• 제목/요약/키워드: Free writing

검색결과 87건 처리시간 0.023초

20세기 한국미술사 연구를 위한 소고: 1960-70년대 미술을 중심으로 (A Study on the $20^{th}$-century Korean Art History: Focusing on the 1960s-70s Art)

  • 박춘호
    • 미술이론과 현장
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    • 제16호
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    • pp.7-40
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    • 2013
  • Historian Eric J. Hobsbawm once said "the task that historians have is to analyze the meanings of the past within the context of society and to track the changes and implementation." It would not be too far of a stretch to apply Hobsbawm's quote to art historian since art history, although quite specific, is still history. In addition, Hobsbaum also asserted that, "a mold called the past continuously forms the present or at least thought to be." It is my recognition that the major westernization of the last century took place under the Japanese colonization which served as the channel to usher in western art; however, the current 20thcentury Korean art history fails to recognize that the mold of the past, namely western art in this case, has formed the modern art of the present. Based on this recognition, attention was given to what lacked in the analysis of the current 20th-century Korean art history in terms of "Informel" which was identified as the turning point towards "modern art" in the Korean art history as well as the following "experimental art." My belief is that the art history of Korea has to be reassessed from, a socio-cultural perspective as well as adopting multi-level and diachronic understanding. However, the existing Korean art, especially the one between the end of 1950s to the 1970s was based on the perspective of "severance"; thus, raising the needs for the starting point of a new perspective. It is my conviction that meta perspective on writing is most essential in order to lay a solid basis for the Korean art scene to have a productive discussion. I feel the utmost necessity to reinterpret the typified history analysis and criticism which stemmed from the trauma under the Japanese colonization. The most urgent task is to avoid academic closeness and to share the research. Painting is an individual expression of the artist, but the act of expression is not free from the cultural and societal influence to which the artist belongs.

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Boosting up the photoconductivity and relaxation time using a double layered indium-zinc-oxide/indium-gallium-zinc-oxide active layer for optical memory devices

  • Lee, Minkyung;Jaisutti, Rawat;Kim, Yong-Hoon
    • 한국진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국진공학회 2016년도 제50회 동계 정기학술대회 초록집
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    • pp.278-278
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    • 2016
  • Solution-processed metal-oxide semiconductors have been considered as the next generation semiconducting materials for transparent and flexible electronics due to their high electrical performance. Moreover, since the oxide semiconductors show high sensitivity to light illumination and possess persistent photoconductivity (PPC), these properties can be utilized in realizing optical memory devices, which can transport information much faster than the electrons. In previous works, metal-oxide semiconductors are utilized as a memory device by using the light (i.e. illumination does the "writing", no-gate bias recovery the "reading" operations) [1]. The key issues for realizing the optical memory devices is to have high photoconductivity and a long life time of free electrons in the oxide semiconductors. However, mono-layered indium-zinc-oxide (IZO) and mono-layered indium-gallium-zinc-oxide (IGZO) have limited photoconductivity and relaxation time of 570 nA, 122 sec, 190 nA and 53 sec, respectively. Here, we boosted up the photoconductivity and relaxation time using a double-layered IZO/IGZO active layer structure. Solution-processed IZO (top) and IGZO (bottom) layers are prepared on a Si/SiO2 wafer and we utilized the conventional thermal annealing method. To investigate the photoconductivity and relaxation time, we exposed 9 mW/cm2 intensity light for 30 sec and the decaying behaviors were evaluated. It was found that the double-layered IZO/IGZO showed high photoconductivity and relaxation time of 28 uA and 1048 sec.

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입자 패치 기반 가상 연필 및 에어브러시 가시화 알고리즘 (Virtual pencil and airbrush rendering algorithm using particle patch)

  • 이혜린;오건;이택희
    • 한국컴퓨터그래픽스학회논문지
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2018
  • 최근 가상 현실 및 증강 현실 기술의 발달로 다양한 형태의 기술이 제안되고 발전되고 있다. 특히 가상의 학습공간이나 가상의 건축 공간들을 위한 기술로서 원하는 형태의 그림을 그릴 수 있는 가상 드로잉 툴은 필수적인 요소 중 하나로 볼 수 있다. 기존의 래스터 기반 드로잉 알고리즘은 공간 이동이 잦은 가상 현실에서는 부적합 할 수 있는데, 가상 현실의 특성상 근접하거나 멀어지는 경우가 많기 때문이다. 본 논문에서는 연필 및 에어브러시의 물리적인 특성을 고려하여 실제 결과와 흡사하면서도 확대 및 축소에 강건한 가상의 드로잉 툴 렌더링 알고리즘을 제안한다. 캔버스로부터의 거리, 분사되는 잉크의 양, 움직이는 속도, 마찰력, 압력 등을 고려한다. 드로잉의 기본 단위는 정사각형 패치이며 각 패치는 슈도 랜덤값을 기반으로 하는 입자 형태의 이미지를 가진다. 이러한 입자 패치는 슈도 랜덤 식을 사용하고 매 프레임 마다 재 생성되기 때문에 확대 축소 시 깨짐 현상이 발생하지 않는다. 제안된 알고리즘은 2차원 환경 및 가상 현실 환경에 구현되었다. 2차원 환경은 안드로이드 기반 스마트폰에서 구현하였으며 가상 현실 환경은 언리얼 엔진 4를 사용하여 구현하였다. 구현 결과 확대 축소 시에도 이질감 없이 원래의 질감을 유지하는 렌더링 결과를 얻을 수 있었다.

