• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fish consumption

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A study on the intake of foods causing dental caries and the effect of nutrition education for primary students (초등학교 아동의 치아우식성 식품섭취 및 영양교육 효과에 관한 연구)

  • 김혜영;원복연;류시현
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.704-715
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    • 2002
  • This study intended to compare dietary and snack habits of primary students in the schools providing and non-providing lunch to clarify the correlation between those conditions and the occurrence of dental caries. Furthermore, this study also focused on evaluating educational effects by providing children with nutritional education program. 1. As a result of dietary habit analysis, it was found that children from the school providing lunch were better in terms of breakfast regularity, eating speed. optimum amount of intake, and meal time regularity than those from the school non-providing lunch. In particular, it was noted that children from the school providing lunch took a little more meat, fish, seaweed and milk or dairy products than those from school non-providing lunch. Thus, it could be assumed hat children provided with lunch have more reasonable dietary habit than those without lunch program. In general, it was found that there was a slight positive change in children's dietary habit after nutritional instruction than before, suggesting that the nutritional education had effects on improving their dietary habit. 2. It was found that primary students often took snacks causing dental caries such as caramel, chocolate, sweets and biscuits, and children from the school providing lunch were more willing to reduce those snacks upon recognizing the causes of dental caries than those from the school non-providing lunch. For the children who chewed gum with physical cleansing effects, it was shown that the highest frequency wat twice or three times a week. Moreover, the ratio of children who took snacks following dinner which might affect their dental caries and the ratio of children who selected snacks because of TV commercial were both reduced after nutritional education. Also the consumption of detergent foods like vegetable, fruit, protein. seaweed. milk or dietary products after nutritional education was increased. 3. It was found that children from the school providing lunch took more often all food groups except for food group IV affecting dental caries than those from the school non-providing lunch. The average number of consuming foods which cause dental caries was 5.04 times per person a day, and most of those were rather taken by liquid than solid food. The average eating times of rinsing foods which kill the bacteria on the surface of teeth and prevent from dental caries, was 9.33 for a person a day, which was a little higher than recommended time. Exposed time for dental caries for a person a day was 100.9 min, of which liquid dental caries was 56.2 min and solid dental caries was 44.6 min, suggesting that liquid food had a high potential to cause dental caries.

Dietary behaviors of female marriage immigrants residing in Gwangju, Korea (광주지역에 거주하는 결혼이주 여성의 식생활 조사)

  • Yang, Eun Ju
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This cross-sectional study aimed to document the dietary behaviors, dietary changes, and health status of female marriage immigrants residing in Gwangju, Korea. Methods: The survey included 92 female immigrants attending Korean language class at a multi-cultural family support center. General characteristics, health status, anthropometric data, dietary behaviors, and dietary changes were collected. Results: Mean age of subjects was 31.3 years, and home countries of subjects were Vietnam (50.0%), China (26.0%), Philippines (12.0%), and others (12.0%). Frequently reported chronic diseases were digestive diseases (13.2%), anemia (12.1%), and neuropsychiatry disorder (8.9%). Seventeen percent of the subjects was obese ($BMI{\geq}25kg/m^2$). Dietary score by Mini Dietary Assessment was 3.45 out of 5 points. Dietary scores for dairy foods, meat/fish/egg/bean intake, meal regularity, and food variety were low, and those for fried foods and high fat meat intake were also low. Thirty-three percent of subjects answered that they have changed their diet and increased their consumption of fruits and vegetables after immigration. Length of residence in Korea was positively associated with BMI and waist circumference. Length of residence tends to be positively associated with dietary changes and obesity as well as inversely associated with disease prevalence. Conclusion: The study shows that length of residence is inversely related to disease prevalence. However, this association is thought to be due to the relatively short period of residence in Korea and thus the transitional phase to adapting to dietary practices. As the length of residence increases, disease patterns related to obesity are subject to change. Healthy dietary behaviors and adaptation to dietary practices in Korea in female marriage immigrants will not only benefit individuals but also their families and social structure. Therefore, varied, long-term, and target-specific studies on female marriage immigrants are highly needed.

