• Title/Summary/Keyword: Friction Surface

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Wet surface performance test of fin-tube heat exchangers with slit-wavy fin (물결형 슬릿핀이 장착된 핀-관 열교환기의 습표면 성능 실험)

  • Kim, N.H.;Kim, J.S.;Cho, J.P.;Yun, J.H.;Peck, J.H.;Lee, S.G.;Nam, S.B.;Kwon, H.J.
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 1997
  • In this study, the wet surface heat transfer coefficients and friction factors of the heat exchanger with slit-wavy fin were measured. Four sample cores of two or three row with fins of 12 fpi or 16 fpi were tested. Tests were conducted in a closed loop wind tunnel, where the heat exchanger was mounted at 45 degree inclination angle. The wet surface heat transfer coefficient was reduced following the procedure given in ARI 420-81. During the course, new definitions of the ε-NTU applicable to enthalpy driving system were introduced. The wet surface heat transfer coefficients were approximately equal to the dry surface values. However, the friction factors were approximately 120% to 170% higher than those of the dry surface. Both the heat transfer coefficient and the friction factor of the wet surface increased as the relative humidity increased, fin pitch decreased, and the number of row decreased, although the difference was not large.

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Effect of Chemically Etched Surface Microstructure on Tribological Behaviors

  • Hye-Min Kwon;Sung-Jun Lee;Chang-Lae Kim
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.84-90
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    • 2024
  • This study investigates the effect of the surface microstructure on the tribological characteristics of glass substrates. Chemical etching using hydrofluoric acid and ammonium hydrogen fluoride was employed to create controlled asperity structures on glass surfaces. By varying the etching time from 10 to 50 min, different surface morphologies were obtained and characterized using optical microscopy, surface roughness measurements, and water contact angle analysis. Friction tests were performed using a stainless steel ball as the counter surface to evaluate the tribological behavior of the etched specimens. The results showed that the specimen etched for 20 min exhibited the lowest and most stable friction coefficient, which was attributed to the formation of a uniform and dense asperity structure that effectively reduced the stress concentration and wear at the contact interface. In contrast, specimens etched for shorter (10 min) or longer (30-50 min) durations displayed higher friction coefficients and accelerated wear owing to nonuniform asperity structures that led to local stress concentration. Optical microscopy of the wear tracks further confirmed the superior wear resistance of the 20-minute etched specimen. These findings highlight the importance of optimizing the etching process parameters to achieve the desired surface morphology for enhanced tribological performance, suggesting the potential of chemical etching as a surface modification technique for various materials in tribological applications.

Study of Tool Surface Texture Directionality Effect on Frictional Behavior of Sheet Metal Forming (금형 표면 거칠기의 방향성이 판재의 마찰 특성에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Han, S.S.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.113-117
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    • 2020
  • Various parameters are involved in the frictional behavior of steel sheet during stamping. We performed various tests in order to investigate the influence of tool surface texture directionality upon the resulting friction in sheet forming processes. Four different tools were manufactured which gave us a range of roughness for both parallel and transverse texture directions. Each of the tools was examined in flat type friction tests under identical test conditions. The tool with the transverse surface texture produces significantly lower levels of friction than the tool with parallel texture direction. Considering the lubrication mechanism associated with transverse texture, one can imagine the lubricant being constantly supplied from the reservoir of the micro valley to the point of contact and hence producing the lower levels of friction seen.

A Study on the Frictional Characteristics of B4C Added Cu Base Sintered Friction Materials (B4C의 첨가에 따른 동계소결합금 마찰재의 마찰특성 변화에 관한 연구)

  • 정동윤;김기열;조정환
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.48-54
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    • 1996
  • Examined in this paper, is the effect of B4C addition on the frictional characteristics of Cu-Sn based sintered friction materials. For the specimens 1wt%, 2wt% and 4wt% of B4C were added into the reference material. A pin-on-disk type friction tester was used to,measure the friction torque with respect to the surface temperature and sliding distance. Wear mechanism of each specimen is analyzed in the view point of the oxide film formation. The specimen containing 4wt% of B4C showed stable friction and low wear since the oxide film was sustained up to higher surface temperature ranges.

Friction Reduction Properties of Evaporation Coated Petroleum and Silicone Oil Lubricants (증발 코팅법으로 증착된 광유와 실리콘 오일 윤활제의 마찰 저감 특성)

  • Yoo, Shin Sung;Kim, Dae Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.30 no.8
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    • pp.864-869
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    • 2013
  • As the size of mechanical components decreases, capillary forces and surface tension become increasingly significant. A major problem in maintaining high reliability of these small components is that of large frictional forces due to capillary action and surface tension. Unlike the situation with macro-scale systems, liquid lubrication cannot be used to reduce friction of micro-scale components because of the excessive capillary and drag forces. In this work, the feasibility of using evaporation to coat a thin film of organic lubricant on a solid surface was investigated with the aim of reducing friction. Petroleum and silicone oils were used as lubricants to coat a silicon substrate. It was found that friction could be significantly reduced and, furthermore, that the effectiveness of this method was strongly dependent on the coating conditions.

