Park, Ik-Soo;Yoon, Ho-Joo;Shin, Dong-Ho;Park, Sung-Soo;Lee, Jung-Hee
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
Background: Genus of Aspergilli are ubiquitous saprophytic molds in nature, but its change from a saprophytic fungus to a pathogenic organism has occurred since the use of various antibiotics. The fungus affects the chronically ill and debilitated population. Recently frequency of the fungal infection is increasing in Korea with abuse of antibiotics and glucocorticoids. Method: We analyzed medical records of 52 patients with pulmonary aspergillosis seen at Hanyang University Hospital from 1980 to 1994. The results were as follows; Results: 1) Ages ranged between second to eighth decades with majority(50%) in the fourth to fifth decades. The male to female ratio was 1.1:1. 2) Hemoptysis and productive cough, the leading symptoms, occurred in 42.3% and 25% respectively. 3) On chest X-ray fingings, the characteristic "fungus ball" pattern were observed in 53.8% of the 52cases. 4) Sputum culture for aspergilli were positive in 21.6% of the cases. We performed fine needle aspiration in 22 patients and the diagnostic yield was 100%. 5) Thirty-six patients had history of treatment with antituberculous drugs under diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis for an average of 27.3 months. But sputum analysis for acid-fast bacilli were positive in 5.6%(2cases of 36cases), and postoperative pathologic findings showed that 38.9%(12 cases of 28cases) were combined with tuberculosis. 6) Right upper and left upper lobes were predominantly involved(34.6% and 19.2% respectively) and lobectomies were performed in 21 cases. 7) Underlying diseases were present in 47 cases and 48.9% of them were pulmonary tuberculosis. Conclusion: These results showed that pulmonary aspergillosis usually develops in patients with open cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis. And we must consider the possibility of pulmonary aspergillosis in a patient with hemoptysis and cavitary lung lesion.
Background : Cytokines are chemical mediators that control and modulate many inflammatory processes. They work in different fashions in a variety of diseases. Discriminating between malignant effusion, tuberculous effusion, and parapneumonic effusion are crucial from the clinical view-point in Korea. In the current study, interferon-gamma (IFN-${\gamma}$), soluble interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) were measured for this purpose. Methods : Pleural fluids from patients with malignant disease, tuberculosis, parapneumonic effusion and lung empysema were collected and gauged using commercial ELISA kits. Results : 34 patients were enrolled in this study. Among these 15 cases were malignant effusions, 12 were tuberculosis pleurisy and 7 were parapneumonic effusion and lung empyema. The levels of cytokines measured in this study were as follows, in order of frequency, malignant effusion, tuberculous effusion, parapneumonic effusion and lung empyema. The levels of INF-${\gamma}$ were higher in tuberculous effusion than in malignant or parapneumonic effusion ($295.5{\pm}585.5$ vs. $16.7{\pm}50$ vs. $10.0{\pm}0$ pg/ml, p>0.05). The levels of IL-2R were higher in tuberculous effusion than in malignant or parapneumoruc effusion ($7423.5{\pm}3752.8$ vs. $3247.4{\pm}1713.3$ vs. $3790.2{\pm}3201.1$ pg/ml, p<0.05). No significant differences were found in the levels of IL-6 between the groups ($600{\pm}12.8$ pg/ml in malignant effusion, $556.4{\pm}161.7$ pg/ml in tuberculous effusion, $514.4{\pm}224.8$ pg/ml in parapneumoruc effusion). IL-10 levels were higher in parapneumoruc effusion than in malignant or tuberculous effusions ($98.4{\pm}141.7$ vs. $28.2{\pm}55.5$ vs. $11.3{\pm}11.7$ pg/ml, p<0.05). Conclusion : These results suggest that the measurement of IL-2R levels in pleural fluids may be a useful means of differentiating between tuberculous effusion and pleural effusions of other origins, and that the measurement of IL-10 levels in pleural fluids may be useful to differentiate between parapneumonic effusion and pleural effusions of other origins.
