• Title/Summary/Keyword: Function Analysis

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Study on the Characteristics of Heart Rate Variability, Body component analysis and accompanying symptoms in 175 Insomnia Patients (불면환자 175명의 심박변이도, 체성분 분석 및 동반증상의 특징에 관한 연구)

  • Ha, Ji-Won;Kim, Bo-Kyung
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.21-39
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : This study was to investigate the characteristics of the heart rate variability(HRV), types of insomnia and accompanying symptoms of 175 insomnia patients. Methods : For this study we carried out HRV, Inbody of 175 patients with insomnia who have come to Dongeui oriental hospital of Dongeui university from the period of Janaury 2008 to September 2010. We studied the association of the insomnia patients' age and gender with HRV, accompanying symptoms and the types of insomnia. The information of the accompanying symptoms and types of insomnia was based on each patients' progress note. Results : l. There was no significant differences in the characteristics of HRV between male and female. 2. The most frequent symptom shown among the insmonia patents' was headache(41.14%). 3. Comparing the symptoms between the gender, female patients had more dry mouth, alternative periodic chill and fever, and hot flush symptoms than the male patients. 4. Comparing the symptoms between the age groups(divided in two), the lower age group (20~59) had more dizziness and constipation symptoms than the higher age group (over 60). 5. Comparing the types of insomma between the age group, the higher age group (over 60) had more termination insomnia. 6. The types of insomnia of the entire insomnia patients were onset insomnia (73.1%), maintenance insomnia(20.6%), termination insomma(l7.1 %), shallow sleep (52.6%), listed by order of frequency. 7. The patients who takes hypnotics had more anorexia symptoms than the patients who doesn't take hypnotics. 8. There was no visible differences of the average fractal portrait between male and female. The age group of 20~30yrs. had the highest average fractal portrait, and the age group of 30~59yrs. the second highest, and the age group over 60yrs. the lowest. 9. The average of the regulation reserves of the autonomic nervous system(B2) - was lower than the regulation level of the ANS at the present (Bl). 10. When compared the priority of the function of the ANS, it showed that the proportion of HF($38.61{\pm}29.19%$)was the most, and than VLF($30.65{\pm}23.36%$), LF($20.04{\pm}19.13%$) the least. 11. The average of the compensation level of the central nervous system at present(Cl) - was lower than the compensation reserves of the CNS(C2). 12. The average of the control reserves of the cerebrum(D2) - was lower than the control level of the cerebrum at the present (Dl). 13. There was no visible differences between different sexes and ages in pulse rate. 14. The abdomen fat ratio above the line of the insomnia patients was 77.97% in male and 93.1% in female. Both sexes showed that insomnia patients had more abdomen fat that the standard, and female patients had more abd. fat than male patients. Conclusions : This study shows that the HRV of insomnia patients had no significant differences between gender. Fractal portrait, HF, LF and VLF of the insomnia patients are in inverse proportion to the age. The study of the Body Component Analysis showed that female had more abdomen fat than male, and both gender showed more abdomen fat than the standard. When looked into the accompanying symptoms of the insomnia patients, the symptoms show differences according to gender, age and hypnotics taking, as shown as below. In the entire patients, Headache was the most accompanying symptom. Female had more dry mouth, alternative periodic chill and fever, and hot flush symptoms than male. Higher age groups had more dizziness and constipation as accompanying symptoms than lower age groups. Patients who takes hypnotics had more anorexia than those who dont.

Validity of Referral of High Risk Pregnancy in MCH Center (모자 보건 센터에서의 고위험 산모 의뢰 기준의 타당성)

