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Three-dimensional finite element analysis of initial tooth displacement according to force application point during maxillary six anterior teeth retraction using skeletal anchorage (골격성 고정원을 이용한 상악 6전치 후방 견인시 힘의 적용점 변화에 따른 치아 이동 양상에 관한 유한 요소법적 분석)

  • Kim, Chan-Nyeon;Sung, Jae-Hyun;Kyung, Hee-Moon
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.33 no.5 s.100
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    • pp.339-350
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the micro-implant height and anterior hook height to prevent maxillary six anterior teeth from lingual tipping and extruding during space closure. We manufactured maxillary dental arch form, bracket and wire, using the computer aided three-dimensional finite element method. Bracket was .022×.028 slot size and attached to tooth surface. Wire was .019×.025 stainless steel and .032×.032 stainless steel hook was attached to wire between lateral incisor and canine. Length of hook was 8mm and force application points were marked at intervals of In. Four micro-implants were implanted on alveolar bone between second premolar and first molar. The heights of them were 4, 6, 8, 10mm starting from wire. We analyzed initial displacement of teeth by various force application point applying force of 150gm to each micro-implant and anterior hook. The conclusions of 4his study are as the following : 1. When the micro-implant height was 4m and the anterior hook height was 5mm and below, anterior teeth were tipped lingually. When the anterior hook height was 6mm and above, anterior teeth were tipped labially. 2. When the micro-implant height was 6mm and the anterior hook height was 6mm and below, the anterior teeth were tipped lingually. When the anterior hook height was 6m and above, the anterior teeth were tipped labially. But lingual tipping of anterior teeth decreased and labial tipping Increased when the micro-implant height was 6mm, compared with 4mm micro-implant height. 3. When the micro-implant height was 8mm and the anterior hook height was 2mm, the anterior teeth were tipped lingually. When the anterior hook height was 3mm and above, labial tipping movement of the anterior teeth increased proportionally. 4. When the micro-implant height was 10mm and the anterior hook height was 2mm and above, labial tipping of the anterior teeth increased proportionally. 5. As the anterior hook height increased, aterior teeth were tipped more labially. But extrusion occurred on canine and premolar area because of the increase of wire distortion. 6. Movement of the posterior teeth was tipped distally during maxillary six anterior teeth retraction using micro-im plant because of the friction between bracket and were Based on the results of this study, we could predict the pattern of the tooth movement according to position of micro-implant and height of anterior hook. It seems that we can find the force application point for proper tooth movement in consideration of inclination of anterior anterior teeth, periodontal condition, overjet and overbite

Two Dimensional Size Effect on the Compressive Strength of Composite Plates Considering Influence of an Anti-buckling Device (좌굴방지장치 영향을 고려한 복합재 적층판의 압축강도에 대한 이차원 크기 효과)

  • ;;C. Soutis
    • Composites Research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2002
  • The two dimensional size effect of specimen gauge section (length×width) was investigated on the compressive behavior of a T300/924 [45/45/0/90]3s, carbon fiber-epoxy laminate. A modified ICSTM compression test fixture was used together with an anti-buckling device to test 3mm thick specimens with a 30mm×30mm,50mm×50mm,70mm×70mmand90mm×90mm gauge length by width section. In all cases failure was sudden and occurred mainly within the gauge length. Post failure examination suggests that 0 fiber microbuckling is the critical damage mechanism that causes final failure. This is the matrix dominated failure mode and its triggering depends very much on initial fiber waviness. It is suggested that manufacturing process and quality may play a significant role in determining the compressive strength. When the anti-buckling device was used on specimens, it was showed that the compressive strength with the device was slightly greater than that without the device due to surface friction between the specimen and the device by pretoque in bolts of the device. In the analysis result on influence of the anti-buckling device using the finite element method, it was found that the compressive strength with the anti-buckling device by loaded bolts was about 7% higher than actual compressive strength. Additionally, compressive tests on specimen with an open hole were performed. The local stress concentration arising from the hole dominates the strength of the laminate rather than the stresses in the bulk of the material. It is observed that the remote failure stress decreases with increasing hole size and specimen width but is generally well above the value one might predict from the elastic stress concentration factor. This suggests that the material is not ideally brittle and some stress relief occurs around the hole. X-ray radiography reveals that damage in the form of fiber microbuckling and delamination initiates at the edge of the hole at approximately 80% of the failure load and extends stably under increasing load before becoming unstable at a critical length of 2-3mm (depends on specimen geometry). This damage growth and failure are analysed by a linear cohesive zone model. Using the independently measured laminate parameters of unnotched compressive strength and in-plane fracture toughness the model predicts successfully the notched strength as a function of hole size and width.