Background: Neural control of airway function is through parasympathetic, sympathetic and non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic mechanisms. The autonomic nervous system controls the airway smooth muscle tone, mucociliary system, permeability and blood flow in the bronchial circulation and release of mediators from the mast cells and other inflammatory cells. The cardiovascular and respiratory autonomic efferent fibers have a common central origin, so altered cardiovascular autonomic reflexes could reflect the altered respiratory autonomic status. Therefore, we performed this study to assess the autonomic abnormality and determine the correlating factors of severity of autonomic neuropathy in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) using easily reproducible cardiovascular autonomic reflex function test. Method: The study included 20 patients with COPD and 20 healthy persons obtained on Health Promotion Center in Yeungnam university hospital. All the patients had history and clinical features of COPD as defined by the American Thoracic Society. Any patients with myocardial ischemia, cardiac arrythmia, hypertension, central or peripheral nervous system disease, diabetes mellitus, or any other diseases known to produce autonomic neuropathy, has excluded. The autonomic nervous system function tests included three tests evaluating the parasympathetic system and two tests evaluating the sympathetic system. And also all subjects were subjected to pulmonary function test and arterial blood gas analysis. Results: Autonomic dysfunction was more commonly associated with patients with COPD than healthy person The parasympathetic dysfunction was frequent in patient with COPD, but sympathetic dysfunction seemed preserved. The severity of parasympathetic dysfunction in patients with COPD was correlated with the degree of duration of disease, smoking, reductions in the value of $FEV_1$ and FVC, and arterial hypoxemia but no such correlation existed for age, type of COPD, $FEV_1$/FVC, or $PaCO_s$. Conclusion: There is high frequency of parasympathetic dysfunction associated with COPD and the parasympathetic abnormality in COPD is increased in proportion to severity of airway disease. In COPD, parasympathetic dysfunction probably does not the cause of disease, but it may be an effect of disease progression.
Background : Following several decades of decline, the incidence of tuberculosis has recent1y begun to increase in many countries of this the control of this disease has been impeded by the emergence of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). The development of rapid diagnostic methods and effective new drugs are needed to control MDR-TB. One of the new drugs for MDR-TB is rifabutin (RBU) which has been known to be effective in some patients with MDR-TB. A few reports showed that some types of mutations of the rpoB gene, which were known to be present in 96-98% of rifampicin-resistant M. tuberculosis, were associated with the rifampicin-resistant but RBU-susceptible phenotype. This study was performed to investigate the correlation between RBU susceptibility and the patterns of rpoB gene mutations in Korean MDR-TB. Methods : Sixty-five clinical isolates of multi-drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis, gathered from patients who visited the Asan Medical Center from July 1997 to June 1999, were investigated. Clinical responses to rifabutin-containing regimen were evaluated. An RBU susceptibility test and sequencing analysis of rpoB gene were performed, and the results were analyzed to confirm which mutations correlated with RBU-susceptible MDR-TB. Results : Fifty-three of 56 (95%) clinical isolates of MDR-TB had 60 mutations of the rpoB gene. The most frequent mutations were found at codon 531 (43%), and two mutations were combined in seven clinical isolates. Five of 53 (10%) clinical isolates showed the RBU-susceptible phenotype, and in them the characteristic patterns of point mutations were found at codon 509, 516, and 526. Conclusion : The frequency and pattern of mutations of the rpoB gene of Korean MDR-TB isolates were similar to those in western countries, where the prevalence of tuberculosis is low, but some show RBU-susceptible phenotypes. RBU-susceptible MDR-TB isolates showed the characteristic pattern of mutations of the rpoB gene which could be used to rapidly diagnose RBU susceptibility.
