• Title/Summary/Keyword: Force density

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Shape Design of Slotless Type PMLSM for Improving Thrust Density (Slotless 영구자석형 선형 동기전동기의 고추력화를 위한 형상 설계)

  • 김용철;김규탁
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers B
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    • v.52 no.7
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    • pp.320-326
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    • 2003
  • Slotless Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor (PMLSM) has good control ability but thrust density is low. So, this paper proposes inserted core type of slotless PMLSM to improve its thrust density. Inserting the core between windings of each phase, detent force is generated by the difference of magnetic resistance in an air gap. To minimize detent force, this paper applies the neural network to inserted core type of slotless PMLSM. The, Magnetic pole ratio, the width of the inserted core and the width of the coil are selected as a design parameter to minimize detent force. In comparison with inserted core type one, thrust ripple greatly decreases by minimizing detent force and also thrust increases in this optimal model.

Correlations among Shearing Force, Morphological Characteristic, Chemical Composition, and In situ Digestibility of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) Stem

  • Liu, L.;Yang, Z.B.;Yang, W.R.;Jiang, S.Z.;Zhang, G.G.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.520-527
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    • 2009
  • Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) is a high-quality forage for ruminants and the main stem is the dominant morphological component contributing to the forage nutritive value in mature alfalfa forage. Shearing force, a fracturing property of plant stem, is an important indictor of forage value. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of morphological characteristic on shearing force, the relationship between shearing force and chemical composition, and the relationship between shearing force and in situ digestibility of alfalfa stem. The results showed that linear density (weight per unit length of stem) was more important than chemical composition in affecting shearing force. There was a positive relationship between lignin content and shearing force (r = 0.78). Correlations were not found between shearing force and other chemical components such as neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), cellulose and hemicelluloses. In situ digestibility (of dry matter and NDF) was related to shearing force. A negative correlation was found between shearing force and dry matter (DM) digestibility (r = -0.70), and there was also a negative correlation between shearing force and NDF digestibility (r = -0.87). When shearing force was standardized for stem diameter or stem linear density, the relationship between shearing force and digestibility was consistent regardless of stem diameter and stem linear density. Shearing force was significantly correlated with lignin content and in situ digestibility (of DM and NDF), and was a more direct indicator for estimating forage nutritive value related to animal performance, so it can be used to predict the forage value of alfalfa.

A Study on the Shape Finding of Cable-Net Structures Introducing General Inverse Matrix (일반역행열(一般逆行列)을 이용(利用)한 케이블네트 구조물(構造物)의 형상결정에 관한 연구)

  • Sur, Sam-Uel;Lee, Jang-Bok
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.2 no.1 s.3
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2002
  • In this study, the 'force density method' for shape finding of cable net structures is presented. This concept is based on the force-length ratios or force densities which are defined for each branch of the net structures. This method renders a simple linear 'analytical form finding' possible. If the free choice of the force densities is restricted by further condition, the linear method is extended to a nonlinear one. The nonlinear one can be applied to the detailed computation of networks. In this paper, the general inverse matrix is introduced to solve the nonlinear equilibrium equation including Jacobian matrix which is rectangular matrix. Several examples for linear and nonlinear analysis applied additional constraints are presented. It is shown that the force density method is suitable for form finding of cable net and the general inverse matrix can be applied to solve the nonlinear equation without Lagrangian factors.

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Vibrational Analysis of Ferrocyanide Complex Ion Based on Density Functional Force Field

  • Park, Sun-Kyung;Lee, Choong-Keun;Lee, Sang-Ho;Lee, Nam-Soo
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.253-261
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    • 2002
  • Vibrational properties of ferrocyanide complex ion, $[Fe(CN)_6]^{4-}$ , have been studied based on the force constants obtained from the density functional calculations at B3LYP/$6-31G^{\ast\ast}$ level by means of the normal mode analysis using new bond angle and linear angle internal coordinates recently developed. Vibrations of ferrocyanide were manipulated by twenty-three symmetry force constants. The angled bending deformations of C-Fe-C, the linear bending deformations of Fe-C${\equiv}$N and the stretching vibrations of Fe-C have been quantitatively assigned to the calculated frequencies. The force constants in the internal coordinates employed in the modified Urey-Bradley type potential were evaluated on the density functional force field applied, and better interaction force constants in the internal coordinates have been proposed. The valence force constants in the general quadratic valence force field were also given. The stretch-stretch interaction and stretch-bending interaction constants are not sensitive to the geometrical displacement in the valence force field.

Force density ratios of flexible borders to membrane in tension fabric structures

  • Asadi, H.;Hariri-Ardebili, M.A.;Mirtaheri, M.;Zandi, A.P.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.67 no.6
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    • pp.555-563
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    • 2018
  • Architectural fabrics membranes have not only the structural performance but also act as an efficient cladding to cover large areas. Because of the direct relationship between form and force distribution in tension membrane structures, form-finding procedure is an important issue. Ideally, once the optimal form is found, a uniform pre-stressing is applied to the fabric which takes the form of a minimal surface. The force density method is one of the most efficient computational form-finding techniques to solve the initial equilibrium equations. In this method, the force density ratios of the borders to the membrane is the main parameter for shape-finding. In fact, the shape is evolved and improved with the help of the stress state that is combined with the desired boundary conditions. This paper is evaluated the optimum amount of this ratio considering the curvature of the flexible boarders for structural configurations, i.e., hypar and conic membranes. Results of this study can be used (in the absence of the guidelines) for the fast and optimal design of fabric structures.