Effect of long-term organic matter application on physico-chemical properties in rice paddy soil -2. The effect of some physical properties of paddy field by the long-term application of rice straw and compost (논토양(土壤)의 이화학적(理化學的) 성질(性質)에 미치는 유기물(有機物)의 연용효과(蓮用效果) -II. 생고(生藁) 및 퇴비(堆肥) 연용(蓮用)이 논토양(土壤)의 몇가지 물리적(物理的) 성질(性質)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Yoo, Chul-Hyun;Kim, Jong-Gu;Park, Keong-Ho;Kim, Seong-Jo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.373-379
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    • 1988
  • This experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of long-term applications of rice straw and compost on the physical and mechanical properties of paddy fields and the yearly variation of rice yield in Fluvio-Marine plain of Jeonbug series. Amounts of rice straw and compost applied in this experiment were 500kg/10a, 1,000kg/10a respectively, and the nitrogen levels were 0, 15 and 20kg/10a. This experiment were continued for 9 years from 1979 to 1987. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Clay and silt ratios were decreased but versa in sand ratio, by the long-term application of rice straw and compost. 2. Bulk density in the long-term application of organic matter was lower in surface soil of non-application than nitrogen application (15kg/10a) and in rice straw than compost. 3. Solid ratio went down, but liquid and gaseous ratio went up especially, by organic matter application liquid ratio were increased by compost and gaseous ratio were increased by in rice straw. 4. Aggregates of bigger than 2mm were increased by long-term application of organic matter, and the effects was better in rice straw than compost. Accumulative aggregate of 2mm was 66.5% in nitrogen of 15kg/ 10a with rice straw, which showed the increase of 9.1% in comparison with the non-application of nitrogen and organic matter. 5. Liquid limit, plastic limit and plastic index were high in order of rice straw, compost and control, and liquid index was lower in compost than in rice straw. 6. Cole value was higher in vertical than horizontal and highest in the application of rice straw with nitrogen of 15kg/10a. Cone and shearing resistance were lowest in the application of rice straw with nitrogen. In total vertical pressure friction was higher in the long-term application of organic matter than control. 7. The change of yield index was higher in the long-term application of compost than rice straw in non-nitrogen and it showed the yearly competitive variation between the long-term application of compost and rice straw in nitrogen of 10kg/10a. In nitrogen application of 20kg/10a, it was increased from 6th year by rice straw application.

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Physical and Mechanical Properties on Ipseok-dae Columnar Joints of Mt. Mudeung National Park (무등산국립공원 입석대 주상절리대에 대한 물리역학적 특성)

  • Ko, Chin-Surk;Kim, Maruchan;Noh, Jeongdu;Kang, Seong-Seung
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.383-392
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    • 2016
  • This study is to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties on the Ipseok-dae columnar joints of Mt. Mudeung National Park. For these purposes, physical and mechanical properties as well as discontinuity property on the Mudeungsan tuff, measurement of vibration and local meteorology around columnar joints, and ground deformation by self-weight of columnar joints were examined. For the physical and mechanical properties, average values were respectively 0.65% for porosity, 2.69 for specific gravity, 2.68 g/cm3 for density, and 2411 m/s for primary velocity, 323 MPa for uniaxial compressive strength, 81 GPa Young's modulus, and 0.25 for Poisson's ratio. For the joint shear test, average values were respectively 3.15 GPa/m for normal stiffness, 0.38 GPa/m for shear stiffness, 0.50 MPa for cohesion, and 35° for internal friction angle. The JRC standard and JRC chart was in the range of 4~6, and 1~1.5, respectively. The rebound value Q of silver schmidt hammer was 57 (≒ 90 MPa). It corresponds 20% of the uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock. The maximum vibration value around the Ipseok=dae columnar joints was in the range of 0.57 PPV (mm/s)~2.35 PPV (mm/s). The local meteorology of surface temperature, air temperature, humidity, and wind on and around columnar joints appeared to have been greatly influenced the weather on the day of measurement. For the numerical analysis of ground deformation due to its self-weight of the Ipseok-dae columnar joints, the maximum displacement of the right ground shows when the ground distance is approximately 2 m, while drastically decreased by 2~4 m, thereafter was insignificant. The maximum displacement of the middle ground shows when the ground distance is approximately 0~2 m, while drastically decreased by 3~10 m, thereafter was insignificant. The maximum displacement of the left ground shows when the ground distance is approximately 5~6 m, while drastically decreased by 6~10 m, thereafter was insignificant.