한의학과 문학의 교섭 양상 연구 -약명시(藥名詩)를 중심으로- (A Study on Reciprocal Relationship between TKM and Literature : Centering on Medicinal Name Verses(YakMyeongSi))

  • 이정현
    • 한국한의학연구원논문집
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2010
  • In this study, YakMyeongSi were considered to define relations of Tradional Korean Medicine(TKM) and literature. In the introduction, present related studies were searched to clarify YakMyeongSi are completely different from medical property songs(YakSeongGa). Related data about YakMyeongSi and YakSeongGa were extracted for the initial findings. In chapter 2, medical name verse was defined as 'a type of free verses with one or more medical names in each verse to be interpreted ordinarily' based on records and examples of YakMyeongSi. In China, it originated from "Book of Odes" and "Songs of Chu", and it was most popular in the Song-China. Medical names actually referred to medical names in the early forms of the Warring States Period, but the complete form of YakMyeongSi started to appear in the Tang-China. In chapter 3, 34 YakMyeongSi and 5 related data were suggested in tables as the present conditions of Korean YakMyeongSi. With actual examples, better comprehension of YakMyeongSi were intended. Also, the fact that Korean YakMyeongSi were completed in forms at the end of Goryeo and beginning of Joseon dynasty. The motivations of writing YakMyeongSi were also studied. Medical names were put into verses because they well expressed landscapes and emotions. Propagation of medical knowledge was the basis of YakMyeongSi. There are limits in defining the relations of TKM and literature with some YakMyeongSi. More studies must be carried out on YakMyeongSi in various records with details and interests. Also, study to define general relations of TKM and literature must be carried out together by examining TKM in literary forms such as medical introductions or medical property songs and literature pieces that expressed principles and materials of TKM.

담도 종양 혈전을 동반한 간세포암종 (Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Bile Duct Tumor Thrombi)

  • 신혜선;홍지영;한정우;도화미;김기정;김도영;안상훈;최기홍
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.180-186
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    • 2011
  • Obstruction of the bile duct owing to the direct extension of a tumor is occasionally found in patients with a hepatic neoplasm, but bile duct tumor thrombus caused by the intrabiliary transplantation of a free-floating tumor is a rare complication of hepatocellular carcinoma A 50-year-old woman was diagnosed with HCC with bile duct tumor thrombi. She received transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) because her liver function was not suitable for surgery at the time of diagnosis. After TACE, infected biloma occurred recurrently. Thus, resection of the HCC, including the bile duct tumor thrombi, was performed. Six months after the surgery, recurred HCC in the distal common bile duct as drop metastasis was noted. The patient was treated with tomotherapy and has been alive for three years as of this writing, without recurrence. The prognosis of HCC with bile duct tumor thrombi is considered dismal, but if appropriate procedures are selected and are actively carried out, long-term survival can occasionally be achieved.

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Single-step 전자빔 묘화 장치를 이용한 Focusing Grating Coupler 제작 연구 (Fabrication technology of the focusing grating coupler using single-step electron beam lithography)

  • 김태엽;김약연;손영준;한기평;백문철;김해성;신동훈;이진구
    • 한국전기전자재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전기전자재료학회 2002년도 하계학술대회 논문집 Vol.3 No.2
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    • pp.976-979
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    • 2002
  • A focusing grating coupler (FGC) was not fabricated by the 'Continuous Path Control' writing strategy but by an electron-beam lithography system of more general exposure mode, which matches not only the address grid with the grating period but also an integer multiple of the address grid resolution (5 nm), To more simplify the fabrication, we are able to reduce a process step without large decrease of pattern quality by excluding a conducting material or layer such as metal (Al, Cr, Au), which are deposited on top or bottom of an e-beam resist to prevent charge build-up during e-beam exposure. A grating pitch period and an aperture feature size of the FGC designed and fabricated by e-beam lithography and reactive ion etching were ranged over 384.3 nm to 448.2 nm, and $0.5{\times}0.5mm^2$ area, respectively, This fabrication method presented will reduce processing time and improve the grating quality by means of a consideration of the address grid resolpution, grating direction, pitch size and shapes when exposing. Here our investigations concentrate on the design and efficient fabrication results of the FGC for coupling from slab waveguide to a spot in free space.

