• Title/Summary/Keyword: Flow Rules

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A study of the sixteenth century Mannerism Costume and Unthinkable fashion (16C 매너리즘시대 복식과 20C 엽기패션에 관한 연구)

  • 김영란
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.163-172
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    • 2002
  • There have been many unbalanced attempts to break the rules with Renaissance movement which connects with the past in the current art. And From the latter half of Twenty century to the early half of twenty one century, the common sense of fashion is turned over by(unthinkable fashion). To analyze current apparence of fashion, this research make a comparison of fashion condition between the sixteenth century and twenty century fashion, Three analysis methods is introduced. First of all, this paper make research of original language of mannerism and unthinkable apparence. Second, appearances of mannerism fashion and unthinkable fashion which are taken from reference books and pictures. Third, Gathering methods which express own style between two periods in the end part of research. As a result, Although Mannerism isn't practical for the visual and new pleasure, and neglect humanism of Renaissance, It is a tendency which is willing to change the flow of prevailing mode, and to reflect asking of people each periods. Mannerism and unthinkable fashion is apparence of society to refresh own feeling. And then, Mannerism and unthinkable fashion is a new challenge to escape from fixed thought.

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Vibration Control of a Drive Feeding System Using ER CD-ROM Mounts (ER CD-ROM 마운트를 이용한 드라이브 피딩 시스템의 진동 제어)

  • 최승복;김형규;임수철;박영필
    • Journal of KSNVE
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.1247-1258
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    • 1999
  • This paper presents vibration control of a CD-ROM(compact disc-read only memory) drive feeding system consisting of a new type of CD-ROM mount using an electro-rheologocal(ER) fluid. Chemically treated starch particles and silicon oil are used for EF fluid, and its field-dependent yield stresses are experimentally distilled under both the shear and the flow modes. On the basis of the yield stress, an appropriate size of ER CD-ROM mount adapted to conventional feeding system is designed and manufactured. Vibration isolation performance of the proposed mount is evaluated in the frequency domain and compared with that of conventional rubber mount. The ER CD-ROM mount is then installed to the drive feeding system and the system equation of motion is derived. The skyhook controller is then incorporated with the fuzzy technique to improve the performance of ER CD-ROM mount. A set of fuzzy parameters and control rules are obtained from a relation between vertical displacement and pitching motion of the feedng system. Followingthe formulation of the fuzzy-skyhook controller, computer simulation is undertaken in order to evaluate vibration suppression of the CD-ROM drive feeding system subjected to various excitations.

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Science High School Students' Analysis of Characteristics on Ill-Structured Problem-Solving Process (과학고 학생들의 비구조화된 문제 해결 과정 특성 분석)

  • Seo, Jin-Su;Han, Shin;Kim, Hyung-Bum;Jeong, Jin-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.8-19
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to: analyze the characteristics on ill-structured problem-solving process; examine the type of memories used in their monitoring. The data were primary collected from observation and secondary the semi-structured in-depth interviews based on analysis of observation results with two students who belong to science school and a guidance. The findings of this study revealed that the ill-structured problems possess multiple representations and the upper level's problem have several sub-problems. And multiple steps simultaneously exist in particular stage of problem-solving process that is not single sequential but complex flow and have high frequency of discussion step. Type of memories used in ill-structured problems include idiosyncratic memories which is related in personal histories such as school performance, problem-related memories, abstract rules and intuition.

A Moving Window Principal Components Analysis Based Anomaly Detection and Mitigation Approach in SDN Network

  • Wang, Mingxin;Zhou, Huachun;Chen, Jia
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.3946-3965
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    • 2018
  • Network anomaly detection in Software Defined Networking, especially the detection of DDoS attack, has been given great attention in recent years. It is convenient to build the Traffic Matrix from a global view in SDN. However, the monitoring and management of high-volume feature-rich traffic in large networks brings significant challenges. In this paper, we propose a moving window Principal Components Analysis based anomaly detection and mitigation approach to map data onto a low-dimensional subspace and keep monitoring the network state in real-time. Once the anomaly is detected, the controller will install the defense flow table rules onto the corresponding data plane switches to mitigate the attack. Furthermore, we evaluate our approach with experiments. The Receiver Operating Characteristic curves show that our approach performs well in both detection probability and false alarm probability compared with the entropy-based approach. In addition, the mitigation effect is impressive that our approach can prevent most of the attacking traffic. At last, we evaluate the overhead of the system, including the detection delay and utilization of CPU, which is not excessive. Our anomaly detection approach is lightweight and effective.

Bottleneck Detection Framework Using Simulation in a Wafer FAB (시뮬레이션을 이용한 웨이퍼 FAB 공정에서의 병목 공정 탐지 프레임워크)

  • Yang, Karam;Chung, Yongho;Kim, Daewhan;Park, Sang Chul
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.214-223
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents a bottleneck detection framework using simulation approach in a wafer FAB (Fabrication). In a semiconductor manufacturing industry, wafer FAB facility contains various equipment and dozens kinds of wafer products. The wafer FAB has many characteristics, such as re-entrant processing flow, batch tools. The performance of a complex manufacturing system (i.e. semiconductor wafer FAB) is mainly decided by a bottleneck. This paper defines the problem of a bottleneck process and propose a simulation based framework for bottleneck detection. The bottleneck is not the viewpoint of a machine, but the viewpoint of a step with the highest WIP in its upstream buffer and severe fluctuation. In this paper, focus on the classification of bottleneck steps and then verify the steps are not in a starvation state in last, regardless of dispatching rules. By the proposed framework of this paper, the performance of a wafer FAB is improved in on-time delivery and the mean of minimum of cycle time.