The Factors for Korean Dietary Life Adaptation of Female Immigrants in Multi-cultural Families in Busan (다문화가정 결혼이주여성의 식생활적응에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Lee, Jeong-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.807-815
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to investigate the factors affecting the dietary adaptation of female immigrants in multi-cultural families in Busan. The survey was conducted from October 10 to November 30, 2010 using questionnaires, and the data was analyzed using the SPSS program. The subjects were mainly from China (58.8%), Vietnam (14.7%), Philippines (8.8%) and Japan (7.4%). The longer they had resided in Korea, the lower their preference they had for Korean foods. There were no significant differences in preference according to their nationality. The subjects reported that their consumption of cereals (36.7%), meats (40.0%), fish (50.8%), milk and dairy products (47.4%), vegetables (48.3%), fruits (44.8%), fat and oil (29.1%) and beverages (32.8%) were increased after immigration. They usually obtained information about Korean foods from family (26.5%) and television and internet (26.5%). Sixty four point seven percent of the females ate 'everyday' Korean foods and 30.9% ate their home country foods every day. A higher will for learning Korean foods, intake frequency and age resulted in a higher adaptation of Korean dietary life. Lower marital conflict resulted in higher adaptation. These results suggest that it would be effective to provide systematic nutrition education program for female immigrants and their families to adapt to Korean dietary life.

The Risk of Metabolic Syndrome by Dietary Patterns of Middle-aged Adults in Gyeonggi Province (경기 일부 지역 중년 성인의 식사 패턴에 따른 대사증후군 위험에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, You-Sin;Lee, Moo-Yong;Lee, Sim-Yeol
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.527-536
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess how nutrient intakes are related to risk factors for metabolic syndrome according to dietary patterns in the middle-aged adults. Methods: The subjects (n = 187; 47 men, 140 women) consisted of middle-aged adults over 30 years old in Ilsan area. The metabolic syndrome was diagnosed according to the data collected from each subject, including anthropometric measurements and blood analyses. The dietary patterns were derived from the average of two-day dietary intake data. Results: Factor analysis identified three major dietary patterns which were "Meats and alcohol", "Mixed grains, vegetables and fruits", and "Rice, Kimchi and fish & shellfish". The daily intakes of energy, protein, and sodium increased across quartiles of "Meats and alcohol" pattern scores (p < 0.05), whereas the intakes of carbohydrates, potassium, calcium, and fiber increased across quartiles of "Mixed grains, vegetables and fruits" pattern scores (p < 0.001). The "Meats and alcohol" pattern scores were positively correlated with protein and sodium intakes but inversely correlated with carbohydrates, fiber and potassium intakes which were adjusted for age, sex and energy (p < 0.05). The highest quartile pattern score of "Meats and alcohol" pattern had elevated odds ratio of abdominal obesity and metabolic syndrome (p < 0.05). The risk of hypertriglyceridemia decreased in the highest quartile of "Mixed grains, vegetables and fruits" pattern (OR 0.35, 95% CI 0.12-1.00). Conclusions: Our results suggested that reducing the consumption of meat and alcohol along with increasing fruits, vegetables and mixed grains would be helpful for preventing the metabolic syndrome and chronic diseases.

Dietary Life Status of Korean Prisoners' and the Background during the Period of Japanese Ruling (일제하(日帝下)(1920년대) 조선인수형인(朝鮮人受刑人)의 식생활상황(食生活狀況)과 그 배경(背景))