Effects of Limestone Powder and Silica Fume on the Hydration and Pozzolanic Reaction of High-Strength High-Volume GGBFS Blended Cement Mortars (고강도 고함량 고로슬래그 혼합 시멘트 모르터의 수화 및 포졸란 반응에 미치는 석회석 미분말과 실리카퓸의 영향)

  • Jeong, Ji-Yong;Jang, Seung-Yup;Choi, Young-Cheol;Jung, Sang-Hwa;Kim, Sung-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2015
  • To evaluate the effects of limestone powder and silica fume on the properties of high-strength high-volume ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS) blended cement concrete, this study investigated the rheology, strength development, hydration and pozzolanic reaction characteristics, porosity and pore size distribution of high-strength mortars with the water-to-binder ratio of 20, 50 to 80% GGBFS, up to 20% limestone powder, and up to 10% silica fume. According to test results, compared with the Portland cement mixture, the high-volume GGBFS mixture had much higher flow due to the low surface friction of GGBFS particles and higher strength in the early age due to the accelerated cement hydration by increase of free water; however, because of too low water-to-binder ratio and cement content, and lack of calcium hydroxide content, the pozzolanic reactio cannot be activated and the long-term strength development was limited. Limestone powder did not affect the flowability, and also accelerate the early cement hydration. However, because its effect on the acceleration of cement hydration is not greater than that of GGBFS, and it does not have hydraulic reactivity unlikely to GGBFS, compressive strength was reduced proportional to the replacement ratio of limestone powder. Also, silica fume and very fine GGBFS lowered flow and strength by absorbing more free water required for cement hydration. Capillary porosities of GGBFS blended mortars were smaller than that of OPC mortar, but the effect of limestone powder on porosity was not noticeable, and silica fume increased porosity due to low degree of hydration. Nevertheless, it is confirmed that the addition of GGBFS and silica fume increases fine pores.

Analysis on Seismic Resistance Capacity of Hollow Concrete Block Reinforced Foundation Ground by Using Shaking Table Test (진동대 시험을 이용한 중공블록 보강 기초의 내진성능분석)

  • Shin, Eun-Chul;Lee, Yeun-Jeung;Yang, Tae Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2021
  • The seventy percentage of Korean Peninsular is covered by the mountainous area, and the depth of west sea and south sea is relatively shallow. Therefore, a large scale land reclamation from the sea has been implemented for the construction of industrial complex, residental area, and port and airport facilities. The common problem of reclaimed land is consisted of soft ground, and hence it has low load bearing capacity as well as excessive settlement upon loading on the ground surface. The hollow concrete block has been used to reinforce the loose and soft foundation soil where the medium-high apartment or one-story industrial building is being planned to be built. Recently the earthquakes with the magnitude of 4.0~5.0 have been occurred in the west coastal and southeast coastal areas. Lee (2019) reported the advantages of hollow concrete block reinforced shallow foundation through the static laboratory bearing capacity tests. In this study, the dynamic behavior of hollow concrete block reinforced sandy ground with filling the crushed stone in the hollow space has been investigated by the means of shaking table test with the size of shaking table 1000 mm × 1000 mm. Three types of seismic wave, that is, Ofunato, Hachinohe, Artificial, and two different accelerations (0.154 g, 0.22 g) were applied in the shaking table tests. The horizontal displacement of structure which is situated right above the hollow concrete block reinforced ground was measured by using the LVDT. The relative density of soil ground are varied with 45%, 65%, and 85%, respectively, to investigate the effectiveness of reinforcement by hollow block and measured the magnitude of lateral movement, and compared with the limit value of 0.015h (Building Earthquake Code, 2019). Based on the results of shaking table test for hollow concrete block reinforced sandy ground, honeycell type hollow block gives a large interlocking force due to the filling of crushed stone in the hollow space as well as a great interface friction force by the confining pressure and punching resistance along the inside and outside of hollow concrete block. All these factors are contributed to reduce the great amount of horizontal displacement during the shaking table test. Finally, hollow concrete block reinforced sandy ground for shallow foundation is provided an outstanding reinforced method for medium-high building irrespective of seismic wave and moderate accelerations.

Studies on the Mechanical Properties of Weathered Granitic Soil -On the Elements of Shear Strength and Hardness- (화강암질풍화토(花崗岩質風化土)의 역학적(力學的) 성질(性質)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -전단강도(剪斷强度)의 영향요소(影響要素)와 견밀도(堅密度)에 대(對)하여-)

