• Title/Summary/Keyword: Function Analysis

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The Role of Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump in Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (관상동맥 우회술에서의 대동맥내 풍선 펌프의 역할)

  • 박성식;김기봉
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.282-286
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    • 1997
  • In the era of coronary artery bypass grafting, the intraaortic balloon pump (IABP) is more widely used and its indication has been ex anded. We perf'orbed retrospective clinical analysis on the patients who have received IABP pre andfor postoperatively during the course of CABG. From January 1981 to June 1995, total 322 patients have received CABG at the Seoul National University Hospital and among them 50 patients (15.5%) were supported by IABP during the course of the operation. The mean age at the time. of the operation was 57.2 years (39∼ 75 years) and the male to female ratio was 33 : 17. The preoperative diagnosis was unstable angina in 33 (66%), stable angina in 7 (14%) and postinfarct angina in 8 patients(16%). As for the indications of the IABP, there were 13 cases(26%) with left main disease, 13 (26%) with class IV angina, 12 (24%) with difficulty in CPB weaning, 6 (12%) with postinfarct angina and 3 (6%) with severe LV dysfunction. In the remaining 3 cases, one patient was operated on after PTCA failure in emergency basis, another was a patient with AMI, and the other was one who had postoperative low c rdiac output syndrome. All IABPS were introduced via femoral artery and among them 45 cases (90%) percutaneously. The mean postoperative assist time was 22.3 hours (0.5 ∼ 168 hours) and IABP could be removed within 48 hours in most of them (44150). The operative mortality was 6.1% (3 cases) and postoperative morbidity was only one with lower extremity ischemia. The more general application of the IABP during the course of the CABG ,especially in patients with high preoperative risk factors or difficulty in CPB weaning is a good measure of protecting and recovering myocardial function with minimal risk.

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Biocompatibility and Histopathologic Change of the Acellular Xenogenic Pulmonary Valved Conduit Grafted in the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract (우심실 유출로에 이식한 무세포화 이종 폐동맥 판막도관의 생체 적합성 및 조직병리학적 변화양상에 대한 연구)

  • 허재학;김용진;박현정;김원곤
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.482-491
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    • 2004
  • Background: The xenogenic or allogenic valves after in Vitro repopulation with autologous cells or in vivo repo-pulation after acellularization treatment to remove the antigenicity could used as an alternative to synthetic polymer scaffold. In the present study, we evaluated the process of repopulation by recipient cell to the acellu-larized xenograft treated with NaCl-SDS solution and grafted in the right ventricular outflow tract. Material and Method: Porcine pulmonary valved conduit were treated with. NaCl-SDS solution to make the grafts acellularized and implanted in the right ventricular outflow tract of the goats under cardiopulmonary bypass. After evaluating the functions of pulmonary valves by echocardiography, goats were sacrificed at 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months after implantation, respectively. After retrieving the implanted valved conduits, histopathologic examination with Hematoxylin-Eosin, Masson' trichrome staining and immunohistochemical staining was performed. Result: Among the six goats, which had been implanted with acellularized pulmonary valved conduits, five survived the expected time period. Echocardiographic examinations for pulmonary valves revealed good function except mild regurgitation and stenosis. Microscopic analysis of the leaflets showed progressive cellular in-growth, composed of fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, and endothelial cells, into the acellularized leaflets over time. Severe inflammatory respon-se was detected in early phase, though it gradually decreased afterwards. The extracellular matrices were regenerated by repopulated cells on the recellularized portion of the acellularized leaflet. Conclusion: The acellularized xenogenic pulmonary valved conuits were repopulated with fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, and endothelial cells of the recipient and extracellullar matrices were regenerated by repopulted cells 12 months after the implantation. The functional integrity of pulmonary valves was well preserved. This study showed that the acellularized porcine xenogenic valved conduits could be used as an ideal valve prosthesis with long term durability.