  • Kim, Gui-Yeon;Park, Jung-Han
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.22 no.1 s.25
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    • pp.146-152
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    • 1989
  • To test the validity of referral of high risk pregnancy in the MCH Center, 6,017 pregnant women who visited MCH Center of South District Health Center for delivery between 1 April 1985 and 31 March 1987 were interviewed on arrival to obtain the data for demographic characteristics and obsteric history and traced to check the delivery outcome. Out of 5,820 women whose delivery outcomes were confrmed, 704 women(12.1%) were referred to other hospital or clinic for high risk factors. The proportion of poor delivery outcome(stillbirth, low birth weight and neonatal death) among referred cases was 4.4% while that of the women delivered at the MCH Center was 2.2% (p<0.01). Decision of the midwives for the referral of high risk pregnancy based on their clinical assessment was consistent with the delivery outcome (good or poor) in 86.5%. Major reasons for referral were premature rupture of membrane(46.5%) and cephalopelvic disproportion(20.0%) and the C-section rates for these cases were 10.1%, 17.6%, respectively. Discriminant analysis of the demographic characteristics and obstertric history for the discrimination of delivery outcome showed that gestational age had the highest discriminant function coefficient(0.88) and it was followed by parity(0.37) and maternal education(0.30). Referral of high risk pregnancy by the midwives based on their clinical assessment was considered to be reasonably valid. However, a risk scoring system for an MCH Center which can improve the validity may be developed if one applies the discriminant analysis for more comprehensive independent variable(including clinical assessment of midwife, demographic characteristics and obstetric history) and dependent variable (including medically indicated C-section, complication of pregnancy and delivery, stillbirth, low birth weight, neonatal death and maternal death).

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Systematic Study on the Fishes of the Family Cobitidae(Pisces, Cypriniformes). 2. Taxonomic Study on the Cobitis taenia complex from Korea (기름종개과(family Cobitidae)어류의 계통분류에 관한 연구 2. 한국산 Cobitis taenia complex의 분류학적 고찰)

  • 양서영;이혜영;양홍준;전상린;박병상;김재흡
    • Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.151-170
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    • 1993
  • Morphometric, band-pattern and electrophoretic analysis on Cobitis taenia complex were performed to investigate the morphological and genetic differentiation and to clarify their taxonomic status. Intermediate types of band-pattern (C and D type) were more frequently expressed than that of types of C. t. taenia(type A) and C. t. lutheri (type B). Sexual dimorphism of band-pattern was observed not only in C. t. taenia(type A) and C. t. lutheri(type B). Sexual dimorphism of band-pattern was observed not only in C. t. lutheri but also in C. t. taenia and C. t. striata as well. Discriminant function analysis based on 19 morphological characters shows no significant differences among C. taenia complex. The degree of genic variation of C. t. striata was higher ( =1.48, P=31.2%, HD=0.009) than those of C. t. striata was higher( =1.48, P=31.2%, HD=0.082 and HG=0.009) than those of C. t. lutheri ( =1.37, P=2.7%, HD=0.058 and HG=0.065). The average genetic similarities between C. t. lutheri and C. t. taenia-C. t. striata were S=0.62 and S=0.66 respectively and these values indicate that C. t. tanenia has evolved specific level of differentiation. C. t. striata and C. t. lutheri show subspecifc level of close genetic similarity (S=0.82). Based on the divergent time estimate (Nei, 1975) it is assumed that C. t. tanenia was branched off from the other subspecies about two million years before present (MYBP) and C. t. striata and C. t. lutheri were differentiated about 0.6 MYBP. The use of C. sinesis an the scientific name for the Korean C. t. taenia, proposed by Kim and Lee (1988) seems incorrect since they are quite different in the structure of lamina circularis (Vladycov, 1935), the external morphology and distribution (Cheng and Zheng, 1987) and the chromosome number(Yu et al., 1989). Kim and Lee(1988) also argued that C.t. striata and C. t. lutheri should be treated as distinct species but the present study and other reports (Kim and Lee, 1984; Kim and Yang, 1993) do not support it. We conclude that C. t. taenia is a good species and C. t. striata and C. t. lutheri are subspecific status. Their scientific names should be revised in the future.