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교육용 콘텐츠 저작을 위한 개발 툴 기능 개선 연구 (A Study on improving the Functions of Authoring Tool for Educational Contents)

  • 오미자;신성욱;김미량
    • 컴퓨터교육학회논문지
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2014
  • 정보통신기술의 발전으로 교육현장에서 웹을 통해 무료로 교육 자료를 공개하고 활용하는 서비스 사례들이 늘어나고 있다. 그러나 이러한 서비스를 통해 제공되는 자료들은 대부분 완성된 형태로 제공되고 있어 교수자가 교육 목적이나 내용에 따라 자료를 개발하거나 수정해서 사용하기 어려운 실정이다. 이에 본 연구는 실사용자인 교사가 기존의 교육용 콘텐츠 개발 툴을 사용하여 콘텐츠를 개발해봄으로써 교사 입장에서의 개발 툴에 대한 요구사항 및 필요기능을 도출하고자 하였다. 그 결과, 툴에 대한 요구사항으로는 직관적 인터페이스 환경, 다양한 멀티미디어 자료 지원, 산출물 버전의 다양화 등 10가지가 도출되었으며, 필요 기능으로는 외부자원의 연결, 포맷 자동 변환 기능, 기존 문서의 사용 및 편집, 학습자 정답 작성, 숨기기 기능 등 13가지 기능이 제시되었다.

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Dynamics model of the float-type wave energy converter considering tension force of the float cable

  • Hadano, Kesayoshi;Lee, Sung-Bum;Moon, Byung-Young
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제38권2호
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    • pp.217-224
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    • 2014
  • We have developed the novel device that can extract energy from ocean waves utilizing the heaving motion of a floating mass. The major components of the energy converter are: a floater, a counterweight, a cable, a driving pulley, two idler pulleys, a ratchet, and a generator. The device generates power through the tension force in the cable and the weight difference between the floater and the counterweight. When the system is at static free condition, the tension in the cable is equal to the weight of the counterweight which is minimum. Therefore it is desirable to keep the counterweight lighter than the floater. However, experiments show that during the rise of the water level, the torque generated by weight of the counterweight is insufficient to rotate the driving pulley which causes the cable on the floater side to slack. The proposed application of the tension pulley rectifies these problems by preventing the cable from becoming slack when the water level rises. In this paper, the dynamics model is modified to incorporate the dynamics of the tension pulley. This has been achieved by first writing the dynamical equations for the tension pulley and the energy converter separately and combining them later. This paper investigates numerically the effect of the tension pulley on various physical quantities such as the cable tension, the floater displacement, and the floater velocity. Results obtained indicate that this application is successful in suppressing large fluctuations of the cable tension.

열처리 공정을 이용한 regenerated FBG의 제작 (Fabrication of Regenerated Fiber Bragg Grating Using Thermal Annealing)

  • 서지희;이남권;이승환;김유미;유윤식
    • 센서학회지
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.124-129
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we manufactured the regenerated FBG by the thermal annealing of seed FBG based on UV irradiation. The writing conditions of regenerated FBGs were investigated in four types of optical fiber. FBGs written in $H_2$-free fiber were erased and not regenerated during the thermal annealing. FBG written in $H_2$ loaded Boron co-doped fiber was erased at the temperature of about $580^{\circ}C$ and regenerated about $590^{\circ}C$. However, the extinction of regenerated FBG started at the temperature over $900^{\circ}C$ and then FBG disappeared out. FBG written in $H_2$ loaded Ge high doped fiber was erased and regenerated around the temperature of $800^{\circ}C$ and maintained until the end of the thermal annealing. The reflection of the regenerated FBG was decreased about 12 dB and the center wavelength of the regenerated FBG was shifted about 0.7 nm compared with that of the seed FBG. The thermal characteristics of the regenerated FBG were analyzed by reheating from room temperature to $980^{\circ}C$. As results, the regenerated FBG had survived without a decrease of reflection and the thermal sensitivity was $15pm^{\circ}C$.

Fabrication Technology of the Focusing Grating Coupler using Single-step Electron Beam Lithography

  • Kim, Tae-Youb;Kim, Yark-Yeon;Han, Gee-Pyeong;Paek, Mun-Cheol;Kim, Hae-Sung;Lim, Byeong-Ok;Kim, Sung-Chan;Shin, Dong-Hoon;Rhee, Jin-Koo
    • Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2002
  • A focusing grating coupler (FGC) was not fabricated by the 'Continuous Path Control'writing strategy but by an electron-beam lithography system of more general exposure mode, which matches not only the address grid with the grating period but also an integer multiple of the address grid resolution (5 nm). To more simplify the fabrication, we are able to reduce a process step without large decrease of pattern quality by excluding a conducting material or layer such as metal (Al, Cr, Au), which are deposited on top or bottom of an e-beam resist to prevent charge build-up during e-beam exposure. A grating pitch period and an aperture feature size of the FGC designed and fabricated by e-beam lithography and reactive ion etching were ranged over 384.3 nm to 448.2 nm, and 0.5 $\times$ 0.5 mm$^2$area, respectively. This fabrication method presented will reduce processing time and improve the grating quality by means of a consideration of the address grid resolution, grating direction, pitch size and shapes when exposing. Here our investigations concentrate on the design and efficient fabrication results of the FGC for coupling from slab waveguide to a spot in free space.