting the performance of a small business CEO. As in previous domestic studies, we deviated from analyzing internal competency as a single-dimensional functional relationship to business performance, and attempted to explain the relationship between the internal competences of start-up entrepreneurs. Empirical analysis was conducted by setting the adversity quotient as an independent variable, the entrepreneurial orientation as a parameter, and the customer orientation as a dependent variable. As a result of the analysis, first, it was found that control and ownership, which are sub-elements of adversity quotient, have a positive effect on entrepreneurial orientation and customer orientation. Second, entrepreneurial orientation was found to have a positive effect on customer orientation. Third, it was found that only the ownership of the adversity quotient had a positive effect on customer orientation through the mediating effect of entrepreneurial orientation. In other words, it was found that the entrepreneur's ownership influences customer orientation through entrepreneurial orientation. On the other hand, endurance, sub-element of adversity quotient, was found to have no significant effect on entrepreneurial orientation and customer orientation. This means that in the rapidly changing New Normal era, endurance of entrepreneur can no longer have a large impact on entrepreneurial orientation and customer orientation. This study gives implications for the entrepreneur's competencies that must be developed first and the tendency to be developed together. Furthermore, it can be helpful in policy designing start-up support programs and guidelines for investors' investment standards.

Top Management's Human and Social Capital Effect on Governmental R&D Support System Utilization and Success (최고경영진의 인적 및 사회적 자본이 정부의 R&D 지원제도 활용과 초기 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Je-Keum;Hwang, Hee-Joong;Song, In-Am
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - This study attempts to analyze whether or not there are characteristics among the top management of companies that promote corporate performance at venture companies. It investigates the characteristics of the human and social capital that are inherent in top management at a venture company and conducts an empirical analysis of hypotheses examining if these characteristics will affect utilization of the governmental R&D support system as well as affect the firm's initial success. Research design, data, and methodology - This study conducted theoretical and empirical research together to accomplish the goal of the study. The pilot study researched human capital and social capital as the independent variables; the governmental R&D support system as the parameter; and, the initial success as the dependent variable. The empirical study carried out research on the model, establishment of hypotheses, and the statistical treatment. A survey was conducted targeting top management of high-tech venture companies in Daedeok Innopolis; 500 questionnaires were distributed; and, 222 were collected. Results - The human and social capital inherent in top management at venture companies in the early stages of their existence become good evaluation data for those who are invested in similar resources. If top management includes strong human and social capital, access to external resources will be easier; these will have a positive influence on the selection of overnmental support systems; and, this proper support will also have a positive influence on the initial success of the venture company. The results revealed the following. First, it was found that when the educational level and functional background, (the top management human capital), are the output function, top management human capital had a significant influence on selection of governmental R&D support funds. Second, it was found that the internal social capital and external social capital, (the top management social capital), had a significant influence on selection of governmental R&D support tasks. Third, it was found that selection of the governmental R&D support tasks at the start of the venture company had a positive influence on the corporate financial performance such as sales, business profits, and the increase in workers; and, had a significant influence on nonfinancial performance such as market share, competitive position, product competitiveness, and the future product development. Conclusions - Selection of the governmental R&D support system is not recognized as part of the direct sales of a venture company in its early stages, but as it can reduce costs for technical development and helps significantly in creating test products and mass production, it has a positive influence on the company's financial performance and nonfinancial performance as a result. Therefore, companies should take great efforts to frequently be selected as a candidate in the governmental R&D support system, as it can help facilitate R&D that requires extensive funds. As a result, companies can expect effects such as job creation and patent applications and they can advance future product sales.

Comparative study of acute in vitro and short-term in vivo triiodothyronine treatments on the contractile activity of isolated rat thoracic aortas

  • Lopez, Ruth Mery;Lopez, Jorge Skiold;Lozano, Jair;Flores, Hector;Carranza, Rosa Angelica;Franco, Antonio;Castillo, Enrique Fernando
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.339-348
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    • 2020
  • We aimed to characterize the participation of rapid non-genomic and delayed non-genomic/genomic or genomic mechanisms in vasoactive effects to triiodothyronine (T3), emphasizing functional analysis of the involvement of these mechanisms in the genesis of nitric oxide (NO) of endothelial or muscular origin. Influences of in vitro and in vivo T3 treatments on contractile and relaxant responsiveness of isolated rat aortas were studied. In vivo T3-treatment was 500 ㎍·kg-1·d-1, subcutaneous injection, for 1 (T31d) and 3 (T33d) days. In experiments with endothelium-intact aortic rings contracted with phenylephrine, increasing concentrations of T3 did not alter contractility. Likewise, in vitro T3 did not modify relaxant responses induced by acetylcholine or sodium nitroprusside (SNP) nor contractile responses elicited by phenylephrine or angiotensin II in endothelium-intact aortas. Concentration-response curves (CRCs) to acetylcholine and SNP in endothelium-intact aortic rings from T31d and T33d rats were unmodified. T33d, but not T31d, treatment diminished CRCs to phenylephrine in endothelium-intact aortic rings. CRCs to phenylephrine remained significantly depressed in both endothelium-denuded and endothelium-intact, nitric oxide synthase inhibitor-treated, aortas of T33d rats. In endothelium-denuded aortas of T33d rats, CRCs to angiotensin II, and high K+ contractures, were decreased. Thus, in vitro T3 neither modified phenylephrine-induced active tonus nor CRCs to relaxant and contractile agonists in endothelium-intact aortas, discarding rapid non-genomic actions of this hormone in smooth muscle and endothelial cells. Otherwise, T33d-treatment inhibited aortic smooth muscle capacity to contract, but not to relax, in an endothelium- and NO-independent manner. This effect may be mediated by delayed non-genomic/genomic or genomic mechanisms.