  • Kim, Chon-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.56-68
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    • 2003
  • The objects of this study are to find out (1) real situation of the food supply in prison under Imperial Government of Japan more cleary (historical meaning) and (2) which might help in understanding wrong present food consumption patterns in Korea which causes environmental as well as health problems. It is generally known that the length of the Japanese occupation for Korea is 36 years. However, it is concluded in this study that it was longer (70 years ; from 1875 to 1945 from when Japanese Army attacked and occupied Yungjongdo and Kanghwado island to e time when they were defeated on World War II.) Korea was annexed by Japan in 1910 then the Imperial Government of Japan dismissed the Korea Army, controlled the Office of Justice and the management of prison by force. Since then about 50% of all land was fell into Japanese Government ownership and 80% of Korean farmers became as tenant. After this change, Korea farmers were forced to pay extremely high rent (up to 80% of its harvest). Forced immigration, low price procurement of grain by Japanese government up to more than 30%of their production, was practiced. Accordingly, the food situation of Korean farmers became miserable, which may caused more violations of Imperial Japanese Law. Malnutrition, epidemic diseases, mortality rate of infants soared and average life expectancy shortened to 20-30 years old. This was the period of World Economic Crises and Food Crises in Japan. It was said then that if one Japanese comes to Korea then 200 Koreans will starved to death. Meanwhile, Proconsul Bureau of Chosun requested to the Department of Medicine, the Imperial University of Kyungsung to survey food supply situation of Koreans in prison throughout Korea. Objectives of the survey then was not only to find out scientifically whether it is agreeable in maintaining prisoner's health and also find out the possibility to save food during food crisis. Survey was started from 1923 and ended in 1945, and it focussed on prisoners in the Seodaemoon Prison. This report is the outcome of the first survey. They concluded that the food supplied was nutritionally (had) no problem, in compare with those of workers in the factory, students in the dormitory in Japan and with those of prisoners in Taiwan, France and Germany. Amount of grain supplied were different according to their work lord and was divided into 9 different levels. Total grain was consisted of 50% millet, 30% soybean and 20% indica rice(variety). However, there were no difference in the amount of supply of side dishes between work groups. For the highest working group, 3280g of boiled grain per day was supplied to make stomach full but as a side dishes, salty fermented bean paste, fermented fish and salty soups, etc. was supplied. Deficiency of animal protein were observed, however, high intake of soybean may possibly caused animal protein deficiency problem. On the contrary, the intake of water soluble vitamins were insufficient but the level of calcium and iron intake seems to be sufficient, however, imbalance of intake of nutrition may caused low absorbtion rate which might caused malnutrition. High intake of dietary fiber and low intake of cholesterol may possibly prohibited them from so called modem disease but may caused the defect in disease resistancy againist epidemics and other traditional disease. Over intake of salt(20-30g per day) was observed. Surveyors who attended in this survey, mentioned that the amount of food intake may nutritionally be sufficient enough but the quality of food(and possibly, the taste of food) were like that of animal feed. For the officials who received this report might consider that considering the war situation and food crisis, the supply situation of food in the prison may considered to be good enough(because they are not starving). But as a Korean who studied this report, one feel extremely pity about those situation because (situation of) those period were very harsh under the Imperial Law and keeping the Law by Koreans were almost impossible, therefore, about one third adult violated the Law and were put into jail. And they were treated like animals.

Trend of Foods and Nutrients Intake for the Periold of 1970 - 1979 in Korea (우리나라의 식품(食品) 및 영양소(營養素) 섭취(攝取)의 변화(變化)에 대(對)한 고찰(考察))

  • Han, Yang Il;Kim, Eul Sang;Lee, Kyu Han
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 1983
  • Trend of foods and nutrients intake per person per day in Korea from 1970 to 1979, based on reports on national nutrition survey, was analyzed. The average rates of population, GNP and per capita national income were 1.7, 9.6 and 536.2%, respectively. The consumption of cereals, pulses and potatoes was decreased; whereas that of fresh vegdtables, fruits, meat, fresh fish and shells, eggs, milks, and fats and oils was increased. Calorie intake was remained essentially constant, but protein and fat intake was increased by 11.6% and 52.3%, respectively, in ten years. The main sources for calcium, iron and vitamin A were vegetables. Among various nutrients, intake of riboflavin and animal protein were less than RDA.