Development of the Perceived Stress Response Inventory (스트레스반응 지각척도의 개발)

  • Koh, Kyung-Bong;Park, Joong-Kyu;Kim, Chan-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.26-41
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    • 1999
  • The perceived stress response inventory(PSRI) was developed to measure 4 types of current stress responses : emotional, somatic, cognitive, and behavioral responses. 242 patients with psychiatric disorders(71 patients with anxiety disorders, 73 patients with depressive disorders, 47 patients with somatoform disorders, 51 patients with psychosomatic disorders) and 215 healthy subjects completed the questionnaire including the PSRI. Global assessment of recent stress(GARS) scale, perceived stress questionnaire(PSQ) and symptom checklist-90-revised(SCL-90-R) were also administered at the same time. Factor analysis for each of 4 types of stress responses yielded 8 factors : negative emotional responses, general somatic symptoms, specific somatic symptoms, lowered cognitive function and general negative thinking, self-depreciative thinking, impulsive-aggressive thinking, passive-responsive and careless behavior, and impulsive-aggressive behavior. Both test-restest reliability(r= .83 -.93) and internal consistency(Cronbach's alpha : .79 -.96 for each of 8 subscales and .98 for total items of the scale) were all at statistically significant levels. Total scores of the PSRI significantly correlated with total scores of GARS scale, PSQ, and global indicies of SCL-90-R, respectively. The patient group had significantly higher scores than healthy subjects in each of all the subscales except impulsive-aggressive behavior subscale. These results suggest that the PSRI is a reliable and valid tool stable over time which may be effectively used for the research in stress-related field including psychosomatic medicine.

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Studies on Estimation of Fish Abundance Using an Echo Sounder ( 1 ) - Experimental Verification of the Theory for Estimating Fish Density- (어군탐지기에 의한 어군량 추정에 관한 기초적 연구 ( 1 ) - 어군량추정이론의 검증실험 -)

  • 이대재
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 1991
  • An experiment has been carefully designed and performed to verify the theory for the echointergration technique of estimating the density of fish school by the use of steel spheres in a laboratory tank. The spheres used to simulate a fish school were randomly distributed throughout the insonified volume to produce the acoustic echoes similar to those scattered from real fish schools. The backscattered echoes were measured as a function of target density at tow frequencies of 50kHz and 200kHz. Data acquisition, processing and analysis were performed by means of the microcomputer-based sonar-echo processor including a FFT analyzer. Acoustic scattering characteristics of a 36cm mackerel was investigated by measuring fish echoes with frequencies ranging from 47.8kHz to 52.0kHz. The fluctuation of bottom echoes caused by the effects of fish-school attenuation and multiple scattering which occurred in dense aggregations of fishes was also examined by analyzing the echograms of sardine schools obtained by a 50kHz telesounder in the set-net's bagnet, and the echograms obtained by a scientific echo sounder of 50kHz in the East China Sea, respectively. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. The measured and the calculated echo shapes on the steel sphere used to simulate a fish school were in close agreement. 2. The waveform and amplitude of echo signals by a mackerel without swimbladder fluctuated irregularly with the measuring frequency. 3. When a collection of 30 targets/m super(3) lied the shadow region behind another collection of 5 targets/m super(3), the mean losses in echo energy for the 30 targets/m super(3) were about -0.4dB at 50kHz and about -0.2dB at 200kHz, respectively. 4. In the echograms obtained in the East China Sea, the bottom echoes fluctuated remarkably when the dense aggregations of fish appeared between transducer and seabed. Especially, in the case of the echograms of sardine school obtained in a set-net's bagnet, the disappearance of bottom echoes and the lengthening of the echo trace by fish aggregations were observed. Then the mean density of the sardine school was estimated as 36 fish/m super(3). It suggests that when the distribution density of fishes in oceans is greater than this density, the effects of fish-school attenuation and multiple scattering must be taken into account as a possible source of error in fish abundance estimates. 5. The relationship between mean backscattering strength (, dB) and target density ($\rho$, No./m super(3)) were expressed by the equations: =-46.2+13.7 Log($\rho$) at 50kHz and =-43.9+13.4 Log($\rho$) at 200kHz. 6. The difference between the experimentally derived number and the actual number of targets gradually decreased with an increase in the target density and was within 20% when the density was 30 targets/m super(3). From these results, we concluded that when the number of targets in the insonified volume is large, the validity of the echo-integration technique of estimating the density of fish schools could be expected.