  • Cho, Hi Doo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.66 no.1
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    • pp.16-36
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    • 1984
  • It is very important in forestry to study the shear strength of weathered granitic soil, because the soil covers 66% of our country, and because the majority of land slides have been occured in the soil. In general, the causes of land slide can be classified both the external and internal factors. The external factors are known as vegetations, geography and climate, but internal factors are known as engineering properties originated from parent rocks and weathering. Soil engineering properties are controlled by the skeleton structure, texture, consistency, cohesion, permeability, water content, mineral components, porosity and density etc. of soils. And the effects of these internal factors on sliding down summarize as resistance, shear strength, against silding of soil mass. Shear strength basically depends upon effective stress, kinds of soils, density (void ratio), water content, the structure and arrangement of soil particles, among the properties. But these elements of shear strength work not all alone, but together. The purpose of this thesis is to clarify the characteristics of shear strength and the related elements, such as water content (wo), void ratio(eo), dry density (γd) and specific gravity (Gs), and the interrelationship among related elements in order to decide the dominant element chiefly influencing on shear strength in natural/undisturbed state of weathered granitic soil, in addition to the characteristics of soil hardness of weathered granitic soil and root distribution of Pinus rigida Mill and Pinus rigida × taeda planted in erosion-controlled lands. For the characteristics of shear strength of weathered granitic soil and the related elements of shear strength, three sites were selected from Kwangju district. The outlines of sampling sites in the district were: average specific gravity, 2.63 ~ 2.79; average natural water content, 24.3 ~ 28.3%; average dry density, 1.311.43g/cm3, average void ratio, 0.93 ~ 1.001 ; cohesion, 0.20.75kg/cm2 ; angle of internal friction, 2945 ; soil texture, SL. The shear strength of the soil in different sites was measured by a direct shear apparatus (type B; shear box size, 62.5×20mm; σ, 1.434kg/cm2; speed, 1/100mm/min.). For the related element analyses, water content was moderated through a series of drainage experiments with 4 levels of drainage period, specific gravity was measured by KS F 308, analysis of particle size distribution, by KS F 2302 and soil samples were dried at 110±5C for more than 12 hours in dry oven. Soil hardness represents physical properties, such as particle size distribution, porosity, bulk density and water content of soil, and test of the hardness by soil hardness tester is the simplest approach and totally indicative method to grasp the mechanical properties of soil. It is important to understand the mechanical properties of soil as well as the chemical in order to realize the fundamental phenomena in the growth and the distribution of tree roots. The writer intended to study the correlation between the soil hardness and the distribution of tree roots of Pinus rigida Mill. planted in 1966 and Pinus rigida × taeda in 199 to 1960 in the denuded forest lands with and after several erosion control works. The soil texture of the sites investigated was SL originated from weathered granitic soil. The former is situated at Py¨ongchangri, Ky¨om-my¨on, Kogs¨ong-gun, Ch¨ollanam-do (3.63 ha; slope, 1741 soil depth, thin or medium; humidity, dry or optimum; height, 5.66/3.73 ~ 7.63 m; D.B.H., 9.7/8.00 ~ 12.00 cm) and the Latter at changun-long Kwangju-shi (3.50 ha; slope, 1223; soil depth, thin; humidity, dry; height, 10.47/7.3 ~ 12.79 m; D.B.H., 16.94/14.3 ~ 19.4 cm).The sampling areas were 24quadrats (10m×10m) in the former area and 12 in the latter expanding from summit to foot. Each sampling trees for hardness test and investigation of root distribution were selected by purposive selection and soil profiles of these trees were made at the downward distance of 50 cm from the trees, at each quadrat. Soil layers of the profile were separated by the distance of 10 cm from the surface (layer I, II, ... ...). Soil hardness was measured with Yamanaka soil hardness tester and indicated as indicated soil hardness at the different soil layers. The distribution of tree root number per unit area in different soil depth was investigated, and the relationship between the soil hardness and the number of tree roots was discussed. The results obtained from the experiments are summarized as follows. 1. Analyses of simple relationship between shear strength and elements of shear strength, water content (wo), void ratio (eo), dry density (γd) and specific gravity (Gs). 1) Negative correlation coefficients were recognized between shear strength and water content. and shear strength and void ratio. 2) Positive correlation coefficients were recognized between shear strength and dry density. 3) The correlation coefficients between shear strength and specific gravity were not significant. 2. Analyses of partial and multiple correlation coefficients between shear strength and the related elements: 1) From the analyses of the partial correlation coefficients among water content (x1), void ratio (x2), and dry density (x3), the direct effect of the water content on shear strength was the highest, and effect on shear strength was in order of void ratio and dry density. Similar trend was recognized from the results of multiple correlation coefficient analyses. 2) Multiple linear regression equations derived from two independent variables, water content (x1 and dry density (x2) were found to be ineffective in estimating shear strength (ˆY). However, the simple linear regression equations with an independent variable, water content (x) were highly efficient to estimate shear strength (ˆY) with relatively high fitness. 3. A relationship between soil hardness and the distribution of root number: 1) The soil hardness increased proportionally to the soil depth. Negative correlation coefficients were recognized between indicated soil hardness and the number of tree roots in both plantations. 2) The majority of tree roots of Pinus rigida Mill and Pinus rigida × taeda planted in erosion-controlled lands distributed at 20 cm deep from the surface. 3) Simple linear regression equations were derived from indicated hardness (x) and the number of tree roots (Y) to estimate root numbers in both plantations.

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