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The Effects of Unpredictable Stress on the LHR Expression and Reproductive Functions in Mouse Models (실험적 마우스 모델에서 예측 불가능한 스트레스가 황체형성호르몬 수용체의 발현과 생식기능에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Sung-Young;Park, Jin-Heum;Zhu, Yuxia;Kim, Young-Jong;Park, Jae-Ok;Moon, Changjong;Shin, Taekyun;Ahn, Meejung;Kim, Suk-Soo;Park, Young-Sik;Chae, Hyung-Bok;Kim, Tae-Kyun;Kim, Seung-Joon
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.394-402
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of chronic unpredictable stress on the reproductive function and ovarian luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR) expression. 9-week-old C57BL/6 female mice were randomly divided into two groups: control group and stressed group. Mice have been stressed twice a day for 35 days with 12 different stressors which were randomly selected. The results demonstrate that there is significant increase in the anxiety-related behaviors (P < 0.05), decrease body weight gain rate (P < 0.01) and decrease in the average of litter size in stressed mice compared with control group (P < 0.01). Furthermore, the rate of primary, secondary and early antral follicles in stressed mice significantly decreased (P < 0.05), whereas that of atretic follicles significantly increased compared with control mice (P < 0.01). The immunohistochemical analysis revealed that reduced LHR expression in granulosa cells of follicle and luteal cells of corpus luteum in response to chronic unpredictable stress. The western blot analysis revealed significantly decrease in LHR expression in the stressed mice ovaries compared with the control (P < 0.05). These results suggest that ovarian LHR expression affected by chronic unpredictable stress and the modulated ovarian LHR is responsible for ovarian follicular maldevelopment and reproductive dysfunction.

Establishment of Valve Replacement Registry and Risk Factor Analysis Based on Database Application Program (데이터베이스 프로그램에 기반한 심장판막 치환수술 환자의 레지스트리 확립 및 위험인자 분석)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hwan;Lee, Jae-Ik;Lim, Cheong;Ahn, Hyuk
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 2002
  • Background: Valvular heart disease is still the most common health problem in Korea. By the end of the year 1999, there has been 94,586 cases of open heart surgery since the first case in 1958. Among them, 36,247 cases were acquired heart diseases and 20,704 of those had valvular heart disease. But there was no database system and every surgeon and physician had great difficulties in analysing and utilizing those tremendous medical resources. Therefore, we developed a valve registry database program and utilize it for risk factor analysis and so on. Material and Method: Personal computer-based multiuser database program was created using Microsoft AccessTM. That consisted of relational database structure with fine-tuned compact field variables and server-client architecture. Simple graphic user interface showed easy-to-use accessability and comprehensibility. User-oriented modular structure enabled easier modification through native AccessTM functions. Infinite application of query function aided users to extract, summarize, analyse and report the study result promptly. Result: About three-thousand cases of valve replacement procedure were performed in our hospital from 1968 to 1999. Total number of prosthesis replaced was 3,700. The numbers of cases for mitral, aortic and tricuspid valve replacement were 1600, 584, 76, respectively. Among them, 700 patients received prosthesis in more than two positions. Bioprosthesis or mechanical prosthesis were used in 1,280 and 1,500 patients respectively Redo valve replacements were performed in 460 patients totally and 40 patients annually Conclusion: Database program for registry of valvular heart disease was successfully developed and used in personal computer-based multiuser environment. This revealed promising results and perspectives in database management and utilization system.

Antioxidative Activity and Componential Analysis of Chamaecyparis obtusa Leaf Extract (편백나무 잎 추출물의 항산화 활성과 성분분석에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Dong Sook;Lim, Myoung Sun;Kwan, Soon Sik;Kim, Sun Young;Park, Soo Nam
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.93-99
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    • 2012
  • In this study, the evaluation of antioxidative activity and componential analysis of C. obtusa leaf extracts was carried out. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging activities ($OSC_{50}$) of C. obtusa leaf extracts on ROS generated in $Fe^{3+}-EDTA/H_2O_2$ system were investigated using the luminol-dependent chemiluminescence assay. The ethyl acetate fraction ($OSC_{50}$; 0.22 ${\mu}g/mL$) and aglycone fraction of C. obtusa leaf extracts (0.20 ${\mu}g/mL$) showed about 7 times more prominent ROS scavenging activity than L-ascorbic acid (1.50 ${\mu}g/mL$). The cellular protective effects of fractions obtained from C. obtusa leaf extracts on the rose-bengal sensitized photohemolysis of human erythrocytes were investigated. The ethyl acetate fraction and aglycone fraction of C. obtusa leaf extracts showed the cellular protective effects in a concentration dependent manner (5~25 ${\mu}g/mL$). The inhibitory effect ($IC_{50}$) of ethyl acetate fraction and aglycone fraction on tyrosinase exhibited 74.43 and 53.80 ${\mu}g/mL$, repectively. The aglycone fraction showed four times higher tyrosinase inhibitory effect than arbutin (226.88 ${\mu}g/mL$), known as a whitening agent. The aglycone fraction of C. obtusa leaf extracts showed three bands in TLC chromatogram and three peaks in HPLC chromatogram (360 nm). Three compounds were identified as taxifolin, quercetin and kaempferol. These results indicate that the fractions of C. obtusa leaf extracts can function as antioxidants in biological systems, particularly skin exposed to UV radiation by scavenging $^1O_2$ and other ROS, and protect cellular membranes against reactive oxygen species. The fractions of C. obtusa leaf extracts can be applicable to new functional cosmetics for antioxidan and whitening effects.