Background : With the increase of cigarette consumption by women and the young, the incidence of lung cancer is expected to increase during the next three or four decades in Korea. The purpose of this study was to analyze the smoking habits in patients with lung cancer and to identify the gender differences in terms of their susceptibility to cigarette related carcinogens. Method : This investigation was a hospital-based case control study, which included the data of 178 case subjects (72 females, 106 males) with lung cancer and 218 control subjects (97 females, 121 males) with diseases unrelated to smoking. The information was obtained through a direct personal interview and a questionnaire related to personal smoking history. Results : The relative frequency of the squamous cell carcinoma was substantially higher in males than in females (61.3% in males, and 29.2% in females), while adenocarcinoma including bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma was higher in females(31.9% in females, 18.9% in males). Kreyberg I lung cancer was of relatively higher frequencies in males and smokers, while Kreyberg II lung cancer was higher in females and never smokers. The odds ratios (ORs) at each exposure level were consistently higher in females than males. For all cell types, the risk of lung cancer was increased with the quantity of smoked cigarettes, duration of smoking, and depth of inhalation. Odds ratio was distinctly higher in Kreyberg I lung cancer than in total lung cancer and a steeper gradient of risk with increased smoking was observed in females. Conclusion : The relative risk for lung cancer was consistently higher in females than in males at every level of exposure to cigarette smoke. This is believed to be due to the higher susceptibility of females to tobacco carcinogens, such as gender associated differences of carcinogen activation and/or the elimination of smoking related metabolites.
Background : The occurrence of lung complications after allogenic bone marrow transplantation(BMT) has been reported as 40-60 percent. The risk factors for lung complications are whole body irradiation, high dose chemotherapy, graft versus host disease, old age and CMV infection. The prevalence of graft versus host disease is less in Korea than in Western countries, but frequency of CMV infection is higher. Therefore, the pattern of lung complications may be different in Korea from those in Western countries. Methods : A retrospective cohort study was performed on one hundred consecutive adult patients who underwent allogenic bone marrow transplantation from December, 1993 to May, 1999 at Asan Medical Center. Lung complications were divided into two groups by the time of development, within 30days (pre-engraftment) and beyond 30 days (post-engraftment), and then subdivided into infectious and non-infectious complication. Infectious complications were defined as having the organism in blood, BAL fluid, pleural fluid or sputum, or compatible clinical findings in patients, which improved with antibiotics or an anti-fungal therapy. Result: 1) Eighty three episodes of lung complications had occurred in 54 patients. 2) Within thirty days after BMT, non-infectious complications were more common than infections, but this pattern was reversed after 30 days. After one year post-BMT, there was no infectious complication except in cases of recurrence of underlying disease or development of chronic GVHD. 3) Among the non-infectious complications, pleural effusion (27 episodes) was most common, followed by pulmonary edema (8 episodes), bronchiolitis obliterans(2 episodes), diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (1 episode) and bronchiloitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (1 episode). 4) The infectious complications were pneumonia (bacterial: 9 episodes, viral: 4 episodes, fungal : 5 episodes, pneumocystis carinii : 1 episode), pulmonary tuberculosis(3 episodes) and tuberculous pleurisy (3 episodes). 5) Lung complications were more frequent in CMV positive patients and in patients with delayed recovery of neutrophil count. 6) The mortality was higher in the patients with lung complications. Conclusion : Lung complications developed in 54% after allogenic BMT and were associated with higher mortality.