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Studies on the Energy and Protein Requirement Determination for Broiler Production -4. Effect of Iso-calorie and Different Protein Level on Broiler Production- (Broiler 생산(生産)에 있어서 Energy와 Protein 요구량(要求量) 결정(決定)에 관한 연구(硏究) (제4보(第4報)) -동일(同一)Energy수준(水準)에서의 Protein 수준이 Broiler 생산(生産)에 미치는 영향(影響)-)

  • Kim, Dae Jin;Kim, Young Kil;Ko, Yong Du
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.395-400
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    • 1983
  • The experiment was conducted to study the effect of protein level on weight gain, feed consumption and the efficiencies of feed, energy and protein when the broiler chick was fed the diet of different protein level with the iso-calorie content. The energy and protein level of the basal ration was 3200 kcal and 22.85% for starter period and 3265 Kcal and 18.58% for finisher period, respectively. In order to increase the protein level of the experimental diet, the basal diet was substituted by fish meal by the ratio of 3, 6, 9, and 12%. The male Abor Acre broiler chicks were employed for 8 weeks and the result obtained were as follows. 1. The weekly body weight gain was significantly greater for Diet C than for Diet A and E in the starter period and greater for Diet A than for Diet E in the finisher period (P<0.05). 2. In stater period the feed intake was not affected by the protein level but in finisher period the feed intake for Diet C, D, and E was significantly reduced compared with Diet A. 3. As for feed conversion ratio, Diet C of 1.43 was improved significantly compared with Diet A of 1.58(P<0.05). 4. As the protein level of diet increased, the energy efficiency ratio increased and however, the protein efficiency ratio decreased in starter and finisher period. In conclusion the best performance of broiler is thought to be realized when the protein and energy level was 23% and 3200 Kcal for starter period and 20% and 3250 Kcal for finisher period, respectively.

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Food and nutrient intake status of Korean elderly by perceived anxiety and depressive condition: data from Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2013~ 2015 (한국 노인의 주관적 불안·우울 상태에 따른 식품 및 영양소 섭취 실태 : 2013~ 2015년 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여)

  • Kim, Da-Mee;Kim, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.58-72
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study examined the food and nutrient intake of Korean elderly according to the anxiety and depressive condition using the data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Survey (KNHANES) from 2013 to 2015. Methods: The participants were 3,504 elderly people over 65 years of age (1,523 in men and, 1,981 in women). The dietary information was analyzed using the 24-hour recall data. The anxiety and depressive state was assessed using the self-reported scale EQ-5D in the quality of life dimension. The subjects were divided into the anxiety depression group (AD) and non-anxiety depression group (NAD) according to their anxiety and depressive conditions. Results: In the male elderly, the AD group had a significantly lower education and economic level and higher proportion in living alone than the NAD group. The percentage of eating lunch and dinner alone in the male AD group was higher than that of the NAD group. The female AD group showed less a lower frequency of dinner than the NAD group. The male AD group had a lower consumption of total foods, fish and shellfishes, seaweeds, mushrooms, oils and fats, and seasonings than the NAD group. With regard to the nutrient intake, the male elderly NAD group had more sufficient nutrient intakes than the AD group. In particular, the daily intakes of dietary fiber, riboflavin, niacin, potassium and iron were significantly lower in the AD group. To compare with the nutrient density of the two groups, the vitamin C and niacin intakes were lower in the AD group than in the NAD group. Overall, the nutritional status of the male AD group was significantly lower than that of the NAD group. Meanwhile, the female elderly had showed a smaller difference in nutrient intake according to their anxiety and depressive condition. Conclusion: These results of this study show that more nutritional education and emotional support are needed to improve the nutritional status and health of the male elderly with anxiety or depression.

The association between COVID-19 and changes in food consumption in Korea: analyzing the microdata of household income and expenditure from Statistics Korea 2019-2022 (코로나19와 한국 식품 소비 변화의 관계: 2019-2022년 통계청 소비자 가계동향조사를 활용하여)