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Studies on Estimation of Fish Abundance Using an Echo Sounder ( 2 ) - The Relationship between Acoustic Backscattering Strength and Distribution Density of Fish in a Net Cage- (어군탐지기에 의한 어군량 추정에 관한 기초적 연구 ( 2 ) - 어군의 분포밀도와 초음파산란강도의 관계 -)

  • 이대재
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 1991
  • This paper describes the fish-density dependence of the mean backscattering strength with aggregations of encaged, free-swimming fish of known density in relation to the experimental verification of echo-integration technique for estimating the density of fish shoals. In this experiment, various numbers of gold crussian, Carassius burgeri burgeri, with a mean length of 18.5cm and a mean weight of 205.9g, were introduced into a net cage of approximately 0.76m super(3). During the backscattering measurements. the cage was suspended on the sound axis of the 50kHz transducer having a beam width of 33 degrees at -3dB downpoints. The volume backscattering strengths from fish aggregations were measured as a function of fish density. Data acquisition, processing and analysis were performed by means of the microcomputer-based sonar-echo processor including a FFT analyzer. The calibration of echo-sounder system was carried out at field with a steel ball bearing of 38mm in diameter having the target strength of -40.8dB. The dorsal-aspect target strengths on anesthetized specimens of gold crussian used in the cage experiment were measured and compared with the target strength predicted by the fish density-echo energy relationship for aggregations of free-swimming gold crussian in the cage. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. The target strengths in the dorsal aspect on anesthetized specimens of gold crussian, with the mean length of 19.1cm and the mean weight of 210.5g, varied from -40.9dB to -44.8dB with a mean of -42.6dB. This mean target strength did not differ significantly from that predicted by the regression of echo energy on fish density of free-swimming gold crussian in the cage. It suggests that the target-strength measurements on anesthetized fish was valid and can be representative for live, free-swimming fish. 2. The relationship between mean backscattering strength(, dB) and distribution density of gold $crussian(\rho, $ fish/m super(3)) was expressed by the following equation; =-41.9+11 $Log(\rho)$ with a correlation coefficient of 0.97. This result support the existence of a linear relationship between fish density and echo energy, but suggest that this line has steeper slope than the regression by the theory of estimating the density of fish schools.

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A Study on the Optimum Design of Multiple Screw Type Dryer for Treatment of Sewage Sludge (하수슬러지 처리를 위한 다축 스크류 난류 접촉식 건조기의 최적 설계 연구)

  • Na, En-Soo;Shin, Sung-Soo;Shin, Mi-Soo;Jang, Dong-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.223-231
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate basically the mechanism of heat transfer by the resolution of complex fluid flow inside a sophisticated designed screw dryer for the treatment of sewage sludge by using numerical analysis and experimental study. By doing this, the result was quite helpful to obtain the design criteria for enhancing drying efficiency, thereby achieving the optimal design of a multiple screw type dryer for treating inorganic and organic sludge wastes. One notable design feature of the dryer was to bypass a certain of fraction of the hot combustion gases into the bottom of the screw cylinder, by the fluid flow induction, across the delicately designed holes on the screw surface to agitate internally the sticky sludges. This offers many benefits not only in the enhancement of thermal efficiency even for the high viscosity material but also greater flexibility in the application of system design and operation. However, one careful precaution was made in operation in that when distributing the hot flue gas over the lump of sludge for internal agitation not to make any pore blocking and to avoid too much pressure drop caused by inertial resistance across the lump of sludge. The optimal retention time for rotating the screw at 1 rpm in order to treat 200 kg/hr of sewage sludge was determined empirically about 100 minutes. The corresponding optimal heat source was found to be 150,000 kcal/hr. A series of numerical calculation is performed to resolve flow characteristics in order to assist in the system design as function of important system and operational variables. The numerical calculation is successfully evaluated against experimental temperature profile and flow field characteristics. In general, the calculation results are physically reasonable and consistent in parametric study. In further studies, more quantitative data analyses such as pressure drop across the type and loading of drying sludge will be made for the system evaluation in experiment and calculation.