A Study on the Law of Non-performance of International Sales Contract under the Contract Law of The People's Republic of China (중국계약법(中國契約法)상 무역계약불이행(貿易契約不履行)관련 규정(規定)의 연구(硏究))

  • Ahn, Yeong-Tae
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.243-257
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    • 2006
  • This study is to introduce the Chinese Contract Law against non-performance of the contract and to solve the wide range of problems involving to executing the trading contract. The parties' liability for the period of performance, the place of performance, the failure to deliver conforming goods together with it's nature of the lack of conformity, and the methods of compensation against damages and the force majeure clauses application. Those issues affect directly to commercial transactions in international business. The focus is more on the interrelationship of private individuals in its trade and on aiming to remove the legal obstacles from the Chinese Contract Law to freely flow of international trade. Reference may include foreign corrupt practices, Conventions on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and Laws of England, France, and Japan. This study has brought the efforts of these issues in the full spectrum of performance and with concentrations on effectiveness to avoid the different viewpoints of the general principles of CISG and commercial practice founded pre-eminently. This study, in presenting the legal framework, will contribute to a better understanding of the purpose of rules of Chinese Contract -Law as they interact to the benefit of the parties involved in international trade transactions. The writer believes that a problem-oriented approach and the concentration as outlined above would offer a different perspective for law faculty teaching in this area and hope that this study can be sufficiently diverse to satisfy many of those views.

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Web-based Integrated Safety, Health and Environment Management System in Gas Industry (가스공정의 웹기반 통합 안전, 보건, 환경 관리시스템 (WISHE))

  • Yoon En Sup;Han Kyounghoon;Park Jeong Su;Jung Ki Taek;Kim Ku Hwoi;Shin Dongil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.8 no.1 s.22
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    • pp.48-55
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    • 2004
  • ln this paper, we showed Web-based Integrated Safety, Health and Environment management system(WISHE) in gas industry, which was inspired from the integrated gas safety management system. Using the object oriented information flow to analysis basic modules of safety, health and environment, we made web-based, which enables us to access system anywhere, integrated system and its modules that can meet various laws and rules. This system also can reduce man power and management cost.

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The Study of Introducing the Screen Door in Subway Station (지하철 역사 승강장의 스크린도어 도입에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Woon;Seong, Ki-Chang;Kang, Byoung-Keun
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, the problem of subway platform is analyzed and the alternative as a screen door is suggested. This paper aims to improve the facility law in subway platform. Because facility law related to platform is absent, the study scope is limited to detail design that is matched to rules. Field survey is performed to 300 persons that are 150 men and 150 women in Shingil station in which the screen door is established. Also the persons are used the screen door at least 3 times. It makes the field survey credible. The study is proceeded as follows ; First, the law related to platform, the problem of platform, and the plan and status of screen door are analyzed. Second, the definition, and composition of screen door are examined. Then, kinds of screen door is analyzed and the advantage and disadvantage of each kind of screen door are compared. Third, the necessity of establishing the screen door is examined through field survey and error range of stop position is investigated. Through this flow, final results is abstracted. Direction of facility related to subway platform, applied objective and range are suggested based on this study. This study focuses the stability of platform, pleasantness, and energy saving and suggests facility improvement direction through introducing the screen door and further study.

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On the Control of Energy Flow between the Connection Parts of Syllables for the Korean Multi-Syllabic Speech Synthesis in the Time Domain Using Mono-syllables as a Synthesis Unit (단음절 합성단위음을 사용한 시간영역에서의 한국어 다음절어 규칙합성을 위한 음절간 접속구간에서의 에너지 흐름 제어에 관한 연구)

  • 강찬희;김윤석
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.24 no.9B
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    • pp.1767-1774
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    • 1999
  • This paper is to synthesize Korean multi-syllabic speeches in the time domain using mono-syllables as a synthesis unit. Specially it is to control the shape forms of speech energy flows between the connection parts of syllables in the case of concatenation mono-syllables. For this it is controlled with the prosody parameters1) extracted from speech waveforms in the time domains and presented the experimental results controlled the energy flows by using the induced concatenation rules from the korean syllable shapeforms in connetion parts of syllables. In the results of experiments, it is removed the incontinuities of energy follows in the connection parts produced by concatenating the mono-syllables in the time domain and also improved the qualities and naturalites of synthesized speeches.

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Exploring Air Traffic Controllers' Expertise through Cognitive Task Analysis (인지과제분석(Cognitive Task Analysis)을 통한 항공교통관제사의 전문성 확인)

  • Song, Chang-Sun;Kwon, Hyuk-Jin;Kim, Kyeong-Tae;Kim, Jin-Ha;Lee, Dong-Sik;Sohn, Young-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.42-55
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this research was to identify expertise in ait traffic control by using cognitive skill analysis for novices and experts in routine and non-routine situations. The result of study was to understand expertise in air traffic control tasks in terms of what cognitive processes are responsible for the expert's high performance levels. The problem solving task was difficult for novices, but performed relatively automatically by experts in a routine situation. The difficulty could indicate the presence of controlled processing. Rather than rules and strategies, novices focused more on environmental factors, which merely increase cognitive load. In a non-routine situation, novices showed that they did not categorize the information consistently and alternative resources were not available for them. Experts, however, performed automatically a task by arranging and organizing information related to problem solving components in contexts without regard to a routine and non-routine situation. Especially experts developed a stable representation and directed alternative resources for air traffic flow and efficiency. Based on the results, cognitive processes of experts could be useful to understand expert performance and analyze the learning process, which imply the necessity of developing expertise systematically.