Study on the Characteristics of EEG in Resting State on Visuo-Spatial Working Memory Performance (시공간 작업기억 수행능력에 따른 안정상태에서의 뇌파 특성 연구)

  • Jung, Chul-Woo;Lee, Hyeob-Eui;Wi, Hyun-Wook;Choi, Nam-Sook;Park, Pyong-Woon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.351-360
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to predict visual-spatial working memory performance through the characteristics of an electroencephalogram (EEG) in the resting state. The 31 study participants, middle school students with various to academic performance, were underwent visual-spatial working memory test in the Comprehensive Attention Test (CAT) on December in 2014. Each 7 and 6 participants were divided into an Excellent Working Memory (EWM) group and Poor Working Memory (PWM) group depending on the forward/backward working memory scores. The EEG measurements and analysis of the data from a Brain Function Tester were performed by the two groups. A Mann-Whitney Test was used to examine the statistical differences between them. The activation of high beta (${\beta}H$) at the Fp1 and Fp2 sites in the left and right hemisphere, and that of the low beta (${\beta}L$) in the right hemisphere in the EWM group was significantly higher than that in the PWM group. In conclusion, there is a correlation between the visual-spatial working memory performance and the activation of ${\beta}H$ and ${\beta}L$ in the resting state and a close correlation that of ${\beta}L$ in the right hemisphere in terms of mental activity and faculty. Therefore, the visual-spatial working memory performance can be predicted by the activation of ${\beta}H$ and ${\beta}L$ in the resting state. The activation of EEG can be applied as an assessment tool and provide basis data for visual-spatial working memory performance.

Interannual and Seasonal Variations of Water Quality in Terms of Size Dimension on Multi-Purpose Korean Dam Reservoirs Along with the Characteristics of Longitudinal Gradients (우리나라 다목적댐 인공호들의 규모에 따른 연별.계절별 수질변이 및 상.하류간 종적구배 특성)

  • Han, Jeong-Ho;Lee, Ji-Yeoun;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.319-337
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    • 2010
  • Major objective of this study was to determine interannual and seasonal water quality along with characteristics of longitudinal gradients along the reservoir axis of the riverine zone (Rz)-to-lacustrine zone (Lz). Water quality dataset of five years during 2003~2007 used here were obtained from Ministry of Environment, Korea and ten physical, chemical and biological parameters were analyzed in the study. Similarity analysis, based on moropho-hydrological variables of reservoir surface area, watershed area, total inflow, and outflow, showed that the reservoirs were categorized as three groups of large-dam reservoirs (Chungju Reservoir, Daecheong Reservoir and Soyang Reservoir), mid-size reservoirs (Andong Reservoir, Yongdam Reservoir, Juam Reservoir and Hapcheon Reservoir), and small-size reservoirs (Hoengseong Reservoir and Buan Reservoir). According to the data comparison of high-flow year (2003) vs. lowflow year (2005), dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, biological oxygen demand (BOD), suspended solids (SS), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), chlorophyll-a (CHL) and electrical conductivity (EC) declined along the longitudinal axis of Rz to Lz and water transparency, based on Secchi depth (SD), increased along the axis. These results indicate that transparency was a function of Values of pH, DO, SS, SD, and EC at each site were greater in the low-flow year (2005) than the high-flow year (2003), whereas values of BOD, COD, TN, TP and CHL were greater in the high-flow year (2003). When values of TN, TP, CHL and SD in nine reservoirs were compared in the three zones of Rz, Tz, and Lz, values of TN, TP and CHL declined along longitudinal gradients and SD showed the opposite due to the sedimentation processes from the water column. Values of TN were not statistically correlated with TP values. The empirical linear models of TP-CHL and CHL-SD showed significant (p<0.05, $R^2$>0.04). In the mid-size reservoirs, the variation of CHL was explained ($R^2$=0.2401, p<0.0001, n=239) by the variation of TP. The affinities in the correlation analysis of mid-size reservoirs were greater in the CHL-SD model than any other empirical models, and the CHL-SD model had an inverse relations. In the meantime, water quality variations was evidently greater in Daecheong Reservoir than two reservoirs of Andong Reservoir and Hoengseong Reservoir as a result of large differences of water quality by long distance among Rz, Tz and Lz.