On-line Monitoring of the Flocs in Mixing Zone using iPDA in the Drinking Water Treatment Plant (정수장 응집혼화공정에서의 응집플럭 연속 모니터링)

  • Ga, Gil-Hyun;Jang, Hyun-Sung;Kim, Young-Beom;Kwak, Jong-Woon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.263-271
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    • 2009
  • This study evaluated the flocs forming characteristics in the mixing zone to increase the coagulation effect in the drinking water plant. As a measuring tool of formed flocs, on-line particle dispersion analyzer (iPDA) was used in Y drinking water plant. To evaluate the forming flocs, many parameters such as poly amine, coagulant dosing amount, raw water turbidity, and pH was applied in this study. During the periods of field test, poly aluminium chloride (PACl) as a coagulant was used. With the increase of the raw water turbidities, poly amine was also added as one of aids for increasing in coagulation efficiency. The turbidity and pH of raw water was ranged from 7 to 9 and from 25 to 140 NTU, respectively. The increasing of raw water turbidity brought the bigger floc sizes accordingly. From a regression analysis, $R^2$ value was 0.8040 as a function of T, raw water turbidity. Floc size index (FSI) was obtained from a correlation equation as follows; FSI = 0.9388logT - 0.3214 Also, polyamine gave the bigger flocs the moment it is added to the coagulated water in the rapid mixing zone. One of parameters influencing the floc sizes was the addition of powdered active carbon(PAC) in the mixing zone. In case of higher turbidity of raw water, $R^2$ value was 0.9050 in the parameters of [PACl] and [PAC]; FSI = $0.0407[T]^{0.324}[PACI]^{0.769}[PAC]^{0.178}$ On-line floc monitor was beneficial to evaluate the flocs sizes depending on the many parameters consisting raw water properties, bring the profitable basic data to control the mixing zone more effectively.

Mantle Ultrastructure of the Spiny Top Shell, Batillus cornutus (Gastropoda: Turbinidae) (소라(Batillus cornutus) 외투막의 미세구조)

  • Jung, Gui-Kwon;Park, Jung-Jun;Jin, Young-Guk;Ju, Sun-Mi;Lee, Jae-Woo;Jung, Ae-Jin;Lee, Jung-Sick
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2008
  • The histochemical characteristics and ultrastructure of the mantle in the spiny top shell, Batillus cornutus were described using light and electron microscopy. The simple epidermal layer wrapped on the top and bottom of the centrally located connective tissue. And then the epidermal layer were divided into the outer epidermal layer near a shell and the inner epidermal layer closed to the visceral mass. The connective tissue layer was composed of the collagen fiber muscularfiber bundle and hemolymph sinus. Mucous cells in the apical mantle contained acid and neutral mucopolysaccaride, and acidic carboxylated mucopolysaccaride in the mid and marginal mantle. The mantle thickness, epidermal layer thickness and hemolymph sinus area displayed a trend of reduction from the marginal zone to the apical zone. From TEM observation, it was possible to distinguish epithelium, ciliated cell, absorptive cell and secretory cell in the epidermal layer. The epithelia were columnar and the nucleus was elliptical. The free surface were covered with microvilli. The lateral membranes of epithelium was con nected with neighboring cells by the zonular occludens, zonular adherens and membrane interdigitation. Ciliated cell on free surface had cilia and microvilli, and numerous mitochondria in the apical cytoplasm. In the epidermal layer, it observed 2 type cells having absorptive function. The absorptive cells were columnar in shape, and contained microvilli, pinocytotic vesicles, mitochondria and lysosomes of various electron density. Secretory cells can be divided into four types (A, B, C, D) depending on the cell shape and characteristics of secretory granules. These cells were unicellular glands and had similar characteristics to previously reported on the mantle of the gastropod and bivalves.