Park, Hye-Jung;Shin, Kyeong-Cheol;Lee, Choong-Kee;Chung, Jin-Hong;Lee, Kwan-Ho
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
Backgrounds : Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome(OSA) can divided into two groups, positional(PP) and non-positional(NPP) obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, according to the body position while sleeping. In this study, we evaluated the differences of anthropometric data and polysomnographic recordings between the two types of sleep apnea syndrome. Materials : Fifty patients with OSA were divided two groups by Cartwright's criteria. The supine respiratory disturbance index (RDI) was at least two times higher than the lateral RDI in the PP group, and the supine RDI was less than twice the lateral RDI in the NPP group. This patients underwent standardized polysomnographic recordings. The anthropometric data and polysomnographic data were analyzed, statistically. Results : Of all 50 patients, 30% were found to be positional OSA. BMI was significantly higher in the PP group(p<0.05). Total sleep time was significantly longer in the PP group (350.6$\pm$28.2min, 333.3$\pm$46.0min, (p<0.05). Sleep efficiency was high in the PP group(89.6$\pm$6.4%, 85.6$\pm$9.9%, p<0.05). Deep sleep was significantly higher and light sleep was lower in the PP group than in the NPP group but no difference was observed in REM sleep between the two groups. Apnea index(AI) and RDI were significantly lower( 17.0$\pm$10.6, 28.5$\pm$13.3, p<0.05) and mean arterial oxygen saturation was higher in the PP group(92.7$\pm$1.8%. p<0.05) than in the NPP group. Conclusion : Body position during sleep has a profound effect on the frequency and severity of breathing abnormalities in OSA patients. A polysomnographic evaluation for suspected OSA patients must include monitoring of the body position. Breathing function in OSA patients can be improved by controlling their obesity and through postural therapy.
Lin, Hai Hua;Kim, Hee-Youn;Yun, Yeo-Jun;Park, Chan Geun;Kim, Bum-Joon;Park, Young-Gil;Kook, Yoon-Hoh
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
Backgrounds: Mutations of katG and inhA (ORF and promoter) are known to be related to isoniazid (INH) resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Because reports on these mutations in Korean isolates are limited (i.e. only the frequency of katG codon 463 was evaluated.), we tried to know the kinds of mutations of two genes and their frequencies in INH resistant Korean M. tuberculosis strains. Methods: PCR was performed to amplify katG (2,223 bp), inhA ORF (-77~897, 975 bp), and inhA promoter (-168~80, 248 bp) from 29 multidrug resistant M. tuberculosis (MDR-TB) DNAs prepared by bead beater-phenol method. Their sequences were determined and analyzed by ABI PRISM 3730 XL Analyzer and MegAlign package program, respectively. Results: All of the isolates had more than one mutation in katG or inhA gene. Twenty seven (93%) of 29 tested strains had katG mutations, which suggests that katG is a critical gene determining INH resistance of M. tuberculosis. Amino acid substitutions, such as Arg463Leu and Ser315Thr, due to point mutations of the katG were the most frequent (62.1% and 55.2%) mutations. In addition, deletion of the katG gene was frequently observed (17.2%). Analyzed Korean MDR-TB isolates also had variable inhA mutations. Point mutation of inhA promoter region, such as -15 ($C{\rightarrow}T$) was frequently found. Substitution of amino acid (Lsy8Asn) due to point mutation ($AAA{\rightarrow}AAC$) of inhA ORF was found in 1 isolate. Interestingly, 14 point mutated types that were not previously reported were newly found. While four types resulted in amino acid change, the others were silent mutations. Conclusions: Although it is not clear that the relationship of these newly found mutations with INH resistance, they show marked diversity in Korean MDR-TB strains. It also suggests their feasibility as a molecular target to supplement determining the INH resistance of clinical isolates because of the possible existence of low-level INH resistant strains.
Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
Mammary epithelial cells contain a subpopulation of cells with a large proliferativ potential which are responsible for the maintenance of glandular cellularity and are the progenitor cells of mammary cancer. These clonogens give rise to multicellular clonal alveolar or ductal units(AU or DU) on transplantation and hormonal stimulation. To isolate putative mammary clonogens, enzymatically monodispersed rat mammary epithelial cells from organoid cultures and from intact glands are sorted by flow cytometry according to their affinity for FITC labeled peanut lectin(PNA) and PE labeled anti-Thy-1.1 antibody(Thy-1.1) into four subpopulations : cells negative to both PNA and Thy-1.1(B-), PNA+cells, Thy-1.1+cells, and cells positive to both reagents(B+). The in vivo transplantation assays indicate that the clonogenic fractions of PNA+cells from out-growths of organoids in primary cultures for three days in complete hormone medium(CHM) are significantly higher than those of cells from other subpopulations derived from cultrues or from intact glands. Extracellular matrix(ECM) is a complex of several proteins that regulated cell function ; its role in cell growth and differentiation and tissue-specific gene expression. It can act as a positive as well as a negative regulator of cellular differentiation depending on the cell type and the genes studied. Regulation by ECM is closely interrelated with the action of other regulators of cellular function, such as growth factors and hormones. Matrigel supports the growth and development of several different multicellular colonies from mammary organoids and from monodispersed epithelial cells in culture. Several types of colonies are observed including stellate colonies, duct-like structures, two- and three-dimensional web structures, squamous organoids, and lobulo-duct colonies. Organoids have the greatest proliferative potential and formation of multi-cellular structures. Phase contrast micrographs demonstrate extensive intracellular lipid accumulation within the web structures and some of duct-like colonies. At the immunocytochemical and electron micrograph level, casein proteins are predominantly localized near the apical surface of the cells or in the lumen of duct-like or lobulo-duct colonies. Squamous colonies are comprised of several layers of squamous epithelium surrounding keratin pearls as is typical fo squamous metaplasia(SM). All-trans retinoic acid(RA) inhibits the growth of SM. The frequency of lobulo-ductal colony formation increased with the augmentation of RA concentration in these culture conditions. The current study models could provide powerful tools not only for understanding cell growth and differentiation of epithelial cells, but also for the isolation and characterization of mammary clonogenic stem cells.
Two individuals ($sp_1$, $sp_2$) of purple and one individual ($sd_1$) of red hearted flower were selected from 18 years old Hibiscus syriacus trees obtained from the seeds treated with colchicine, and their morphological and physiological characteristics were investigated and following results were obtained. 1. The somatic chromosome number of the selected individuals, $sp_1$, $sp_2$, and $sd_1$ were 2n=160, while that of the check tree was 2n=80, indicating that the selected individuals, $sp_1$, $sp_2$ and $sd_1$ were tetraploid. 2. Peroxidase isoenzyme bands of high activity in selected individuals, $sp_1$, $sd_1$ and check tree were mostly in cathode, fixed band was f and v bands, and frequency of each band and their activity were not different between selected individuals, $sp_1$ and $sd_1$ and check tree. 3. The flowers of $sp_1$ individual were large in size and more dark purple than check tree's. The flowers of $sp_2$ individual were not increased in size, but they were dark purple and red heart at the base of the petal was expanded to 2/3 of the petal length. The flower of $sd_1$ individual was also large and some of the red lines from the petal base were extended to 2/3 of the petal length, which was much longer than those of the check tree. 4. Thickess of leaves, length of guard cells, diameter of pollens, wood fiber lengths and woody fiber widths were all increased in $sp_1$, $sp_2$ and $sd_1$ as compared to those of the check tree. 5. Survival percentage of cuttings was 80% with $sp_1$ and 36% with $sd_1$, and their growth performance were inferior to control in their second growing season.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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② 당 사이트는 서비스를 특정범위로 분할하여 각 범위별로 이용가능시간을 별도로 지정할 수 있습니다. 다만
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제 13 조 (홈페이지 저작권)
① NDSL에서 제공하는 모든 저작물의 저작권은 원저작자에게 있으며, KISTI는 복제/배포/전송권을 확보하고
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③ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 보도, 비평, 교육, 연구 등을 위하여 정당한 범위 안에서 공정한 관행에
합치되게 인용할 수 있습니다.
④ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 무단 복제, 전송, 배포 기타 저작권법에 위반되는 방법으로 이용할 경우
저작권법 제136조에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
제 14 조 (유료서비스)
① 당 사이트 및 협력기관이 정한 유료서비스(원문복사 등)는 별도로 정해진 바에 따르며, 변경사항은 시행 전에
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② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
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제 15 조 (계약 해지)
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제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
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제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.