FARMING DENSITY OF OYSTER IN HANSAN-GEOJE BAY (한산${\cdot}$거제만 굴 양식장의 양식밀도에 관한 연구)

  • CHO Chang Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.45-56
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    • 1980
  • Farming density of oyster cultured in Hansan-Geoje Bay was studied to obtain the optimal farming density based on the biosedimentation analysis and the annual yield data from 1970 to 1979. Farming density of oyster extrapolated by means of pollution grade of sediment is significantly correlated to COD and phaeophytin content of the bottom mud of the bay. Pollution grade is linearly related to the number of oyster clusters suspended in the unit area. Optimal farming density was $0.12\;string/m^2$ in case of raft culture, and it was $0.12\;string/m^2$ in case of long-line culture. Farming density was well expressed by the number of strings per raft and the area covered by a raft. As strings per raft increased from 350 to 558, total yield from a raft increased and when occupied sea area per raft ranged from $1.000\;m^2\;to\;6,000\;m^2$, the yield per raft linearly increased as the area increased. This analysis suggests that the optimal density be 0.11 string per unit area $(m^2)$. As increasing the number of strings per $m^2$ the yield per string decreases, and this is well dipicted by a linear function. At this time the yield per unit area increases when the number of string increases up to the density of $0.13\;strings/m^2$. From the point of these three comprehensive analyses the optimal density was $0.11\~0.13\;string/m^2$ in case of raft culture and $0.25\;strings/m^2$ in case of long-line culture in Hansan-Geoje Bay. The maximum expected yield of oyster in Hansan-Geoje Bay is approximately 5,600 tons when maintained the string density at $0.11\~0.13\;string/m^2$.

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Finite Element Analysis of Bone Stress Caused by Horizontal Misfit of Implant Supported Three-Unit Fixed Prosthodontics (3차원 유한요소법에 의한 임플란트 지지 3본 고정성 가공 의치의 부적합도가 인접골 응력에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Lee, Seung-Hwan;Jo, Kwang-Hun
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.147-161
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    • 2012
  • This study is to assess the effect of horizontal misfit of an implant supported 3-unit fixed prosthodontics on the stress development at the marginal cortical bone surrounding implant neck. Two finite element models consisting of a three unit fixed prosthodontics and an implant/bone complex were constructed on a three dimensional basis. The three unit fixed prosthodontics were designed either shorter (d=17.8mm model) or longer (d=18.0mm model) by 0.1mm than the span of two implants placed at the mandibular second premolar and second molar areas 17.9mm apart. Fitting of the fixed prosthodontics onto the implant abutments was simulated by a total of 6 steps, that is to say, 0.1mm displacement per each step, using DEFORM 3D (ver 6.1, SFTC, Columbus, OH, USA) program. Stresses in the fixed prosthodontics and implants were evaluated using von-Mises stress, maximum compressive stress, and radial stress as necessary. The d=17.8mm model assembled successfully on to the implant abutments while d=18.0mm model did not. Regardless if the fixed prosthodontics fitted onto the abutments or not, excessively higher stresses developed during the course of assembly trial and thereafter. On the marginal cortical bone around implants during the assembly, the peak tensile and compressive stresses were as high as 186.9MPa and 114.1MPa, respectively, even after the final sitting of the fixed prosthodontics (for d=17.8mm model). For this case, the area of marginal bone subject to compressive stresses above 55MPa, equivalent of the $4,000{\mu}{\varepsilon}$, i.e. the reported threshold strain to inhibit physiological remodeling of human cortical bone, extended up to 2mm away from implant during the assembly. Horizontal misfit of 0.1mm can produce excessively high stresses on the marginal cortical bone not only during the fixed prosthodontics assembly but also thereafter.