A New Method for Coronal Force-Free Field Computation That Exactly Implements the Boundary Normal Current Density Condition

  • Yi, Sibaek;Jun, Hongdal;Lee, Junggi;Choe, G.S.
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.71.3-71.3
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    • 2019
  • Previously we developed a method of coronal force-free field construction using vector potentials. In this method, the boundary normal component of the vector potential should be adjusted at every iteration step to implement the boundary normal current density, which is provided by observations. The method was a variational method in the sense that the excessive kinetic energy is removed from the system at every iteration step. The boundary condition imposing the normal current density, however, is not compatible with the variational procedure seeking for the minimum energy state, which is employed by most force-free field solvers currently being used. To resolve this problem, we have developed a totally new method of force-free field construction. Our new method uses a unique magnetic field description using two scalar functions. Our procedure is non-variational and can impose the boundary normal current density exactly. We have tested the new force-free solver for standard Low & Lou fields and Titov-Demoulin flux ropes. Our code excels others in both examples, especially in Titov-Demoulin flux ropes, for which most codes available now yield poor results. Application to a real active region will also be presented.

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A Study on Effect on Current Density Distribution, Inductance Gradient, and Contact Force by Variation of Armature and Rail Structure (아마츄어 및 레일의 구조 변화에 따른 전류 밀도, 인덕턴스 경도 및 접촉력의 영향 연구)

  • 김복기
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers B
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 2001
  • The distribution of current in the conductors influenced by the armature geometry and velocity is an important parameter for determining performance of an electromagnetic launcher(EML). the electric current in the early launching stage tends to flow on the outer surfaces of the conductors, resulting in very high local electric current density. However, the tendency for current to concentrate on the surface is driven by the velocity skin effect later in launching stage. The high current density produces high local heating and, consequently, increases armature wear which causes several defects on EML system. This paper investigates the effects of rail/armature geometry on current density distribution, launcher inductance gradient (L'), and contact force. Three geometrical parameters are used here to characterize the railgun system. These are the ratio of contact length to root length, relative position of contact leading edge to root trailing edge, and the ratio of rail overhang to the rail height. The distribution of current density, L', contact force between various configurations of the armature and the rail are analyzed and compared by using the EMAP3D program.

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An Observation of Unified Force Expression in The Cylindrical Magnetic Material with a Vertical Current Running Through Its Center (전류가 관통하는 원통형 자성체에 미치는 전자기력식의 통일성에 대한 고찰)

  • Choi, Hong-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.174-179
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    • 2011
  • Magnetic force calculation methods such as Maxwell stress, virtual work principle, equivalent magnetic charge, and equivalent magnetizing current are widely used until now. The force density is still controversial issue even though it is common sense that all of these methods have legitimate results. The surface force densities of each method are quite different with each other in the point of numerical result and final expression. In this paper, it is shown that a unified expression of body force density is derived using virtual air-gap scheme for an analytic model in which cylindrical magnetic material with a vertical current runs through its center.

Analysis of Properties of Rubbed Polyimide Alignment Layer and Rubbing Effect of Various Rubbing Cloths for LCD Fabrication (LCD 제조용 러빙포 물성에 따른 러빙된 폴리이미드 배향막의 특성 및 러빙효과 분석)

  • Ahn, Hong-Jun;Lee, Jang-Ju;Ahn, Jong-Soo;Park, Kyung-Chul;Noh, Jae-Gyu;Yoo, Dong-Yeon;Paek, Sang-Hyon
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.385-389
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    • 2011
  • In rubbing process, process factors, the properties of alignment layer and the physical properties of rubbing cloth have acted as important variables. These factors affect the orientation properties of the alignment layer by rubbed extent that is determined by rubbing density and rubbing force. In this work, we studied the effects of rubbing cloths with different pile density and rigidity on rubbing density(length) and rubbing force. As the pile density and rigidity of rubbing cloths increased, the birefringence and the surface roughness of the rubbed alignment layers became bigger, but the characteristics of rubbing-effect had differed each other. The pile density of rubbing cloths which was related with the number of pile, affected the rubbing density(length). On the other hand, the pile rigidity of rubbing was closely related to rubbing force rather than the rubbing density(length).

Study of micro-plastics separation from sea water with electro-magnetic force

  • Nomura, Naoki;Mishima, Fumihito;Nishijima, Shigehiro
    • Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.10-13
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    • 2021
  • The method of removing micro-plastics from sea water has been developed using electro-magnetic force. Plastics are difficult to decompose and put a great load on the marine environment. Especially a plastic with a size of 5 mm or less is defined as micro-plastic and are carried by ocean currents over long distances, causing global pollution. These are not easily decomposed in the natural environment. The Lorentz force was generated in simulated sea water and its reaction force was applied to the micro-plastic to control their motion. Lorentz force was generated downward and the reaction force to the plastics was upward. The plastic used in the experiment was polystyrene with a diameter of 6 mm, and the density was 1.07 g/cm3. The polystyrene sphere levitated at the current density of 0.83 A/cm2 and the external field of 0.87T. The particle trajectory calculation was also made to design separation system using superconducting magnet.