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The Corneal Base Curve, Astigmatism, and Power of Women College Students (여대생들의 각막기본 곡률, 난시, 굴절력)

  • Kim, Douk-Hoon;Choi, Ho-Seong
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.53-57
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    • 2001
  • The corneal structure and function changes somewhat with aging. We were performed the analysis of women college students on the base curve, power, and astigmatism axis of the cornea by keratometer. All women subjects were between the ages of 19 and 20 years. On the corneal base curve. the right eye of the ages of 19 was 7.64 mm in vertical and 7.81 mm in horizontal. But, the left eye was 7.65 mm in vertical and 7.83 mm in horizontal on the other hand, the right and left eye of the ages of 20 was 7.72 mm in vertical and 7.75 mm in horizontal. On the corneal diopter power, the right eye of the ages of 19 was 44.21 diopter in vertical and 43.32 diopter in horizontal. But, the left eye was 44.23 diopter in vertical and 43.24 diopter in horizontal. On the other hand, the right eye of the ages of 20 was 43.67 diopter in vertical and 43.62 diopter in horizontal. But, the left eye was 43.73 diopter in vertical and 43.6 diopter in horizontal. According to the corneal astigmatism axis style, the right eye of the ages of 19 have 83% positive for with the rule astigmatism, and 16% positive for against the rule astigmatism. But, the left eye of the ages of 19 have 86% positive for with the rule astigmatism, and 12% positive for against the rule astigmatism. On the other hand, the right eye of the ages of 19 have 56% positive for with the rule astigmatism, and 44 % positive for against the rule astigmatism. But, the left eye of the ages of 20 have 56% positive for with the rule astigmatism, and 41% positive for against the rule astigmatism. According to the diopter power of corneal astigmatism. The right eye of the ages of 19 have 36% positive for behind 1 diopter and left eye have 31%. But, the right and left eye of the ages of 20 have 37.5%. The right and left eye of the ages of 19 have 42% positive for 1 diopter, and the right eye of the ages of 20 have 34.4% positive for 1 diopter and the left eye have 43.8%. The right eye of the ages of 19 have 12% positive for 2 diopter and left eye have 22%. But, the right eye of the ages of 20 have 15.6% positive for 2 diopter and the left eye have 12%. The right eye of the ages of 19 have 4% positive for 3 diopter and left eye have 3%. But, the left eye of the ages of 20 have 3% positive for 3 diopter and the left eye have 6%. On the other hand, the right eye of ages of 19 have 6% positive over 4 diopter, and the left eye have 2%. But, the right eye of ages of 20 have only 9% positive over 4 diopter.

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The anti-tumor mechanisms of p53 through the regulation of expression and glycosylation of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (암억제 유전자 p53에 의한 insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3의 발현과 glycosylation를 통한 항암작용)

  • Kim, Sun Young;Kim, Se Rim;Lee, Jung Chang;Yi, Ho Keun;Lee, Dae Yeol;Hwang, Pyoung Han
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.431-438
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : Insulin-like growth factor binding protein(IGFBP)-3 has been known as a tumor suppressor gene, and its anti-tumor function was divided into insulin-like growth factor(IGF)-dependent and IGF-independent mechanism. In IGF-independent mechanism, IGFBP-3 directly interacts with a cell without binding of IGFs, becoming an interesting object in oncology. Several studies demonstrate that one of the well-known tumor suppressor genes, p53, induces directly IGFBP-3 transcription, and the increment of IGFBP-3 expression induces apoptosis of many cancer cells. Recently, the anti-tumor mechanisms of IGFBP-3 have been reported, but post-translational modification of IGFBP-3 and its anti-tumor mechanism are not well known. In this study, we examined whether p53 regulated the glycosylation of IGFBP-3, and analysed the meaning of IGFBP-3 glycosylation related to the apoptosis of cancer cell. Methods : The p53-mutated status of MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells was used in this experiment. The expression and glycosylation of IGFBP-3 were tested by Western blot analysis after infection of adenovirus mediated Ad/p53 and/or Ad/IGFBP-3. Results : Ad/p53 infected cells resulted in growth retardation and the induced apoptosis. p53 induced direct expression and glycosylation of IGFBP-3. The increase of glcosylated IGFBP-3 was able to promote cellular apoptosis, and the glycosylation of IGFBP-3 was more activated by the double treatment of Ad/p53 and Ad/IGFBP-3. Conclusion : From this study, the anti-tumor activity of IGFBP-3 was shown to improve the stabilization of IGFBP-3 through the increment of glycosylation of IGFBP-3 by p53. This result suggests that the combined gene therapy of p53 and IGFBP-3 may appropriate treatment of cancer.