Study on the Friction Characteristics of Various Bead Materials in Drawbead Forming of Cold Rolled Steels for Automotive Parts (자동차용 냉간압연재의 드로우비드 성형시 비드 재질별 마찰특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee D. H.;Kim W. T.;Moon Y. H.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 2004
  • The drawbead is one of the most important factors in sheet metal forming for automotive parts. So clarifying the friction characteristics between sheets and drawbead is essential to improve the formability of sheet metal. Therefore in this study, drawbead friction test was performed at various bead materials(FC300, HC891, FCD550, HD700, HK600, HK700, SKD11) and surface treatment of beads(Base, induction hardening, Cr plating, ion nitriding, Toyoda diffusion process, TiCN, TiN, CrN). Circular shape bead has been used for the test. The results show that friction and drawing characteristics were mainly influenced by surface treatment.

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A Study on the Friction and Wear Characteristics of Al2O3TiC (Al2O3TiC의 마찰 및 마모특성에 관한 연구)

  • 조구환;이기현;김경웅
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.20-25
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    • 1992
  • Friction and wear behavior of hot isostatic pressed Al2O3TiC was experimentally examined. Pin-on-disk type friction and wear apparatus was designed and manufactured for the experiment. The experiments were conducted under unlubricated sliding motion in both low and high humidity for three kinds of sliding speed. Al2O3TiC and bearing steel were used as counterface materials. Friction coefficient, wear rate, and surface roughness were measured. Wear surface and wear debris were observed through optical microscope and SEM and analyzed by EDAX. The results showed that the counterface materials, the sliding speed, and the moisture at the sliding surface have significant influence on the friction coefficient and wear rate of Al2O3TiC.

Tribology Characteristics in 200 μm of Hexagonal Array Dimple Pattern

  • Choi, W. S.;Angga, S.H.;Kwon, S. H.;Kwon, S. G.;Park, J. M.;Kim, J. S.;Chung, S. W.;Chae, Y. H.
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.50-55
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    • 2015
  • This study investigates the effects of a pattern of 200 μm dimples in a hexagonal array on tribological characteristics. A textured surface might reduce the friction coefficient and wear caused by third-body abrasion and thus improve the tribological performance. There are three friction conditions based on the Stribeck curve: boundary friction, mixed friction, and fluid friction conditions. In this experiment, we investigate the friction characteristics by carrying out the friction tests at sliding speeds ranging from 0.06 to 0.34 m/s and normal load ranging from 10 to 100 N. We create dimple surfaces for texturing by using the photolithography method. There are three kinds of specimens with different dimple densities ranging from 10% to 30%. The dimple density on the surface area is the one of the important factors affecting friction characteristics. Friction coefficient generally decreases with an increase in the velocity and load, indicating that the lubrication regime changes depending on the load and velocity. The fluid friction regime is fully developed, as indicated by the duty number graph. Fluid friction occurs at a velocity of 0.14-0.26 m/s. The best performance is seen at 10% dimple density and 200 μm dimple circle in the hexagonal array.

Lubrication Analysis of Surface-Textured Inclined Slider Bearing with Rectangular Dimples (사각형 딤플로 Surface Texturing한 경사진 Slider 베어링의 윤활해석)

  • Park, TaeJo;Jang, InGyu
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.191-198
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    • 2022
  • With the world's fast expanding energy usage comes a slew of new issues. Because one-third of energy is lost in overcoming friction, tremendous effort is being directed into minimizing friction. Surface texturing is the latest surface treatment technology that uses grooves and dimples on the friction surface of the machine to significantly reduce friction and improve wear resistance. Despite the fact that many studies on this issue have been conducted, most of them focused on parallel surfaces, with relatively few cases of converging films, as in most sliding bearings. This study investigated the lubrication performance of surface-textured inclined slider bearings. We analyzed the continuity and Navier-Stokes equations using a commercial computational fluid dynamics code, FLUENT. The results show the pressure and velocity distributions and the lubrication performance according to the number and orientation of rectangular dimples. Partial texturing somewhat improves the lubrication performance of inclined slider bearings. The number of dimples with the maximum load-carrying capacity (LCC) and minimum friction is determined. When the major axis of the dimple is arranged in the sliding direction, the LCC and friction reduction are maximized. However, full texturing significantly reduces the LCC of the slider bearing and increases the flow rate. The results have the potential to improve the lubrication performance of various sliding bearings, but further research is required.

Surface Modification of Aluminum by Nitrogen-Ion Implantation

  • Kang Hyuk-Jin;Ahn Sung-Hoon;Lee Jae-Sang;Lee Jae-Hyung
    • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.57-61
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    • 2006
  • The research on surface modification technology has been advanced to improve the properties of engineering materials. Ion implantation is a novel surface modification technology that enhances the mechanical, chemical and electrical properties of substrate's surface using accelerated ions. In this research, nitrogen ions were implanted into AC7A aluminum substrates which would be used as molds for rubber molding. The composition of nitrogenion implanted aluminum and distribution of nitrogen ions were analyzed by Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES). To analyze the modified surface, properties such as hardness, friction coefficient, wear resistance, contact angle, and surface roughness were measured. Hardness of ion implanted specimen was higher than that of untreated specimen. Friction coefficient was reduced, and wear resistance was improved. From the experimental results, it can be expected that implantation of nitrogen ions enhances the mechanical properties of aluminum mold.