A Case Study on Quasi-Economic Integration in the Cheju Broiler Industry. (제주브로일러 산업의 유사경제 통합에 관한 사례연구)

  • 박영인
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 1988
  • The purpose of this presentation is to review the situation of the Cheju broiler industry peculiarized with the integrated production and marketing system to some degree, which is not prevailed in the whole broiler industry in Korea, so as to study the case of the Cheju industry from the viewpoint of an economic integration. The economic integration in the broiler industry is grouped into three patterns: non-integration, quasi-integration and complete integration, which generally exist under the different type of market competition. The quasi-integration tends to be formed at all phases where the complete integration is not fully implemented, but the non-integration has begun to change its nature into partially integrated structure. The Cheju broiler industry is characterized by the geographical location of isolated market so that factor supplies and broiler products are marketed in the different conditions from those of mainland Korea, somewhat in an oligopolistic pattern. It was since early 1980's that the industry successfully had three dressing plants merged into one by virtue of entire growers ownership, which opened an era of an integrated industry centered on the function of dressing birds. The case of Cheju broiler industry today is to be referred to as a typical quasi-integration which is coordinated the function between growing and dressing birds directly and extended the functional cooperation to distribution of products indirectly, while factor supplies are traded independently. As a result of a quasi-integration, the growers are able to receive a fixed price set by the dressing plant of growers that has the power to adjust the supply of and demand for broilers produced and consumed in the Island. There are some problems, however, in the integration of the Cheju broiler industry, stemming mainly from the process of the structure change, : 1) the difficulty of controlling the production of broilers, 2) continuing pressure on the integration by non-integrated sectors, 3) the challenge on the stabilized broiler market from the mainland, 4) limited effectiveness of consumer education activities, and 5) lack of leadership for the industry development through integration. It is projected that the partially integrated Cheju broiler industry will be continually developed toward the direction of a complete integration in due course, as the currently independent supply sectors are to be backward integrated. The case of the Cheju broiler integration, therefore, could be used as a reference for making the whole broiler industry in Korea develop toward the integrated structure in the future.

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Measuring the Revenue Efficiency of Korean and Japanese Railways Using a Stochastic Frontier Approach (A Comparison with Their Cost Efficiency (확률적 변경 접근법을 이용한 한국과 일본 철도산업의 수입 효율성 분석 (비용 효율성과의 비교를 중심으로))

  • Park, Jin-Gyeong;Kim, Seong-Su
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2009
  • On the basis of a Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA), this paper analyses revenue efficiencies for the same sample of Korean and Japanese railways in the papers which analyze cost efficiencies using a generalized translog functional form. The paper also compares the results of revenue efficiencies with cost efficiencies and evaluates the effects of managerial autonomy and privatization on the firm-specific efficiencies. The results show that the average estimate of revenue inefficiency is 7.02% when the term of inefficiency is assumed to be distributed as a half-normal and 6.98% as a exponential for the total sample. Also, standardized inefficiencies in revenues (7.5%) are greater than those in costs (2.1%). JR East and JR West are found to be most efficient on the revenue side and on the cost side respectively while JNR and JR Kyushu are worst efficient on the both sides. Finally, the correlations between efficiencies in revenues and costs also between efficiencies and privatization are positively correlated. The results suggest that the most independent companies, with increased managerial autonomy via privatization, are the most efficient in both revenues and costs.

Genome-wide Methylation Analysis and Validation of Cancer Specific Biomarker of Head and Neck Cancer (전장유전체수준 메틸레이션 분석을 통한 두경부암 특이 메틸레이션 바이오마커의 발굴)

  • Chang, Jae Won;Park, Ki Wan;Hong, So-Hye;Jung, Seung-Nam;Liu, Lihua;Kim, Jin Man;Oh, Taejeong;Koo, Bon Seok
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2017
  • Methylation of CpG islands in the promoter region of genes acts as a significant mechanism of epigenetic gene silencing in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). DNA methylation markers are particularly advantageous because DNA methylation is an early event in tumorigenesis, and the epigenetic modification, 5-methylcytosine, is a stable mark. In the present study, we assessed the genome-wide preliminary screening and were to identify novel methylation biomarker candidate in HNSCC. Genome-wide methylation analysis was performed on 10 HNSCC tumors using the Methylated DNA Isolation Assay (MeDIA) CpG island microarray. Validation was done using immunohistochemistry using tissue microarray of 135 independent HNSCC tumors. In addition, in vitro proliferation, migration/invasion assays, RT-PCR and immunoblotting were performed to elucidate molecular regulating mechanisms. Our preliminary validation using CpG microarray data set, immunohisto-chemistry for HNSCC tumor tissues and in vitro functional assays revealed that methylation of the Homeobox B5 (HOXB5) and H6 Family Homeobox 2 (HMX2) could be possible novel methylation biomarkers in HNSCC.