  • Haram Eom;Kyounghee Kim;Seonghwan Cho;Junghoon Moon
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.153-169
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: The main goal of this study was to identify the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on grocery purchases (i.e., fresh and processed foods by grain, vegetable, fruit, seafood, and meat categories) in Korea. To understand the specific impact of COVID-19, the study period was divided into 3 segments: PRE-COVID-19, INTER-COVID-19, and POST-COVID-19. Methods: We used the microdata of household income and expenditure from Statistics Korea (KOSTAT), representing households across the country. The data comprised monthly grocery expenditure data from January 2019 to September 2022. First, we compared the PRE-COVID-19 period to INTER-COVID-19 and then INTER-COVID-19 to POST-COVID-19 and used multiple regression analysis. The covariates used were the gender and age of the head of the household, the household's monthly income, the number of family members, the price index, and the month (dummy variable). Results: The expenditures on all grocery categories except fresh fruit increased from PRE-COVID-19 to INTER-COVID-19. From INTER-COVID-19 to POST-COVID-19, almost all grocery category spending declined, with processed meat being the only exception. Most purchases of protein sources, increased during INTER-COVID-19 compared to PRE-COVID-19, while ham/sausage/bacon for meat protein, fish cakes and canned seafood for seafood protein, and soy milk for plant-based protein did not decrease during POST-COVID-19 compared to INTER-COVID-19. Conclusion: These results show an overall increase in in-home grocery expenditure during COVID-19 due to an increase in eating at home, followed by a decrease in this expenditure in the POST-COVID-19 period. Among the trends, the protein and highly processed convenience food categories did not see a decline in spending during the POST-COVID-19 period, which is a reflection of the preferences of consumers in the post-COVID-19 period.

Eating Traits and General Psychopathology of Korean Males Who Show High Score on the Korean Version of Eating Attitudes Test-26 (한국판(韓國版) 식사태도(食事態度) 검사(檢査)-26에서 고득점(高得點)을 보인 한국(韓國) 일반(一般) 남성군(男性群)의 식사특성(食事特性)과 일반정신병리(一般精神病理))

  • Han, Ki-Seok;Lee, Young-Ho;Rhee, Min-Kyu;Park, Se-Hyun;Sohn, Chang-Ho;Chung, Young-Cho;Hong, Sung-Kook;Lee, Byung-Kwan;Chang, Phi-Lip;Yoon, A-Rhee
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 1999
  • Objectives : The purposes of this study were to estimate the prevalence rate of eating disorders in Korean males and to clarify their characteristics in sociodemograhic data, the eating traits, and general psychopathology through the comparison with those of female high scored group on the Korean version of Eating Attitudes Test-26(KEAT-26). Methods : Using a multi-stage questionnaire sampling method including area sampling, proportionated stratified sampling, and quota sampling, we surveyed a total of 4,400 Korean adults over 18 in a nationwide area(9 kus, 10 middle or small cities, and 17 kuns), obtaining usable responses on 3,896. Of the 3,062 subjects(1249 males and 1813 females) who were available for analysis, we ascertained 52 males and 208 females who had high score($\geq$ cutoff point 21) on the KEAT-26. Results : 1) The proportion of this high score group was 1.7% in male and 6.8% in female with a sex ratio(male versus female) of 1 : 4. 2) The mean age was higher in the male group than in the female group, although it was not statistically significant(p=0.0514). Mean Body Mass Index(BMI) of the male group was significantly higher than that of female group, and the number of male subjects with below 20 of BMI was also significantly lower than in the female group. 3) There were no significant difference in past history of physical illness between two groups. However, frequency of smoking and alcohol use, and mean amount of alcohol consumption per month were significantly higher in the male group than in the female group. There were no significant differences between the two groups on various socio-demographic correlates such as economic status, total duration of education, number of family, marital status, religious status, and area of residence, but the exception of being occupational status. 4) The 'Eating Habits Scale' score and score of 'preference for vegetables and fish, and dislike for sweet-tasting food' of the male group were significantly lower than those of the female group. Although there was no significant difference between the two groups in total scores of the KEAT-26, the mean score on 'pursuit of thinness' subscale was higher in the female group than in the male group, while scores of 'food preoccupation' and 'self-control' subscales were higher in the male group than in the female group. 5) Scores on 'psychoticism' was significantly higher in the male group than in the female group, although there were no significant differences between the two groups on 'locus of control for weight', 'depression' and 'hypochondriasis'. Conclusion : These results support a possibility of a high prevalence of eating disorders in Korean males. These results suggest that eating related characteristics of high scorer on the EAT are different by sex in spite of the same high score on the EAT, and also suggest that male patients with eating disorders have more serious personality pathology than female patients with eating disorders.

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