Optimization of Ethanol Extraction Conditions for Functional Components from Lespedeza cuneata Using Response Surface Methodology (반응표면분석법을 이용한 야관문(Lespedeza cuneata) 기능성분의 에탄올 추출조건 최적화)

  • Kim, Dae-Ik;Hong, Joo-Heon
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.275-283
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to monitor the quality characteristics of Lespedeza cuneata ethanolic extracts, by a response surface methodology. The independent variables were the extraction temperature ($35{\sim}95^{\circ}C}$), extraction time (2~10 hr), and ethanol concentration (10~90%). The coefficients of the determinations (R2) were 0.8562 (p<0.1), 0.9787 (p<0.01), and 0.8344 (p<0.1) in total polyphenol, total flavonoid, and electron donating ability, respectively. The electron donating ability and nitrite scavenging effect were improved with an increase of ethanol concentration, rather than the extraction temperature. ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) with extraction conditions was 1,636.47~2,696.99 ${\mu}moles$ TE/g, and was increased with the increase of extraction temperature and 40~60% of ethanol concentration. Estimated conditions for the maximized extraction including the yield, total polyphenol, electron donating ability, nitrite scavenging effect, and ORAC, were $60{\sim}68^{\circ}C$ in extraction temperature, 6~7 hr in extraction time, and 38~60% in ethanol concentration.

Calcium-Independent Acrosome Reaetion by Methyl Beta Cyclodextrin in Mouse Epididymal Sperm In Vitro (생쥐 부정소 정자의 첨체반응 유도의 Calcium 비의존성)

  • Choi, Jin-Kook;Gye, Myung-Chan
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.53-57
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    • 2001
  • Sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction (AR) have been known to be Ca$^{2+}$-dependent events. Sperm capacitation accompanies with cholesterol efflux fiom plasma membrane, that eventually stimulates AR. However, whether the AR mediated by cholesterol efflux is Ca$^{2+}$ dependent has not been verified yet. Recently, methyl beta cyclodextrin (MBCD) was found to evoke AR by stimulating the cholesterol efflux fiom sperm membrane. In the present study, we examined the requirement of Ca$^{2+}$ in the MBCD-induced AR. During incubation of sperm in the bicarbonate buffered media MBCD increased AR in a dose-dependent manner regardless of the Ca$^{2+}$ presence. In the presence of low molar concentration of Ca$^{2+}$ (100 ${\mu}$M), MBCD-induced AR was slightly increased compared to Ca$^{2+}$-free condition. In the absence of Ca$^{2+}$ supplement, spontaneous AR was slightly increased during the incubation but inhibited by 100 ${\mu}$M EGTA. MBCD potentiated AR even the presence of EGTA. However, EGTA attenuated MBCD-induced AR, suagesting the functional involvement of intracellular Ca$^{2+}$ in the MBCD-induced AR. Taken together, it was suggested that cholesterol efflux from the sperm plasma membrane was sufficient for induction of AR even in the absence of extracellular Ca$^{2+}$and that a condition permissive for mobilization of intracellular Ca$^{2+}$ is important for MBCD-induced AR.

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Comparison of Partial Least Squares and Support Vector Machine for the Flash Point Prediction of Organic Compounds (유기물의 인화점 예측을 위한 부분최소자승법과 SVM의 비교)

  • Lee, Chang Jun;Ko, Jae Wook;Lee, Gibaek
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.717-724
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    • 2010
  • The flash point is one of the most important physical properties used to determine the potential for fire and explosion hazards of flammable liquids. Despite the needs of the experimental flash point data for the design and construction of chemical plants, there is often a significant gap between the demands for the data and their availability. This study have built and compared two models of partial least squares(PLS) and support vector machine(SVM) to predict the experimental flash points of 893 organic compounds out of DIPPR 801. As the independent variables of the models, 65 functional groups were chosen based on the group contribution method that was oriented from the assumption that each fragment of a molecule contributes a certain amount to the value of its physical property, and the logarithm of molecular weight was added. The prediction errors calculated from cross-validation were employed to determine the optimal parameters of two models. And, an optimization technique should be used to get three parameters of SVM model. This work adopted particle swarm optimization that is one of heuristic optimization methods. As the selection of training data can affect the prediction performance, 100 data sets of randomly selected data were generated and tested. The PLS and SVM results of the average absolute errors for the whole data range from 13.86 K to 14.55 K and 7.44 K to 10.26 K, respectively, indicating that the predictive ability of the SVM is much superior than PLS.